About Control Types

You can define the manner in which run-time application users work with data elements by specifying a control type. Control types have specific options that define or limit the information stored for the data element:

Control Type Description


Enables users to enter characters. The properties you specify for the text field data element determine what users can enter in the field.

This control type is available for elements defined with the following primitive data types: dateTime, decimal, double, float, hexBinary, string, and time.


Enables users to enter integers.

This control type is available for elements defined with the following primitive data types: int and long.

Check Box

Provides a Boolean data type with true and false values.

This control type is available for boolean elements only.

Drop Down List

Displays a list of values. In Design Studio, you can define the possible values for the list in several different ways.

This control type is available for elements defined with the following primitive data types: decimal, double, float, hexBinary, int, long string, and time.


Enables users to enter or select date and time. The properties you specify for the data element define a range of valid dates, time, and a default date.

This control type is available for elements defined with the date and dateTime primitive data types.


Displays a URL.

This control type is available for string elements.

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