Initiate automated deployment

Automated deployment is the process through which a study design is moved directly from the Oracle Central Designer application to the Oracle InForm environment.


Automated deployment is supported only in release 6.1 and later of the Oracle InForm application.

The deployment request is the basis of the automated deployment process. Automated deployment involves four steps:

  1. The Oracle Central Designer application transfers the deployment package to the Oracle InForm server and installs the package according to the schedule configured in the deployment request. Set up the Oracle InForm environment.
  2. Create a deployment instance to define the Oracle InForm servers to which to deploy the study.
  3. Create a deployment request for a deployment package.
  4. If the deployment requires it, obtain approval.
Oracle Central Designer transfers the deployment package to the Oracle InForm server and installs the package according to the schedule configured in the deployment request.

For more information, see: