This document contains cumulative release information for Address Verification Server Release 14.x, 15.x, 16.x, 17.x, 18.x, 20.x, and 23.x and includes the following:

Oracle recommends you review its contents before installing or working with the product.

1.1 Release 23.3 August 2023

This zip file contains the installers required to install the Oracle Enterprise Data Quality Address Verification Server API (EDQ AV) onto a server that already has Oracle Enterprise Data Quality (EDQ) installed.

This version ( of EDQ AV is compatible with all releases of EDQ under current Support, which is EDQ

In order to use the Address Verification software, you will also need to install the global knowledge repository data files for the countries/regions you require.

These data files are available separately, and must be purchased from Oracle's OEM partner, GBG Loqate.

New Features

This release includes a range of new features and improvements. Please consult GBG Loqate’s release information site for more information: Loqate Release Information.

1.2 Release 20.4 January 2021

This zip file contains the installers required to install the Oracle Enterprise Data Quality Address Verification Server API (EDQ AV) onto a server that already has Oracle Enterprise Data Quality (EDQ) installed.

This version ( of EDQ AV is compatible with all releases of EDQ under current Support, i.e. EDQ and EDQ 12.2.x.

In order to use the Address Verification software, you will also need to install the global knowledge repository data files for the countries/regions you require.

These data files are available separately, and must be purchased from Oracle's OEM partner, GBG Loqate.

New Features

This release includes a range of new features and improvements. Please consult GBG Loqate’s release information site for more information:Loqate Release Information

1.3 Release 18.4 January 2019

This zip file contains the installers required to install the Oracle Enterprise Data Quality Address Verification Server API (EDQ AV) onto a server that already has Oracle Enterprise Data Quality (EDQ) installed.

New Features

A number of quality improvements have been made in this release. Please see GBG Loqate's Release Notes (for all releases after 2018Q2.0 to 2018Q4.1 inclusive) for more information. Please note that EDQ currently uses Loqate's Verify and Search methods and it does not use its Enhance or Auto-Complete methods, so any functionality in this area cannot be used with the EDQ Address Verification processor currently.

In addition to minor changes, full reviews of the data for the following countries has been conducted in recent releases, resulting in improvements in verification and search accuracy:

  • Brazil
  • Mexico
  • South Africa
  • Singapore
  • Austria

Data Updates

It is necessary to update both the EDQ AV software and the Loqate data packs to access the improvements in this release.

To download and install the latest data packs, please run the Loqate Install Manager after installation of this release and input your Loqate license key. Installation and upgrade instructions are available at: Installing the Address Verification Server.

If you have any problems, please contact Oracle support.

1.4 Release 18.2 May 2018

This zip file contains the installers required to install the Oracle Enterprise Data Quality Address Verification Server API (EDQ AV) onto a server that already has Oracle Enterprise Data Quality (EDQ) installed.

New Features

A number of quality improvements have been made in this release. Please see GBG Loqate's Release Notes pages (for releases 2017Q2 to 2018Q2 inclusive) for more information, noting that EDQ currently uses Loqate's Verify and Search methods; it does not use its Enhance or Auto-Complete methods so any functionality in this area cannot be used with the EDQ Address Verification processor currently.

In recent releases, full reviews of the data for the following countries has been conducted, resulting in improvements in verification and search accuracy:

  • France

  • Sweden

  • The Netherlands

  • New Zealand

  • Australia

  • Canada

  • Germany

  • Brazil

  • Denmark

  • Japan

  • Norway

  • Czech Republic

Data Updates

It is necessary to update both the EDQ AV software and the Loqate data packs to access the improvements in this release.

To download and install the latest data packs, please run the Loqate Install Manager after installation of this release and input your Loqate license key.

Installation and upgrade instructions are available at:

Known Issues


1.5 Release 17.1.1 July 2017

This zip file contains the installers required to install the Oracle Enterprise Data Quality Address Verification Server API (EDQ AV) onto a server that already has Oracle Enterprise Data Quality (EDQ) installed.

New Features

A number of quality improvements have been made in this release. Please see GBG Loqate's Release Notes for 2017Q1.0 and 2017Q1.1 for more information, noting that EDQ currently uses Loqate's Verify and Search methods; it does not use its Enhance or Auto-Complete methods so any functionality in this area cannot be used with the EDQ Address Verification processor currently.

India Pre-Parse Process

Indian addresses are now pre-parsed for improved verification and output. Parts of input addresses that do not map to any of the standard address fields are removed for the purpose of verification. Note that new 'LandMark' output fields are not available using the EDQ Address Verification processor.

Loqate Updates not currently available in EDQ Address Verification

The Loqate API added a new method for auto-completion of addresses in recent releases. As this was added as a new method it is not yet available to the EDQ Address Verification processor.

Data Updates

It is necessary to update both the EDQ AV software and the Loqate data packs to access the improvements in this release. Improvements to the Loqate data packs have been made for a number of countries at this release.

To download and install the latest data packs, please run the Loqate Install Manager after installation of this release and input your Loqate license key.

Installation and upgrade instructions are available at:

If you have any problems, please contact Oracle support.

Known Issues


1.6 Release 16.4 January 2017

This zip file contains the installers required to install the Oracle Enterprise Data Quality Address Verification Server API (EDQ AV) onto a server that already has Oracle Enterprise Data Quality (EDQ) installed.

New Features

Eircode Geocodes (ECAD)

This release adds support for the Eircode geocode data points provided in Loqate's Premium Ireland data pack. Ireland launched a new postal code system in 2015 named Eircode to combat difficulties and inefficiencies in the old Irish addressing system. Over 35% of addresses in Ireland share the same address with at least one other property, making it difficult to accurately identify the true location of an address. Eircode was designed to overcome this problem by assigning a unique Eircode to each residential and business address in Ireland. The lexicon file for premium Ireland data is lx_IE_P.lfs. When using premium Ireland data, it is important to make sure that lx_IE_P.lfs is present in the data folder and also to ensure that the regular Ireland lexicon file lx_IE.lfs is not present in the data folder.

Field Status Flag Correction

The Field Status Flag was wrongly reporting a data change when address components contained a symbol. This has been corrected.

Search Engine Improvement (Germany)

When a query to the Search engine included an accented locality and a space between the premise number and letter, the engine was not returning accurate results. This issue has been resolved.

Post Box and Rural Routing Casing (Canada)

Casing was not being applied correctly for Post Office Boxes and Rural Routes in Canada (for example output could contain 'po box' rather than 'PO Box'. This issue has been resolved.

Improvement in Identifying Duplicates in Input

Verify mode can now identify duplicate values included in the input even if the casing of the values do not match.

Loqate Updates not currently available in EDQ Address Verification

The Loqate API added a new method for auto-completion of addresses in the 2016Q4 release. As this was added as a new method it is not yet available to the EDQ Address Verification processor.

Data Updates

It is necessary to update both the EDQ AV software and the Loqate data packs to access the improvements in this release. Improvements to the Loqate data packs have been made for a number of countries at this release.

To download and install the latest data packs, please run the Loqate Install Manager after installation of this release and input your Loqate license key.

Installation and upgrade instructions are available at:

If you have any problems, please contact Oracle support.

Known Issues


1.7 Release 16.3.1 October 2016

This zip file contains the installers required to install the Oracle Enterprise Data Quality Address Verification Server API (EDQ AV) onto a server that already has Oracle Enterprise Data Quality (EDQ) installed.

New Features

Casing for Roman Numerals

Roman numerals in addresses were often previously converted to proper case rather than retained as upper case (for example IV changed to Iv). This has been corrected such that Roman Numerals are retained as upper case.

Improved Matching on Thoroughfares with Directional

Matching has been improved for thoroughfares with directional indicators to provide higher confidence matching for thoroughfares such as 'N. 10th Ave' matching to '10th Ave N'.

