Task Editor Task Data Tab

The Task editor Task Data tab appears for manual, automated, and transformation task types.

Use the Task Data tab to define which data is necessary to complete the task. You can drag data from the Data Element view into the Task Data area, or right-click in the Task Data area to select data from the Order Template or Data Dictionary dialog boxes.

When modeling task data using the Task Data tab, see the following topics for more information:

Field Use

Task Data

Displays the data that the task requires to complete. The order in which the data appears in the Task Data area is the order in which it appears in the Task web client (or the order in which the data appears in the XML API if this task is an automated task intended to integrate with an external system).

Select a data node, right-click and select Move Up or Move Down to reposition the node in the task view.

See "About the Task Editor Task Data Context Menu" for descriptions of other actions you can perform in the Task Data context menu.


Displays all of the behaviors defined for each data node. Select a data node in the Task Data area to view the behaviors defined for the node, or to create new behaviors. When defining behaviors at the task level, you can use the Task editor Task Data tab to create the behavior, the Behavior Properties tabs to refine the behavior information, and the Task editor Behaviors tab to quickly view all of the behaviors defined for a task.

See the following topics for information about defining behaviors: