Publish the Argus Mart interactive signal configuration to login groups and individuals

Publishing the multi-enterprise enabled Argus configuration to a login group makes it available to all the users in the login group.


Only superusers have permission to publish signal configurations to individual users or to login groups. All other users with permission to manage signal configurations will only have access to configurations published to their login group or published individually to them. This includes the user in the login group that has Manage Signal Configurations permission.
  1. In the left navigation pane, click the Settings icon (Settings icon).
  2. In the Configure System section, click Manage Signal Configurations.
  3. Click the multi-enterprise enabled Argus configuration's Row Action menu (Row Action menu icon), then click Publish.
    The Publish Signal Configuration window appears. By default, the publication level of all signal configurations is private.

    If you are a superuser, you can publish the configuration to multiple login groups or individuals with the Manage Signal Configurations permission. Otherwise, your assigned login group is the only login group shown.

  4. To publish to one or more login groups, select the Publish to Login Groups radio button, then select the login group or groups.
    • If you are a superuser and the object is multi-enterprise support related, then you can only publish to the object owner’s login group.
    • If you are a superuser and the object is not multi-enterprise support related, you can publish to multiple login groups, including All. In the Publish to Login Groups drop-down list, click or Ctrl+click to select login groups. If you publish to All and later add a new login group, the object is published automatically to the new login group.
  5. If you are a superuser, to publish to individuals select the Publish to Users radio button.
    1. (Optional) To limit the users listed, select a login group from the Filter by Login Group list.
    2. From the User list, select one or more users.
  6. Click Publish.
    The configuration is published to the login groups and individuals you selected.
  7. Click Close to return to the Manage Signal Configurations page.