Running the DetectStudiesWithUnitsWithSpaces.sql script

A SQL script called DetectStudiesWithUnitsWithSpaces.sql generates a report that identifies the unit names with spaces and the study projects that contain unit names with spaces. Oracle recommends that you run this script because a validation check produces an error if a unit name contains a space.

Run the script before upgrading the application server. If the script finds units with spaces and study projects that use the units, perform the following steps:

  1. In any affected study, run validation to determine the items that refer to the units with spaces in their names.
  2. Modify the units file to remove the spaces from the unit names that appear in the output file.
  3. Using Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services, restart the Job Scheduler service (Oracle Central Designer Job Scheduler).
  4. Restart the client applications.
  5. In any affected study, modify the items to use the unit names that do not contain spaces.
The script and a readme file (DetectStudiesWithUnitsWithSpaces.Readme) are available on the product ZIP file in the InstallSupport directory.