About Task Extensions and Inheritance

During task creation, you can base new tasks on the functionality of an existing task by using the extend feature. When you extend a task, the extended task inherits all of the data, rules, and behaviors of the parent task. For example, if you have multiple tasks that all require the same data subset, you can create a base task that contains this data, then extend from this task to create as many new tasks as necessary. You can add new data and behaviors to each of the new tasks to create unique task and behavior functionality.

You cannot edit task data inherited from a parent task. For example, if you are working with a task that includes data inherited from a parent task, you cannot remove, rename, or reposition data elements inherited from the parent task, make changes to inherited behaviors, and so forth. Nodes inherited from the extended task are represented by a black icon and cannot be removed from the task. New nodes that you add to the task are represented by a green icon and can be removed from the task.

Additionally, tasks in a cartridge project can inherit from tasks in a different cartridge project, if the order with which the task is associated extends the order from the same source cartridge. For example, a task named Task2 in a cartridge named Cartridge2 can inherit data from a task named Task1 in a cartridge named Cartridge1, but only when the order (with which the task is associated) in Cartridge2 extends the order (with which Task1 is associated) in Cartridge1.


Design Studio does not permit cyclic referencing. For example, if task T2 extends from task T1, and task T3 extends from task T2, then you cannot extend task T1 from task T3.