Filter and Other Visualization Types

Use these visualization types to bring your data to life.

Visualization Type More Information
Dashboard Filter

Enables users to filter content to view the data they're interested in. Format the filter to set display orientation (horizontal/vertical), add the Apply and Reset buttons, and turn wrap on or off.

Displays in the Visualize canvas, Present canvas, and in presentation mode, and available for date, measure, and attribute columns. See Add Dashboard Filters.

Language Narrative

Provides natural language descriptions of the attributes and measures in your dataset in the form of breakdown or trend.


Enables content authors to select data elements used in the canvas, and display them as a group of legends in a single visualization. See Create a Legend Visualization.


Filters data on the workbook canvas as a list format visualization.


Provides a space between visualizations on the workbook canvas; the space can include a line that you format to mark the boundary between visualizations.

Tag Cloud

Displays word-frequency analysis of text data, such as tags and keywords.

Text Box

Provides a contained area to add text to the workbook canvas.

Tile Provides a composite card style visualization to which you can add up to five measures, and specify the layout and positioning of labels and values for the primary and secondary measures. A tile grammar element is added automatically to the Grammar panel when you create a visualization.

Depicts a sequencial view of events or objects within a period of time.