5 Predefined Server Application Functions and Filters in obj.conf

This chapter describes the predefined server application functions (SAFs) and filters that are used in the obj.conf file. For details about the syntax and use of the obj.conf file, see Syntax and Use of obj.conf.

Each SAF has its own parameters that are passed to it by an obj.conf directive. SAFs can examine, modify, or create server variables. Each SAF returns a result code that indicates whether it has succeeded, did nothing, or has failed.

The SAFs in this chapter are grouped by the type of directive that calls them. For an alphabetical list of predefined SAFs and server configuration elements, see Alphabetical List of Server Configuration Elements and Predefined SAFs.

This chapter includes the following topics:

The bucket Parameter

The bucket parameter is common to all SAFs. You can measure the performance of any SAF in the obj.conf file by adding a bucket=bucket-name parameter to the function, for example, bucket="cache-bucket". The bucket statistics are displayed by the perfdump utility, which can be set up through the Administrator Console, CLI, or through the service-dump SAF.

The following performance buckets are predefined:

  • The default-bucket records statistics for the functions not associated with any user-defined or built-in bucket.

  • The all-requests bucket records perfdump statistics for all NSAPI SAFs, including those in the default-bucket.


The Authtrans directive instructs Oracle Traffic Director to check for authorization before allowing a client to access resources. See AuthTrans.

The following AuthTrans-class functions are described in detail in this section:

In addition, the following common SAFs are valid for the AuthTrans directive:


The get-sslid function retrieves a string that is unique to the current SSL session and stores it as the ssl-id variable in the Session->client parameter block.


This function is provided for backward compatibility. The functionality of get-sslid was incorporated into the standard processing of an SSL connection.

If the variable ssl-id is present when a CGI is invoked, it is passed to the CGI as the HTTPS_SESSIONID environment variable. The get-sslid function has no parameters and always returns REQ_NOACTION. It has no effect if SSL is not enabled.


The qos-handler function examines the current quality of service (QoS) statistics for a virtual server, logs the statistics, and enforces the QoS parameters by returning an error. This function must be the first AuthTrans function configured in the default object.


AuthTrans fn= "qos-handler"

Related Topics


The webapp-firewall function controls the enabling and disabling of the rule engine. If this function is present in a virtual server specific obj.conf, it indicates that the rule engine is enabled for that particular virtual server.

The webapp-firewall function is not configured by default and hence, the rule engine is not enabled. If the rule engine is not enabled, neither the directives nor the rules within the configuration files, specified by webapp-firewall-ruleset element, are applied.


  • If the directive SecRuleEngine is specified within the configuration file(s) specified by the webapp-firewall-ruleset element, then it will be ignored. However, this condition is not applicable if SecRuleEngine is set to DetectionOnly mode.

  • If there are other SAFs that could return REQ_PROCEED, then the SAF webapp-firewall must be on top of the list. If this is not the case, the execution of webapp-firewall might get skipped.

  • For information about various web application firewall use cases, see the appendix, Web Application Firewall Examples and Use Cases in the Oracle Traffic Director Administrator's Guide.

Table 5-1 describes parameters for the webapp-firewall function. These parameters take precedence over the equivalent settings specified within the webapp-firewall-ruleset element.

Table 5-1 webapp-firewall Parameters

Parameter Equivalent setting within webapp-firewall-ruleset Description



(optional) Indicates whether the rule engine should enforce the rules or not.

The value true indicates that the directives should be evaluated but the result of the evaluation should not be enforced. This is equivalent to setting the SecRuleEngine directive to DetectionOnly. The value false indicates that the rules should be enforced.

If this parameter is not specified and if SecRuleEngine is set to DetectionOnly mode (in the configuration file specified by webapp-firewall-ruleset), then the behavior is the same as setting detect-only to true.



(Optional) Indicates whether request bodies are processed by web application firewall. When the body-buffer-size parameter in server.xml is configured to be a positive value, Oracle Traffic Director buffers the request body in memory, up to the limit defined by body-buffer-size parameter. This parameter dictates whether web application firewall accesses the buffered request body.The value on indicates that request bodies will be processed. The value off indicates that response bodies will not be processed.The default value is set by the SecRequestBodyAccess directive (if any) in the configuration files specified by the webapp-firewall-ruleset element. If the SecRequestBodyAccess directive is not present, the value is off.



(Optional) Indicates whether response bodies are buffered and processed by web application firewall. When response body processing is enabled, the server buffers the entire response body in memory, up to the limit defined by the SecResponseBodyLimit directive (if any) in configuration files specified by the webapp-firewall-ruleset element. If the SecResponseBodyLimit directive is not present, the value is 524288 (512 KB).The value on indicates that response bodies will be processed. The value off indicates that response bodies will not be processed.The default value is set by the SecResponseBodyAccess directive (if any) in the configuration files specified by the webapp-firewall-ruleset directive. If the SecResponseBodyAccess directive is not present, the value is off.


The NameTrans directive translates virtual URLs to physical directories on your server. The NameTrans directive must appear in the default object. See NameTrans.

The following NameTrans-class functions are described in detail in this section:

In addition, the following common SAFs are also valid for the NameTrans directive:


The assign-name function specifies the name of an object in the obj.conf file that matches the current request. Oracle Traffic Director processes the directives in the named object in preference to those in the default object.

For example, given the following directive in the default object:

NameTrans fn="assign-name" name="personnel" from="/personnel"

Assume that Oracle Traffic Director receives a request for http://server-name/personnel. After processing this NameTrans directive, Oracle Traffic Director searches for an object named personnel in the obj.conf file and continues by processing the directives in the personnel object.

The assign-name function returns REQ_NOACTION.

Table 5-2 describes parameters for the assign-name function.

Table 5-2 assign-name Parameters

Parameter Description


(Optional) Wildcard pattern that specifies the path to be affected. If you do not specify the from parameter, all paths are affected.


Specifies an additional named object in the obj.conf file whose directives are applied to this request.


(Optional) Instructs Oracle Traffic Director to look for the PATHINFO forward in the path right after the ntrans-base, instead of backward from the end of path as Oracle Traffic Director function assign-name does by default.

The find-pathinfo-forward parameter is ignored if the ntrans-base parameter is not set in rq->vars. By default, ntrans-base is set.

This feature can improve performance for certain URLs by reducing the number of statistics performed.


(Optional) Prevents Oracle Traffic Director from performing a stat on a specified URL.

The effect of nostat="virtual-path" in the NameTrans function assign-name is that Oracle Traffic Director assumes that a stat on the specified virtual-path will fail. Therefore, use nostat only when the path of the virtual-path does not exist on the system. For example, use nostat for NSAPI plug-in URLs to improve performance by avoiding unnecessary stats on those URLs.

When the default PathCheck server functions are used, Oracle Traffic Director does not stat for the paths /ntrans-base/virtual-path and /ntrans-base/virtual-path/* if ntrans-base is set (the default condition). It does not stat for the URLs /virtual-path and /virtual-path/* if ntrans-base is not set.


# This NameTrans directive is in the default object.
NameTrans fn="assign-name" name="proxy-cache" from="/.proxycache"
<Object name="proxy-cache">
...additional directives..


The block-request-cookie needs one parameter, "name". This new SAF is introduced to block request cookies by its name.

Table 5-4 describes the parameters for the block-request-cookie function.

Table 5-3 block-request-cookie Parameter

Parameter Description


(Optional) Specifies an additional named object in the obj.conf file. The directives of the named object are applied to this request.


The map function maps a request URI to a URL on another server, enabling you to specify that a request should be serviced by another server. To load balance a given URI across multiple servers, use the map function in conjunction with the set-origin-server function. The map function looks for a certain prefix in the URI that the client is requesting. If map finds the prefix, it replaces the prefix with the mirror site prefix.

Table 5-4 describes the parameters for the map function.

Table 5-4 map Parameters

Parameter Description


The URI prefix to map. The prefix must not contain trailing slashes.


The URL prefix to which the request should be mapped. The prefix must not contain trailing slashes. The Host and Port values specified in this parameter are silently ignored.


(Optional) Specifies an additional named object in the obj.conf file. The directives of the named object are applied to this request.


(Optional) Indicates whether the Host HTTP request header is rewritten to match the host specified by the to parameter. In a reverse proxy configuration where the proxy server and origin server service the same set of virtual servers, you can specify rewrite-host="false". Default value: true. It indicates that the Host HTTP request header is rewritten.


NameTrans fn="map" from="/" name="reverse-proxy" to="/"


The reverse-map function rewrites the HTTP response headers when Oracle Traffic Director is functioning as a reverse proxy. reverse-map looks for the URL prefix specified by the from parameter in certain response headers. If the from prefix matches the beginning of the response header value, reverse-map replaces the matching portion with the to prefix.

Table 5-5 describes the parameters for the reverse-map function.

