Configuring SMTP settings for automated deployment email notifications

The Oracle Central Designer application can send email notifications for the following automated deployment events:
  • Deployment request is created, approved, or rejected.
  • Deployment is started.
  • Deployment is completed successfully or with failures.
  • Deployment request is cancelled.
  • Deployment is cancelled.

To set up Oracle Central Designer to send email notifications:

  1. Install the SMTP server feature in Microsoft Windows. For more information, see the Microsoft documentation for your operating system.
  2. Verify that you can send email from the SMTP server.
  3. After you install the Oracle Central Designer application server, configure the Oracle Central Designer web site to send email.
    1. Select Start > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
    2. Expand <machine_name> > Sites > Default Web Site.
    3. Select CentralDesigner.
    4. In the Features View, double-click SMTP E-mail.
      The SMTP E-mail page appears.
    5. Enter a dummy address as the email address from which messages are sent (for example,
    6. Select Deliver e-mail to SMTP server.
    7. Select Use localhost.
    8. Select the same authentication settings that are configured for the SMTP server.
    9. Click Apply.


Every time you install the Oracle Central Designer application, you must reconfigure the SMTP email settings for the Oracle Central Designer web site.