1 View notifications

The notifications that you receive depend on your role during each mode of the study. If you're not getting the notifications that you expect, contact your system administrator. Notifications are also sent to your email.

  1. On the Home page, click the notification button (notification) on a study.
  2. In the upper right, from the Study Mode drop-down, select the mode that you want to view notifications for.
  3. Filter your view as needed:
    • To view notifications about specific sites, choose a site from the Select a Site drop-down.

      If the Select a Site drop-down is disabled, remove the search terms from the Search by Notification field.

    • To find notifications by name, enter the notification name in the Search by Notification field.

      If the Search by Notification field is disabled, remove any filters for sites.

    • To sort notifications, select an option from the drop-down to the right of the Search by Notification field.

      notification filters

  4. Click a notification to view its details. For descriptions of the notifications and details about who receives them, see Notifications.


    A blue circle appears to the left of an unread notification.