Table 5-5 reverse-map Parameters

Parameter Description


URL prefix to be rewritten.


URL prefix that will be substituted in place of the from prefix.


(Optional) Indicates whether the location HTTP response header is rewritten. Default value: true (the location header is rewritten).


(Optional) Indicates whether the Content-Location HTTP response header is rewritten. Default value: true (the Content-Location header is rewritten).


(Optional) Indicates whether the headername HTTP response header is rewritten, where headername is a user-defined header name. With the exception of the Location and Content-Location headers. Default value: false (the headername header is not rewritten).


NameTrans fn="reverse-map" from="http://download.oracle.com/app/docs" to="/docs"

Related Topics


The rewrite function allows flexible mappings between URIs and file system paths.

The following table describes parameters for the rewrite function.

Table 5-6 rewrite Parameters

Parameter Description


(Optional) Wildcard pattern that specifies the path of requests that should be rewritten. The default is to match all paths.


(Optional) File system path to the effective root document directory.


(Optional) Name of an object in obj.conf whose directives will be applied to this request.


(Optional) Rewritten partial path. If non-empty, the path must begin with a slash (/).


The following obj.conf code maps requests for the URI /~user/index.html to the file system path /home/user/public_html/index.html:

<If $path =~ "^/~([^/]+)(|/.*)$">
NameTrans fn="rewrite"

Related Topics


The sed-request-header rewrites a request header and it needs two parameters, "name" and "sed".

The following table describes parameters for the sed-request-header function.

Table 5-7 sed-request-header Parameters

Parameter Description


Header name for the specified variable.


sed expression value for the specified variable.


Rewrite the value of a specified request header NameTrans fn="sed-request=header" name="x-someheader" sed="s/abcd/123/g"


The strip-params function removes the embedded semicolon-delimited parameters from the path. For example, a URI of /dir1;param1/dir2 would become a path of /dir1/dir2. When used, the strip-params function should be the first NameTrans directive listed.


NameTrans fn="strip-params"


The PathCheck directive checks the URL that is returned after the NameTrans step to verify that the client is allowed to access the specified origin server. For more information, see PathCheck.

The following PathCheck-class functions are described in detail in this section:

In addition, the following common SAFs are valid for the PathCheck directive:


The check-request-limits function monitors incoming requests that match a given attribute (for example, client IP address) and computes an average requests per second on a configurable time interval. When requests that match the monitored attribute exceed a threshold that you configure, subsequent matching requests are not serviced until the request rate drops. Use this function to detect possible denial-of-service attacks.

You must specify either max-rps or max-connections, otherwise check-request-limits does nothing. If you do not enter an attribute or attributes to monitor, the function monitors all requests.

By default, the function keeps entries on requests for 300 seconds (5 minutes) before purging them. To adjust this time, use the init-request-limits SAF in the magnus.conf file.

Table 5-8 describes the parameters for the check-request-limits function.

Table 5-8 check-request-limits Parameters

Parameter Description


(Optional) Threshold for matching requests per second. If this threshold is exceeded subsequent connections matching the criteria are not serviced. Because an acceptable threshold value can vary widely between sites, there is no default value for this parameter.


(Optional) Maximum number of concurrent matching connections. If Oracle Traffic Director receives a request that matches the criteria while the number of matching requests currently being processed meets or exceeds this number, the request is denied.

Note that this number is the current requests at any time, and is independent of the interval parameter. As soon as the number of concurrent requests falls below this limit, new matching requests are processed.

Because an acceptable value can vary widely between sites, there is no default value for this parameter.


(Optional) Time interval in seconds during which average requests per second is computed. The max-rps limit is not applied until the next request rate computation. Because potential attackers can have unlimited requests serviced during this interval, balance the length of this interval against the performance cost of recomputing the maximum requests per second. Default value: 30 seconds.


(Optional) The condition that must be met in order for a blocked request type to become available again for servicing.

Valid values are:

  • silence - Refused requests must fall to zero in a subsequent interval for service to resume.

  • threshold - Refused requests must fall below the max-rps value for service to resume.

Default value: threshold.


(Optional) The HTTP status code to use for blocked requests. Default value: 503 (the Service Unavailable error).


(Optional) A request attribute to monitor. Request rates are tracked in a bucket named by the value of this parameter. If the monitor parameter is not specified, the matching requests are tracked in an unnamed (anonymous) bucket. Note that these buckets differ from the buckets you specify with the standard obj.conf bucket parameter.

Although the value of the monitor parameter can be a fixed string, it is most useful when you use predefined variables, for example, monitor="$ip". You can also specify multiple variables, separated by a colon, for example, monitor="$ip:$uri".

For a list of predefined variables, see Predefined Variables.


The following example limits a client IP to a maximum request rate of 10 requests per second in the default interval of 30 seconds:

PathCheck fn="check-request-limit" monitor="$ip" max-rps="10"

The following example limits a client IP to a maximum request rate of 10 requests per second when accessing any Perl CGIs. Other types of requests are unlimited:

<If path = "*.pl">
PathCheck fn="check-request-limits" monitor="$ip" max-rps="10"

For more information on using the If tag, see If, ElseIf, and Else.

The following example limits requests globally for Perl CGIs to 10 requests per second. No specific monitor parameter is specified:

<If path = "*.pl">
PathCheck fn="check-request-limits" max-rps="10"

The following example limits a client IP from generating more than 10 Perl CGI requests per second, or 5 JSP requests per second. To track the Perl and JSP totals separately, the specified monitor parameters contain both a fixed string identifier and the client IP variable:

<If path = "*.pl">
PathCheck fn="check-request-limits" max-rps="10" monitor="perl:$ip"
<If path = "*.jsp">
PathCheck fn="check-request-limits" max-rps="5" monitor="jsp:$ip"

The following example limits any one client IP to no more than 5 connections at a given time:

PathCheck fn="check-request-limits" max-connections="2" monitor="$ip"


The deny-existence function sends a 404 Not Found message when a client tries to access a specified path.

Table 5-9 describes parameters for the deny-existence function.

Table 5-9 deny-existence Parameters

Parameter Description


(Optional) Wildcard pattern of the file system path to hide. If the path does not match, the function does nothing and returns REQ_NOACTION. If the path is not provided, it is assumed to match.


(Optional) Specifies a file to send rather than responding with the 404 Not Found message. The value is a full file system path.


PathCheck fn="deny-existence" path="/opt/oracle/webserver7/docs/private"

PathCheck fn="deny-existence" bong-file="/svr/msg/go-away.html"


The get-client-cert function gets the authenticated client certificate from the SSL3 session. It can apply to all HTTP methods, or only to those that match a specified pattern. It only works when SSL is enabled on Oracle Traffic Director.

If the certificate is present or obtained from the SSL3 session, the function returns REQ_NOACTION and allows the request to proceed. Otherwise, it returns REQ_ABORTED and sets the protocol status to 403 forbidden, causing the request to fail.

The following table describes parameters for the get-client-cert function.

Table 5-10 get-client-cert Parameters

Parameter Description


(Optional) Controls whether to get the certificate, or just test for its presence.

  • 1 tells the function to redo the SSL3 handshake to get a client certificate, if Oracle Traffic Director does not already have the client certificate. This typically causes the client to present a dialog box to the user to select a client certificate. Oracle Traffic Director might already have the client certificate if it was requested on the initial handshake, or if a cached SSL session has been resumed.

  • 0 tells the function not to redo the SSL3 handshake if Oracle Traffic Director does not already have the client certificate.

    If a certificate is obtained from the client and verified successfully by Oracle Traffic Director, the ASCII base 64 encoding of the DER-encoded X.509 certificate is placed in the parameter auth-cert in the Request->vars pblock, and the function returns REQ_PROCEED, allowing the request to proceed.

Default value: 0.


(Optional) Controls whether failure to get a client certificate aborts the HTTP request.

  • 1 tells the function to abort the HTTP request if the client certificate is not present after dorequest is handled. In this case, the HTTP status is set to PROTOCOL_FORBIDDEN, and the function returns REQ_ABORTED.

  • 0 tells the function to return REQ_NOACTION if the client certificate is not present after dorequest is handled.

Default value: 1.


(Optional) Specifies a wildcard pattern for the HTTP methods for which the function will be applied. If method is absent, the function is applied to all requests.


# Get the client certificate from the session. 
# If a certificate is not already associated with the session, request one.
# The request fails if the client does not present a 
#valid certificate.
PathCheck fn="get-client-cert" dorequest="1"


(Windows only) The nt-uri-clean function denies access to any resource whose physical path contains \.\, \..\ or \\ (these are potential security problems).

Table 5-11 describes the parameters for the nt-uri-clean function.

Table 5-11 nt-uri-clean Parameters

Parameter Description


(Optional) If present, allows tilde (~) characters in URIs. This is a potential security risk on the Windows platform, where, for example, longfi~1.htm might reference longfilename.htm but does not go through the proper ACL checking. If present, "//" sequences are allowed.


(Optional) If present, /./ sequences are allowed.


PathCheck fn="nt-uri-clean"

Related Topics


The ssl-logout function invalidates the current SSL session in Oracle Traffic Director's SSL session cache. This does not affect the current request, but the next time that the client connects, a new SSL session is created. If SSL is enabled, this function returns REQ_PROCEED after invalidating the session cache entry. If SSL is not enabled, it returns REQ_NOACTION.


(UNIX only) The unix-uri-clean function denies access to any resource whose physical path contains /./ or /../ or // (these are potential security problems).

The following table describes parameters for the unix-uri-clean function.

Table 5-12 unix-uri-clean Parameters

Parameter Description


If present, /./ sequences are allowed.


PathCheck fn="unix-uri-clean"

Related Topics


The ObjectType directives determine the MIME type of the file that has to be sent to the client in response to a request. See ObjectType.

The following ObjectType-class functions are described in detail in this section:

In addition, the following common SAFs are valid for the ObjectType directive:


The block-auth-cert function instructs Oracle Traffic Director to not generate and forward its own Proxy-auth-cert header to the origin server. In addition, if the incoming request contains this header, then the SAF will allow Oracle Traffic Director to pass-through the incoming request containing this header to the origin server.


ObjectType fn="block-auth-cert"

Related Topics


The block-cache-info function instructs Oracle Traffic Director to not generate and forward its own Proxy-cache-info header to the origin server. In addition, if the incoming request contains this header, the SAF allows Oracle Traffic Director to pass-through the incoming request containing this header to the origin server.


ObjectType fn="block-cache-info"

Related Topics


The block-cipher function instructs Oracle Traffic Director to not generate and forward its own Proxy-cipher header to the origin server. In addition, if the incoming request contains this header, the SAF allows Oracle Traffic Director to pass-through the incoming request containing this header to the origin server.


ObjectType fn="block-cipher"

Related Topics


The block-ip function instructs Oracle Traffic Director to not generate and forward its own Client-ip header (or Wl-proxy-client-ip header for WebLogic Server) to the origin server. In addition, if the incoming request contains this header, the SAF allows Oracle Traffic Director to pass-through the incoming request containing this header to the origin server.


ObjectType fn="block-ip"

Related Topics


The block-issuer-dn function instructs Oracle Traffic Director to not generate and forward its own Proxy-issuer-dn header to the origin server. In addition, if the incoming request contains this header, the SAF allows Oracle Traffic Director to pass-through the incoming request containing this header to the origin server.


ObjectType fn="block-issuer-dn"

Related Topics


The block-jroute function instructs Oracle Traffic Director to not generate and forward its own Proxy-jroute header to the origin server. In addition, if the incoming request contains this header, the SAF allows Oracle Traffic Director to pass-through the incoming request containing this header to the origin server.


ObjectType fn="block-jroute"

Related Topics


The block-keysize function instructs Oracle Traffic Director to not generate and forward its own Proxy-keysize header (or Wl-proxy-client-keysize header for WebLogic Server) to the origin server. In addition, if the incoming request contains this header, then the SAF will allow Oracle Traffic Director to pass-through the incoming request containing this header to the origin server.


ObjectType fn="block-keysize"

Related Topics


The block-proxy-agent function instructs Oracle Traffic Director to not generate and forward its own Proxy-agent header to the origin server. In addition, if the incoming request contains this header, the SAF allows Oracle Traffic Director to pass-through the incoming request containing this header to the origin server.


ObjectType fn="block-proxy-agent"

Related Topics


The block-secret-keysize function instructs Oracle Traffic Director to not generate and forward its own Proxy-secret-keysize header (or Wl-proxy-client-secretkeysize header for WebLogic Server) to the origin server. In addition, if the incoming request contains this header, the SAF allows Oracle Traffic Director to pass-through the incoming request containing this header to the origin server.


ObjectType fn="block-secret-keysize"

Related Topics


The block-ssl function instructs Oracle Traffic Director to not generate and forward its own Proxy-ssl header (or Wl-proxy-ssl header for WebLogic Server) to the origin server. In addition, if the incoming request contains this header, the SAF allows Oracle Traffic Director to pass-through the incoming request containing this header to the origin server.


ObjectType fn="block-ssl"

Related Topics


The block-ssl-id function instructs Oracle Traffic Director to not generate and forward its own Proxy-ssl-id header to the origin server. In addition, if the incoming request contains this header, the SAF allows Oracle Traffic Director to pass-through the incoming request containing this header to the origin server.


ObjectType fn="block-ssl-id"

Related Topics


The block-user-dn function instructs Oracle Traffic Director to not generate and forward its own Proxy-user-dn header to the origin server. In addition, if the incoming request contains this header, the SAF allows Oracle Traffic Director to pass-through the incoming request containing this header to the origin server.


ObjectType fn="block-user-dn"

Related Topics


The block-via function instructs Oracle Traffic Director to not generate and forward its own Via header to the origin server. In addition, if the incoming request contains this header, the SAF allows Oracle Traffic Director to pass-through the incoming request containing this header to the origin server.


ObjectType fn="block-via"

Related Topics


The block-xforwarded-for function instructs Oracle Traffic Director to not generate and forward its own X-forwarded-for header to the origin server. In addition, if the incoming request contains this header, the SAF allows Oracle Traffic Director to pass-through the incoming request containing this header to the origin server.


ObjectType fn="block-xforwarded-for"

Related Topics


The forward-auth-cert function instructs Oracle Traffic Director to generate information about client's SSL/TLS certificate within the header Proxy-auth-cert and forward it to origin server. If an incoming request includes the header Proxy-auth-cert, this SAF causes OTD to remove the header from the request that is forwarded to the origin server.

Table 5-13 describes the parameters for the forward-auth-cert function.

Table 5-13 forward-auth-cert Parameters

Parameter Description


(Optional) Name of the HTTP request header used to communicate the client's DER-encoded SSL/TLS certificate in Base 64 encoding. Default value: Proxy-auth-cert.

Related Topics


The forward-cache-info function instructs Oracle Traffic Director to generate information about local hits within the header Cache-info and forward it to the origin server. If an incoming request includes the header Cache-info, this SAF causes OTD to remove the header from the request that is forwarded to the origin server.

Table 5-14 describes the parameters for the forward-cache-info function.

Table 5-14 forward-cache-info Parameters

Parameter Description


(Optional) Name of the HTTP request header used to communicate information about local cache hits. Default value: Cache-info.

Related Topics


The forward-cipher function instructs Oracle Traffic Director to generate information about the client's SSL/TLS cipher suite within the header Proxy-cipher and forward it to origin server. If an incoming request includes the header Proxy-cipher, this SAF causes OTD to remove the header from the request that is forwarded to the origin server.

Table 5-15 describes the parameters for the forward-cipher function.

Table 5-15 forward-cipher Parameters

Parameter Description


(Optional) Name of the HTTP request header used to communicate the name of the client's SSL/TLS cipher suite. Default value: Proxy-cipher.

Related Topics


The forward-ip function instructs Oracle Traffic Director to generate the client's IP address within the header Client-ip (or WI-proxy-client-ip for WebLogic Server) and forward it to origin server. If an incoming request includes the header Client-ip (or WI-proxy-client-ip for WebLogic Server), this SAF causes Oracle Traffic Director to remove the header from the request that is forwarded to the origin server. Subsequently, Oracle Traffic Director generates and inserts this header with the appropriate value before forwarding the request to the origin server.

Table 5-16 describes parameters for the forward-ip function.

Table 5-16 forward-ip Parameters

Parameter Description


(Optional) Name of the HTTP request header used to communicate the client's IP address.

Default value: Client-ip, when the origin server is non-WLS and WI-proxy-client-ip -> when origin server is WLS.

Related Topics


The forward-issuer-dn function instructs Oracle Traffic Director to generate information about the client's SSL/TLS certificate within the header Proxy-issuer-dn and forward it to origin server. If an incoming request includes the header Proxy-issuer-dn, this SAF causes OTD to remove the header from the request that is forwarded to the origin server.

Table 5-17 describes the parameters for the forward-issuer-dn function.

Table 5-17 forward-issuer-dn Parameters

Parameter Description


(Optional) Name of the HTTP request header used to communicate the distinguished name of the issuer of the client's SSL/TLS certificate. Default value: Proxy-issuer-dn.

Related Topics


The forward-jroute function instructs Oracle Traffic Director to generate information about request routing within the header Proxy-jroute and forward it to origin server. The Proxy-jroute header field is used by the set-origin-server function and some Servlet containers to implement session stickiness. If an incoming request includes the header Proxy-jroute, this SAF causes OTD to remove the header from the request that is forwarded to the origin server.

