
Oracle MICROS APIs use the OpenID Connect authentication framework. API users send a request to the OpenID provider. The OpenID provider authenticates the account and responds with an id_token and a refresh token. The client can then send a request with the id_token to the API endpoints.

Oracle Identity Management provides a URL for external systems to dynamically discover and interact with the OpenID provider in a standardized way, as shown in the following example:


See OpenID Provider Metadata specification for more information on metadata values that describe the configuration of the OpenID provider.

Successful OAuth transactions require the Oracle OpenID provider to issue an id_token for authenticating an API call. An id_token represents an authorization issued to the client application containing credentials used to access protected OAuth resources.

The following image shows the tasks in this section that only need to be completed once.

This is a visualization of four one-time steps listed in this section including create API account, authorize with OpenID provider, sign in to API account, and get first token. For each step the inputs and outputs are listed.

The following image shows the tasks in this section that might be completed more than once.

This is a visualization of two ongoing steps listed in this section including getting a refresh token and calling an API. For each step the inputs and outputs are listed.

Task 1: Create a Business Intelligence API Account

Create a Business Intelligence API account in Oracle MICROS Reporting and Analytics as described in Obtain Account Information.

Task 2: Authorize with OpenID

Authorize the account with the OpenID provider to sign in with the API account. This step is required to subsequently sign in to the API account.

  1. Generate a code_verifier.

    code_verifier is a cryptographic string that is Base64 encoded. Example:

    // Dependency: Apache Commons Codec
    // Import the Base64 class.
    // import java.util.Base64;
    SecureRandom sr = new SecureRandom();
    byte[] code_string = new byte[32];
    String code_verifier = Base64.getUrlEncoder().withoutPadding().encodeToString(code_string);
  2. Generate a code_challenge.

    code_challenge is a cryptographic key that encrypts the code_verifier using SHA256 algorithm. Example:

    // Dependency: Apache Commons Codec
    // Import the Base64 class.
    // import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
    byte[] verifier_bytes = code_verifier.getBytes("US-ASCII");
    MessageDigest msgdigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256");
    msgdigest.update(verifier_bytes, 0, verifier_bytes.length);
    byte[] digest = msgdigest.digest();
    String challenge = Base64.encodeBase64URLSafeString(digest);
  3. Authorize with OpenID.

    The client application must invoke the following API for OpenID authorization to get an authorization_code. The following table describes the components that comprise the request for an authorization_code:


    API Request Parameters Description Example


    URL for the authorize API. Replace {HOST} with the actual host server name and port where the Authentication Server is hosted for the enterprise.

    See Send Requests for more details.


    Operation Type

    HTTP GET request type.



    Temporary file name to save the cookies in the response.


    Query Parameters

    List of query parameters. See next table for parameters.

    Query Parameter Description Example


    Set to code.



    OAuth 2.0 Client Identifier that is generated when the API account was created.



    Set to openid.



    Set to apiaccount://callback.



    This is a 43-128 character-long client-generated string. This string must first be hashed using SHA-256 and then Base 64 encoded. Use the code_challenge that was generated in previous step.



    Set to S256.


    Sample Request

    curl -c <cookiefilename> --request GET "{HOST}/oidc-provider/v1/oauth2/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=NTAzMDQ0NjItNzA5Yy00YjZlLWI0NjItN2U1YWRhZDBmYzcxLmE4OGM4Njg0LTNmMmMtNGFlYS1hMjdjLTdhZTU4MTJhYzIwNw%3D%3D&scope=openid&redirect_uri=apiaccount://callback&code_challenge=H9KVBZo4Zwa_rRR_X-KyfycPWuP2417K15w42JqsAIk&code_challenge_method=S256"

    Sample Response

    A successful request creates a temporary cookie file that saves the cookies required for subsequent API calls.

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    Sample Cookie File Contents

    #HttpOnly_{HOST}      FALSE   /       FALSE   0       redirect_uri    apiaccount://callback
    #HttpOnly_{HOST}      FALSE   /       FALSE   0       client_id       NTAzMDQ0NjItNzA5Yy00YjZlLWI0NjItN2U1YWRhZDBmYzcxLmE4OGM4Njg0LTNmMmMtNGFlYS1hMjdjLTdhZTU4MTJhYzIwNw==
    #HttpOnly_{HOST}      FALSE   /       FALSE   0       response_type   code
    #HttpOnly_{HOST}      FALSE   /       FALSE   0       state
    #HttpOnly_{HOST}      FALSE   /       FALSE   1601465478      code_challenge  H9KVBZo4Zwa_rRR_X-KyfycPWuP2417K15w42JqsAIk
    #HttpOnly_{HOST}      FALSE   /       FALSE   1601465478      code_challenge_method   S256

    Sample Error Response

    The following example shows an error caused by invalid input in the request:

    HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
    Content-Type: application/json

Task 3: API Account Sign-In

The client application must submit the API account's sign-in credentials to the server. Upon successfully signing in, the system returns a response with an authorization code that can be exchanged for an id_token in the following task.


The API account password expires after 60 days. To reset your password either before or after expiration, click Can't sign in on the Reporting and Analytics sign-in page.


Invoke the API request below and pass the required information for obtaining an authorization code. The following table describes the components that comprise the request for an authorization code:

API Request Parameters Description Example


URL for the Sign in API. Replace {HOST} with the actual host server name and port where the Authentication Server is hosted for the enterprise.

See Send Requests for more details.


Operation Type

HTTP POST request type.


Header Parameters

Content type of the header parameters request payload. Set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded.


Request Body Parameters

List of request body parameters. See next table for parameters.



Temporary file name to save the cookies in the response.


Request Body Parameters Description Example


API account's username.



API account's password.



Organization short name of your Oracle MICROS Simphony enterprise.


Sample Request

curl -b <cookiefilename> --request POST "{HOST}/oidc-provider/v1/oauth2/signin" --header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" --data-urlencode "username=<apiaccountusername>" --data-urlencode "password=<apiaccountpassword>" --data-urlencode "orgname=<organizationshortname>"

Sample Successful Response

The response returns the authorization code (auth_code) in the redirectUrl attribute of the response if the request is successful.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8

Sample Response for a Locked Account

If you use the wrong account password too many times, the account becomes locked and the account owner receives an email. Try to sign in again in 30 minutes or reset the password by clicking Can't sign in on the Reporting and Analytics sign-in page.

    "status": 401,
    "message": "Invalid credentials.",

Sample Response for Expired Password

If the account password expires, the response includes details in the nextOp, success, redirectURL, and error attribute values. To resolve this, update or reset the account password from the Reporting and Analytics sign-in page.

    "nextOp": "expired",
    "success": false,
    "redirectUrl": "<application server URL>",
    "userName": "<api account name>",
    "emailAddress": "<email address assigned to the api account>",
    "orgName": "<organization short name>",
    "opUserId": "<used for internal application purposes>",
    "orgId": <used for internal application purposes>,
    "tenantId": "<used for internal application purposes>",
    "language": "en-US",
    "pwdResetToken": "<used for internal application purposes",
    "error": "You must change your password."

Sample Error Response

The following example shows an error caused by invalid input in the request:

HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Content-Type: application/json
{"status":401,"message":"Invalid credentials.","code":"AUTHENTICATION_INVALID"}

Task 4: Get or Refresh a Token

Once you have the authorization code, your client application needs an OAuth2.0-based ID token to make the API call. The ID token provides a session (with scope and expiration), that your client application uses to make API calls.

The token API returns an ID token and a refresh token. Your integration should save both.

  • The ID token is used as the bearer token in the authorization header of all API calls. It is valid for 1,209,600 seconds = 14 days.

  • Before the ID token expires, use the refresh token in the token API to get a new set of ID token and refresh token.

  • Oracle recommends that you renew the token 3-7 days prior to its expiration.

  • An expired ID token cannot be used to call any other API.

  • An expired ID token cannot be refreshed because the refresh token uses the same expiration time.


A refresh token is included in the token API response when using the Authorization Code Flow with Proof Key of Code Exchange (PKCE). This refresh token should be used to obtain an updated set of tokens in perpetuity, instead of utilizing the full Authorization Code Flow with PKCE.


Your application passes the following for obtaining a token:

API Request Parameters Description Example


URL for the token API. Replace the {HOST} with the actual host server name and port where the Authentication Server is hosted for the enterprise.

See Send Requests for more details.


Operation Type

HTTP Request Type.


Header Parameters

Content type of the header parameters request body. Set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded.


Request Body Parameters

List of request body parameters. See next table for parameters.


Request Body Parameters Description Example


Set to openid.



