Clinical One Training report

In this report, you view all the in-product training that users have completed for Oracle Clinical One Platform. This report provides evidence that users have completed appropriate system training before they take any actions in the user interface.

All users who complete training receive email notifications, but those emails are just for their own personal records. This report is useful for anyone who needs to look at training records for an entire study, including CRAs, administrators, and user managers.

There are several use cases for running this report:
  • Throughout the study, you can check users' training status to figure out whether any users haven't completed their training.
  • At the end of the study, producing evidence of training is easy thanks to this report. No need to grab individual certificates for each user: All your training records are in a single report, so you can upload your evidence of training to the appropriate location.
While reviewing the report, you should be aware of the following requirements for training:
  • As new features are made available, new training might become required and assigned.
  • Some users might be able to enter data before they complete all their training.

    This behavior is expected, and here's why: Training is delivered to Oracle Clinical One Platform users just in time, when they open a new tab or page. After users complete the training for the page, all functionality on the page is unlocked. Functionality on other pages remains locked.

    For example, consider a site user who hasn't performed any inventory-related tasks on a study that's been running for a while. In this situation, the site user likely completed all their data-entry training immediately after signing it, but because they haven't navigated to the Inventory tab yet, they haven't been required to complete the inventory training.


Available in all 3 modes: Testing, Training, and Production

Permission required to run the report

Any user who's assigned the Run the Training Report permission can generate this report.


Filter Description
Training Completion Date Choose a date range for the report. The report will include only the training that was completed during the date range.
User Name Choose one or more users to view only those users' completed training, or leave this filter blank to run the report for all users.
Location Choose a site or depot to view completed training for that location, or leave this filter blank to run the report for all locations.
File Type Choose the output type for the report: HTML or PDF.

Field descriptions


Fields that don't have any corresponding values are marked as N/A in the report.
Initial Fields Description
Customer Name A customer's name used to purchase the cloud subscription
Study Name A study's ID as entered by the study manager when they created the study
Mode The mode in which you ran this report. For example, you may run a report in Testing mode to verify the data of your sites before going live with your study
Training Completion Date Period of time you selected when running this report
Report Generated By User name of the user who ran this report (typically a training manager)
Created Date UTC time and date of the current generated report
Location The location you selected for audit history, either a site or depot
Trainee User Name The user name of the trainee you selected to be included in the report.
Fields in the User Training section Description
Required Training Each row is for a training video that is associated with the permissions the user has in Oracle Clinical One Platform
Training Completion Date/ Time UTC time and date of when the user completed training
Training Effective Date Date the user was first assigned the role and permission that requires the training video to be viewed
Study Assignment Date Date when a user was granted rights to the study, this can be after the dates listed above