Table 5-18 describes the parameters for the forward-jroute function.

Table 5-18 forward-jroute Parameters

Parameter Description


(Optional) Name of the HTTP request header used to communicate the request routing information. Default value: Proxy-jroute.

Related Topics


The forward-keysize function instructs Oracle Traffic Director to generate information about the size of the client's SSL/TLS key within the header Proxy-keysize and forward it to origin server. If an incoming request includes the header Proxy-keysize, this SAF causes OTD to remove the header from the request that is forwarded to the origin server.

Table 5-19 describes the parameters for the forward-keysize function.

Table 5-19 forward-keysize Parameters

Parameter Description


(Optional) Name of the HTTP request header used to communicate the size of the client's SSL/TLS key. Default value: Proxy-keysize.

Related Topics


The forward-proxy-agent function instructs Oracle Traffic Director to generate its version information within the header Proxy-agent and forward it to origin server. If an incoming request includes the header Proxy-agent, this SAF causes OTD to remove the header from the request that is forwarded to the origin server.

Table 5-20 describes the parameters for the forward-proxy-agent function.

Table 5-20 forward-proxy-agent Parameters

Parameter Description


(Optional) Name of the HTTP request header used to communicate server version. Default value: Proxy-agent.

Related Topics


The forward-secret-keysize function instructs Oracle Traffic Director to generate information about the size of the client's SSL/TLS secret key within the header Proxy-secret-keysize (or Wl-proxy-client-secretkeysize for WebLogic Server) and forward it to origin server. If an incoming request includes the header Proxy-secret-keysize (or Wl-proxy-client-secretkeysize for WebLogic Server), this SAF causes OTD to remove the header from the request that is forwarded to the origin server.

Table 5-21 forward-secret-keysize Parameters

Parameter Description


(Optional) Name of the HTTP request header used to communicate the client's SSL/TLS secret key.

Default value: Proxy-secret-keysize, when the origin server is non-WLS and Wl-proxy-client-secretkeysize -> when origin server is WLS.


Related Topics


The forward-ssl function instructs the server to forward information to remote (origin) servers to check if the client sent the request to Oracle Traffic Director over an SSL connection. Accordingly, if the client connects to OTD using a non-SSL connection, this header is set with the value False. Similarly, if the client connects to OTD using an SSL connection, this header is set with the value True. If an incoming request includes the header Proxy-ssl (or WI-proxy-ssl for WebLogic Server), this SAF causes OTD to remove the header from the request that is forwarded to the origin server.

Table 5-22 forward-ssl

Parameter Description


Name of the HTTP request header used to communicate that the connection between the client and OTD was over SSL. Default value: Proxy-ssl, when the origin server is non-WLS and WI-proxy-ssl -> when origin server is WLS.


ObjectType fn="forward-ssl"

Related Topics


The forward-ssl-id function instructs Oracle Traffic Director to generate information about the client's SSL/TLS session ID within the header Proxy-ssl-id and forward it to origin server. If an incoming request includes the header Proxy-ssl-id, this SAF causes OTD to remove the header from the request that is forwarded to the origin server.

Table 5-23 describes the parameters for the forward-ssl-id function.

Table 5-23 forward-ssl-id Parameters

Parameter Description


(Optional) Name of the HTTP request header used to communicate the client's SSL/TLS session ID. Default value: Proxy-ssl-id.

Related Topics


The forward-user-dn function instructs Oracle Traffic Director to generate information about the distinguished name of the subject of the client's SSL/TLS certificate within the header Proxy-user-dn and forward it to origin server. If an incoming request includes the header Proxy-user-dn, this SAF causes OTD to remove the header from the request that is forwarded to the origin server.

Table 5-24 describes the parameters for the forward-user-dn function.

Table 5-24 forward-user-dn Parameters

Parameter Description


(Optional) Name of the HTTP request header used to communicate the distinguished name of the subject of the client's SSL/TLS certificate. Default value: Proxy-user-dn.

Related Topics


The forward-via function instructs Oracle Traffic Director to generate information about request routing within the header Via and forward it to origin server using the HTTP/1.1 Via format. The HTTP/1.1 Via header field records the proxy servers and protocol versions that were involved in routing a request. If an incoming request includes the header Via, this SAF causes OTD to remove the header from the request that is forwarded to the origin server.

Table 5-25 describes parameters for the forward-via function.

Table 5-25 forward-via Parameters

Parameter Description


(Optional) Name of the HTTP request header used to communicate routing information. Default value: Via.

Related Topics


The forward-xforwarded-for function instructs Oracle Traffic Director to generate information about user-specified X-Forwarded-For header values within the header X-Forwarded-For and forward it to origin server. If the function is enabled, Oracle Traffic Director sends the X-Forwarded-For header value to the origin server, where the value is a comma-separated list of IP addresses. This SAF is enabled by default. If an incoming request includes the header X-forwarded-for, this SAF causes OTD to remove the header from the request that is forwarded to the origin server.

Table 5-26 forward-xforwarded-for

Parameter Description


(Optional) Name of the HTTP request header used to communicate routing information. Default value: X-forwarded-for.


ObjectType fn="forward-xforwarded-for"

Related Topics


The http-client-config function configures Oracle Traffic Director's HTTP client.

Table 5-27 describes the parameters for the http-client-config function.

Table 5-27 http-client-config Parameters

Parameter Description


(Optional) Indicates whether the HTTP client can reuse existing persistent connections for all types of requests. Default value: true for WLS origin servers. It indicates that GET/HEAD/OPTIONS requests uses keep-alive by default.


(Optional) Specifies the list of characters that Oracle Traffic Director should not escape. Various applications deployed in the application server require certain characters not to be escaped. If you do not specify this parameter, Oracle Traffic Director might escape those characters. For example:

ObjectType fn="http-client-config" exclude-escape-chars="%&"


(Optional) Indicates whether the HTTP client uses persistent connections. Default value: true.


(Optional) The maximum number of seconds to keep a persistent connection open. Default value: 29.


(Optional) Specifies whether to log request or response headers in server log that Oracle Traffic Director sends and receives from the origin server. This parameter is useful for diagnostic purposes.

For example:

ObjectType fn="http-client-config" log-headers="true"


(Optional) HTTP protocol version string. By default, the HTTP client uses either HTTP/1.0 or HTTP/1.1 based on the contents of the HTTP request. In general, do not use the protocol parameter unless you encounter specific protocol interoperability problems.


(Optional) Value of the proxy-agent HTTP request header. The default is a string that contains the web server product name and version.


(Optional) Specifies the size of the buffer used by Oracle Traffic Director to store data before it is sent to the client. A larger buffer size results in a lower number of write system calls. By default, the value of the proxy buffer size is 16 KB. To change the value to 32 KB, use the parameter as follows:

ObjectType fn="http-client-config" proxy-buffer-size="32768"


(Optional) The number of times to retry when getting content from the origin web server before sending an error to the client. Only GET/HEAD/OPTIONS requests are retried by default. If GET requests have a body associated, those requests are also not retried. If unsafe requests such as POST/PUT/DELETE need to be retried on receiving a retryable error response from the origin-server, set the retry-unsafe-requests to true. Acceptable values are 0 through 100. The value 0 indicates that no retries should be attempted. Default value: 3.


If true, unsafe requests (POST/PUT/DELETE) that receive a retryable error response (e.g. 503 error) from the origin server are retried. The number of times a request is retried before an error is sent to client is determined by the property retries.


ObjectType fn="http-client-config" keep-alive="false"


The proxy-cache-config function configures reverse proxy cache settings.

Table 5-28 describes the parameters for the proxy-cache-config function.

Table 5-28 proxy-cache-config Parameters

Parameter Type Description Default Value



Enable or disable caching of reverse proxy content.




(Optional) Specifies the maximum time in seconds allowed between consecutive up-to-date checks. If set to 0 (the default), a check is made every time the document is accessed, and the last-modified-factor value has no effect.

Note: Setting a value for this element will cause the server to behave in a manner different from what the HTTP specification mandates.




Specifies the minimum time in seconds allowed between consecutive up-to-date checks of a cached document.




(Optional) Represents the factor used in estimating the expiry time, which defines how long a document will be up-to-date based on the time it was last modified. The time elapsed since the last modification is multiplied by this factor. The result gives the estimated time the document is likely to remain unchanged. Specifying a value of 0 turns off this function. The caching system then uses only explicit expiry information, which is rarely available. Only explicit Cache-Control or Expires HTTP headers are used. This value has no effect if max-reload-interval is set to 0.




The minimum size, in bytes, of any document to be cached. This is useful if you prefer to cache only larger documents.




Limits the maximum size of cached documents to the specified value. This value cannot exceed the maximum value specified in server.xml in proxy-cache->max-heap-object-size.




