Add a topic workflow configuration

Sometimes, organizations use only one topic workflow configuration. You can add a blank topic workflow configuration that includes a minimal design for topic workflow. Or, you can define the fields, workflow states, user access levels, e-mail notification rules, and templates.

Alternatively, Oracle Empirica Signal provides a Sample Topic Workflow Configuration which you can use as a starting point for a new topic workflow configuration.

  1. In the left navigation pane, click the Settings icon (Settings icon).
  2. In the Configure System section, click Manage Topic Workflow Configurations.
  3. Click Add Workflow Configuration.
  4. Enter a name and a description for the topic workflow configuration.
    • You cannot create a new configuration with the same name as a topic workflow configuration that was deleted by reference only.
    • The description for the topic workflow configuration can be up to 1,000 characters.
  5. Click Save.
  6. (Recommended) Test the topic workflow configuration before you publish it to a login group. To test, do the following:
    1. Log out and log back in as the user who created the configuration.
    2. Click the Topic Management page and select the new configuration.
    3. When you are finished, publish the topic workflow configuration to the login group.