1 Known Issues

This chapter reviews unresolved issues known to exist in Oracle HTTP Server 12c (12.1.3). It also contains descriptions of unresolved issues known to exist in Oracle HTTP Server 12c (12.1.2).

Known issues are described in the following sections:

Known issues in 12c (12.1.2) that have been resolved in Oracle HTTP Server 12c (12.1.3) are described in Chapter 2, "Issue Resolved".

1.1 Known Issues in Oracle HTTP Server 12c (12.1.3)

This section contains descriptions of unresolved issues known to exist in Oracle HTTP Server 12c (12.1.3). These issues are described in the following sections:

1.1.1 Start and Stop Scripts Require Directory Write Permission

The startComponent.sh and stopComponent.sh scripts fail when executed from a directory without write permission.


To avoid this situation, execute startComponent.sh or stopComponent.sh from $DOMAIN_HOME/bin/ or any other directory with write permission.

1.1.2 Oracle HTTP Server Instance Fails To Load mod_cgid

While launching Oracle HTTP Server instance, this message appears:

Couldn't set permissions on unix domain socket 

in Oracle HTTP Server Instance log while loading the cgid module (mod_cgid). This message indicates that the mod_cgid is not loaded because the cgisock log file path length exceeds the actual character array length of sun_path variable defined in /usr/include/sys/un.h.


To work around this issue, edit the httpd.conf file for the instance and set the Scriptsock value to /var/tmp/cgisock instead of ${ORACLE_HOME}/network/log/cgisock. You can find the httpd.conf file in $DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/components/OHS/instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/httpd.conf

1.1.3 Continuously Hitting Web Application Through OHS on IBM-AIX Might Generate a Large Error Log

IBM-AIX users continuously hitting a web application that has many users (for example, more than 400) through Oracle HTTP Server might experience a large error log being generated. This is most likely a tuning issue that can be corrected by updating certain IBM-AIX system parameters and Oracle HTTP Server tuning parameters, as described as shown in the following examples.

For AIX system parameters:

In /etc/security/limits, should have the following parameters:

nofiles = -1
nofiles_hard = -1

In /etc/rc.net, should have the following parameters:

/usr/sbin/no -o sb_max=6192000
/usr/sbin/no -o tcp_sendspace=4096000
/usr/sbin/no -o tcp_recvspace=4096000
/usr/sbin/no -o udp_sendspace=65536
/usr/sbin/no -o udp_recvspace=655360
/usr/sbin/no -o rfc1323=1
/usr/sbin/no -o ipqmaxlen=150
/usr/sbin/no -o clean_partial_conns=true

You will need to restart your machine.

For Oracle HTTP Server Configuration:

In mod_wl_ohs.conf, should look like the following: example:

LoadModule weblogic_module   "${PRODUCT_HOME}/modules/mod_wl_ohs.so"
# This empty block is needed to save mod_wl related configuration from EM to this file when changes are made at the Base Virtual Host Level

<IfModule weblogic_module>#      WebLogicHost <WEBLOGIC_HOST>#      WebLogicPort <WEBLOGIC_PORT>#      MatchExpression *.jspWebLogicCluster <host-name>:<port>,<host-name>:<port>,<host-name>:<port>ConnectTimeoutSecs 99999 //[Optional parameter]WLIOTimeoutSecs 99999 //[default value 300]WLSocketTimeoutSecs 99999 //[default value 2]MatchExpression *<Location /diagservlet>#      SetHandler weblogic-handler       WLSRequest On       WebLogicCluster<host-name>:<port>,<host-name>:<port>,<host-name>:<port>#      PathTrim /weblogic#      ErrorPage  http:/WEBLOGIC_HOME:WEBLOGIC_PORT/          </Location></IfModule>

In httpd.conf, set the following:

<IfModule mpm_worker_module>
MinSpareThreads     200 [default value 25]
MaxSpareThreads     800 [default value 75]

1.1.4 Configuring Certain Protocols and Ciphers Is Not Allowed

If you are using Fusion Middleware Control or WLST commands to configure SSL for Oracle HTTP Server, you cannot configure the TLSv1.1(nzos_Version_1_1) and TLSv1.2(nzos_Version_1_2) protocols for the SSLProtocol directive or for these SSLCipherSuite directive ciphers:


  • SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5















If SSL is enabled for Oracle HTTP Server Virtual Hosts or the SSL configuration has been modified from the SSL Configuration page of Fusion Middleware Control configuration screen or WLST commands, the configuration of the above listed protocols and ciphers in ssl.conf will be lost.To make any changes related to the SSL configuration for these protocols and ciphers, edit ssl.conf directly by using the Advanced Configuration page in Fusion Middleware Control.

1.1.5 Starting Node Manager in Collocated Environment Generates System Messages

In a collocated environment, when connecting to Node Manager by using the startNodeManger command (for example, when using the startComponent command as in "Starting Oracle HTTP Server Instances from the Command Line"), you might encounter many system messages upon startup. You can ignore these messages.

1.1.6 Oracle HTTP Server in FMW Control Does Not Recognize Deployer Role

In previous releases, a user granted the WLS deployer role was not able to log in to Oracle Fusion Middleware Control. As of Oracle Fusion Middleware Control 12c (12.1.3), the deployer role is supported in JMX Framework and WLS FMW Control EXCEPT Oracle HTTP Server 12.1.3, where FMW Control does not recognize this role. Users granted deployer role will not be able to access Security, Administration or Control functionality.

1.1.7 ServerName Directive Does Not Support IPv6

The Oracle HTTP Server ServerName directive cannot support IPv6 actual addresses as it does not accept IPv6 addressing format.


If you must use IPv6, then create a domain name for the specific IPv6 address and use that in ServerName directive.

1.1.8 Bad CLASSPATH Environment Variable Can Break WLST

A bad CLASSPATH environment variable can block the WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) from starting. If a bad CLASSPATH is set in your environment variables and you attempt to start WLST, you might see a message like:

Problem invoking WLST - java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:javax/enterprise/deploy/spi/exceptions/DeploymentManagerCreationException 

If you encounter a similar error, check your environment variables to see if CLASSPATH is correctly specified.

1.1.9 Oracle HTTP Server Configuration Assistant Launcher Fails on Solaris 5.10

While creating an Oracle HTTP Server domain, ORACLE_HOME/ohs/common/bin/config.sh launcher fails and throws this error:

bash-3.2$ ./config.sh
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.InternalError: Can't connect to X11
window server using ':1.0' as the value of the DISPLAY variable.
        at sun.awt.X11GraphicsEnvironment.initDisplay(Native Method)
         at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
         at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
         at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:188)


If you encounter this problem, apply the respective patch for your platform. These are available from Oracle Support:

  • For Solaris.X64, obtain patch 17458572

  • For Solaris.SPARC64, obtain patch 17458571

1.1.10 Disable SSL Security Protocols

In several places, the Administering Oracle HTTP Server12c documentation discusses the SSL version 3 (SSLv3) security protocol. Because of security concerns, Oracle strongly recommends that you disable the SSLv3 security protocol from Oracle HTTP Server.

To disable SSL security protocols from Oracle HTTP Server:

  1. Locate the ssl.conf file in the staging directory and the runtime directory.

    You can find the ssl.conf files in the following locations:

    Staging directory: DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/components/OHS/componentName

    Runtime directory: DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/components/OHS/instances/componentName

  2. Edit the security declaration to use a non-SSL protocol.

    For example, to remove the SSLv3 security protocol:

    SSLProtocol -SSLv3

    or to add the TLS version 1.0 and 1.2 security protocols:

    SSLProtocol nzos_Version_1_1 nzos_Version_1_2

    or to add the TLS version 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2 security protocols:

    SSLProtocol nzos_Version_1_0 nzos_Version_1_1 nzos_Version_1_2
  3. Save the files and restart Oracle HTTP Server.


  • If you are editing files manually, ensure you edit a currently configured value instead of adding another. It could be easy to add a global parameter when it will be overridden by a value in the VirtualHost.

  • Using the new nzos_Version_* syntax is now preferred. If you are using Oracle Fusion Middleware Control, this is how security will be configured.

1.1.11 Default Value for the MaxPostSize Web Server Plug-in Parameter has Changed

The documentation for the MaxPostSize web server plug-in parameter in Oracle Fusion Middleware Using Oracle WebLogic Server Proxy Plug-Ins 12.1.2 and Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle HTTP Server describes its default value as -1. In this release, the default value has been changed to 0.

1.1.12 FIPS is Not Available on the Windows Platform

FIPS is available only on the UNIX/Linux platform. It is not available on the Windows platform. See "OHS Release 12c (12.1.2) Supports FIPS 140", "SSL FIPS Mode Can Be Configured as a SSLFIPS Directive", and "SSLFIPS" in Administering Oracle HTTP Server.

1.1.13 Installing Oracle HTTP Server on Oracle Linux 7 Environments

Oracle HTTP Server 12c (12.1.3) can be installed into Oracle Linux 7 (OEL7) environments only if you run the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) from the command line with the -ignoreSysPrereqs option, for example:

./runInstaller -ignoreSysPrereqs ...

1.2 Known Issues in Oracle HTTP Server 12c (12.1.2)

This section contains descriptions of unresolved issues known to exist in Oracle HTTP Server 12c (12.1.2). These issues are described in the following sections:

1.2.1 Using shutdown() Without Parameters Shuts Down WebLogic Server

The WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) command shutdown(<instancename>) is used to stop an Oracle HTTP Server instance in a WebLogic domain. Be aware that using shutdown() with no parameters will shut down the administration server and exit WLST.

1.2.2 Multiple WLST Versions

Multiple WLST scripts are provided within an Oracle home. Use the WLST script in ORACLE_HOME/ohs/common/bin, which provides access to Oracle HTTP Server commands and other Fusion Middleware commands.

1.2.3 No Command to List All OHS Instances, States, and Ports

This version of Oracle HTTP Server has no command to list all Oracle HTTP Server instances, states and ports. This is different than Oracle HTTP Server 11g, where such information was available by using the command opmnctl status.

1.2.4 Configuration Wizard Does Not Present a Summary Screen

When using the Configuration Wizard to create or update a standalone domain, the Configuration Wizard does not present a Configuration Summary Screen. The user does not have the option to go back and make changes.

1.2.5 Standalone Instances Start in UNKNOWN State

All standalone Oracle HTTP Server instances created by using the Configuration Wizard start in state UNKNOWN.

1.2.6 nmServerStatus() Returns UNKNOWN for Non-existent Instances

In the standalone mode, using the WLST command nmServerStatus() returns UNKNOWN for non-existent instances (for example, if you have a typo in the serverName= argument). Effectively it cannot distinguish between non-existent instances and instances that really are in UNKNOWN; that is, just after creation, as (see Section 1.2.5, "Standalone Instances Start in UNKNOWN State").

1.2.7 No Automatic Port Allocation for Standalone Instances

In the standalone mode, there is no automatic port allocation for Oracle HTTP Server instances.

1.2.8 nmStart(), nmServerStatus(), and nmKill() Require ServerType Parameter

The offline WLST commands nmStart(), nmServerStatus(), and nmKill(), required for management of standalone Oracle HTTP Server instances, all require the serverType='OHS' parameter when managing Oracle HTTP Server. If the serverType parameter is omitted, the command defaults to 'AdminServer" and error messages might be misleading when managing Oracle HTTP Server instances.

1.2.9 Instances Can Be Deleted in the RUNNING State

Currently standalone domain update enables you to delete instances in a RUNNING state. This should not be done as it is harmful to Oracle HTTP Server. All OHS instances should be SHUTDOWN (or UNKNOWN) before deletion.

