Register a shipment

You must register every shipment you receive or Oracle Clinical One Platform won't be able to dispense the kits in the shipment. If you don't register the first shipment you receive, you won't be able to dispense kits to any subjects.

Before you work with this feature

Before registering a shipment, be aware that all non-serialized inventory is grouped. Instead of individual kit numbers, non-serialized kits display in the user interface (UI) as lot numbers followed by the quantity.

Want to see how to perform this task? Watch the video below.

  1. On the Home page, determine where to work. For more information, see Access study modes and pages.
  2. Below the study name, make sure the Shipments tab is selected.
  3. If you have access to multiple sites for the study, select a site from the Site drop-down in the upper-right.
  4. From the Filter by Status drop-down on the right, select In Transit.
  5. If more than one In Transit shipment appears, enter the Shipment ID in the Search by Shipment ID field, and press Enter.
  6. Select the checkbox next to the shipment.
  7. On the right, review the list of kits that are supposed to be in the shipment, and compare this list to the kits you received.
  8. Click Add Shipment to Inventory.
  9. Follow the steps prompted in the Add Shipment to Inventory dialog:


    Depending on the temperature monitor configurations in your study's supply settings, some of these steps might not be available to you.
    Option Steps
    Temperature Monitor
    If your study allows for temperature excursions, you will be requested to mark any irregularity of temperature monitors in the shipment. Choose the appropriate option:
    • No, a temperature monitor inside of the shipment did not go off.
    • Yes, a temperature monitor inside of the shipment went off.
    • I didn't find any temperature monitors in the shipment.

    Note: Depending on your study settings, the system may skip forward to the Review dialog. In this case, continue to the final step. Otherwise, go to the next step.

    Quarantined kits
    If the shipment has experienced a temperature excursion, perform one of the following:
    • If your study allows for single kit quarantine, select the kits needed to be quarantined, then click Next.
    • Select the lot that needs to be quarantined. In the How many? field, enter the amount of individual kits you'd like to quarantine, click Save, then click Next.
    Damaged Kits If any kits/lot(s) are damaged, select the affected kits/lot(s) and click Next.
    Missing Kits If any kits/lot(s) are missing, select the affected kits/lot(s) and click Next.
    Review Review the information in the Add Shipment to Inventory dialog and click Finish.
Kits are added to inventory and the status of the selected kits are updated accordingly to Quarantined, Damaged, Missing or Available.