Access your study in a specific mode

You can operate a study in different modes depending on what you want to achieve. Use Testing mode to test and verify a study version with mock data, Training mode to train users that will operate your study using mock data, and operate your study in Production mode to manage real data.

  1. On the Home page, locate your study.
  2. Determine in which mode you need to work:
    Option Steps
    Testing Click the Testing mode icon (beaker) for a given study.
    Training Click the Training mode icon (graduation cap button) for a given study.
    Production Click a study's ID.

    Tip: By clicking on the study row, next to the study ID, a dashboard displays on the right side pane where you can view a summary of Open/Answered Queries, Shipments in Transit, and Total Subjects. Clicking on any of these fields will take you to a designated page to get more details.