1.2.10 Private Keys Should Not be on a DMZ Machine

The keystores.xml file contains private keys that should not be on a demilitarized zone (DMZ; that is, the zone between the internal and external firewalls) machine. If you unpack a domain on a machine in the DMZ, you must remove keystores.xml from it. To do so, go to $domain/config/fmwconfig/ and, from the command line, use this command:

rm $domain/config/fmwconfig/keystores.xml

1.2.11 Missing Libraries Might Cause HTTPD to Exit Without Notice

On the Windows platform, Oracle HTTP Server requires Microsoft Visual C++ run-time libraries to be installed on the system in order to function. If they are not installed, Oracle HTTP Server might exit with no output or generate an error dialog box, depending on registry settings.


If Oracle HTTP Server fails to start and no error messages are logged by Oracle HTTP Server in the server error log or in Node Manager logs, follow this procedure to diagnose the problem:

  1. Verify that the following run-time library is installed:

    Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Feature Pack Redistributable Package (x64), at



    After installing this package, install any service packs or other fixes to this package which are recommended by Microsoft.

    If this package was not installed previously, try to start Oracle HTTP Server again after installing it.

  2. Attempt to start Oracle HTTP Server from a command prompt.

    1. Create the DOMAIN_HOME/servers/<ohs-instancename>/logs directory if it has not yet been created by Oracle HTTP Server.

    2. Try to start Oracle HTTP Server using Fusion Middleware Control or WLST.

    3. Copy the file DOMAIN_HOME/servers/<ohs-instancename>/logs/lastinvocation.log to a new file startohs.cmd.

    4. Open a new command prompt and run startohs.cmd in that new command prompt.

    5. If it generates error messages after the script runs, use those messages to diagnose the startup failure.

    6. If it does not generate error messages after the script runs, proceed to the next step.


      Oracle HTTP Server does not function properly when started from a command prompt in this manner. This mechanism for starting Oracle HTTP Server is for diagnostic purposes only.
  3. Collect Windows error information when attempting to start Oracle HTTP Server

    Error reporting for Oracle HTTP Server library errors might be inhibited on your system. Refer to the following Microsoft article for information on verifying or correcting error reporting:

    "HOWTO: How To Change Hard Error Popup Handling in Windows NT", at


    If ErrorMode is set to 1, library errors might not be reported for Oracle HTTP Server. Change the mode to 0 to enable hard error pop-ups or change the mode to 2 to enable reporting to the Windows event log.


    If this is changed to 0, set it back to the previous value immediately after collecting diagnostic information as it can result in operational problems if errors occur when the server is unattended.

    The recommended setting is 2.

    1. Change ErrorMode to the desired value.

    2. Try to start Oracle HTTP Server using Fusion Middleware Control or WLST or the startohs.cmd script which was created in the previous step.

    3. Check for diagnostic information in a hard error popup or in the Windows event log, depending on the setting of ErrorMode.

      To check the Windows event log, open Windows Event Viewer and view the logs for Event Viewer (Local) / Windows Logs / Application

      Find the event log entries written at the time of the attempt to start Oracle HTTP Server.

      Errors locating run-time libraries might be reported as SideBySide errors with event ids 33 or 35, which text describing the Oracle library attempting to load the library and the specific library being loaded. Example:

      Event Id = 33
      Activation context generation failed for "C:\work\Oracle\MD1212\ORACLE~1\bin\oraiau.dll".
      Dependent Assembly Microsoft.VC90.CRT,processorArchitecture="amd64",
      publicKeyToken="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b",type="win32",version="9.0.21022.8" could not be found.
      Please use sxstrace.exe for detailed diagnosis.

      The indicated library must be installed. This example shows VC90, which is the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 library described in step 1 above.

    4. Restore ErrorMode to the previous setting.

1.2.12 Create DOMAIN_HOME/servers/<instancename>/logs manually when Diagnosing Start-up Failures

If an Oracle HTTP Server instance does not start and has not been started before, manually create the directory DOMAIN_HOME/servers/<instancename>/logs if it does not exist, then attempt to start the instance again so that all diagnostic information can be written. The log file lastinvocation.log, used for diagnosing some types of startup failures, will not be written if this log directory does not exist.

1.2.13 Installer Sporadically Hangs on Specify Security Updates Screen

Occasionally, the Oracle WebLogic Server or Oracle HTTP Server installation process hangs on the Specify Security Updates screen (5 of 9) in the NextGen Oracle Universal Installer (OUI). When this occurs, all of the buttons at the bottom of the OUI screen are disabled and inaccessible and the links to go back in the left-hand pane are similarly inactive.


When this situation occurs, you must forcibly exit the installer by pressing CTRL-C in the xterm where you initially launched the installer. You can then restart and walk through the installation normally.

1.2.14 Warning Appears if No Oracle HTTP Server Instance is Created

In a WebLogic Server domain, while you are not required to create any Oracle HTTP Server instances, if you do not, you will receive a warning is displayed. You can ignore this warning.

1.2.15 Backslashes in Paths in ohs.plugins.nodemanager.properties must be Escaped

Any paths placed in Windows implementations of ohs.plugins.nodemanager.properties that include backslashes must have those backslashes escaped.

You must do this manually after upgrading from Oracle HTTP Server 11g where paths with backslashes were migrated from opmn.xml to ohs.plugins.nodemanager.properties.

For example:

environment.TMP = C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\1

Must be modified manually to:

environment.TMP = C:\\Users\\user\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\1 

1.2.16 Creating Instance Named "adminserver" Throws Exception

If you try to create an instance with the name "adminserver", Oracle HTTP Server throws an exception post after which you will not be able to create instances, even if they have valid names. Therefore, do not attempt to create instances that use the same name as a given administration server.

1.2.17 DMS Displays Incorrect Message if OHS is Down

If you attempt to obtain metrics when Oracle HTTP Server is not running, DMS will display an incorrect message on displayMetricTables.display:

MetricTables(servers='ohs1',servertype='OHS') Traceback (innermost last):
  File "<console>", line 1, in ?
line 67, in displayMetricTables

dms_handler.py", line 1105, in oracledmsDisplayMetricTables

dms_handler.py", line 648, in oracledmsHandleException
NameError: ora_mbs 

1.2.18 Node Manager 12c (12.1.2) OHS Throws Java Exception on AIX

When running Oracle HTTP Server on AIX, if ULIMIT values of file handlers are small, Node Manager console/log throws "java.io.IOException: error=24, Too many open files" error on AIX.


To resolve the issue, increase the ULIMIT values of file handlers as described here:

  1. Log in as the root user.

  2. Open /etc/security/limits file.

  3. Edit the file and set the following values:

    • nofiles=8192

    • nofiles_hard=65536

  4. Reboot the machine to enable the changes.

1.2.19 Set PATH Environment Variable Manually if OHS on Windows Fails to Start

If Oracle HTTP Server fails to start on Windows and no log files are generated, the PATH environment variable must be manually specified. To do so, edit the Oracle HTTP Server nodemanager.properties file for this component (found in the domain directory) by doing the following:

  1. Edit config\fmwconfig\components\OHS\ohs1\ohs.plugins.nodemanager.properties.

  2. Add the following two lines:

    environment.ORACLE_HOME = MW_HOME
    environment.PATH =%ORACLE_HOME%\\ohs\\bin;%ORACLE_HOME%\\bin;C:\\Windows;C:\\Windows\\system32

    Where MW_HOME is the path to the middle ware install, for example:

    environment.ORACLE_HOME = C:\\Oracle\\Middleware\\Oracle_Home

    Note that all backslash file separators must be escaped with a backslash.

  3. Save the file.

  4. For Web Logic Server domains, replicate the changes in the run-time area.

    For more information on the nodemanager.properties file, see "ohs.plugins.nodemanager.properties" in Administering Oracle HTTP Server.

  5. Start Oracle HTTP Server as described in "Starting Oracle HTTP Server Instances" in Administering Oracle HTTP Server.

1.2.20 Recovering Instance on Managed Node Requires tar/untar Commands

Use tar/untar commands for recovering an instance on an managed node rather than pack/unpack. Pack/unpack are used for recovery on an administration node. pack/unpack are applicable to just the administration node; managed nodes must use tar/untar.

