Define User-Preferred Currency Options

You can select the type of currency you prefer to view currency columns in analyses and dashboards.

You can also set in the Console, see Format Options.

Select the currency type you want in one of two ways:

  • In the Currency box on the My Account dialog: Preferences tab

  • In currency prompts

For information about setting the currency preference on the My Account dialog: Preferences tab or about currency prompts, see Visualizing Data in Oracle Analytics Server.

You define the currency options that are to be displayed in the Currency box and in a currency prompt in the userpref_currencies.xml file. (These currency options must be for currencies to which your installation can convert columns.) Defining the currency options also controls whether the Currency box is available on the My Account dialog: Preferences tab and whether the Currency Prompt option is available on the Definition pane of the Prompt editor.

When you define these currency options, you can use one of two types of mappings:

  • Static — Produces a static list of currency options that all users see.

  • Dynamic — Produces a list of currency options that changes dynamically based on a logical SQL statement that you specify. This is useful, for example, to dynamically change the currency options so that each user sees a list specific to his or her account. Each user sees a subset of the total options available. For example, one group of users might want to select from only Global Currency 1 or Global Currency 2 while another group might want to select from different options.


For the user-preferred currency options to take effect, the following configuration also must be done in the semantic model:

  • Creation of the PREFERRED_CURRENCY session variable.

  • Conversion setup of logical currency columns in the Business Model and Mapping layer

  • Creation of the userCurrencyPreference table using the currency information from your installation that enables you to dynamically change the currency options based on a logical SQL statement that you specify (required only if you use a dynamic mapping)

See Configuring Logical Columns for Multicurrency Support in Managing Metadata Repositories for Oracle Analytics Server.

You can set the contents of the user's preferred currency by using the PREFERRED_CURRENCY session variable. You define the UserCurrencyPreferences element in any one of the following files:

  • instanceconfig.xml file, or in userpref_currencies.xml files located in:


  • yourfilename, where the instanceconfig.xml file contains an entry pointing to your file. For example,


    where, yourpath is the location of the file.

Define User-Preferred Currency Options Using a Static Mapping

You can use a mapping to define a static list of options that all users see for selecting currency.

  1. Use a text editor to open the userpref_currencies.xml file located in the following directory:


  2. Add a UserCurrencyPreferences element as follows:

    <UserCurrencyPreferences currencyTagMappingType="static">
  3. For each currency option to be displayed in the Currency box or in currency prompts, add a UserCurrencyPreference element between the <UserCurrencyPreferences> tags using this format:

    <UserCurrencyPreference sessionVarValue="sessionVarValuevalue" displayMessage="displayMessagevalue" displayText="displayTextvalue" currencyTag="currencyTagvalue"/> 

    In this format:

    • sessionVarValue="sessionVarValue " sets the session variable PREFERRED_CURRENCY. For its value, specify a string that uniquely identifies the currency, for example, gc1.

    • (optional) displayMessage="displayMessagevalue" sets the presentation variable currency.userPreference to a localized value. To specify a localized value, you first must create the localized message for the currency in the usercurrencymessages.xml file. See Localize Messages for Users' Preferred Currency. Then, for the value of displayMessage, specify the WebMessage name that's identified in the usercurrencymessages.xml file for the currency. For example, if you created this English language entry in the usercurrencymessages.xml file:

      <WebMessage name="kmsgMyCurrency1"><TEXT>My Currency 1</TEXT></WebMessage> 

      Then you would specify kmsgMyCurrency1 as the value of displayMessage.

    • (optional) displayText="displayTextvalue" sets the presentation variable currency.userPreference to a value that isn't localized. For its value, specify a string that identifies the currency, such as Global Currency 2.

      For more information about the currency.userPreference variable, see Visualizing Data in Oracle Analytics Server

    • currencyTag="currencyTagvalue" identifies the Currency Tag in the currencies.xml file whose displayMessage value is to be used to populate the Currency box on the My Account dialog: Preferences tab and currency prompts. (The currencies.xml file, which is located in ORACLE_HOME/bi/bifoundation/web/display, provides currency formats.)


    The value of the currency.userPreference variable is obtained from the displayMessage and displayText attributes of the UserCurrencyPreference element using the following order of precedence:

    1. displayText

    2. displayMessage

    If no values exist for displayText and displayMessage, then the value of the displayMessage attribute for the corresponding currency tag in the currencies.xml file is used.

  4. Save and close the userpref_currencies.xml file.

  5. Restart Oracle Analytics Server.

Example: Static Mapping to Define User-Preferred Currency Options

The following example shows a userpref_currencies.xml file that uses a static mapping to define user-preferred currency options.

You can also set in the Console, see Format Options.

<UserCurrencyPreferences currencyTagMappingType="static">
   <UserCurrencyPreference sessionVarValue="gc1" displayText="Global Currency 1" currencyTag="int:USD" />
   <UserCurrencyPreference sessionVarValue="gc2" displayText="Global Currency 2" currencyTag="int:euro-l" />
   <UserCurrencyPreference sessionVarValue="gc3" displayText="Global Currency 3" currencyTag="loc:ja-JP" />
   <UserCurrencyPreference sessionVarValue="orgc" displayText="Org Currency" currencyTag="loc:en-BZ" /> 

The figure below shows how these values from the userpref_currencies.xml file are displayed in a drop-down list of currency options for a prompt on a dashboard page. The drop-down list is similar to what is displayed for the Currency box on the My Account dialog: Preferences tab.

Define User-Preferred Currency Options Using a Dynamic Mapping

You can use a mapping to define a dynamic list of options that users see for selecting currency.

The list changes dynamically based on a logical SQL statement that you specify. This is useful, for example, to dynamically change the currency options based on the user.

  1. Use a text editor to open the userpref_currencies.xml file that is located in the following directory:


  2. Add a UserCurrencyPreferences element as follows:
    <UserCurrencyPreferences currencyTagMappingType="dynamic">
  3. Add a UserPrefCurrencyLogicalSQL element between the <UserCurrencyPreferences> tags using this format:
    SELECT column1, column2, column3 FROM userCurrencyPreference

    In this format:

    • column1 contains the values that are used to set the session variable PREFERRED_CURRENCY. Each value in this column is a string that uniquely identifies the currency, for example, gc1.

    • column2 contains the currency tags in the currencies.xml file whose displayMessage values are to be used to populate the Currency box and currency prompts, for example, int:euro-1. (The currencies.xml file, which is located in ORACLE_HOME/bi/bifoundation/web/display, provides currency formats.)

    • (optional) column3 contains the values used to set the presentation variable currency.userPreference. Each value in this column is a string that identifies the currency, such as Global Currency 2.


      If you omit column3, then the values for the displayMessage attributes for the corresponding currency tags in the currencies.xml file are used.

      For more information about the currency.userPreference variable, see Visualizing Data in Oracle Analytics Server

  4. Save and close the userpref_currencies.xml file.
  5. Restart Oracle Analytics Server.

Example: Dynamic Mapping to Define User-Preferred Currency Options

The following example shows a userpref_currencies.xml file that uses a dynamic mapping to define user-preferred currency options.

<UserCurrencyPreferences currencyTagMappingType="dynamic">
<!-- In this SELECT statement, column1 contains the values to set the PREFERRED_CURRENCY variable, column2 contains the currency tag values, and column3 contains the values to set the currency.userPreference variable. --> 
SELECT markets.userpreferences, markets.currencyTag, markets.userpreferencename FROM userCurrencyPreference

The table below shows sample results from the logical SQL statement.

"Markets"."UserPreference" "Markets"."CurrencyTag" "Markets"."UserPreferenceName"






Org currency



Global currency 2



Ledger currency



Global Currency 1

The figure below shows how the values that are generated dynamically from the SQL statement in the userpref_currencies.xml file are displayed in a drop-down list of currency options for the Currency box on the Preferences tab of the My Account dialog. The drop-down list is similar to what is displayed for a prompt on a dashboard page.