Specifies the number of characters in the query string (the "?string" part at the end of the URL that are still cacheable). The same queries are rarely repeated exactly in the same form by more than one user, and so caching them is often not desirable.




If this parameter is set to true, the proxy compresses the document before storing. This consumes less cache space, allowing the cache to accommodate more entries for a given cache size. For clients that accept compression, compressed content is sent. For other clients, the server dynamically uncompresses the content. The cache will not store two copies of the same content.




If this parameter is set to true, responses from HTTPS connections are cached. If cache-https is false, responses from HTTPS origin server connections are not cached irrespective of HTTP headers.



ObjectType fn="proxy-cache-config" enable="1" max-reload-interval=300 min-reload-interval=60


The proxy-cache-override-http function configures reverse proxy cache parameters that override certain HTTP caching rules.

Table 5-29 describes the parameters for the proxy-cache-override-http function.

Table 5-29 proxy-cache-override-http Parameters

Parameter Type Description Default Value



If this parameter is set to true, a pragma: no-cache or cache-control: no-cache header from the origin server is ignored and the response is cached. This behavior violates the HTTP standard.




If this parameter is set to true, a cache-control: no-store header from the origin server is ignored and the response is cached. This behavior violates the HTTP standard.




If this parameter is set to true, a cache-control: private header from the origin server is ignored and the response is cached. This behavior violates the HTTP standard.




If set to true, a pragma: no-cache or cache-control: no-cache header from the client is ignored and the request is served from the cache. This behavior violates the HTTP standard.




If this parameter is set to true, min-reload-interval is enforced over the value of an Expires header and Cache-Control: max-age value. This behavior violates the HTTP standard.




If this parameter is set to true, min-reload-interval is enforced over the value of a Last-modified header. This behavior violates the HTTP standard.




If this parameter is set to true, reload request from clients are converted into conditional GET requests with an If-modified-since header. This behavior violates the HTTP standard.




If this parameter is set to true, a response without an Expires header will not be cached. This behavior violates the HTTP standard.




If this parameter is set to true, the absence of a Last-modified header is ignored and the response cached. This behavior violates the HTTP standard.



<If uri =~ '^/images/'>    ObjectType fn="proxy-cache-config" enable="1" max-reload-interval=600
    ObjectType fn="proxy-cache-override-http" ignore-client-no-cache="true"
<Else uri =~ '^/myapp/'>
    ObjectType fn="proxy-cache-config" enable="1" max-reload-interval=120


The proxy-websocket-config SAF disables WebSocket upgrade and modifies the idle-timeout for WebSocket connections. WebSocket upgrade is enabled by default. If WebSocket upgrade must be disabled, proxy-websocket-config can be used with enabled set to off. The proxy-websocket-config directive may be present in the route object for a route or the default object for the whole virtual server. This enables administrators to disable WebSocket traffic or to set a different idle-timeout value for certain routes or for the whole virtual server.

Table 5-30 describes the parameters for the proxy-cache-override-http function.

Table 5-30 proxy-websocket-config Parameters

Parameter Default Value


'on' or 'off'


Default is the timeout value mentioned in the tcp-thread-pool element


ObjectType fn="proxy-websocket-config"


The reverse-block-date SAF blocks the Date header sent from the origin server and causes Oracle Traffic Director to generate and insert its own Date header in the response.


ObjectType fn="reverse-block-date"

Related Topics


The reverse-block-server SAF blocks the Server header sent from the origin server and causes Oracle Traffic Director to insert its own Server header in the response.


ObjectType fn="reverse-block-server"

Related Topics


The reverse-forward-date SAF forwards the Date header sent from the origin server. In Oracle Traffic Director, this is the default behavior.


ObjectType fn="reverse-forward-date"

Related Topics


The reverse-forward-server SAF forwards the Server header sent from the origin server. If origin server does not generate any Server header then Oracle Traffic Director generates and uses its own Server header. This is the default behavior.


ObjectType fn="reverse-forward-server"

Related Topics


The set-basic-auth function allows you to set the HTTP basic authentication credentials used by the server when it sends an HTTP request. Use set-basic-auth to authenticate to a remote origin server or proxy server.

The following table describes parameters for the set-basic-auth function.

Table 5-31 set-basic-auth Parameters

Parameter Description


Name of the user to authenticate.


Password of the user to authenticate.


(Optional) Name of the HTTP request header used to communicate the credentials.


(Optional) Common to all obj.conf functions. Adds a bucket to monitor performance. See The bucket Parameter.


ObjectType fn="set-basic-auth" user="admin" password="secret" hdr="proxy-authorization"


The set-cache-control function allows you to specify the HTTP caching policy for the response being sent back to the client.

The following table describes parameters for the set-cache-control function.

Table 5-32 set-cache-control Parameters

Parameter Description


HTTP cache control directives. Separate multiple directives by commas.

The following table describes some of the useful cache control directives defined by the HTTP/1.1 protocol.

Table 5-33 Cache Control Directives

Directive Description


The response may be cached by any cache.


The response must not be cached by a shared cache (for example, a proxy server).


Clients must ask Oracle Traffic Director for updated content on each access.


The response should not be cached for more than n seconds.


ObjectType fn="set-cache-control" control="private,max-age=60"


The set-cookie function allows you to set a cookie in the response being sent back to the client.

The following table describes parameters for the set-cookie function.

Table 5-34 set-cookie Parameters

Parameter Description


Name of the cookie.


(Optional) Value of the cookie. Default value: null.


(Optional) Base URI to which the cookie applies. Default value: / (slash).


(Optional) The domain name of servers to which the cookie must be sent. If no domain is specified, web browsers send the cookie only to Oracle Traffic Director that sets the cookie.


(Optional) Maximum time (in seconds) after which the cookie expires. If max-age is not specified, web browsers delete the cookie when the user closes the web browser.


<If not defined $cookie{'FIRSTVISITTIME'}>
ObjectType fn="set-cookie"


The type-by-exp function matches the current path with a wildcard expression. If they match, the type parameter information is applied to the file. This is the same as type-by-extension, except that you use wildcard patterns for the files or directories specified in the URLs.

Table 5-35 describes the parameters for the type-by-exp function.

Table 5-35 type-by-exp Parameters

Parameter Description


Wildcard pattern of paths for which this function is applied.


(Optional) Type assigned to a matching request (the Content-Type header).


(Optional) Encoding assigned to a matching request (the Content-Encoding header).


(Optional) Language assigned to a matching request (the Content-Language header).


(Optional) The character set for the magnus-charset parameter in rq->srvhdrs. If a browser sends the Accept-Charset header or its User-Agent is Mozilla/1.1 or newer, then append "; charset=charset" to Content-Type, where charset is the value of the magnus-charset parameter in rq->srvhdrs.


ObjectType fn="type-by-exp" exp="*.test" type="application/html"

Related Topics


The type-by-extension function instructs Oracle Traffic Director to look in a table of MIME type mappings to find the MIME type of the requested resource. The MIME type is added to the Content-Type header that is sent back to the client.

The table of MIME type mappings is created by a mime-file element in the server.xml file, which loads a MIME types file or list and creates the mappings.

For example, the following two lines are part of a MIME types file:

type=text/html exts=htm,html
type=text/plain exts=txt

If the extension of the requested resource is htm or html, the type-by-extension file sets the type to text/html. If the extension is .txt, the function sets the type to text/plain.


ObjectType fn="type-by-extension"

Related Topics


The Input directives allow you to select filters that process incoming request data read by the Service stage. See Input.

The following common SAFs are valid for the Input directive:

Every Input directive has the following optional parameters.

Table 5-36 Input Directive's Optional Parameters

Parameters Description


(Optional) Specifies a wildcard pattern of MIME types for which this function is executed.


(Optional) Specifies a wildcard pattern of HTTP methods for which this function is executed. Common HTTP methods are GET, HEAD, and POST.


(Optional) Specifies a wildcard pattern of query strings for which this function is executed.


The Output stage allows you to select filters that will process outgoing data. For more information, see Output.

Every Output directive has the following optional parameters:

Table 5-37 Output Directive's Optional Parameters

Parameters Description


(Optional) Specifies a wildcard pattern of MIME types for which this function is executed.


(Optional) Specifies a wildcard pattern of HTTP methods for which this function is executed. Common HTTP methods are GET, HEAD, and POST.


(Optional) Specifies a wildcard pattern of query strings for which this function is executed.


The Route directive specifies information as to where the Web Server should route requests. See Route.

The following Route-class functions are described in detail in this section:

In addition, the following common SAFs are valid for the Route directive:


The set-origin-server function distributes the load across a set of homogeneous HTTP origin servers. This SAF chooses the origin server from a given origin server pool for this request. The set-origin-server SAF requires origin-server-pool as mandatory parameter.

Table 5-38 describes the parameters for the set-origin-server function.