1.2.21 OHS Instance Creation with Config Wizard Does Not Require Machine Assignment

When creating an Oracle HTTP Server instance by using the Configuration Wizard, you do not need to assign it to a machine. This is different behavior than you would experience when creating an instance by using the FMW Control's Create OHS command (described in "Creating an Instance by Using Fusion Middleware Control" in Administering Oracle HTTP Server), where you are prompted for a machine name.

1.2.22 httpd.exe Fails to Start

On some occasions, httpd.exe will fail to start, displaying the following error:

Error: The Side-by-Side configuration information for "ORACLE_HOME\bin\ORAIAU.DLL" contains errors.

This happens if you are missing the SP1 version of the 64-bit redistributable. You can obtain this file at:


1.2.23 SSLWallet Directive in ssl.conf Might be Saved Incorrectly

When updating the SSL wallet in Fusion Middleware Control, the SSLWallet directive in ssl.conf might be saved incorrectly.

Oracle HTTP Server expects something similar to this form:

SSLWallet "${ORACLE_INSTANCE}/config/fmwconfig/components/${COMPONENT_TYPE}/instances/${ COMPONENT_NAME}/keystores/wallet2"

The incorrect directive might look like this:

SSLWallet  "${ORACLE_INSTANCE}/config/fmwconfig/components/${COMPONENT_TYPE}/instances/${COMPONENT_NAME}/keystores//OHS/user_projects/domains/base_domain/config/fmwconfig/components/OHS/ohs1/keystores/wallet2"

This incorrect directive will prevent Oracle HTTP Server from starting successfully and a message similar to the following might appear in the OHS error log if OHS startup fails:

server www.example.com:443 has an invalid wallet:
file:/OHS/user_projects/domains/base_domain/config/fmwconfig/components/OHS/instances/ohs1/keystores//OHS/user_projects/domains/base_domain/config/fmwconfig/components/OHS/ohs1/keystores/wallet2 :: 28759

To resolve the issue, use the Advanced Configuration feature in FMW Control to select the file ssl.conf and edit it to correct the SSLWallet directive.

1.2.24 CONFIG_FILE_PATH Setting for apxs in a Standalone Domain

The apxs program provided with Oracle HTTP Server supports the -a and -A options for editing the configuration in a standalone domain to include the new module. This feature requires that the CONFIG_FILE_PATH environment variable point to the instance configuration directory.

If CONFIG_FILE_PATH is not set before invoking apxs, the error message might provide incorrect information for setting CONFIG_PATH. For the proper setting of CONFIG_FILE_PATH, see "Configuring the Oracle HTTP Server Environment to Use the apxs Script" in Administering Oracle HTTP Server.

1.2.25 Create Log Directory Manually When Diagnosing Startup Failures

If an Oracle HTTP Server instance does not start and has not been started before, manually create the directory DOMAIN_HOME/servers/<instancename>/logs if it does not exist, then attempt to start the instance again so that all diagnostic information can be written. The log file lastinvocation.log, used for diagnosing some types of startup failures, will not be written if this log directory does not exist.

1.2.26 createOHSTestDomain() Should be Used Only in Offline Mode

createOHSTestDomain() is intended only for WLST offline mode. If WLST is currently connected to an administration server, use the WLST command disconnect() to disconnect before using createOHSTestDomain(). If createOHSTestDomain() is used in online mode, the resulting error messages will not describe the usage problem.

1.2.27 OHS on UNIX Might Not Start When Listening Port is Configured in Reserved Range

In some UNIX environments that access their root file system using a link, Oracle HTTP Server might not start even if it is properly configured to listen on a port in the reserved range. This occurs when the /etc/cap.ora file is not located on a locally mounted block device. If you are encountering this problem, contact Release Management and download and apply the Release 12.1.2 backport patch.

1.2.28 FIPS is Not Available on the Windows Platform

FIPS is available only on the UNIX/Linux platform. It is not available on the Windows platform. See "OHS Release 12c (12.1.2) Supports FIPS 140", "SSL FIPS Mode Can Be Configured as a SSLFIPS Directive", and "SSLFIPS" in Administering Oracle HTTP Server.