Tags Tab

Use the Tags tab to characterize data elements with keywords. A set of tags is delivered with Design Studio. These tags cannot be inherited.

Field Use


Displays the list of tags associated with this data element.


Click to remove the association of the selected tag.


Click to associate a system-defined tag with the data element.

The following tags are available:

  • Changeable: The data element value changes frequently. For example, you might apply this tag to the DownloadSpeed data element because a customer can upgrade their service to a higher download speed at any time, and you want the ability to track this value and maintain the history. Tag data elements as Changeable if you want the data element to be realized as a characteristic on a Design Studio for Inventory Service Configuration specification.

  • Characteristic: The data element is relevant to Design Studio for Inventory and Design Studio for Network Integrity data models. Tag data elements as Characteristic if you want the data element to be realized as a characteristic on a Design Studio for Inventory Service specification.

  • Control Data: The data element is data that OSM requires to perform orchestration. See "About Modeling Control Data" for more information.

  • Fulfillment Function: The data element is relevant to an OSM fulfillment function. See "Adding a New Fulfillment Function" for more information.

  • Ignore Characteristic in Network Integrity: The data element is used during Design Studio for Inventory modeling but is not used in Design Studio for Network Integrity data modeling.

  • Implicit Parameter: The data element is a default data element defined in a functional area and inherited by service actions.

  • Order Item Property: The data element is a property associated with an OSM order item. See "Working with Order Items" for more information.

  • Persisted: The data element is saved to a conceptual model entity and realized to an Inventory specification.

  • Realization Item: The data element is realized from a conceptual model Resource specification to an Inventory configuration item.

  • Target: The data element is mapped to the Atomic Action Label field with the value MCLI. When creating technical actions, you are required to tag one simple data element with the Target tag. See "Configuring Actions" for more information.