Subject Queries report

In this report, you view query information.

This report offers useful information for several users:

  • CRAs can see open queries for a site that they monitor, so they can encourage timely responses from the site.
  • Data managers can see open queries as they prepare for site closeout activities, and make sure that all data is revised. Data managers can also see open queries based on a visit date, so they can prepare interim analyses for certain periods of time during the study.
  • Site managers can review the history of queries for their site, so they can resolve any open queries.
  • In general, the entire study team can use this report to analyze trends that may reveal issues.

    For instance, if CRAs are querying the same data point across all sites, changes might need to be made; like editing a question or its hint, or even revisiting the training strategy for the form.


Queries open on hidden items are included in the report only if the user generating the report has the permissions to view or edit hidden data.


Available in all 3 modes: Testing, Training, and Production

Permission required to run the report

Any user who's assigned the Run the Subject Query Report permission can generate this report.


Filter Description
Locations Choose a site to include only the queries raised at the location, or leave the filter blank to include queries for all locations.
Subjects Choose one or more subjects to include only the queries raised for the subjects, or leave the filter blank to include queries for all subjects.

If you filter your report by subject, you see only the site that the subject is at.

Note: If a subject is removed from a study and its subject number is subsequently reused, then there will be two entries for that subject number within the report.

Last Query State Choose a query status to include only data collected for queries in that state.
Query Age Choose an age range for the queries in the report. The report will include only queries within the specified age range.
Include Audit Trail Choose Yes to see the current values plus all historical changes to them; choose No to see only the current value.
File Type

Choose the output type for the report: CSV, HTML, or PDF.

Field descriptions


  • Fields that don't have any corresponding values are marked as N/A in the report.
  • The fields that become available in a report depend on the filter selection. Not every field is available for every report.
Initial fields Description
Customer Name A customer's name used to purchase the cloud subscription
Study Name A study's ID as entered by the study manager when they created the study
Mode The mode in which you ran this report. For example, you may run a report in Testing mode to verify the data of your sites before going live with your study
Locations Sites included in the report, according to the filter selection.
Last Query State The query status you selected to be included in the report
Query Age Indicates age of a query included in the report based on the date when they were created
User Name User name of the user who generated this report
Date Created UTC time and date when this report was run
Subjects The number of the subject for whom the queries were raised
Include Audit Trail Indicates whether audit trail is included or not in this report
Fields displayed for each site with associated subject and queries Description
Site The site were the queries were raised.
Subject ID The number of the subject for whom the queries were raised.
Query Age | Age of Query A query's age listed in days.
Assigned to The user role for which this query is assigned to and email details when the rule indicates email notifications.
Last Query State

Note: Only for report with No audit trail included.

A query's current state can be either:
  • Candidate
  • Opened
  • Closed
  • Answered
  • Deleted
Query State

Note: Only for report with audit trail included.

The query state at the time of each query update.

Last Query Comment

Note: Only for report with No audit trail included.

Comment entered by user the last time a query was updated.

Query Comment

Note: Only for report with audit trail included.

The comment entered at the time of each query update.

Value Entered value that initiated the query.
Unit of Measure Data from the defined form.
Visit/Event Name of the visit that contains the query
Visit/Event Instance An unscheduled visit's number or branch visit instance that contains the query

Indicates the name of the form that contains the query.

For a two-section form, also indicates the number of the two-section form instance. For example: "Physical Examination 1".

Repeating Section Number

Indicates the number of a repeating form instance where a query is raised, for both a two-section form and a regular repeating form.

Question Label of the question that contains the query.
Created By The ID of the user who created the query.
Created By Role The study role of the user who created the query.
Last Modified By User name of the user who last modified a query.
Last Transaction Date The date and time in UTC (DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM) when the last transaction ocurred.
Query State Lists the states of a query throughout time.
Last Updated on Site

Note: Only for report with audit trail included.

Site to which the subject is assigned to at the time the query was updated. Value only changes with transferred subjects.

Last Modified Date

Note: Only for report with audit trail included.

UTC date and time (DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM:SS) of the query update.