Import a pooled kit type

After you or another library user create the pooled kit type, approve it in a library study, and then publish it, you can import that kit type into a Production study.

Before you begin, consider the following:
  1. Access the Draft version of a study as described in Open a study's design.
  2. Click Study Supplies.
  3. Click the Kits tab.
  4. Click Import Kit Type.
  5. On the Import Kit Type from Library section, locate the kit type that you want to import.
  6. For the kit object that you want to import, click Import.
  7. On the Import Kit Type dialog, fill-in the following fields:
    Field or setting Description
    Kit ID

    Enter an identifier for the kit, such as A.

    Description This field displays the description that was included when the pooked kit object was created in the library study. You can choose to modify the text in this field.
    Distribution Settings

    Note: This field has unblinding consequences. Make sure you set it correctly.

    • If blinded users should never see the kit type description, choose Blinded.
    • If blinded users should always see the kit type description, choose Unblinded.
    • If blinded users should never see these kits at all and only pharmacists or unblinded site users can dispense these kit types, choose Unblinded Pharmacist. You typically choose this option for kit types that contain an investigational product that should be prepared by a pharmacist or an unblinded site user.
    Type This field displays the packaging that was specified for the pooled kit object when it was created in a library study You can choose a different option.
    Storage Temperature This field displays the storage temperature requirement specified when the pooled kit object was created in the library study. You can choose to modify the storage temperature requirements. If you're not sure, work with the clinical supply manager.
    Calculating Dose Turn this toggle (The toggle is round and gray.) on if you want the pooled kit to include calculated doses.
    Single Unit Dose

    Specify how one unit in the kit is measured, both its value (such as 10) and its measurement (such as mg). The Single Unit Dose value should correspond to the minimum dose of the product.

    Note: When you multiply the Single Unit Dose value by the Units Per Kit value (described below), the answer must match the total value of the kit. For instance, if a kit contains 50 mg of a product and has 10 pills, the Single Unit Dose is 5 mg (50 mg / 10).

    Measurement Specify the unit for a single fose. For example, enter ml if a single dose is 10 ml.
    Unit Per Kit This field displays the unit per kit specified when the pooled kit object was created in the library study. You can choose to enter a different value.
    Minimum Kits to Ship Enter the minimum number of kits to include in each shipment to meet packaging requirements. For example, for a box of 6 individually labeled vials, the value is 6.
  8. Depending on whether you chose to include calculated doses or not, do one of the following:
    • If you didn't turn the Calculated Dose toggle (The toggle is round and gray.) on, click Import.
    • If you turned the Calculated Dose toggle (The toggle is round and blue.) on, click Next.
  9. If you decided to include calculated doses, fill-in the fields, and click Import.
    For more information on how to fill-in the fields, see Define kits with calculated doses.