Access the Depot Inventory tab

As a blinded depot user or a clinical supply manager, you may have to fulfill some inventory tasks while protecting the study blind. If managing blinded kits at assigned depots is part of your responsibility, then you may need to work on the Depot Inventory tab:

To view or manage kits sent to and from a specific depot in the Depot Inventory tab, you must be assigned either the Blinded Depot User permission or the Blinded Depot User study role.
  1. On the Home page, determine where to work:
    • To work with real data in Production mode, click the title of the study.
    • To work with mock data in Testing mode, click the Testing Mode button (beaker) on the study.
    • To work with mock data in Training mode, click the Training Mode button (graduation cap button) on the study.
  2. Along the top of the page, click Supplies.
  3. Below the study name, click the Depot Inventory tab.
    The tab displays the following columns: