Create Your First Dashboard

You can create dashboards to provide personalized views of corporate and external information. A dashboard consists of one or more pages that display results of an analysis.

For example, you can create a Sales Performance dashboard and add content to track your team's revenue. Suppose you create three views for an analysis: performance tile view, a table view, and treemap view. You can create a dashboard that displays these three views. You can include prompts on the dashboard to enable users to specify the values to display in the views. See Create Column Prompts.

  1. On the Classic Home page, in the Create pane, click Dashboard.
  2. In the New Dashboard dialog, enter a short name and description for the dashboard.
  3. Under Location, select where to save the dashboard. Where you save a dashboard determines whether the dashboard is private to you or shared with others.
    • To save for your personal use and private to you, save the dashboard in /My Folders.
    • To share with others, save the dashboard in /Shared Folders.

      To share a dashboard with others and to not list the dashboard in the Dashboard menu in the global header, save the dashboard in any level (such as /Shared Folders/Company/Sales/Eastern).

      If you specify a shared folder in which no dashboards have been saved, then a new Dashboards sub-folder is created automatically in the folder.

      For example, if you select a folder named /Shared Folders/Company/Sales in which no dashboards have been saved, a new Dashboards folder is created. The Location entry changes to /Shared Folders/Sales/Dashboards. (A new Dashboards folder isn’t automatically created if you choose a folder at any other level.)

  4. Specify that you want to add content to the new dashboard now.
  5. Click OK.

The new dashboard, which contains one blank page, is displayed in the Dashboard builder for editing.