Add a form to a visit

You can add forms to visits in any order, but you'll save some time if you add forms in the order they should appear to site users. To check the work you did on a visit, reorder forms in a visit, or add more forms to a visit, click the visit in Visits & Events.


The cycles that you select for your visit assignment (upon clicking Select Cycles) do no overwrite the cycle that you specify as your starting cycle. If you do not want to have a form included in the first cycle of a selected visit, then you must make sure you always update the Starting Cycle field, even if you are only using the Select Cycles feature to select the required cycles. If you do not do this, the first cycle automatically includes the form.

Want to see how to perform this task? Watch the video below.

Every visit must have at least one form, including unscheduled visits, so make sure you create visits first. For step-by-step instructions, see Create a visit or event.

To add a form to a visit:

  1. Access the Draft version of a study as described in Open a study's design.
  2. Make sure you are on the Data Collection page.
  3. Next, you can either:
    • Drag a form to the visit you want to add it to and drop it on to the visit.
    • Open the visit and click the plus icon (+) and select the forms that you want to assign to the visit.
    • Select a form, click Manage Forms, and select Visit Assignment.
  4. On the Add Form to Visit or Event dialog, depending what you want to do, follow either one of these steps:
  5. Click Save.
    The form icon on a visit lists the number of forms in the visit.