Project Editor Copyright Tab

Use the Copyright tab to review or edit copyright and license information and to edit the message that appears when users seal and unseal projects.

Field Use


Enter the name for the project as it should appear in Design Studio and in run-time environments.

Copyright Information

For third-party projects that you have purchased, displays the copyright information. If you are developing your own projects, enter the project copyright information.

Copyright information is included in the project archive (in cartridgeBin) as copyright.txt.

License Information

For third-party projects that you have purchased, you can review the license agreement information. If you are developing your own projects, enter the project license information.

License information is included in the project archive (in cartridgeBin) as license.txt.

Seal Message and Unseal Message

Do one of the following to define the message that appears when users click Seal and Unseal:

  • Select Default to display the default message that appears.

  • Select Custom to change the default message for specific cartridge versions.

See "Project Editor Properties Tab" for more information about sealing and unsealing projects.

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Project Editor