Conditional Formatting for Korea

This improvement improves the output of verified Korean addresses by outputting Dependent Localities in the formatted address where appropriate.

United Kingdom Alias Data

This improvement adds the use of new UK reference data that includes known aliases for addresses. Aliases are normally house or organization names that are not needed for mailing purposes but may be considered as a part of the address on either input or output. This improves both verification and search capability for UK addresses.

Data Updates

It is necessary to update both the EDQ AV software and the Loqate data packs to access the improvements in this release. Improvements to the Loqate data packs have been made for a number of countries at this release. To download and install the latest data packs, please run the Loqate Install Manager after installation of this release and input your Loqate license key.

Installation and upgrade instructions are available at:

If you have any problems, please contact Oracle support.

Known Issues


1.8 Release 16.2 June 2016

This zip file contains the installers required to install the Oracle Enterprise Data Quality Address Verification Server API (EDQ AV) onto a server that already has Oracle Enterprise Data Quality (EDQ) installed.

New Features

Search Fixes

Improvements have been made to Address Verification processing when running in Search mode. The important improvements include:

  • The SimpleParse search algorithm has been improved for better handling of input addresses when constructing query statements.

  • Two new options have been added to prevent longer processing times and limit the processing where there are a large number valid contextual combinations and candidate results:
    • Record Based Timeout

      This option limits the time taken processing the list of candidate records. The value set for this option is in milliseconds. It is recommended that this is set to 3000 for effective processing with acceptable quality of results. This option should be used in combination with the ResultBaseTimeout option.

    • ResultBaseTimeout

      This option limits the time taken in processing of contextual combinations. The value set for this option is in milliseconds. It is recommended that this is set to 10000 for effective processing acceptable quality of results. This option should be used in combination with the RecordBaseTimeout option.

Other Updates

For a comprehensive list of issues resolved in this release, please visit

Data Updates

It is necessary to update both the EDQ AV software and the Loqate data packs to access the improvements in this release. Improvements to the Loqate data packs have been made for a number of countries at this release.

To download and install the latest data packs, please run the Loqate Install Manager after installation of this release and input your Loqate license key. Installation and upgrade instructions are available at:

Known Issues


1.9 Release 16.1 March 2016

This zip file contains the installers required to install the Oracle Enterprise Data Quality Address Verification Server API (EDQ AV) onto a server that already has Oracle Enterprise Data Quality (EDQ) installed.

The following are the release notes for Enterprise Data Quality Address Verification Server Release 16.1.

1.9.1 New Features

This release includes the following new features and improvements: Automatic Country Identification

The address verification and search engine now includes the ability to attempt to determine the likely country of an address if the country is not input, using other input information such as Locality, Administrative Area, Postal Code, or the character set of the data. Automatic Country Identification is not enabled by default, but can be enabled using the new EnhancedCountryTool option. SeeTable 1-1 below.

Table 1-1 New Options in Release 16.1

New Option Possible Values


ON/True – EDQ AV will attempt to determine the country (where not input) based on alternative input information

OFF/False (default) – EDQ AV will only use the input country

1.9.2 Other Updates

For a comprehensive list of issues resolved in this release, please visit

1.9.3 Data Updates

It is necessary to update both the EDQ AV software and the Loqate data packs to access the improvements in this release. Improvements to the Loqate data packs have been made for a number of countries at this release.

To download and install the latest data packs, please run the Loqate Install Manager after installation of this release and enter your Loqate license key.

Installation and upgrade instructions are available at:

If you have any problems, please contact Oracle support.

1.9.4 Known Issues


1.10 Release 15.3 October 2015

This zip file contains the installers required to install the Oracle Enterprise Data Quality Address Verification Server API (EDQ AV) onto a server that already has Oracle Enterprise Data Quality (EDQ) installed.

The following are the release notes for Enterprise Data Quality Address Verification Server Release 15.3.

1.10.1 New Features

This release includes the following new features and improvements: Duplicate Input Handling

The address parsing engine has a new feature to handle duplicate data in input addresses. Address elements that contain duplicates in input cause slower processing and complicate parsing. Duplicate input handling is not enabled by default, but can be enabled using the new DuplicateHandlingMask option. The option can be configured by enabling various levels of handling duplicate inputs. See Table 1-2. South Korea: New Postal Format

South Korea has recently changed its postal address format. The new format includes different numbering systems, thoroughfare types, and a shift from 6-digit postcodes to 5-digit postcodes. Starting with the 15.3 release, EDQ Address Verification is now compatible with the new format.

The new format is automatically included in the standard Korean data set (DSVKOR). The functionality is as follows:

  • Input addresses that are compliant with the new format will be verified and output according to the new format, including all new names and 5-digit postcodes.

  • Input addresses that are compliant with the old format will be verified and output according to the old format. However, if the address' 6-digit postcode has been replaced by a 5-digit postcode then the 5-digit postcode will be output instead.

The change in formats may cause a regression in EDQ Address Verification's ability to geocode addresses in Korea.

Table 1-2 New Options in Release 15.3

New Option Possible Values Notes


1 (Single field level). The engine will pre-process the input and remove duplicate data within a single input field.

2 (Cross field level). The engine will pre-process the input and remove duplicate data across all input fields.

4 (Tag field level). The engine will pre-process the input and remove duplicate data across the address line input fields, but not 'tagged' inputs such as Locality.

8 (Field status level). The engine will post-process the output and remove duplicate data from non-verified fields.

Since these values are non-exclusive, combinations may be enabled by adding the values. For instance, Single Field Level and Cross Field Level can be enabled by setting the DuplicateHandlingMask to 3. For best results, set the DuplicateHandlingMask to 11 which is a combination of Single Field Level, Cross Field Level, and Field Status Level.


If this option is set to TRUE or ON, unverified fields will not be output in Address fields (Address, Address1, Address2, etc.). Default option is FALSE or OFF.



If this option is set to TRUE or ON, New Search is preferred and used instead of the Old Search method when calling EDQ AV in Search mode.

If the input is nearly complete, New Search is normally more effective and the option should be set to TRUE or ON. If the input is not close to a complete address, Old Search is likely to be more effective, and the option should be set to FALSE or OFF. Default option is FALSE or OFF.

1.10.2 Other Updates

For a comprehensive list of issues resolved in this release, please visit:

1.10.3 Data Updates

It is necessary to update both the EDQ AV software and the Loqate data packs to access the improvements in this release. Improvements to the Loqate data packs have been made for a number of countries at this release.

To download and install the latest data packs, please run the Loqate Install Manager after installation of this release and input your Loqate license key.

Installation and upgrade instructions are available at:

If you have any problems, please contact Oracle Support.

1.10.4 Known Issues

Verification and correction effectiveness issues have been found at this release for addresses in Australia and South Korea, and are under investigation. Customers with addresses predominantly in these countries should consider skipping this release.

1.11 Release 15.2 May 2015

The following are the release notes for Enterprise Data Quality Address Verification Server Release 15.2.

1.11.1 New Features

This release includes the following new features and improvements: New Options

Search mode has been improved to enable the use of options to control its behavior. Search mode uses several algorithms that return results based on different criteria. From this release, new options (in the table below) are available to drive how searching for valid addresses is performed. These options and their values should be specified in the EDQ Address Verification processor's Additional Options box on the Options tab of the processor.

Table 1-3 Search Mode Options

New Option Possible Values Notes


AVC (default), Alphabetical, Similarity

AVC will sort the results by the Address Verification Code, with the 'best' results returned first.

Alphabetical will return results sorted alphabetically.

Similarity will sort the results by Similarity, with the closest matches to the input data returned first.


Yes (default), No

Specifies whether or not to use the Powersearch autocomplete indexes. These will only function if the Loqate Address Powersearch data is licensed and installed. If the Powersearch data is not installed, the algorithm will be skipped and Search will jump to the next function. The Powersearch method is faster and designed for incomplete input data.