Set to authorization_code to get a new token. Set to refresh_token to renew an expiring token and get a new id_token and refresh_token.




The OAuth 2.0 Client Identifier that is generated when the API account is created.



Plain text version (43-128 character-long string) of the code_challenge parameter in the signin API . Use the code_verifier generated in Task 2, Step 1.



Only needed to get the initial new token, set to the auth_code from signin call.



Use when refreshing existing token, set to refresh_token from previous call.



Set to apiaccount://callback.


Sample Request to Get a New Token

curl -b cookiefile -c cookiefile --request POST "{HOST}/oidc-provider/v1/oauth2/token" --header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" --data-urlencode "scope=openid" --data-urlencode "grant_type=authorization_code" --data-urlencode "client_id=<client_id>" --data-urlencode "code_verifier=<code_verifier>" --data-urlencode "code=<auth_code>" --data-urlencode "redirect_uri=apiaccount://callback"

Sample Request to Refresh a Token

curl -b cookiefile -c cookiefile
--request POST "{HOST}/oidc-provider/v1/oauth2/token" --header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" --data-urlencode "scope= openid" --data-urlencode "grant_type= refresh_token" --data-urlencode "client_id=<client_id>" --data-urlencode "refresh_token=<refresh_token>" --data-urlencode "redirect_uri=apiaccount://callback"

Sample Successful Response

The response returns the OAuth2.0 token string if the request is successful.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
	"access_token": "<access_token string>", 
	"token_type": "Bearer",
	"expires_in": "1209600", 
	"id_token": "<token string>", 
	"refresh_token": "<token string>"

Sample Error Response

HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Content-Type: application/json
{"status": 401,"message": "AUTHENTICATION_CODE_NOT_FOUND","code": "RECORD_NOT_FOUND"}

JSON Response

Contains the access token request output in JSON format. The response contains the attributes access_token, id_token, refresh_token, token_type, and expires_in.

API Request Response Body Parameters Description Example


Identifies your client access in Oracle and will be used for subsequent REST API calls. This token is encoded following the JSON Web Token (JWT) standard and is valid for 14 days.



Not used.



Identifies the access token as a bearer token type. In future requests, you will use this token type to identify your token in the authorization header of your request.

To use this token in your request, set the authorization key in the request header to Bearer <id_token>.



Identifies the validity period of the id_token in seconds.



Identifies the client access in Oracle and can be used to get a new id_token (using grant_type=refresh_token in the token API call) when the current one expires. The refresh_token is valid for 14 days.


If you see the error AUTHENTICATION_INVALID after a Reporting and Analytics upgrade, clients should go through the authentication process again and obtain a new token.

You must repeat the authentication process if your client lost the ID token or the refresh token, or if the client missed a refresh to the token prior to its expiration. The password of the API account expires after 60 days and needs to be changed after that. The account password can be reset from the Reporting and Analytics sign-in page by clicking Can't sign in?.

Task 5: Using the id_token in API Calls

Once you have successfully received the authentication id_token, the client application can use the same to make API requests. Use the following header parameters to insert the id_token.

API Request Parameters Description Example


URL for the BI API. Replace the {HOST} with the actual Host server name and port where Reporting and Analytics is hosted for the enterprise.

See Send Requests for more details.

{{HOST}}/bi/v1/orgShortName/<API Name>

Operation Type

HTTP Request Type


Header Parameters Description Example


Content type of the request body. Always set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded.



Authorization method for the API request.

Bearer <id_token>

Sample Request

curl -i -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer <id_token>" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d "locRef":1234" -d "busDt:2020-10-20" {HOST}/bi/v1/orgidentifier/getCashManagementDetails

Sample Successful Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK  Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2020 21:24:33 GMT  Transfer-Encoding: chunked  Content-Type: application/json
    "locRef":  "1234",
    "busDt": "2020-10-20",
        "rvcNum": 1372,
            "cmItemNum": 1372,
            "receptacleType": 1,
            "receptacleName": "Safe",
            "receptacleNum": 123,
            "startAmt": 123.45,
            "transAmt": 123.45,
            "overShortAmt": 123.45,
            "depAmt": 1234.56
            "transUTC": "2020-10-20T15:59:59",
            "refInfo": "Manually Entered Text",
            "transType": 1,
            "rsnCodeNum": 123,
            "wsNum": 123,
            "notes": "Notes",
            "othrAmt": 123.45