4 Signing, verifying, freezing, and locking icon descriptions

Learn about the different icons that represent signing, verifying, freezing, and locking data.

Each sign, verify, freeze, or lock action has an impact on the study data. Learn more about what each icon means.

Icon What it means
Signed icon This icon appears whenever a principal investigator signed a subject's data. It typically appears on a visit card, next to every question on a form, and on a subject's icon.
Partially signed icon This icon appears whenever data that requires more than one signature does not have all required signatures applied. When applicable, it typically appears on a visit card, next to every updated question on a form, and on a subject's icon.
Unsigned icon This icon appears whenever a site user in the study updates a question on a complete or incomplete form, and the subject's data becomes unsigned. It typically appears on a visit card, next to every updated question on a form, and on a subject's icon.
Verified icon This icon appears whenever a Clinical Research Associate verifies a question. It typically appears on a visit card, next to every verified question on a form, and on a subject's icon.
A dotted checkmark, meaning Verification Required. This icon appears whenever a question requires verification. It typically appears on the visit title.
Unverified icon This icon appears whenever a site user updates questions or visit data on a complete or incomplete form, and the subject's data becomes unverified. It typically appears on a visit card, next to every updated question and form, and a subject's icon.
A target pierced by an arrow, meaning Targeted SDV.

This icon appears whenever questions have been marked as Critical Variables, but the subject has not been selected for the SDV pool. It typically appears next to questions marked as Critical Variables.

For this icon to appear, SDV Override must be turned on for the study. For more information, see Understanding Source Data Verification

Freeze data icon This icon appears whenever a Clinical Research Associate (CRA) or data manager freezes data in a complete or incomplete form, and the subject's data becomes read-only. It appears on a visit card and next to every question and form associated with a visit.
Unfreeze data icon This icon appears whenever a Clinical Research Associate (CRA) or data manager unfreezes data in a complete or incomplete form. It appears on the visit tile and next to each question that is unfrozen.
Locked data icon This icon appears on a subject's visit card and next to each question that is locked by a sponsor user.
Unlocked padlock This icon appears on a subject's visit card and next to each question that is unlocked by a sponsor user.

Additionally, these icons can appear together if a subject is both signed and verified, or both unsigned and unverified. This also applies to visit cards.

Icon What it means
Signed and verified subject icon Both of these icons appear next to a subject whenever their data is both signed and verified.
Unsigned and unverified subject icon Both of these icons appear next to a subject whenever their data is both unsigned and unverified.
Frozen subject visits icon This icon appears next to a subject whenever all of their visits have been frozen.
Signed and verified visit card icon Both of these icons appear in a visit card, whenever data in that visit is both signed and verified.
Unsigned and unverified visit card icon Both of these icons appear in a visit card, whenever data in that visit is both unsigned and unverified.
Frozen visit card icon This icon appears in a visit card, whenever all forms in that visit are frozen.