Yes, No (default)

If set to Yes, this will stop any other Search algorithms being called.

If No, and the Powersearch data for a given country is not installed, Search will skip to conventional Search methods.


Yes (default), No

Specifies whether or not to use the like field algorithm. This option looks for an exact field match in the address field which is useful for single items such as postal codes, building names, organization names, etc.


Yes (default), No

Specifies whether or not to use the simple parse algorithm. This option looks for something like premise and street in the address input, but is not particularly tolerant of invalid input data.


Yes (default), No

Specifies whether or not to use a word-based search algorithm, similar to a web search engine approach.


0-100 (default=70)

This allows the user to set the threshold for search results to be returned. The lower the threshold, the larger the number of input characters that do not need to exist in the output result. Sample Data

Starting from this release, EDQ AV will include a sample data set with every installation, before the license and installation of complete data files for a given country, provided the Sample US Data option is ticked in the EDQ AV Installer. The sample data is a small subset of the larger US data pack and only includes reference data for Sacramento County, California. It will be installed as a folder named /data where the EDQ AV files are installed. The /data folder contains one file for the US verification reference data as well as files for the lexicons and context rules.

In order to help test the sample data, an additional sample input data file named sample.txt will also be installed where EDQ AV is installed. This file contains example addresses that are in the reference data and can be used to test correct installation. Evaluation License Expiration Enforcement

Starting with this release, EDQ AV will start enforcing the expiration date for evaluation licenses of the Loqate data packs. Once an evaluation license of the data packs expires, EDQ AV will not be able to verify addresses for the countries covered within that license. If your evaluation license has expired, please contact Loqate and request for it to be renewed. Crash Fixes

An issue was identified where an EDQ AV server running with multiple threads on SPARC or SOLARIS would sometimes crash. This has been resolved. Other Updates

For a comprehensive list of issues resolved in this release, see Data Updates

It is necessary to update both the EDQ AV software and the Loqate data packs to access the improvements in this release. Improvements to the Loqate data packs have been made for a wide range of countries at this release, and especially for China.

To download and install the latest data packs, run the Loqate Install Manager after installation of this release and input your Loqate license key.

1.11.2 Need Help?

For more information on the new features and improvements in this release, and to access complete documentation of the address verification APIs, please make sure to register at:

This website gives you full access to all technical information.

1.12 Release 15.1 February 2015

The following are the release notes for Enterprise Data Quality Address Verification Server Release 15.1.

1.12.1 New Features and Improvements in 15.1

This release includes the following new features and improvements: Faster Verification for Germany and China

In Release 14.4, we introduced a new hash index for the US. In Release 15.1, the hash index was extended to Germany and China. The hash index is built to support faster verification for addresses that match the reference data exactly. Other countries may be supported in future releases.

The hash index helps improve verification performance significantly on input that matches reference data. Improved Title Casting for All Countries

In Release 14.4, intelligent title casing was introduced for the US and Australia. This feature resulted in output having proper casing for all verified fields. This feature has been extended to all countries in Release 15.1. This includes upper-cased Roman numerals and upper-cased directional words. Premium India Data

In this release, we introduced premium data for India. Premium India data provides better verification and geocoding than regular India data.

1.13 Release 14.4 December 2014

The following are the release notes for Enterprise Data Quality Address Verification Server Release 14.4.

1.13.1 New Features and Improvements in 14.4

This release includes the following new features and improvements: Faster Verification for US

In this release, we introduced a new Hash Index for US. The hash index is built to support faster verification for addresses that match the reference data exactly. Other countries will be supported in future releases.

For example, if the input address is "999 Baker way, Ste 320, San Mateo, CA, 94404," then the hash index will be used to verify the address before using the match tool.

Hash Index helps improve verification performance significantly on input that matches reference data. Address Powersearch for Japan

Japan was one of the few countries not to receive a Powersearch data pack in our previous release. This data pack has now been compiled and will be added to our product list. Native Address Powersearch Formatting for China, Japan, and Korea

Addresses in Japan start with the postal code instead of the premise number, as is common in most other countries. Our Powersearch indexes previously required all input to Powersearch to start with a premise number in order to be auto-completed accurately.

