Why do I have to define SAS properties?

SAS variables and labels are displayed in data extracts and play an important role in data analysis. By adding SAS properties to questions in a form, study designers ensure data is easy to review in the SAS v8 format.

Under the Advanced sidebar define the SAS properties:
  • SAS Variable: Usually completed by default with the question's Reference Code. You can modify it, as long as you make sure the variable is unique in the form and it doesn't exceed 32 characters as indicated by the SAS v8 format.
  • SAS Label: Usually completed by default with the question's label. You can modify it, as long as you make sure the variable is unique in the form and it doesn't exceed 256 characters as indicated by the SAS v8 format.

We recommend you define SAS properties in your study, to make sure that data is properly reflected in the enhanced data extracts.