Set up the file for Oracle Empirica Signal

You create and edit the file to supply important properties to the Oracle Empirica Signal software.

Before you begin, if you intend to configure the Oracle Empirica Signal software to use single sign-on (SSO) with Oracle Access Manager, refer to Set up Oracle Access Manager for configuration details.

Perform these steps using the non-privileged user account on the application server.

  1. If you are installing the Oracle Empirica Signal software on this server for the first time, create a directory for temporary files created by the Oracle Empirica Signal application if it has not already been created, for example:

    $ mkdir /u01/app/oracle/product/Signal/temp

  2. Set the permissions on the directory containing the log file to enable write access for the non-privileged user account.
  3. Navigate to the <INSTALL_DIR>/Signal/WEB-INF/classes directory, for example:

    $ cd /u01/stage/Signal_Install/Signal/WEB-INF/classes

  4. If this is a new installation, copy the file into the same directory, and name the copy, for example:

    $ cp

  5. If you are upgrading from Oracle Empirica Signal 8.x, copy your previous to the <INSTALL_DIR>/Signal/WEB-INF/classes directory, for example:
    $ cp /u01/stage/Signal_Install_old/Signal/WEB-
    INF/classes/ /u01/stage/Signal_Install/Signal/WEB-
    1. Using a text editor, open the file.
    2. Edit the parameters according to the following table:
      Parameter Description Example


      Specify the value <TNS_NAME>.



      Specify the path to the /temp directory you created in Step 1.


      If you plan to use one application server to host multiple instances of Oracle Empirica Signal, provide the name of the instance.

      If you do not plan to use one application server to host multiple instances of Oracle Empirica Signal, leave the blank.



      If you plan to use the Oracle Empirica Topics feature, uncomment the line, and replace localhost with your server name and replace portNumber with the port number.

      If you do not plan to use the Oracle Empirica Topics feature, uncomment the line, and set the topicsService.url parameter to empty.


      The example is for an SSL environment, where you configure the SSL security policy for the Oracle Empirica Topics web service. For more information, see Set up the Oracle Empirica Topics web service security policy. For a non-SSL environment, use http and the appropriate port.


      Specify the maximum allowed size for Oracle Empirica Topics attachments in MB. The recommended value is 100 MB.



      To enable SSO, uncomment the line.


      To enable SSO, uncomment the line.

      The value of the sso.EmpiricaSsoPlugin.username.header property depends on your OAM configuration.



      To enable SSO, uncomment the line, and replace the sample URL with your logout URL in the form <https://ssoServer:port/oamsso/logout.jsp>. sso.EmpiricaSsoPlugin.logoutRedirectUrl=<OAM_logout_URL>?end_url=https://myserver:7004/Signal


      To point to more current help content than what appears in the application by default, uncomment the line and replace with the url for the most recent help content.

    3. Save and close the file.
  6. For an SSO environment, update the session timeout value.
    1. Navigate to the <INSTALL_DIR>/Signal/WEB-INF directory, for example:

      $ cd /u01/stage/Signal_Install/Signal/WEB-INF

    2. Using a text editor, open the web.xml file.
    3. Edit the session-timeout parameter so that it is greater than the session timeout for the single sign-on setup in the organization.
    4. Save and close the file.