5 ECE Prerequisite Software Compatibility

Learn about the software that is compatible with Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management Elastic Charging Engine (ECE) 15.0.

Topics in this document:

For hardware and information requirements, see "ECE System Requirements" in ECE Installation Guide.


This section is applicably to non-cloud native deployments only. For cloud native deployments, the BRM container images include all required prerequisites.

Additional ECE Software Requirements

Table 5-1 lists the required third-party software for ECE 15.0.


Oracle does not provide any of the third-party software mentioned in the table below. You must obtain and install the required third-party software before using the product.

Table 5-1 Required Third-Party Software for ECE 15.0

Product Version Notes
Groovy 2.4.21 The ECE software package does not include Groovy. Installing Groovy is a prerequisite for running ECE monitoring tools.
Oracle Coherence for Java Libraries
For 15.0.0:

For 15.0.1:

The ECE software package does not include Oracle Coherence libraries.
Apache Kafka Clients
For 15.0.0:
  • 3.5.1

For 15.0.1:
  • 3.6.1

Not applicable

Table 5-2 lists the JAR files that are required during ECE installation.

Table 5-2 Required JAR Files

File Description
coherence-login.jar This file is available in the Oracle Coherence package.
coherence-work.jar This file is available in the Oracle Coherence package.
coherence.jar This file is available in the Oracle Coherence package.
com.oracle.weblogic.bean gen.general.api.jar This file is available in the Oracle WebLogic Server client package.

Download this file from the following page on the Apache Groovy website in the "Maven Repository" section:


kvclient-20.3.26.jar (Optional) You need this file only if you are using Oracle NoSQL Database. This file is available in the Oracle NoSQL Database package.

Download this file from the following page:



This file is available in the Oracle WebLogic Server client package.

Note: If you choose to use two JMS providers, both WebLogic Server and another provider, ensure that you do the following after installation on the driver machine:

  • Copy the other JMS provider’s client JARs to the ECE_home/oceceserver/lib directory.

  • Rename the other JMS provider JAR file to wlthint3client.jar.

  • (When using the other JMS provider to publish ECE notification events) Update the ECE_home/oceceserver/JMSQueueConfiguration.xml file to specify the InitialContextFactory and protocol information of the other JMS provider.


Download this file from the following page:
