Edit a site at the study level

You can modify certain details of a site at the study level.

Before you work with this feature

Be aware of the following before editing a site's details:
  • You cannot update a site's ID when it has an Active status.
  • You can only delete a Shipping Address if the address is previously changed.
  1. Open the study settings.
  2. Click the Sites & Labs tab.
  3. Locate and select the site that you want to edit.
  4. Click the Manage Sites drop-down and select Edit.
  5. In the Edit site dialog, edit the site's details in the Info section, then click next.
    At the study level, you can only edit the Status, Drug Destruction Capable, Return Depot, and Site Permissions settings.
  6. In the Addresses section, edits to site information at the study level are limited to the following. Make any necessary updates, then click Next.


    Edits to details, such as the Postal Code, City, State, and Country, are made at the global level. For more information, see Edit an organization's details.

    Table 4-1 Address types and available edits

    Address type What is editable
    Primary Address The settings Same as Main Primary Address and Shipping Address can be edited.
    Shipping Address In addition to the settings Same as Main Primary Address and Shipping Address, you can edit Attention and Instructions.
    Billing Address The settings Same as Main Primary Address and Shipping Address can be edited.
    Alternate Address The settings Same as Main Primary Address and Shipping Address can be edited.
    For more information about address types, see Specify a reusable address for your organizations and contacts.
  7. In the Kits section, you can edit the shipping addresses for the defined kits, then click Save.