Oracle® Enterprise Data Quality

Release Notes

12c (


October 2016

This document contains release information for Oracle Enterprise Data Quality (EDQ) 12c ( and includes the following:

Oracle recommends you review this document before installing or working with the product.

1 New Features and Improvements

This section describes new features introduced in this release, as well as improvements.

1.1 Extended Array and Multiple Attribute Support

This release offers more support for Arrays and Multiple Attributes in EDQ processors, such as Extract Values, Trim Characters, Data Type Check, and others. New processors are added to work with arrays, such as Add Number Attribute Array, Concatenate Arrays, Sort Array, and others.

Additionally, support for options being passed in as attributes to some processors is new in this release.

For more information, see Oracle Enterprise Data Quality Online Help.

1.2 Support for Array Attributes in EDQ Matching

This feature enables you to use array attributes as inputs in EDQ matching, and defines its behavior for comparisons on array attributes.

For more information, see Configuring EDQ Case Management in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle Enterprise Data Quality.

See also Oracle Enterprise Data Quality Online Help.

1.3 EDQ Configuration API

EDQ now provides a set of REST web services that can be used to perform various configuration tasks, such as creating simple projects, snapshots, and processes, and for running and cancelling jobs.

For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Integrating Enterprise Data Quality with External Systems.

1.4 Customer Data Services

This release includes new real-time business data services in the EDQ-CDS library. These services can be used to validate, standardize, and enhance customer data, and can work on logical identifiers such as name and e-mail address.

For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Customer Data Services Pack Guide for Enterprise Data Quality.

1.5 Case Management

This release supports additional Extended Attributes, from a maximum of 16 to a maximum of 32.

Reporting aggregation is now an optional feature in Case Management.

For more information, see Using the EDQ Configuration API in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle Enterprise Data Quality.

1.6 Java Security Manager

In this release the Java security manager is enabled automatically. The EDQ processor security level is set to off for compatibility with earlier releases, so that processors run with no security checks. To enable enhanced processor security, for example, for scripts, set the level accordingly. For more information, see:

2 Deprecation Notice

Rhino (the JavaScript Engine) was deprecated in release, and will be removed in the next major release of EDQ. Custom scripts that use the E4X functionality of Rhino (which is often used to construct XML), for example to call an external web service, should if possible be rewritten after upgrade to EDQ

3 Issues Resolved

This section describes issues resolved in this release.

Table 1 Issues Resolved

Issue Notes

Case management reports with aggregations are not consistent with the drilldowns

Issues of consistency and overlap in some reports were noted. These issues have been fixed in this release.

Event log 'EventId' column removal can cause EDQ 9.0 upgrade issue

Users of version 9 of EDQ may have selected all event log columns (including EventId) for display and saved this selection.

EventId is no longer used, and users of previous releases reported that trying to load an event log that contains the extra saved column caused the application to shut down.

That condition has been fixed in this release.

Client/Server Timezone issues when using filters in Case Management

Conflicting time stamps (server versus client) have been resolved.

Unable to open 'Extract Building Identifier' parser in CDS Standardize Address

Loading symbol data was causing Director to run slowly in some circumstances. The issue has been resolved.

Vertical Data view in Case Management not appearing

An issue preventing proper display of Alerts in the vertical view was fixed in this release.

Incorrect key generation export name in CDS run profile

An incorrect key generation export name was discovered and fixed in this release.

IndexOutOfBoundsException error on job email icon with duplicate user display names

Duplicate display names were causing an error to be displayed when users clicked the job email icon. The issue has been resolved in this release, and job notification emails are generated without error.

WebService publishing fails if HTTPS is enabled but HTTP is disabled

An error occurred when EDQ's managed server was configured so that the main listen port was disabled but the SSL listen port was enabled. This issue has been resolved in this release.

Re-enable On-line Help for non-English languages

In a previous release, the online Help was available only in the English language. It is available in 10 languages (including English) in this release.

Match options for data-only from contributing comparisons are not saved

It was discovered that the match options for Data from only contributing comparisons and Data from only contributing compound comparisons were not being saved. It has been corrected in this release.

Download task does not support HTTPS through a proxy server

Using an HTTPS URL in the download task was causing an error when the task passed through a proxy. This issue has been resolved in this release.

Flag Key changes not reflected during Case Source import

An issue was reported in which Flag Key changes were not visible after import. The issue was resolved in this release.

Match cluster limit warnings rendered incorrectly in HTML job log report

An issue in which Match cluster limit warnings were being incorrectly rendered in the Event Log Job Messages HTML output has been corrected in this release.

Correct error status not returned when running runjob

Error status was not correctly reported (no error returned) when running runjob. This issue has been fixed and errors are now reported correctly.

E-mail notification does not support SMTP authentication

An issue was reported in which the email notification function did not work when an SMTP server requiring authentication was used. The defect has been addressed, and notifications are working properly in this release.

File uploads do not work with built-in SFTP server

When connecting to the internal SFTP server, file uploads were returning an error (Couldn't get handle). The issue has been fixed in this release.

Length of keys generated in batch can exceed staging table column size

An issue was reported (in Customer Data Services Pack) in which errors occurred when the length of keys generated by EDQ exceeded the width of the table column. The keys are now truncated to address this issue.

Case Management Reports use all values that exist, rather than those in filter

Case Management Reports were erroneously including placeholders (rows/columns) for values not called for in the filter, in addition to the data called for in the filter. This issue has been fixed in this release.