Table 5-38 set-origin-server Parameters

Parameter Description


(Mandatory) Name of the configured origin server pool. From this pool, one of the origin servers will be chosen based on the load balancing properties defined within the origin-server-pool element in server.xml.


(Optional) Name of a cookie that, when present in a response, causes subsequent requests to stick to that origin server. Accordingly, subsequent requests with this cookie are sent to the same origin server.

This parameter accepts * as value, which means that any cookie received from the origin server will be considered as sticky. Default value: *.


(Optional) Name of a URI parameter to inspect for route information. When the URI parameter is present in a request URI and its value contains a colon (:) followed by a route ID, the request will stick to the origin server identified by that route ID. Default value: jsessionid.


(Optional) Name of the HTTP request header used to communicate route IDs to origin servers. set-origin-server associates each origin server named by a server parameter with a unique route ID. Origin servers may encode this route ID in the URI parameter named by the sticky-param parameter to cause subsequent requests to stick to them. Default value: Proxy-jroute.


(Optional) Name of the cookie generated by Oracle Traffic Director when it encounters a sticky-cookie in a response. The route-cookie parameter stores a route ID that enables Oracle Traffic Director to direct subsequent requests back to the same origin server. Default value: JROUTE.


(Optional) Indicates whether the host HTTP request header is rewritten to match the host specified by the server parameter. Default value: false. It indicates that the host header is not rewritten.


(Optional) Indicates whether the Location HTTP response header that matches the server parameter should be rewritten. Default value: true. It indicates that the matching Location headers are rewritten.


(Optional) Indicates whether the Content-Location HTTP response header that matches Oracle Traffic Director parameter should be rewritten. Default value: true. It indicates that the matching Content-Location headers are rewritten.


(Optional) Indicates whether the headername HTTP response headers that match Oracle Traffic Director parameter should be rewritten, where headername is a user-defined header name. headername is in lowercase. With the exception of the Location and Content-Location headers, Default value: false. It indicates that the headername header is not rewritten.


Route fn="set-origin-server" origin-server-pool="origin-server-pool-1"


The set-proxy-server function directs Oracle Traffic Director to retrieve the current resource from a particular proxy server.

Table 5-39 describes the parameters for the set-proxy-server function.

Table 5-39 set-proxy-server Parameters

Parameter Description


URL of the remote proxy server. If multiple server parameters are given, Oracle Traffic Director distributes load among the specified remote servers.


Route fn="set-proxy-server"


The Service directives send the response data to the client. See Service.

Every Service directive has the following optional parameters to determine whether the function is executed. All optional parameters must match the current request for the function to be executed.

Table 5-40 Service Directive's Optional Parameters

Optional Parameters Description


Specifies a wildcard pattern of MIME types for which this function is executed. The magnus-internal/* MIME types are used only to select a Service function to execute.


Specifies a wildcard pattern of HTTP methods for which this function is executed. Common HTTP methods are GET, HEAD, and POST.


Specifies a wildcard pattern of query strings for which this function is executed.


Determines the default output stream buffer size (in bytes), for data sent to the client. If this parameter is not specified, the default is 8192 bytes.

Note: Set this parameter to zero (0) to disable output stream buffering.


Determines the maximum number of milliseconds between write operations in which buffering is enabled. If the interval between subsequent write operations is greater than the flushTimer value for an application, further buffering is disabled. This is necessary for monitoring the status of CGI applications that run continuously and generate periodic status update reports. If this parameter is not specified, the default is 3000 milliseconds.


Determines the default buffer size, in bytes, for unchunking request data. If this parameter is not specified, the default is 8192 bytes.


Determines the default timeout, in seconds, for unchunking request data. If this parameter is not specified, the default is 60 seconds.

If there is more than one Service-class function, the first one matching the optional wildcard parameters (type, method, and query) are executed.

The UseOutputStreamSize, ChunkedRequestBufferSize, and ChunkedRequestTimeout parameters also have equivalent magnus.conf directives. The obj.conf parameters override the magnus.conf directives.

By default, Oracle Traffic Director sends the requested file to the client by calling the send-file function. The directive that sets the default is:

Service method="(GET|HEAD)" type="*~magnus-internal/*" fn="send-file"

This directive usually comes last in the set of Service-class directives to give all other Service directives a chance to be invoked. This directive is invoked if the method of the request is GET, HEAD, or POST, and the type does not start with magnus-internal/. Note here that the pattern *~ means "does not match." For a list of characters that can be used in patterns, see Wildcard Patterns.

The functions used in the Service directive are described in the following sections:

In addition, the following common SAFs are valid for the Service directive:


The proxy-retrieve function retrieves a document from a remote server and returns it to the client. This function also enables you to configure Oracle Traffic Director to allow or block arbitrary methods. This function only works on the HTTP protocol.

Table 5-41 describes the parameters for the proxy-retrieve function.

Table 5-41 proxy-retrieve Parameters

Parameter Description


(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of MIME types for which this function is executed. See Service.


(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of HTTP methods for which this function is executed. See Service.


(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of query strings for which this function is executed. See Service.


(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default output stream buffer size (in bytes), for data sent to the client. See Service.


(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the maximum number of milliseconds between write operations in which buffering is enabled. See Service.


(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default buffer size, in bytes, for unchunking request data. See Service.


(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default timeout, in seconds, for unchunking request data. See Service.


# Normal proxy retrieve
Service fn="proxy-retrieve"
# Proxy retrieve with POST method disabled
Service fn="proxy-retrieve"


The remove-filter function is used to remove a filter from the filter stack. If the filter is inserted multiple times, only the topmost instance is removed. In general, it is not necessary to remove filters with remove-filter, as they are removed automatically at the end of a request.

The following table describes parameters for the remove-filter function.

Table 5-42 remove-filter Parameters

Parameter Description


(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of MIME types for which this function is executed. See Service.


(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of HTTP methods for which this function is executed. See Service.


(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of query strings for which this function is executed. See Service.


(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default output stream buffer size (in bytes), for data sent to the client. See Service.


(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the maximum number of milliseconds between write operations in which buffering is enabled. See Service.


(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default buffer size, in bytes, for un-chunking request data. See Service.


(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default timeout, in seconds, for un-chunking request data. See Service.


Service fn="remove-filter"


The service-proxy-cache-dump function dumps the current reverse proxy caching statistics.

Table 5-43 describes the parameters for the service-proxy-cache-dump function.

Table 5-43 service-proxy-cache-dump Parameters

Parameter Description


Lists the objects in the cache.

The cache listing includes the URI, a set of flags, the current number of references to the cache entry and the size of the entry.


Setting this parameter to a value n causes the client to reload the page every n seconds.


Stops and restarts the cache.


Starts the cache.


Stops the cache.


<Object name="default"
NameTrans fn=assign-name name="proxy-cache" from="/.proxycache"
<Object name="proxy-cache">
    Service fn="service-proxy-cache-dump"


The service-trace function services TRACE requests. TRACE requests are used to diagnose problems with web proxy servers located between a web client and web server.

Table 5-44 describes the parameters for the service-trace function.

Table 5-44 service-trace Parameters

Parameter Description


(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of MIME types for which this function is executed. See Service.


(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of HTTP methods for which this function is executed. See Service.


(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of query strings for which this function is executed. See Service.


(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default output stream buffer size (in bytes), for data sent to the client. See Service.


(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the maximum number of milliseconds between write operations in which buffering is enabled. See Service.


(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default buffer size, in bytes, for unchunking request data. See Service.


(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default timeout, in seconds, for unchunking request data. See Service.


<Object name="default">
Service method="TRACE" fn="service-trace"


The stats-xml function creates a performance report in XML format. If performance buckets are defined, this performance report includes them.

The report is generated at:


For example:


The following table describes parameters for the stats-xml function.

Table 5-45 stats-xml Parameters

Parameter Description


(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of MIME types for which this function is executed. See Service.


(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of HTTP methods for which this function is executed. See Service.


(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of query strings for which this function is executed. See Service.


(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default output stream buffer size (in bytes), for data sent to the client. See Service.


(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the maximum number of milliseconds between write operations in which buffering is enabled. See Service.


(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default buffer size, in bytes, for unchunking request data. See Service.


(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default timeout, in seconds, for unchunking request data. See Service.


<Object name="default">
<If uri = "/stats-xml/*">
Service fn="stats-xml"


The AddLog directives are executed to record information about the transaction. For more information, see AddLog.

The following AddLog-class function is described in detail in this section:

In addition, the following common SAFs are valid for the AddLog directive:


The flex-log function records request-specific data in a flexible log format. It can also record requests in the common log format. A log analyzer, flexanlg, exists in the /bin directory for Web Server. There are also a number of free statistics generators for the common log format.

Specify the log format using the format subelement of the access-log element in server.xml. See access-log. For more information about the log format, see Using the Custom Access-Log File Format.

