Create a vendor (lab)

Sponsor users can create a lab as a vendor at the global level.

Sponsor and CRO users assigned the Manage Contacts and Organizations global role can create and manage their study's organizations.


We recommend you do not retire a lab that is actively used in a live study. Retired lab vendors may still appear for site users when they click the Select Lab drop-down in a lab form.
  1. On the Home page, click Global Settings.
  2. On the Organizations tab, select Create Organization.
  3. In the newly displayed dialog, select Create a Vendor.
  4. In the Create Organization: Vendor dialog, complete the following fields and click Next:


    Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*) in the User Interface (UI). If you do not fill in those fields, you cannot proceed to the next step.
    Field Descriptions
    Vendor Type Select Lab from the drop-down menu.
    Lab Name Enter the name of the lab you would like to add.
    Category From the drop-down, select one of the following categories for the lab you are creating:
    • Local: A lab facility that may be present at the site or nearby location.
    • Central: A lab facility that processes data and specializes in testing.
    Lab ID Enter the lab's ID number. For example, US0001.
    Time Zone From the drop-down, select the appropriate time zone of the vendor that you're creating. For example, select UTC +5 New York.
    Web URL Enter the vendor's valid web URL.
    Tax ID Enter the vendor's Tax Identification Number (TIN).
    VAT Number Enter the institution's Value Added Tax identification number.
    Status Select the status of the vendor.


    The vendor's status is set to Active by default.
    Mode Select one of the following modes in which you are adding this vendor:
    • Testing
    • Training
    • Production
  5. In the Addresses section, click Add Address and define details of the lab's primary address. For more information, see Specify a reusable address for your organization and contacts.
  6. Click Finish and then Close.