7 User Management

Access to the Advanced Management Console is managed with user accounts. When a user is added, the permissions that are given to the user determine the functions that the user can access. Users are managed in the Configuration tab of the Advanced Management Console.

The User Management topic includes the following sections:

About User Accounts

Users of the Advanced Management Console are the enterprise administrators who are responsible for managing desktops in an enterprise. A user must have an account to log in to the Advanced Management Console. Access to the different functions is controlled by the permissions given to the account.

The first time the Advanced Management Console is started, the user is prompted to create a user account. That account is then used to create additional users from the Configuration tab of the Advanced Management Console. See Creating User and Configuring MySQL on Windows in the Advanced Management Console Installation and Configuration Guide.

Users can change the password and edit the properties for their own account. If they do not have Administrator permission, then they cannot change their permissions. See User Permissions.

Only users with Administrator permission can create and delete users. These users can also edit the accounts of other users, including changing the permissions for the account.

Views for Users

The table view for Users in the Configuration tab of Advanced Management Console shows the user accounts that are defined. The properties view shows the properties for the selected account.

In the table view, click the arrow that appears in the Users column heading to sort the data by the values in that column. Use the navigation bar below the table to view additional pages when the number of user accounts exceeds the page size. Use the navigation bar below the properties to view the properties for other user accounts.

User Table Details

The table view for Users in the Configuration tab of Advanced Management Console provides information about the user accounts and the permissions associated with each account.

The following table describes the information that is shown in the table view for user accounts:

Column Name Description


Name of the user account

Admin Permission

If a check mark is shown, then the account has administrator permission

Installers Permission

If a check mark is shown, then the account has installers permission

Rule Sets Permission

If a check mark is shown, then the account has rule sets permission

Java Usage Permission

If a check mark is shown, then the account has Java usage permission

User Properties

The properties view for Users in the Configuration tab of the Advanced Management Console provides information about user account.

The following table describes the information that is shown in the properties view for a user account.

Property Description


Name of the account. The string entered is used to log in to the account.

First Name

First name of the owner of the account

Last Name

Last name of the owner of the account


Phone number for the owner of the account


Permissions given to the account

Creating User Accounts

User accounts enable administrators to access the Advanced Management Console. Create the accounts for your organization and use the permissions to limit access to only the functions needed by each user.

To create a user account:
  1. In the Advanced Management Console UI, click the Configuration tab.
  2. Click Users.

    The table of existing user accounts is shown.

  3. Click Create.

    The form for providing information needed for the account is shown.

  4. Enter the information for the account that you are creating.

    The email address is used as the name of the account and the string that the user enters to log in. The email address must be unique.

    Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*). See Password Rules for the guidelines on setting passwords.

  5. Click Save to create the account.

    The account is shown in the table of accounts.

Editing User Accounts

Edit a user account when a user's information changes or you need to change the permissions for the account. Users with Admin permission can edit any user account. Users without Admin permission can edit only their own account.

To edit a user account:
  1. In the Advanced Management Console UI, click the Configuration tab.
  2. Click Users.

    The table of existing user accounts is shown.

  3. Double-click the account that you want to edit.

    The properties view for the account is shown.

  4. Click Edit.
  5. Change the information for the account that you are editing.

    You must have Admin permission to change the permissions for an account. You cannot remove Admin permission from your own account.

  6. Click Save to save the changes.

Changing the Account Password

You can change the account password for your Advanced Management Console as needed, regardless of the permissions given to the account.

To change the password for a user account:
  1. In the Advanced Management Console UI, click the Configuration tab.
  2. Click Users.

    The table of existing user accounts is shown.

  3. Double-click the account for the password that you want to change.

    The properties view for the account is shown.

  4. Click Update Password.

    The Update Password dialog is shown.

  5. Enter the new password in both fields. Refer to Password Rules for the guidelines on setting passwords.
  6. Click Save to change the password.

Password Rules

Requirements for Passwords

The default length for passwords is initially set by the administrator when initializing the AMC console. The length of all passwords must be between 8 and 128 characters. After the AMC console is initialized, the password length can be edited under Users in the Configuration tab. When the length is edited by changing the value in the Password Policy section of Users settings, all user accounts must use the new password length.

In addition to meeting the minimum character length requirement, all passwords must contain at least one character from each of the following groups:

  • Numbers

  • Special characters: See the following table for a list and description of the special characters that can be used in passwords

  • Lowercase letters

  • Uppercase letters

Table 7-1 Special Characters Allowed in Passwords

Name of the Character Characters

question mark


at sign


exclamation point


number sign


dollar sign


percent sign


plus sign










single quotation mark










grave accent

This character is also known as the backquote character.




left parenthesis


right parenthesis


left brace


right brace


left bracket


right bracket


Deleting User Accounts

When a user account is no longer needed for the Advanced Management Console, you can delete it. Administrator permissions are required to delete a user account.

To delete a user account:
  1. In the Advanced Management Console UI, click the Configuration tab.
  2. Click Users.

    The table of existing user accounts is shown.

  3. Select the user that you want to delete.

    You cannot delete the account that you used to log in.

  4. Click Delete.
  5. Confirm the deletion in the Confirm Delete dialog box.

    The account is removed from the table of accounts.

User Permissions

Access to the functions of Advanced Management Console is controlled by user accounts and the permissions given to the accounts.

The following table describes the permissions that are available:

Permission Description


Permission for managing users and desktop groups, view permission for other tabs


Permission for installer configuration

Rule Sets

Permission for desktop management, rule set management, and status

Java Usage

Permission for Java usage reports