Table 5-46 describes the parameters for the flex-log function.

Table 5-46 flex-log Parameters

Parameter Description


(Optional) Specifies the name of a log file. The name must previously been defined by an access-log element in server.xml. If no name is given, the entry is recorded in the default log file.


(Optional) Instructs Oracle Traffic Director to log the IP address of the remote client rather than looking up and logging the DNS name. This improves performance if DNS is turned off. The value of iponly has no significance, as long as it exists; you can use iponly=1.


# Log all accesses to the default log file
AddLog fn="flex-log"
# Log accesses from outside our subnet (198.93.5.*) to 
# nonlocallog
<Client ip="*~198.93.5.*">
AddLog fn="flex-log" name="nonlocallog"


If an SAF results in an error, Oracle Traffic Director stops executing all other directives and immediately starts executing the Error directives. See Error.

The following Error-class functions are described in detail in this section:

In addition, the following common SAFs are valid for the Error directive:


The qos-error function returns an error page stating the quality of service that caused the error and the value of the QoS statistic.

Table 5-47 describes the parameters for the qos-error function.

Table 5-47 qos-error Parameters

Parameter Description


(Optional) Three-digit number representing the HTTP response status code, such as 401 or 407. The recommended value is 503.

This can be any HTTP response status code or reason phrase according to the HTTP specification.

A list of common HTTP response status codes and reason strings is as follows:

  • 401 Unauthorized

  • 403 Forbidden

  • 404 Not Found

  • 500 Server Error


Error fn="qos-error" code="503"

Related Topics


The send-error function sends an HTML file to the client in place of a specific HTTP response status. This allows the server to present a message describing the problem. The HTML page may contain images and links to the server's home page or other pages.

Table 5-48 describes the parameters for the send-error function.

Table 5-48 send-error Parameters

Parameter Description


Specifies the absolute path of an HTML file to send to the client. If the file does not exist or is not accessible, the server returns a 404 or 403 error page. The file is sent as text/html regardless of its name or actual type.


(Optional) Three-digit number representing the HTTP response status code, such as 401 or 407.

This can be any HTTP response status code or reason phrase according to the HTTP specification.

A list of common HTTP response status codes and reason strings is as follows:

  • 401 Unauthorized

  • 403 Forbidden

  • 404 Not Found

  • 500 Server Error


(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of MIME types for which this function will be executed. See Service.


(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of HTTP methods for which this function will be executed. See Service.


(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of query strings for which this function will be executed. See Service.


(Optional) Common to all obj.conf functions. Adds a bucket to monitor performance. See The bucket Parameter.


Error fn="send-error" code="401" path="/opt/oracle/webserver7/docs/errors/401.html"

Common SAFs

This section lists SAFs that are common to multiple directives.


The insert-filter SAF is used to add a filter to the filter stack to process incoming (client to server) data. The order of Input fn="insert-filter" and Output fn="insert-filter" directives is important.


Returns REQ_PROCEED if the specified filter was inserted successfully or REQ_NOACTION if the specified filter was not inserted because it was not required. Any other return value indicates an error.


The following table describes parameters for the insert-filter function.

Table 5-50 insert-filter Parameters

Parameter Description


Specifies the name of the filter to insert. For more information about predefined filters, see Input and Output.


(Optional) Common to all Input-class and Output-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of MIME types for which this function is executed.


(Optional) Common to all Input-class and Output-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of HTTP methods for which this function is executed. Common HTTP methods are GET, HEAD, and POST.


(Optional) Common to all Input-class and Output-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of query strings for which this function is executed.


Input fn="insert-filter" filter="http-decompression"

This directive instructs the insert-filter function to add a custom filter, that is, http-decompression to the filter stack. The http-decompression filter will decompress the incoming HTTP request data before it goes to the service stage. See Input and Output.


The match-browser function matches specific strings in the User-Agent string supplied by the browser. It then modifies the behavior of Oracle Traffic Director based on the results by setting values for specified variables. This function is applicable in all directives.


stage fn="match-browser" browser="string" name="value" [name="value" ...]


The following table describes parameter values for the match-browser function.

Table 5-51 match-browser Parameters

Value Description


Stage directive used in obj.conf processing. The match-browser function is applicable in all stage directives.


Wildcard pattern to compare with the User-Agent header (for example, "*Mozilla*").


Variable to be changed. The match-browser function indirectly invokes the set-variable function.


New value for the specified variable.


AuthTrans fn="match-browser"

If a browser's User-Agent header contains the string Broken or broken, the above AuthTrans directive instructs Oracle Traffic Director to do the following:

  • Not send the SSL3 and TLS close_notify packet

  • Not honor requests for HTTP Keep-Alive

  • Use the HTTP/1.0 protocol rather than HTTP/1.1

For more information on the variables used in this example, such as ssl-unclean-shutdown, see set-variable.

Related Topics


The redirect function lets you change URLs and send the updated URL to the client. When a client accesses your server with an old path, Oracle Traffic Director treats the request as a request for the new URL.

The redirect function inspects the URL to which the client will be redirected. If the URL matches the URL the client has requested (same scheme, hostname, port, and path), this function does not perform the redirect and instead returns REQ_NOACTION.

Table 5-52 describes the parameters for the redirect function.

Table 5-52 redirect Parameters

Parameter Description


(Optional) Specifies the prefix of the requested URI to match. If from is not specified, it defaults to "".


(Optional) Specifies a complete URL to return to the client. If you use this parameter, do not use url-prefix.


(Optional) The new URL prefix to return to the client. The from prefix is replaced by this URL prefix. If you use this parameter, do not use url.


(Optional) Indicates whether the value of the url or url-prefix parameter must be escaped. The default is yes, indicating that Oracle Traffic Director will escape the value. The value no indicates that the URL or URL prefix value has already been escaped. An example of an escaped value is one where any % characters have been replaced with %25 and any spaces have been replaced with %20.


(Optional) Customizes the HTTP status code. If status is not specified, it defaults to 302.


(Optional) Common to all Output-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of MIME types for which this function is executed.


(Optional) Common to all Output-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of HTTP methods for which this function is executed. Common HTTP methods are GET, HEAD, and POST.


(Optional) Common to all Output-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of query strings for which this function is executed.


In the first example, any request for http://server-name/whatever is translated to a request for http://tmpserver/whatever.

NameTrans fn="redirect" from="/" url-prefix="http://tmpserver/"

In the second example, any request for http://server-name/toopopular/whatever is translated to a request for http://bigger/better/stronger/morepopular/.

NameTrans fn="redirect" from="/toopopular"


The remove-filter SAF is used to remove a filter from the filter stack. If the filter is inserted multiple times, only the topmost instance is removed. In general, it is not necessary to remove filters with remove-filter, as they are removed automatically at the end of a request.


Returns REQ_PROCEED if the specified filter was removed successfully, or REQ_NOACTION if the specified filter was not part of the filter stack. Any other return value indicates an error.


The following table describes parameters for the remove-filter function.

Table 5-53 remove-filter Parameters

Parameter Description


Specifies the name of the filter to remove.


(Optional) Common to all Input-class, Output-class, and Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of MIME types for which this function is executed. The magnus-internal/* MIME types are used only to select a Service function to execute.


(Optional) Common to all Input-class, Output-class, and Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of HTTP methods for which this function is executed. Common HTTP methods are GET, HEAD, and POST.


(Optional) Common to all Input-class, Output-class, and Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of query strings for which this function is executed.


(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default output stream buffer size (in bytes), for data sent to the client. See Service.


(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the maximum number of milliseconds between write operations in which buffering is enabled. See Service.


(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default buffer size, in bytes, for unchunking request data. See Service.


(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default timeout, in seconds, for unchunking request data. See Service.

Input fn="remove-filter" filter="http-compression"


The restart function allows URL rewriting within Oracle Traffic Director without sending an HTTP redirect to the client. The restart function replaces the uri and query values in rq->reqpb with the URI and query string specified by the uri parameter and restarts the request by returning REQ_RESTART.

If the uri parameter contains a ? character, the value following ? is used as the query string. Otherwise, the restarted request will not have a query string. Because the new request URI will be passed through the AuthTrans and NameTrans stages again, avoid creating infinite loops.

The following table describes parameters for the restart function.

Table 5-54 restart Parameters

Parameter Description


(Optional) Wildcard pattern that specifies the path of requests that should be restarted. The default is to match all paths.


URI and query string to use for the restarted request.


The following obj.conf code directs Oracle Traffic Director to service requests for /index.html as though they were requests for /index.jsp:

NameTrans fn="restart" from="/index.html" uri="/index.jsp"

Related Topics


The rewrite-cookie function allows modification of cookie/s returned by the back end server.

The following table describes parameters for the rewrite-cookie function.