Now Powersearch will be able to auto-complete addresses that are in native format when the input is in the respective native script. This is an ongoing effort and should extend to other countries in future releases. Improved Title Casing for the US, Australia, and Canada

Casing and capitalization can be an issue with many addresses. Users often capitalize the wrong word, or forget to capitalize the necessary ones which can make the address harder to read or process. Our GKR will now be able to assign the correct casing to addresses in the US, Australia, and Canada even in cases where the user completely neglected to do so. Improved Parsing with Phonetic Lexicon

In this release, we added phonetic lexicons to help improve the parsing and therefore improve the verification quality.

Phonetic lexicons are able to handle homonyms and spelling errors with better accuracy than our previous methods. For example, a phonetic lexicon will be able to recognize Baltamor as Baltimore by itself, rather than having to depend on hardcoded rules. This should enable the engine to correct misspellings that were not explicitly included in our GKR rules. New Server Options

This release includes the following new server options:

  • SearchAutocompleteIndexCheck: this option allows the user to control if the search process should use the Powersearch auto-complete index files. The default is ON. The option should be set to 0 or OFF to have the search process not use Powersearch auto-complete index files. The option should be set to 1 or ON for the search process to use the Powersearch auto-complete index files. This can also be used as a process option.

  • AutocompleteIndexOnly: this option allows the user to specify whether the search process should use Powersearch auto-complete index ONLY. The default is OFF. The option should be set to 0 or OFF to allow search tool to also use the parser and match tool when the auto-complete index cannot find any results. The option should be set to 1 or ON to allow the search tool to use the Powersearch auto-complete index files. This can also be used as a process option.

  • FlexiconCountryList: this option allows the user to specify a comma separated list of ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country codes for which phonetic lexicons (described above) is enabled for parsing. Default value is empty which means that the phonetic lexicons are not enabled for any country by default. New Process Options

This release includes the following new process options:

  • HashCheck: this option controls whether the Verify process will use the hash index or not. The default is ON. If the option is set to 0 or OFF, then the Verify Process will not use the Hash Index during verification.

1.13.2 General Suggestions and Tips

For the best results, install this release as soon as your application development cycle allows it. This release makes improvements in both the throughput of the verification process and the quality of the results.

Remember to update both the program files and the reference data. The improvements in the Loqate Engine are tied to the data in the Global Knowledge Repository and the combination works better. If you cannot update both in your application, contact support prior to upgrading so we can help you.

1.14 Release 14.3 September 2014

The following are the release notes for Enterprise Data Quality Address Verification Server Release 14.3.

1.14.1 New Features and Improvements in 14.3

This release includes the following new features and improvements: Address Powersearch™ Improvements

The new Address Powersearch™ functionality has been expanded to cover most countries worldwide. It provides faster, more accurate address capture and verification to improve customer service and reduce the costs associated with inaccurate address data. Note that the Powersearch feature requires the purchase of additional data files from Loqate.

Here is an overview of how Address Powersearch works. When you call Address Verification using the Search option from EDQ, the Address Verification Engine will first look for the corresponding auto-complete index in the Powersearch data files. If present, the method will attempt to return a list of candidate addresses instantly. If the index is not present, or if the index does not return any results, the older search process will be triggered.

Auto-complete indexes use only the first 10 characters to search within the US data set. The other supported countries use up to 15 characters to search. Address Powersearch will return the best information currently available. Some countries¿ data packs might not have addresses more precise than the street or locality levels. In those countries, Address Powersearch will accept the street or city name as input, and return the complete name with any additional information available.

Address Powersearch now covers all countries in the world except for India, Japan, Botswana, Ethiopia, San Marino, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Malaysia, Mongolia, and Kazakhstan.

Auto-complex index files can be downloaded via the Loqate Install Manager. Note that you will likely need to upgrade your license in order to be granted access to the Powersearch data for the countries you require.

It is important to note that the results returned can only be as comprehensive as the underlying reference data available for a country. Please consult the Data Coverage documentation to see the level of coverage in any countries of interest: Improved Handling of Incorrectly Formatted Input Queries During Search

In the 2014Q2.0 release, we introduced improved parsing and spelling correction to the Verify option. This functionality has now been added to the Search option, providing better results where input is not recognizable as a standard address structure. For example, in the string `san francisco 300 berry usa', the order of the address elements is incorrect. The additional capability here will now provide more accurate results.

The parsing recognition has also been improved to handle compressed data, common in database systems with limited field lengths (for example, `SANFRANCISCO' instead of `SAN FRANCISCO'). Improved Alias Handling During Search

In this release, Search is better able to handle partial input with non-postal standard aliases. For instance, `1303 Nerine Circle' or `2100 W Point Avenue' in the US – the postal standards are Cir and Ave respectively, but now Search is able to provide better results in these situations with partial input.

The improved handling of incorrectly formatted input queries and improved alias handling during Search are controlled by the CombinedSearchMethods option. This option is set to YES (or ON or TRUE or 1) by default and will improve the quality of results.

There are also a wide range of Reference Data improvements in the compatible 2014Q3.0 data files from Loqate.

1.14.2 General Suggestions and Tips

Please remember to update both the program files (available in this zip file) and the global knowledge repository data files, available from Loqate. This release requires data files at version 2014Q2.0 or later. The improvements in the engine are tied to the data in the Global Knowledge Repository and the combination works better. If a reason exists in your application that both cannot be updated, please contact Oracle Support prior to upgrading so we can help you.

1.15 Release 14.2 May 2014

The following are the release notes for Enterprise Data Quality Address Verification Server Release 14.2.

1.15.1 New Features and Improvements in 14.2

This release includes the following new features and improvements:

  • New Address Powersearch™ : Instant single line search results for 29 countries. Note: This feature requires the purchase of additional data files from Loqate.

  • Flexible spelling correction during verification.

  • Improved geocoding for Brazil.

  • Performance improvements for better throughput in batch processing.

There are also a wide range of Reference Data improvements in the compatible 2014Q2.0 data files from Loqate.

1.15.2 Known Issues

This release will not work correctly with versions of EDQ prior to 9.0.10 or If EDQ AV is installed on a server running EDQ or 9.0.9 (for example), the Address Verification processor will fail to load, and there will be an error in the log file stating that the version is incompatible. This is due to bug 18139586 in EDQ that has been fixed in EDQ and 9.0.10.

1.16 Release 14.1 March 2014

The following is release information for Enterprise Data Quality Address Verification Server Release 14.1.

1.16.1 New Features and Improvements in 14.1

This release includes the following new features and improvements:

  • Point-level geocoding for USA, Brazil, and Bosnia and Herzegovina

  • Geocoding improvements; new MaximumGeoDistance and MinimumGeoAccuracy options

  • New ReturnDataType and SuppressMatchFields options that provide more flexibility on Search and Verify modes respectively

  • Improved Reference Data for New Zealand, Australia, Canada, and US

  • Parsing improvements for Brazil, Canada, and US

  • Transliteration improvements

1.16.2 Known Issues and Workarounds

The following are known issues and any workarounds in this release:

On 32-bit environments with more than 1024 MB of memory allocated to the EDQ Application Server's Java heap, a process with more than one instance of the Address Verification processor may attempt to use more memory than is available causing the application server to crash.

Extensive testing has not revealed this issue on any 64-bit environments, nor with any processes featuring a single instance of the Address Verification processor.

To be certain that you avoid this issue, Oracle recommends that you always run EDQ in 64-bit environments with sufficient memory to support both it and the additional Address Verification Server. For detailed requirements, contact Oracle support.

1.17 Related Documents

For more information, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware documentation library.

1.18 Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.