Case Management temp files not deleted until server restart

Temp files were previously being retained until the server was restarted, at which time the temp files were deleted. The application has been updated so that the temp files are cleared when the application is closed.

Issue email notifications do not work if an LDAP userdisplayname is configured

The presence of userdisplayname was interfering with issue email notification. The issue has been resolved, and the presence of userdisplayname does not cause any problems.

Job email notifications do not work if an LDAP userdisplayname is configured

The presence of userdisplayname was interfering with job email notification. The issue has been resolved, and the presence of userdisplayname does not cause any problems.

Excel exports from Case Management reports with aggregations contain <nobr> tags

<nobr> and </nobr> tags were appearing in some Case Management reports exported to Microsoft Excel. This issue has been resolved.

One-way web service returns 'unresolvable error' with webservice tester

When testing a one-way web service using the webservice tester, an error message appeared (unresolvable error). This release includes the fix to this issue.

Configuration Analysis generates a null pointer exception when comparing jobs

An issue was reported in which users received null pointer exceptions when using Configuration Analysis when comparing jobs. This release addresses the issue and it is no longer observed.

Case Management 'State Changed By' filter on user Display Name does not work

When creating a filter using State Changed By, users can now filter users based on their Display Name.

Lucene index update is not committed for user updates of individual cases

Users reported not being able to search on attributes updated in Cases or Alerts until a re-index was performed. Functionality was updated to enable searching on updated attributes without having to re-index.

Option to log Case Management report requests for debug purposes

To provide additional debug logging of all user Case Management report requests:

  1. Access the following new EDQ mbean in JConsole on a running EDQ server:

    edq | Logging | Case Management Filter Execution

  2. Invoke the setLevel operation with a value of FINE.

    Whilst not recommended, this setting can be made permanent by adding the following line to and restarting EDQ: = fine

Prevent running of very large Case Management reports to avoid memory problems

By default, attempts to run Case Management reports in which either axis contains more than 1000 entries will be rejected, and an error message displayed. The size of this limit is configurable, and can be set using the following new parameter in, for example to change it to 5000:

casemanager.maxReportWidth = 5000

Some CM reports with a date field with a week granularity will never finish

An issue has been reported in which running CM reports with a granularity of week caused looping that would not allow the report to be completed. This issue has been resolved in this release.

4 Known Issues and Workarounds

This section details known issues in this release, and their workarounds.

4.1 Opening Server Package File in Apple OSX Causes Error

An issue has been reported in which a user right-clicked on the Server node in the Project Browser (in Director) to open a Server Package file, and received a null pointer exception. This issue is being addressed. In the meantime, opening Server Package file can still be accomplished in the following ways:

  • File > Open Package File. Then navigate to the Dxi file containing project elements and import the file. This can then be copied into the Project Browser.


  • Drag and drop.

4.2 EDQ Fails to Deploy with Tomcat Version 8

An issue has been reported where EDQ fails to deploy with Tomcat 8.0.35. It is recommended to use an earlier version of Tomcat.

There is a workaround available if EDQ is deployed with Tomcat 8.0.35, do the following:

  • Edit and add jsp-el-api.jar, oracle.xdb.jar to tomcat.util.scan.StandardJarScanFilter.jars.

5 Upgrade Considerations

This section details major considerations for upgrading to 12c (

5.1 Upgrades in an Oracle WebLogic Server Environment

  • Read Planning an Upgrade of Oracle Fusion Middleware for guidelines for preparing to upgrade to Oracle Fusion Middleware 12c ( This documentation also includes descriptions of terminology changes that you must understand to move forward to a 12c environment.

  • If your current EDQ version is or later and was installed with Oracle Universal Installer (OUI), you can use the Upgrade Assistant to upgrade your installation directly to 12c (

  • All EDQ components must be shut down and remain stopped until you are prompted to start them at the end of these upgrade instructions. The WebLogic Server console must remain running until you are prompted to shut it down during the upgrade procedure.

For all upgrade scenarios, see ”Upgrading EDQ On WebLogic Servers” in Oracle Fusion Middleware Installing and Configuring Enterprise Data Quality.

5.2 Upgrades in an Apache Tomcat Environment

You can perform a direct upgrade to version 12c of EDQ only from Tomcat version 8. If you are running Tomcat 6, you must upgrade Tomcat to version 7 before proceeding with the EDQ upgrade. See the Apache Tomcat documentation at

To upgrade to 12c (, see ”Upgrading EDQ On Tomcat Servers” in Oracle Fusion Middleware Installing and Configuring Enterprise Data Quality.

6 Related Documents

For more information about EDQ, see the following documents in the Oracle Enterprise Data Quality documentation set.

EDQ Documentation Library

The following publications are provided to help you install and use EDQ:

Find the latest version of these guides and all of the Oracle product documentation at

Online Help

Online help is provided for all Oracle Enterprise Data Quality user applications. It is accessed in each application by pressing the F1 key or by clicking the Help icons. The main nodes in the Director project browser have integrated links to help pages. To access them, either select a node and then press F1, or right-click on an object in the Project Browser and then select Help. The EDQ processors in the Director Tool Palette have integrated help topics, as well. To access them, right-click on a processor on the canvas and then select Processor Help, or left-click on a processor on the canvas or tool palette and then press F1.

7 Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Oracle Enterprise Data Quality Release Notes, 12c (


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