1 Preparing to Upgrade

Oracle Forms Builder and Oracle Forms Services have been upgraded to simplify the development and deployment of Forms applications on the Web. A number of features have been added.

In restructuring the Oracle Forms product, some legacy features have been dropped or scaled back. The future of Forms includes improving the Java-based user interface and extending product "openness" by allowing Java integration on all three tiers.

The following sections are included:

About Upgrading Your Forms Applications

Basic steps to upgrade your Forms 6i or older applications to the latest Forms version

To upgrade your Oracle Forms applications, open your Forms 6i source files (FMB, MMB, PLL, and so on) in the latest Oracle Forms Builder, save them, then compile them. You can also use the Oracle Forms Compiler to upgrade your Forms 6i applications.


It is recommended, but not required, that you upgrade application modules to version 10.1.2.x before moving to a newer version. If you choose not do this, you may be required to perform addition manual steps if code changes are needed to make these modules compatible with the latest version.

Alternatively, you can use the Forms Migration Assistant to perform batch upgrades, as described in About Using the Oracle Forms Migration Assistant.


You must compile rp2rro.pll into rp2rro.plx if your Form depends on this library. rp2rro.pll can be found in ORACLE_HOME/forms/rp2rro.pll. The resulting plx should be in your FORMS_PATH.

Do not copy Oracle provided files from an old installation to the new installation. Copying Oracle files may result in applications not generating or running properly in the new Forms version.

Forms 10g Features Removed from Oracle Forms

List the features that has been removed from Oracle Forms 10g and later.

The following features have been removed:

  • Graphics Integration

  • Chart Items

Forms 6i Features Removed from Oracle Forms

List the features that has been removed from Oracle Forms 9.0.2 and later.

The following features have been removed:

  • Client-server Runtime

  • Character mode Runtime

  • Various runform command line options

  • Character mode properties and logical attributes

  • Item types that are specific to operating systems

  • Various Built-ins

  • Various properties

  • Various menu features including:

    • Character mode menu properties

    • Obsolete types from the Menu-Items command type property

    • Menu parameters

    • Menu Built-ins

    • Full screen menu style

    • Bar (Lotus) menu style

  • Forms version 2 style triggers and list of values (LOVs)

  • Graphics Chart Wizard

In addition, rules enforcing trigger usage have become stricter.

Components of 6i Developer Product Suite Removed

List of obsolete components dropped from the Forms 6i Developer Product Suite.

Table 1-1 Components removed from Developer Suite

Obsolete Component Upgrade Notes
Oracle Graphics If your applications use the Graphics Web Cartridge or Oracle Graphics Runtime, you should rewrite your applications and redevelop the graphics using other means such as Java, BI Beans.
Oracle Forms Listener and Load Balancing Components

Use the Forms Listener Servlet to manage Forms sessions on the Web. The Forms Listener Servlet provides:

  • Improved security because all traffic is directed through standard Web server HTTP or HTTPS ports, with no extra ports open through the firewall.
  • Compliance with standards that can be used for load balancing techniques.
  • Broader firewall and proxy support.
  • Less administration because the listener and load balancing processes do not need to be managed.
  • Simplified HTTPS support because a separate Web server SSL certificate for the Forms listener is not required.
Oracle Forms Server Cartridge and CGI Use the Forms Servlet. The functionality available with the Oracle Forms Server cartridge and CGI was incorporated into the Forms Servlet, which was first available in Oracle Forms Release 6i patchset 2.
Oracle Procedure Builder Use the facilities for editing and debugging local and server-side PL/SQL code in Forms Developer, which has been considerably improved for this release.
Oracle Project Builder No upgrade path or replacement functionality.
Oracle Translation Builder

Use the Forms XLIFF Extract and Merge tool (introduced in to create industry-compliant XLIFF files.

The necessary translations can be added to these files using any third party XLIFF editor that supports XLIFF version 1.0.


These files can also be edited in a plain text editor, although this is not recommended.
Oracle Query Builder/Schema Builder No upgrade path or replacement functionality.
Oracle Terminal The resource files used by Web-deployed forms are text-based and can be edited using Fusion Middleware Control. As a result, Oracle Terminal is no longer required for the product.
Open Client Adapters (OCA) In order to provide platform-independent access to a wider range of non-Oracle data sources, use the Oracle Transparent Gateway and Generic Connectivity solutions instead of OCA.
Tuxedo Integration No upgrade path or replacement functionality.
Performance Event Collection Services (PECS) No upgrade path. Use Forms Trace and Oracle Trace, as described in Tracing and Diagnostics.

Managing Obsolete Item Types when Upgrading Forms 6i Applications

When you open a Forms application in Oracle Forms Builder, obsolete item types are listed in the item-type poplist in the Property Palette.

The property values for obsolete items are indicated as obsolete. For example, the property value for VBX would be "VBX Control (Obsolete)".


If you are upgrading from pre-6i you must upgrade to 10g and then to the latest version. If you are upgrading from 6i or later, you can upgrade directly to the latest version, as described in Upgrade from Pre-Forms 6i Applications.

You can use the Oracle Forms Migration Assistant, as described in About Using the Oracle Forms Migration Assistant, to resolve many upgrade issues.

Tools to Assist with Migration of Obsolete Features

Oracle Forms Migration Assistant helps in upgrading Forms applications.

The Oracle Forms Migration Assistant is provided with Oracle Forms to help you upgrade your Forms 6i applications, as described in About Using the Oracle Forms Migration Assistant.