Table 5-55 restart Parameters

Parameter Type Description



It specifies a response cookie name



It specifies, if a "secure" attribute needs to be added/dropped from the response cookie specified by "name".



It specifies, if a "HttpOnly" parameter need to be added/dropped from the response cookie specified by "name".



It specifies, if the "path" attribute of the response cookie specified by "name" need to be rewritten or not.


The sed-param-name function modifies a specified pblock parameter name based on a given sed expression.

The following table describes parameters for the sed-param-name function.

Table 5-56 sed-param-name Parameters

Parameter Description


It specifies a parameter name


It specifies sed expression value for the specified variable.


It specifies the pblock name.


To convert "Content-length: 123" to "Content-Length: 123" NameTrans fn="sed-param-name" pblock="headers" name="content-length" sed="s/-length/-Length/g"


The sed-param-value function modifies a specified pblock parameter value based on a given sed expression.

The following table describes parameters for the sed-param-value function.

Table 5-57 sed-param-value Parameters

Parameter Description


It specifies the parameter name whose value will be modifed


It specifies sed expression value for the specified variable.


It specifies the pblock name.


Rewrite an arbitrary pblock parameter value (corresponding to a specified name) NameTrans fn="sed-param-value" pblock="reqpb" name="uri" sed="s/test/plan/g"


The sed-response-header rewrites a response header and it needs two parameters, "name" and "sed".


Returns REQ_ABORTED if there is an error or REQ_NOACTION if the specified filter was not inserted because it was not required.


The following table describes parameter values for the sed-response-header function.

Table 5-58 sed-response-header Parameters

Value Description


Header name for the specified variable.


sed expression value for the specified variable.


Rewrite the value of a specified response header Output fn="sed-response-header" name="server" sed="s/backend/frontend/g".


The set-priority function sets the priority (HIGH, NORMAL, or LOW) for other SAFs and filters (such as check-req-limit, set-origin-server, and bandwidth filters) that are called after it.

If set-priority is not used, requests are executed with the default NORMAL priority.

The priority value is stored as an ordinal in rq->vars with HIGH stored as 2, NORMAL as 1, and LOW as 0.

The access-log format can be modified to include the priority - for example, %Req->vars.priority%.

The following table describes parameters for the set-priority function.

Table 5-59 restart Parameters

Value Description


Supported priority values are:

  • "HIGH" - the request has higher chance of getting processed before LOW and NORMAL priority requests

  • "NORMAL" - the request has higher chance of getting processed before LOW priority requests

  • "LOW" - the request has lower chance of getting processed before HIGH and NORMAL priority requests

The priority values are case sensitive.


URI and query string to use for the restarted request.


The following obj.conf code sets the priority for requests based on the value of a URI - setting it to HIGH for '/index.html' and LOW for 'foo.html'.:

<Object name="default">AuthTrans fn="match-browser" browser="*MSIE*" ssl-unclean-shutdown="true"

<If $uri eq '/index.html'>AuthTrans fn="set-priority" priority="HIGH"</If>

<If $uri eq '/foo.html'>AuthTrans fn="set-priority" priority="LOW"</If>
......Service fn="proxy-retrieve" method="*"AddLog fn="flex-log"</Object>


The set-variable function enables you to change Oracle Traffic Director settings based upon conditional information in a request. This function is applicable in all directives.

It can also be used to manipulate variables in parameter blocks with the following commands:

  • insert-pblock="name=value"

    Adds a new value to the specified pblock.

  • set-pblock="name=value"

    Sets a new value in the specified pblock, replacing any existing values with the same name.

  • remove-pblock="name"

    Removes all values with the given name from the specified pblock.

The set-variable function recognizes many predefined variables as parameters. Additionally, when a set-variable parameter name begins with $ but is not the name of a predefined variable, the parameter and its value are stored in the rq->vars pblock. This functionality allows you to define or override the $variable values at the request time.

set-variable accepts both the $variable and ${variable} forms, but the name of the parameter stored in the rq->vars pblock is always in the $variable form.


stage fn="set-variable" [{insert|set|remove}-pblock="name=value" ...][name="value" ...]


The following table describes parameter values for the set-variable function.

Table 5-60 set-variable Parameters

Value Description


Specifies one of the following session or request parameter block names:

  • client: Contains the IP address of the client machine and the DNS name of the remote machine.

  • vars: Contains the server's working variables, which includes anything not specifically found in the reqpb, headers, or srvhdrs pblocks. The contents of this pblock differ, depending on the specific request and the type of SAF.

  • reqpb: Contains elements of the HTTP request, which includes the HTTP method such as GET or POST, the URI, the protocol (generally HTTP/1.0), and the query string. This pblock does not change during the request-response process.

  • headers: Contains all the request headers (such as User-Agent, If-Modified-Since, and so on) received from the client in the HTTP request. This pblock does not change during the request-response process.

  • srvhdrs: Contains the response headers (such as Server, Date, Content-Type, Content-length, and so on) that are to be sent to the client in the HTTP response.


The variable to set.


The string assigned to the variable specified by name.


The following tables lists variables supported by the set-variable SAF.

Table 5-61 Supported Variables

Variable Description


A value of true indicates that the result code should be set to REQ_ABORTED. Setting the result code to REQ_ABORTED will abort the current request and send an error to the browser. For information about result codes, see Administering Oracle Traffic Director.


Sets the HTTP status code and exits the request by returning REQ_ABORTED. To set the HTTP status code without exiting the request, use the set-variable error parameter along with the noaction parameter. To rewrite an HTTP status code, use a Client tag to match the original status code and an Output directive to set the new status code.

For example, the following code will rewrite all 302 Moved Temporarily responses to 301 Moved Permanently responses:

<Client code="302">
Output fn="set-variable" error="301 Moved Permanently"

Sets the error code to be returned in the event of an aborted browser request.


A Boolean value signifying whether a URL should be escaped using util_uri_escape.

See Administering Oracle Traffic Director.


Path information after the file name in a URI.


HTTP version number (for example, 1.0).


HTTP version number (for example, 1.0).


A Boolean value that establishes whether a keep-alive request from a browser will be honored.


Specifies an additional named object in the obj.conf file whose directives will be applied to this request. See also assign-name.


A value of true indicates the result code should be set to REQ_NOACTION. For AuthTrans, NameTrans, Service, and Error stage SAFs, setting the result code to REQ_NOACTION indicates that subsequent SAFs in that stage should be allowed to execute. For information about result codes, see Administering Oracle Traffic Director.


Causes the server not to perform the stat() function for a URL when possible. See also assign-name.


A Boolean value that indicates whether HTTP response headers have been sent to the client.


A Boolean value that can be used to alter the way SSL3 connections are closed.

Caution: As this violates the SSL3 RFCs, you should only use this with great caution if you know that you are experiencing problems with SSL3 shutdowns.


A value of true indicates the result code should be set to REQ_PROCEED. For AuthTrans, NameTrans, Service, and Error stage SAFs, setting the result code to REQ_PROCEED indicates that no further SAFs in that stage should be allowed to execute.


Redirect requests to a specified URL.


  • To deny HTTP keep-alive requests for a specific server class (while still honoring keep-alive requests for the other classes), add this AuthTrans directive to the obj.conf for the server class, and set the variable keep-alive to disabled:

    AuthTrans fn="set-variable" keep-alive="disabled"
  • To set the same server class to use HTTP/1.0 while the rest of Oracle Traffic Director classes use HTTP/1.1, the AuthTrans directive is:

    AuthTrans fn="set-variable" keep-alive="disabled" http-downgrade="1.0"
  • To insert an HTTP header into each response, add a NameTrans directive to obj.conf using the insert-pblock command and specify srvhdrs as your Session or Request parameter block.

    For example, to insert the HTTP header P3P, add the following line to each request:

    NameTrans fn="set-variable" insert-srvhdrs="P3P"
  • To terminate processing a request based on certain URIs, use a Client tag to specify the URIs and an AuthTrans directive that sets the variable abort to true when there is a match. Your Client tag would be as follows:

    <Client uri="*(system32|root.exe)*">
    AuthTrans fn="set-variable" abort="true"
  • To use predefined variables so that Oracle Traffic Director rewrites redirects to host badname as redirects to host goodname:

    <If $srvhdrs{'location'} =~ "^(http|https)://badname/(.*)$"
    Output fn="set-variable" $srvhdrs{'location'}="$1://goodname/$2"
  • To set a $variable value at request time:

    <If "$time_hour:$time_min" < "8:30" || "$time_hour:$time_min" > "17:00">
    AuthTrans fn="set-variable" $docroot="/var/www/docs/closed"
    NameTrans fn="document-root" root="$docroot"

    Regardless of whether the $docroot variable has been defined in server.xml, its value is set to /var/www/docs/closed when Oracle Traffic Director is accessed after 5:00 p.m. and before 8:00 a.m. local time.

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