Web farm capabilities

You can expand the performance capabilities of the Oracle Central Designer application server by adding multiple servers in a farm configuration. This configuration is called a web farm. A web farm setup distributes requests from the client applications among multiple application servers. A web farm is useful for the following reasons:

  • A large number of requests that might impact performance can be spread out among multiple application servers, thus improving performance.
  • Multiple application servers allow for redundancy and failover protection.

In a web farm configuration, all application servers can process any request. However, certain operations are run asynchronously using the Oracle Central Designer Job Scheduler. The Job Scheduler is installed on every application server, but only one Job Scheduler can process jobs, and only one service is enabled to process requests. The Job Scheduler service that processes all requests is called the primary Job Scheduler. You can change the primary Job Scheduler at any time. Oracle recommends setting the Job Scheduler on the most powerful machine in the web farm as the primary.


You must use the same port number, which you specify during installation, for all application servers within a web farm. If one of the application servers uses a different port number, the Job Scheduler will not work if the machine is set to run the primary Job Scheduler. By default, the port number is 53000.

For more information, see: