9.2.32 Additional Details Command Event Handler

This chapter describes how to use the Command Event Handler. The Command Event Handler provides the interface to synchronously execute an external program or script. Overview - Command Event Handler

The purpose of the Command Event Handler is to load data files generated by the File Writer Handler into respective targets by executing an external program or a script provided. Configuring the Command Event Handler

You can configure the Command Event Handler operation using the File Writer Handler properties file.

The Command Event Handler works only in conjunction with the File Writer Handler.

To enable the selection of the Command Event Handler, you must first configure the handler type by specifying gg.eventhandler.name.type=command and the other Command Event properties as follows:

Table 9-42 Command Event Handler Configuration Properties

Properties Required/ Optional Legal Values Default Explanation





Selects the Command Event Handler for use with Replicat



Valid path of external program or a script to be executed.


The script or an external program that should be executed by the Command Event Handler.



Integer value representing milli seconds


The Command Event Handler will wait for a period of time for the called commands in the script or external program to complete. If the Command Event Handler fails to complete the command within the configured timout period of time, process will get Abend.

gg.eventhandler.name.multithreaded Optional true | false true If true, the configured commands in the script or external program will be executed multithreaded way. Else executed in single thread.



See Using Command Argument Templated Strings.


The Command Event Handler uses the command argument template strings during script or external program execution as input arguments. For a list of valid argument strings, see Using Command Argument Templated Strings.

Sample Configuration

gg.eventhandler.command.command=<path of the script to be executed>



gg.eventhandler.command.commandArgumentTemplate=${tablename},${datafilename},${countoperations} Using Command Argument Template Strings

Command Argument Templated Strings consists of keywords that are dynamically resolved at runtime. Command Argument Templated strings are passed as arguments to the script in the same order mentioned in the commandArgumentTemplate property .

The valid tokens used as a command Argument Template strings are as follows: UUID, TableName, DataFileName, DataFileDir, DataFileDirandName, Offset, Format, CountOperations, CountInserts, CountUpdates, CountDeletes, CountTruncates. Invalid Templated string results in an Abend.

Supported Template Strings

The File Writer Handler assigns a uuid to internally track the state of generated files. The usefulness of the uuid may be limited to troubleshooting scenarios.
The individual source table name. For example, MYTABLE.
The generated data file name.
The source file name with complete path and filename along with the file extension.
The offset (or size in bytes) of the data file.
The format of the file. For example: delimitedtext | json | json_row | xml | avro_row | avro_op | avro_row_ocf | avro_op_ocf
The total count of operations in the data file. It must be either renamed or used by the event handlers or it becomes zero (0) because nothing is written. For example, 1024.
The total count of insert operations in the data file. It must be either renamed or used by the event handlers or it becomes zero (0) because nothing is written. For example, 125.
The total count of update operations in the data file. It must be either renamed or used by the event handlers or it becomes zero (0) because nothing is written. For example, 265.
The total count of delete operations in the data file. It must be either renamed or used by the event handlers or it becomes zero (0) because nothing is written. For example, 11.
The total count of truncate operations in the data file. It must be used either on rename or by the event handlers or it will be zero (0) because nothing is written yet. For example, 5.


The Command Event Handler on successful execution of the script or the commnad logs a message with the following statement: The command completed successfully, along with the statement of command that gets executed. If there's an error when the command gets executed, the Command Event Handler abends the Replicat process and logs the error message. HDFS Event Handler

The HDFS Event Handler is used to load files generated by the File Writer Handler into HDFS.

This topic describes how to use the HDFS Event Handler. See Flat Files. Detailing the Functionality Configuring the Handler

The HDFS Event Handler can  can upload data files to HDFS. These additional configuration steps are required:

The HDFS Event Handler dependencies and considerations are the same as the HDFS Handler, see HDFS Additional Considerations.

Ensure that gg.classpath includes the HDFS client libraries.

Ensure that the directory containing the HDFS core-site.xml file is in gg.classpath. This is so the core-site.xml file can be read at runtime and the connectivity information to HDFS can be resolved. For example:


If Kerberos authentication is enabled on the HDFS cluster, you have to configure the Kerberos principal and the location of the keytab file so that the password can be resolved at runtime:

gg.eventHandler.name.kerberosKeytabFile=pathToTheKeytabFile Configuring the HDFS Event Handler

You configure the HDFS Handler operation using the properties file. These properties are located in the Java Adapter properties file (not in the Replicat properties file).

To enable the selection of the HDFS Event Handler, you must first configure the handler type by specifying gg.eventhandler.name.type=hdfs and the other HDFS Event properties as follows:

Table 9-43 HDFS Event Handler Configuration Properties

Properties Required/ Optional Legal Values Default Explanation





Selects the HDFS Event Handler for use.



A string with resolvable keywords and constants used to dynamically generate the path in HDFS to write data files.


Use keywords interlaced with constants to dynamically generate unique path names at runtime. Path names typically follow the format, /ogg/data/${groupName}/${fullyQualifiedTableName}. See Template Keywords.



A string with resolvable keywords and constants used to dynamically generate the HDFS file name at runtime.


Use keywords interlaced with constants to dynamically generate unique file names at runtime. If not set, the upstream file name is used. See Template Keywords.



none | delete


Indicates what the File Writer Handler should do at the finalize action.


Leave the data file in place (removing any active write suffix, see About the Active Write Suffix).


Delete the data file (such as, if the data file has been converted to another format or loaded to a third party application).



The Kerberos principal name.


Set to the Kerberos principal when HDFS Kerberos authentication is enabled.



The path to the Keberos keytab file.


Set to the path to the Kerberos keytab file when HDFS Kerberos authentication is enabled.



A unique string identifier cross referencing a child event handler.

No event handler configured.

A unique string identifier cross referencing an event handler. The event handler will be invoked on the file roll event. Event handlers can do thing file roll event actions like loading files to S3, converting to Parquet or ORC format, or loading files to HDFS. Metacolumn Keywords

This appendix describes the metacolumn keywords.

The metacolumns functionality allows you to select the metadata fields that you want to see in the generated output messages. The format of the metacolumn syntax is:


The keyword is fixed based on the metacolumn syntax. Optionally, you can provide a field name between the square brackets. If a field name is not provided, then the default field name is used.

Keywords are separated by a comma. Following is an example configuration of metacolumns:


An argument may be required for a few metacolumn keywords. For example, it is required where specific token values are resolved or specific environmental variable values are resolved.


All of the tokens for an operation delivered as a map where the token keys are the keys in the map and the token values are the map values.


The value of a specific Oracle GoldenGate token. The token key should follow token key should follow the token using the period (.) operator. For example:


A system environmental variable. The variable name should follow sys using the period (.) operator.


An Oracle GoldenGate environment variable. The variable name should follow env using the period (.) operator.


An Oracle GoldenGate environment variable. The variable name should follow env using the period (.) operator. For example:


A Java JVM variable. The variable name should follow javaprop using the period (.) operator. For example:


The operation type. This is generally I for inserts, U for updates, D for deletes, and T for truncates.


The record position. This is location of the record in the source trail file. It is a 20 character string. The first 10 characters is the trail file sequence number. The last 10 characters is the offset or rba of the record in the trail file.


Record timestamp.


Catalog name.


Schema name.


Table name.


The fully qualified table name.


Source Commit Sequence Number.


Source transaction ID.


Current timestamp.


Current timestamp in ISO 8601 format.


Record sequence number within the transaction.


Record timestamp in microseconds after epoch.


Current timestamp in microseconds after epoch.


The is the transactional indicator from the source trail file. The values of a transaction are B for the first operation, M for the middle operations, E for the last operation, or W for whole if there is only one operation. Filtering operations or the use of coordinated apply negate the usefulness of this field.


Use to inject a field with a list of the primary key column names.


Use to inject a field with a list of the primary key column values with underscore (_) delimiter between primary key values.

Usage: ${primarykeys[fieldName]}

Example: ${primarykeys[JMSXGroupID]}


Use to inject a field with a static value into the output. The value desired should be the argument. If the desired value is abc, then the syntax is ${static.abc} or ${static[FieldName].abc}.


Used to inject a field containing the sequence number of the source trail file for the given operation.


Used to inject a field containing the rba (offset) of the operation in the source trail file for the given operation.


A boolean field which gets set to true on the first operation following a metadata change for the source table definition.


A string field which the value is the group name of the replicat process. Group name is effectively the replicat process name as it is referred to in ggsci or the Oracle GoldenGate Microservices UI. Metadata Providers

The Metadata Providers can replicate from a source to a target using a Replicat parameter file.

This chapter describes how to use the Metadata Providers. About the Metadata Providers

Metadata Providers work only if handlers are configured to run with a Replicat process.

The Replicat process maps source table to target table and source column to target column mapping using syntax in the Replicat configuration file. The source metadata definitions are included in the Oracle GoldenGate trail file (or by source definitions files in Oracle GoldenGate releases 12.2 and later). When the replication target is a database, the Replicat process obtains the target metadata definitions from the target database. However, this is a shortcoming when pushing data to Oracle GoldenGate for Distributed Applications and Analytics (GG for DAA) applications or during Java delivery in general. Typically, GG for DAA applications provide no target metadata, so Replicat mapping is not possible. The metadata providers exist to address this deficiency. You can use a metadata provider to define target metadata using either Avro or Hive, which enables Replicat mapping of source table to target table and source column to target column.

The use of the metadata provider is optional and is enabled if the gg.mdp.type property is specified in the Java Adapter Properties file. If the metadata included in the source Oracle GoldenGate trail file is acceptable for output, then do not use the metadata provider. Use a metadata provider should be used in the following cases:

  • You need to map source table names into target table names that do not match.

  • You need to map source column names into target column name that do not match.

  • You need to include certain columns from the source trail file and omit other columns.

A limitation of Replicat mapping is that the mapping defined in the Replicat configuration file is static. Oracle GoldenGate provides functionality for DDL propagation when using an Oracle database as the source. The proper handling of schema evolution can be problematic when the Metadata Provider and Replicat mapping are used. Consider your use cases for schema evolution and plan for how you want to update the Metadata Provider and the Replicat mapping syntax for required changes.

For every table mapped in Replicat using COLMAP, the metadata is retrieved from a configured metadata provider and retrieved metadata then be used by Replicat for column mapping.

Only the Hive and Avro Metadata Providers are supported and you must choose one or the other to use in your metadata provider implementation.

Scenarios - When to use a metadata provider

  1. The following scenarios do not require a metadata provider to be configured:

    A mapping in which the source schema named GG is mapped to the target schema named GGADP.*

    A mapping in which the schema and table name whereby the schema GG.TCUSTMER is mapped to the table name GGADP.TCUSTMER_NEW

  2. The following scenario requires a metadata provider to be configured:

    A mapping in which the source column name does not match the target column name. For example, a source column of CUST_CODE mapped to a target column of CUST_CODE_NEW.


The Avro Metadata Provider is used to retrieve the table metadata from Avro Schema files. For every table mapped in Replicat using COLMAP, the metadata is retrieved from Avro Schema. Retrieved metadata is then used by Replicat for column mapping. Detailed Functionality

The Avro Metadata Provider uses Avro schema definition files to retrieve metadata. Avro schemas are defined using JSON. For each table mapped in the process_name. prm file, you must create a corresponding Avro schema definition file.

Avro Metadata Provider Schema Definition Syntax

{"namespace": "[$catalogname.]$schemaname",
"type": "record",
"name": "$tablename",
"fields": [
     {"name": "$col1", "type": "$datatype"},
     {"name": "$col2 ",  "type": "$datatype ", "primary_key":true}, 
     {"name": "$col3", "type": "$datatype ", "primary_key":true}, 
     {"name": "$col4", "type": ["$datatype","null"]}   
namespace            - name of catalog/schema being mapped
name                 - name of the table being mapped
fields.name          - array of column names
fields.type          - datatype of the column
fields.primary_key   - indicates the column is part of primary key.

Representing nullable and not nullable columns:

"type":"$datatype" - indicates the column is not nullable, where "$datatype" is the actual datatype.
"type": ["$datatype","null"] - indicates the column is nullable, where "$datatype" is the actual datatype

The names of schema files that are accessed by the Avro Metadata Provider must be in the following format:

$catalogname    - name of the catalog if exists
$schemaname   - name of the schema
$tablename        - name of the table
.mdp.avsc           -  constant, which should be appended always

Supported Avro Primitive Data Types

  • boolean
  • bytes
  • double
  • float
  • int
  • long
  • string

See https://avro.apache.org/docs/1.7.5/spec.html#schema_primitive.

Supported Avro Logical Data Types

  • decimal
  • timestamp
Example Avro for decimal logical type
Example of Timestamp logical type
{"type":"long","logicalType":"timestamp-micros"}} Runtime Prerequisites

Before you start the Replicat process, create Avro schema definitions for all tables mapped in Replicat's parameter file. Classpath Configuration

The Avro Metadata Provider requires no additional classpath setting. Avro Metadata Provider Configuration
Property Required/Optional Legal Values Default Explanation





Selects the Avro Metadata Provider





The path to the Avro schema files directory



Valid character set


Specifies the character set of the column with character data type. Used to convert the source data from the trail file to the correct target character set.



Valid character set


Specifies the character set of the column with character data type. Used to convert the source data from the trail file to the correct target character set.

Example: Used to indicate character set of columns, such as NCHAR, NVARCHAR in an Oracle database. Review a Sample Configuration

This is an example for configuring the Avro Metadata Provider. Consider a source that includes the following table:

     NAME VARCHAR(100),
     CITY VARCHAR(200),

This table maps the(CUST_CODE (GG.TCUSTMER) in the source to CUST_CODE2 (GG_AVRO.TCUSTMER_AVRO) on the target and the column CITY(GG.TCUSTMER) in source to CITY2 (GG_AVRO.TCUSTMER_AVRO) on the target. Therefore, the mapping in the process_name. prm file is:


In this example the mapping definition is as follows:

  • Source schema GG is mapped to target schema GG_AVRO.

  • Source column CUST_CODE is mapped to target column CUST_CODE2.

  • Source column CITY is mapped to target column CITY2.

  • USEDEFAULTS specifies that rest of the columns names are same on both source and target (NAME and STATE columns).

This example uses the following Avro schema definition file:

File path: /home/ggadp/avromdpGG_AVRO.TCUSTMER_AVRO.mdp.avsc

{"namespace": "GG_AVRO",
"type": "record",
"name": "TCUSTMER_AVRO",
"fields": [
     {"name": "NAME", "type": "string"},
    {"name": "CUST_CODE2",  "type": "string", "primary_key":true},
     {"name": "CITY2", "type": "string"},
     {"name": "STATE", "type": ["string","null"]}

The configuration in the Java Adapter properties file includes the following:

gg.mdp.type = avro
gg.mdp.schemaFilesPath = /home/ggadp/avromdp

The following sample output uses a delimited text formatter with a semi-colon as the delimiter:


Oracle GoldenGate for Distributed Applications and Analytics (GG for DAA) includes a sample Replicat configuration file, a sample Java Adapter properties file, and sample Avro schemas at the following location:

GoldenGate_install_directory/AdapterExamples/big-data/metadata_provider/avro Metadata Change Events

If the DDL changes in the source database tables, you may need to modify the Avro schema definitions and the mappings in the Replicat configuration file. You may also want to stop or suspend the Replicat process in the case of a metadata change event. You can stop the Replicat process by adding the following line to the Replicat configuration file (process_name. prm):


Alternatively, you can suspend the Replicat process by adding the following line to the Replication configuration file:


Avro bytes data type cannot be used as primary key.

The source-to-target mapping that is defined in the Replicat configuration file is static. Oracle GoldenGate 12.2 and later support DDL propagation and source schema evolution for Oracle Databases as replication source. If you use DDL propagation and source schema evolution, you lose the ability to seamlessly handle changes to the source metadata. Troubleshooting

This topic contains the information about how to troubleshoot the following issues: Invalid Schema Files Location

The Avro schema files directory specified in the gg.mdp.schemaFilesPath configuration property must be a valid directory.If the path is not valid, you encounter following exception:

oracle.goldengate.util.ConfigException: Error initializing Avro metadata provider
Specified schema location does not exist. {/path/to/schema/files/dir} Invalid Schema File Name

For every table that is mapped in the process_name.prm file, you must create a corresponding Avro schema file in the directory that is specified in gg.mdp.schemaFilesPath.

For example, consider the following scenario:





In this scenario, you must create a file called GG_AVRO.TCUSTMER_AVRO.mdp.avsc in the /home/usr/avro/ directory.

If you do not create the /home/usr/avro/GG_AVRO.TCUSTMER_AVRO.mdp.avsc file, you encounter the following exception:

java.io.FileNotFoundException: /home/usr/avro/GG_AVRO.TCUSTMER_AVRO.mdp.avsc Invalid Namespace in Schema File

The target schema name specified in Replicat mapping must be same as the namespace in the Avro schema definition file.

For example, consider the following scenario:


Avro Schema Definition:
"namespace": "GG_AVRO",

In this scenario, Replicat abends with following exception:

Unable to retrieve table matadata. Table : GG_AVRO.TCUSTMER_AVRO
Mapped [catalogname.]schemaname (GG_AVRO) does not match with the schema namespace {schema namespace} Invalid Table Name in Schema File

The target table name that is specified in Replicat mapping must be same as the name in the Avro schema definition file.

For example, consider the following scenario:



Avro Schema Definition:

"namespace": "GG_AVRO",
"name": "TCUSTMER_AVRO",

In this scenario, if the target table name specified in Replicat mapping does not match with the Avro schema name, then REPLICAT abends with following exception:

Unable to retrieve table matadata. Table : GG_AVRO.TCUSTMER_AVRO
Mapped table name (TCUSTMER_AVRO) does not match with the schema table name {table name} Java Database Connectivity Metadata Provider

The Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) Metadata Provider is used to retrieve the table metadata from any target database that supports a JDBC connection and has a database schema. It is the preferred metadata provider for any target RDBMS database, although various other non-RDBMS targets also provide a JDBC driver. JDBC Detailed Functionality

The JDBC Metadata Provider uses the JDBC driver that is provided with your target database. The DBC driver retrieves the metadata for every target table that is mapped in the Replicat properties file. Replicat processes use the retrieved target metadata to map columns.

You can enable this feature for JDBC Handler by configuring the REPERROR property in your Replicat parameter file. In addition, you need to define the error codes specific to your RDBMS JDBC target in the JDBC Handler properties file as follows:

Table 9-44 JDBC REPERROR Codes

Property Value Required

Comma-separated integer values of error codes that indicate duplicate errors



Comma-separated integer values of error codes that indicate Not Found errors



Comma-separated integer values of error codes that indicate deadlock errors


For example:


To understand how the various JDBC types are mapped to database-specific SQL types, see https://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/guides/jdbc/getstart/mapping.html#table1. Java Classpath

The JDBC Java Driver location must be included in the class path of the handler using the gg.classpath property.

For example, the configuration for a MySQL database might be:

gg.classpath= /path/to/jdbc/driver/jar/mysql-connector-java-5.1.39-bin.jar JDBC Metadata Provider Configuration

The following are the configurable values for the JDBC Metadata Provider. These properties are located in the Java Adapter properties file (not in the Replicat properties file).

Table 9-45 JDBC Metadata Provider Properties

Properties Required/ Optional Legal Values Default Explanation





Entering jdbc at a command prompt activates the use of the JDBC Metadata Provider.





The target database JDBC URL.



Java class name of the JDBC driver


The fully qualified Java class name of the JDBC driver.



A legal username string.


The user name for the JDBC connection. Alternatively, you can provide the user name using the ConnectionURL property.



A legal password string


The password for the JDBC connection. Alternatively, you can provide the password using the ConnectionURL property. Review a Sample Configuration

MySQL Driver Configuration


Netezza Driver Configuration


Oracle OCI Driver configuration


Oracle Teradata Driver configuration


Oracle Thin Driver Configuration


Redshift Driver Configuration

gg.mdp.Password=password Hive Metadata Provider

The Hive Metadata Provider is used to retrieve the table metadata from a Hive metastore. The metadata is retrieved from Hive for every target table that is mapped in the Replicat properties file using the COLMAP parameter. The retrieved target metadata is used by Replicat for the column mapping functionality. Detailed Functionality

The Hive Metadata Provider uses both Hive JDBC and HCatalog interfaces to retrieve metadata from the Hive metastore. For each table mapped in the process_name.prm file, a corresponding table is created in Hive.

The default Hive configuration starts an embedded, local metastore Derby database. Because, Apache Derby is designed to be an embedded database, it allows only a single connection. The limitation of the Derby Database means that it cannot function when working with the Hive Metadata Provider. To workaround this limitation this, you must configure Hive with a remote metastore database. For more information about how to configure Hive with a remote metastore database, see https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/AdminManual+Metastore+Administration.

Hive does not support Primary Key semantics, so the metadata retrieved from Hive metastore does not include a primary key definition. When you use the Hive Metadata Provider, use the Replicat KEYCOLS parameter to define primary keys.


Use the KEYCOLS parameter must be used to define primary keys in the target schema. The Oracle GoldenGate HBase Handler requires primary keys. Therefore, you must set primary keys in the target schema when you use Replicat mapping with HBase as the target.

The output of the Avro formatters includes an Array field to hold the primary column names. If you use Replicat mapping with the Avro formatters, consider using KEYCOLS to identify the primary key columns.

For example configurations of KEYCOLS, see Review a Sample Configuration.

Supported Hive Data types




  • CHAR

  • DATE




  • INT






See https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/LanguageManual+Types. Configuring Hive with a Remote Metastore Database

You can find a list of supported databases that you can use to configure remote Hive metastore can be found at https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/AdminManual+MetastoreAdmin#AdminManualMetastoreAdmin-SupportedBackendDatabasesforMetastore.

The following example shows a MySQL database is configured as the Hive metastore using properties in the ${HIVE_HOME}/conf/hive-site.xml Hive configuration file.


The ConnectionURL and driver class used in this example are specific to MySQL database. If you use a database other than MySQL, then change the values to fit your configuration.


To see a list of parameters to configure in the hive-site.xml file for a remote metastore, see https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/AdminManual+MetastoreAdmin#AdminManualMetastoreAdmin-RemoteMetastoreDatabase.


Follow these steps to add the MySQL JDBC connector JAR in the Hive classpath:

  1. In HIVE_HOME/lib/ directory. DB_NAME should be replaced by a valid database name created in MySQL.

  2. Start the Hive Server:


  3. Start the Hive Remote Metastore Server:

    HIVE_HOME/bin/hive --service metastore Classpath Configuration

For the Hive Metadata Provider to connect to Hive, you must configure thehive-site.xml file and the Hive and HDFS client jars in the gg.classpath variable. The client JARs must match the version of Hive to which the Hive Metadata Provider is connecting.

For example, if the hive-site.xml file is created in the /home/user/oggadp/dirprm directory, then gg.classpath entry is gg.classpath=/home/user/oggadp/dirprm/

  1. Create a hive-site.xml file that has the following properties:

    <!-- Mandatory Property --> 
    <!-- Optional Property. Default value is 5 -->
    <!-- Optional Property. Default value is 1 -->
    <!-- Optional Property. Default value is 600 seconds -->
  2. By default, the following directories contain the Hive and HDFS client jars:


    Configure the gg.classpath exactly as shown in the step 1. The path to the hive-site.xml file must be the path with no wildcard appended. If you include the * wildcard in the path to the hive-site.xml file, it will not be located. The path to the dependency JARs must include the * wildcard character to include all of the JAR files in that directory in the associated classpath. Do not use *.jar. Hive Metadata Provider Configuration Properties
Property Required/Optional Legal Values Default Explanation





Selects the Hive Metadata Provider



Format without Kerberos Authentication:


Format with Kerberos Authentication:



The JDBC connection URL of the Hive server





The fully qualified Hive JDBC driver class name



Valid username


The user name for connecting to the Hive database. The userName property is not required when Kerberos authentication is used. The Kerberos principal should be specified in the connection URL as specified in connectionUrl property's legal values.



Valid Password


The password for connecting to the Hive database



Valid character set


The character set of the column with the character data type. Used to convert the source data from the trail file to the correct target character set.



Valid character set


The character set of the column with the national character data type. Used to convert the source data from the trail file to the correct target character set.

For example, this property may indicate the character set of columns, such as NCHAR and NVARCHAR in an Oracle database.





Allows you to designate Kerberos authentication to Hive.


Optional (Required if authType=kerberos)

Relative or absolute path to a Kerberos keytab file.


The keytab file allows Hive to access a password to perform the kinit operation for Kerberos security.


Optional (Required if authType=kerberos)

A legal Kerberos principal name(user/FQDN@MY.REALM)


The Kerberos principal name for Kerberos authentication. Review a Sample Configuration

This is an example for configuring the Hive Metadata Provider. Consider a source with following table:

     NAME VARCHAR(100),
     CITY VARCHAR(200),
     STATE VARCHAR(200)}

The example maps the column CUST_CODE (GG.TCUSTMER) in the source to CUST_CODE2 (GG_HIVE.TCUSTMER_HIVE) on the target and column CITY (GG.TCUSTMER) in the source to CITY2 (GG_HIVE.TCUSTMER_HIVE)on the target.

Mapping configuration in the process_name. prm file includes the following configuration:


In this example:

  • The source schema GG is mapped to the target schema GG_HIVE.

  • The source column CUST_CODE is mapped to the target column CUST_CODE2.

  • The source column CITY is mapped to the target column CITY2.

  • USEDEFAULTS specifies that rest of the column names are same on both source and target (NAME and STATE columns).

  • KEYCOLS is used to specify that CUST_CODE2 should be treated as primary key.

Because primary keys cannot be specified in the Hive DDL, the KEYCOLS parameter is used to specify the primary keys.


You can choose any schema name and are not restricted to the gg_hive schema name. The Hive schema can be pre-existing or newly created. You do this by modifying the connection URL (gg.mdp.connectionUrl) in the Java Adapter properties file and the mapping configuration in the Replicat.prm file. Once the schema name is changed, update the connection URL (gg.mdp.connectionUrl) and mapping in the Replicat.prm file.

You can create the schema and tables for this example in Hive by using the following commands. You can create the schema and tables for this example in Hive by using the following commands. To start the Hive CLI use the following command:


To create the GG_HIVE schema, in Hive, use the following command:

hive> create schema gg_hive;
Time taken: 0.02 seconds

To create the TCUSTMER_HIVE table in the GG_HIVE database, use the following command:

    >   "CUST_CODE2" VARCHAR(4),
    >   "NAME" VARCHAR(30),
    >   "CITY2" VARCHAR(20),
    >   "STATE" STRING);
Time taken: 0.056 seconds

Configure the .properties file in a way that resembles the following:


The following sample output uses the delimited text formatter, with a comma as the delimiter:

I;GG_HIVE.TCUSTMER_HIVE;2015-10-07T04:50:47.519000;cust_code2;WILL;name;BG SOFTWARE CO;city2;SEATTLE;state;WA

A sample Replicat configuration file, Java Adapter properties file, and Hive create table SQL script are included with the installation at the following location:

GoldenGate_install_directory/AdapterExamples/big-data/metadata_provider/hive Security

You can secure the Hive server using Kerberos authentication. For information about how to secure the Hive server, see the Hive documentation for the specific Hive release. The Hive Metadata Provider can connect to a Kerberos secured Hive server.

Make sure that the paths to the HDFS core-site.xml file and the hive-site.xml file are in the handler's classpath.

Enable the following properties in the core-site.xml file:


Enable the following properties in the hive-site.xml file:

<value>/path/to/keytab</value> <!-- Change this value -->
<value>Kerberos Principal</value> <!-- Change this value -->
    <value>Kerberos Principal</value> <!-- Change this value -->
    <value>/path/to/keytab</value> <!-- Change this value -->
</property> Metadata Change Event

Tables in Hive metastore should be updated, altered, or created manually if the source database tables change. In the case of a metadata change event, you may wish to terminate or suspend the Replicat process. You can terminate the Replicat process by adding the following to the Replicat configuration file (process_name. prm):


You can suspend, the Replicat process by adding the following to the Replication configuration file:


Columns with binary data type cannot be used as primary keys.

The source-to-target mapping that is defined in the Replicat configuration file is static. Oracle GoldenGate 12.2 and later versions supports DDL propagation and source schema evolution for Oracle databases as replication sources. If you use DDL propagation and source schema evolution, you lose the ability to seamlessly handle changes to the source metadata. Additional Considerations

The most common problems encountered are the Java classpath issues. The Hive Metadata Provider requires certain Hive and HDFS client libraries to be resolved in its classpath.

The required client JAR directories are listed in Classpath Configuration. Hive and HDFS client JARs do not ship with Oracle GoldenGate for Distributed Applications and Analytics (GG for DAA). The client JARs should be of the same version as the Hive version to which the Hive Metadata Provider is connecting.

To establish a connection to the Hive server, the hive-site.xml file must be in the classpath. Troubleshooting

If the mapped target table is not present in Hive, the Replicat process will terminate with a "Table metadata resolution exception".

For example, consider the following mapping:


This mapping requires a table called TCUSTMER_HIVE to be created in the schema GG_HIVE in the Hive metastore. If this table is not present in Hive, then the following exception occurs:

ERROR [main) - Table Metadata Resolution Exception
Unable to retrieve table matadata. Table : GG_HIVE.TCUSTMER_HIVE
NoSuchObjectException(message:GG_HIVE.TCUSTMER_HIVE table not found) Google BigQuery Metadata Provider

Google metadata provider uses the Google Query Job to retrieve the metadata schema information from the Google BigQuery Table. The Table should already be created on the target for BigQuery to fetch the metadata.

Google BigQuery does not support primary key semantics, so the metadata retrieved from BigQuery Table does not include any primary key definition. You can identify the primary keys using the KEYCOLS syntax in the replicat mapping statement. If KEYCOLS is not present, then the key information from the source table is used. Authentication

Google BigQuery cloud service account can be connected either using the credentials JSON file by setting the path to the file in MDP property or setting the individual keys of credentials JSON into BigQuery MDP properties. The individual properties of BigQuery metadata provider for configuring the service account credential keys can be encrypted using Oracle wallet. Supported BigQuery Datatypes

The following table lists the Google BigQuery datatypes that are supported and their default scale and precision values:

Data Type Range Max Scale Max Precision Max Bytes







[-2^64] to [+ 2^64 -1]










Min: 9.9999999999999999999999999999999999999E+28

Max: 9.9999999999999999999999999999999999999E+28

9 38 64

Min: 5.78960446186580977117854925043439539266


Max: 5.78960446186580977117854925043439539266


38 77 255
STRING Unlimited NA NA 2147483647L
BYTES Unlimited NA NA 2147483647L
DATE 0001-01-01 to 9999-12-31 NA NA NA
TIME 00:00:00 to 23:59:59.999999 NA NA NA
TIMESTAMP 0001-01-01 00:00:00 to 9999-12-31 23:59:59.999999 UTC NA NA NA Parameterized BigQuery Datatypes

The BigQuery datatypes that can be parameterized to add constraints are STRING, BYTES, NUMERIC, and BIGNUMERIC. The STRING and BYTES datatypes can have length constraints.NUMERIC and BIGNUMERIC can have scale and precision constraints.

  1. STRING(L): L is the maximum number of Unicode characters ­­­­­­­­allowed.
  2. BYTES(L): L is the maximum number of bytes allowed.
  3. NUMERIC(P[, S]) or BIGNUMERIC(P[, S]): P is maximum precision (total number of digits) and S is maximum scale (number of digits after decimal) that is allowed.

The parameterized datatypes are supported in BigQuery Metadata Provider. If there is a datatype with user-defined precision, scale or max-length, then metadata provider calculates the data based on those values. Unsupported BigQuery Datatypes

The following table lists the Google BigQuery datatypes that are supported and their default scale and precision values:

The BigQuery datatypes that are not supported by metadata provider are complex datatypes, such as GEOGRAPHY, JSON, ARRAY, INTERVAL, and STRUCT. The metadata provider is going to abend with invalid datatype exception if it encounters them. Configuring BigQuery Metadata Provider

The following table lists the configuration properties for BigQuery metadata provider:

Property Required/Optional Legal Values Default Explanationtes


Required bq NA Select BigQuery Metadata Provider
gg.mdp.credentialsFile Optional File path to credentials JSON file. NA Provides path to the credentials JSON file for connecting to Google BigQuery Service account.
gg.mdp.clientId Optional Valid BigQuery Credentials Client Id NA Provides the client Id key from the credentials file for connecting to Google BigQuery service account.
gg.mdp.clientEmail Optional Valid BigQuery Credentials Client Email NA Provides the client Email key from the credentials file for connecting to Google BigQuery service account.
gg.mdp.privateKeyId Optional Valid BigQuery Credentials Private Key ID NA Provides the Private Key ID from the credentials file for connecting to Google BigQuery service account.
gg.mdp.privateKey Optional Valid BigQuery Credentials Private Key NA Provides the Private Key from the credentials file for connecting to Google BigQuery service account.
gg.mdp.projectId Optional Unique BigQuery project Id NA Unique project Id of BigQuery.
gg.mdp.connectionTimeout Optional Time in sec 5 Connect Timeout for BigQuery connection.
gg.mdp.readTimeout Optional Time in sec 6 Timeout to read from BigQuery connection.
gg.mdp.totalTimeout Optional Time in sec 9 Total timeout for BigQuery connection.
gg.mdp.retryCount Optional Maximum number of retries. 3 Maximum number of reties for connecting to BigQuery.
Either of the property to set the path to credentials JSON file or the properties to set the credential file keys are mandatory for connecting to Google Service account for accessing the BigQuery. Setting the individual credentials parameter enables them to be encrypted using Oracle wallet. Sample Configuration

Sample properties file content:

The following are sample properties that are added to BigQuery Handler properties file or BigQuery Event Handler properties file along with their own properties in order to configure the metadata provider.

Sample parameter file:

There is no change in parameter file for configuring metadata provider. This sample parameter file is similar to the BigQuery Event Handler parameter file.
TARGETDB LIBFILE libggjava.so SET property=dirprm/bqeh.props
MAP schema.tableName, TARGET schema.tableName; Proxy Settings
The proxy settings can be added as java virtual machine (JVM) arguments when we are trying to access the BigQuery server from behind a proxy. For example, for oracle proxy server connection cab be added in properties file as follows:
jvm.bootoptions= -Dhttps.proxyHost=www-proxy.us.oracle.com -Dhttps.proxyPort=80 Classpath Settings

The dependency of BigQuery metadata provider is same as the Google BigQuery stage-and-merge Event Handler dependency. The dependencies added to the Oracle GoldenGate class-path for BigQuery event Handler is sufficient for running the BigQuery metadata provider, and no extra dependency need to be configured. Limitations

The complex BigQuery datatypes are not yet supported by the metadata provider. It will abend in case any of unsupported datatypes are encountered.

If the BigQuery handler or event-handler is configured to auto create table and dataspace, then the metadata provider expects table to exist in order to fetch the metadata. The feature to auto-create table and dataspace of BigQuery handler and event handler does not work with BigQuery metadata provider. Metadata change event is not supported by Big Query metadata provider. It can be configured to abend or suspend in case there is a metadata change. Pluggable Formatters

The pluggable formatters are used to convert operations from the Oracle GoldenGate trail file into formatted messages that you can send to Oracle GoldenGate for Distributed Applications and Analytics (GG for DAA) targets using one of the GG for DAA handlers.

This chapter describes how to use the pluggable formatters. Using Operation-Based versus Row-Based Formatting

The Oracle GoldenGate for Distributed Applications and Analytics (GG for DAA) formatters include operation-based and row-based formatters.

The operation-based formatters represent the individual insert, update, and delete events that occur on table data in the source database. Insert operations only provide after-change data (or images), because a new row is being added to the source database. Update operations provide both before-change and after-change data that shows how existing row data is modified. Delete operations only provide before-change data to identify the row being deleted. The operation-based formatters model the operation as it is exists in the source trail file. Operation-based formats include fields for the before-change and after-change images.

The row-based formatters model the row data as it exists after the operation data is applied. Row-based formatters contain only a single image of the data. The following sections describe what data is displayed for both the operation-based and the row-based formatters. Operation Formatters

The formatters that support operation-based formatting are JSON, Avro Operation, and XML. The output of operation-based formatters are as follows:

  • Insert operation: Before-image data is null. After image data is output.

  • Update operation: Both before-image and after-image data is output.

  • Delete operation: Before-image data is output. After-image data is null.

  • Truncate operation: Both before-image and after-image data is null. Row Formatters

The formatters that support row-based formatting are Delimited Text and Avro Row. Row-based formatters output the following information for the following operations:

  • Insert operation: After-image data only.

  • Update operation: After-image data only. Primary key updates are a special case which will be discussed in individual sections for the specific formatters.

  • Delete operation: Before-image data only.

  • Truncate operation: The table name is provided, but both before-image and after-image data are null. Truncate table is a DDL operation, and it may not support different database implementations. Refer to the Oracle GoldenGate documentation for your database implementation. Table Row or Column Value States

In an RDBMS, table data for a specific row and column can only have one of two states: either the data has a value, or it is null. However; when data is transferred to the Oracle GoldenGate trail file by the Oracle GoldenGate capture process, the data can have three possible states: it can have a value, it can be null, or it can be missing.

For an insert operation, the after-image contains data for all column values regardless of whether the data is null.. However, the data included for update and delete operations may not always contain complete data for all columns. When replicating data to an RDBMS for an update operation only the primary key values and the values of the columns that changed are required to modify the data in the target database. In addition, only the primary key values are required to delete the row from the target database. Therefore, even though values are present in the source database, the values may be missing in the source trail file. Because data in the source trail file may have three states, the Plugable Formatters must also be able to represent data in all three states.

Because the row and column data in the Oracle GoldenGate trail file has an important effect on Oracle GoldenGate for Distributed Applications and Analytics (GG for DAA) integration, it is important to understand the data that is required. Typically, you can control the data that is included for operations in the Oracle GoldenGate trail file. In an Oracle database, this data is controlled by the supplemental logging level. To understand how to control the row and column values that are included in the Oracle GoldenGate trail file, see the Oracle GoldenGate documentation for your source database implementation.. Using the Avro Formatter

Apache Avro is an open source data serialization and deserialization framework known for its flexibility, compactness of serialized data, and good serialization and deserialization performance. Apache Avro is commonly used in Oracle GoldenGate for Distributed Applications and Analytics (GG for DAA) applications. Avro Row Formatter

The Avro Row Formatter formats operation data from the source trail file into messages in an Avro binary array format. Each individual insert, update, delete, and truncate operation is formatted into an individual Avro message. The source trail file contains the before and after images of the operation data. The Avro Row Formatter takes the before-image and after-image data and formats it into an Avro binary representation of the operation data.

The Avro Row Formatter formats operations from the source trail file into a format that represents the row data. This format is more compact than the output from the Avro Operation Formatter for the Avro messages model the change data operation.

The Avro Row Formatter may be a good choice when streaming Avro data to HDFS. Hive supports data files in HDFS in an Avro format.

This section contains the following topics: Operation Metadata Formatting Details

The automated output of meta-column fields in generated Avro messages has been removed as of Oracle GoldenGate for Distributed Applications and Analytics (GG for DAA) release 21.1. Meta-column fields can still be output; however, they need to explicitly configured as the following property: gg.handler.name.format.metaColumnsTemplate.

To output the metacolumns configure the following:


To also include the primary key columns and the tokens configure as follows:


For more information see the configuration property: gg.handler.name.format.metaColumnsTemplate.

Table 9-46 Avro Formatter Metadata

Value Description


The fully qualified table in the format is: CATALOG_NAME.SCHEMA_NAME.TABLE_NAME


The type of database operation from the source trail file. Default values are I for insert, U for update, D for delete, and T for truncate.


The timestamp of the operation from the source trail file. Since this timestamp is from the source trail, it is fixed. Replaying the trail file results in the same timestamp for the same operation.


The time when the formatter processed the current operation record. This timestamp follows the ISO-8601 format and includes microsecond precision. Replaying the trail file will not result in the same timestamp for the same operation.


The concatenated sequence number and the RBA number from the source trail file. This trail position lets you trace the operation back to the source trail file. The sequence number is the source trail file number. The RBA number is the offset in the trail file.


An array variable that holds the column names of the primary keys of the source table.


A map variable that holds the token key value pairs from the source trail file. Operation Data Formatting Details

The operation data follows the operation metadata. This data is represented as individual fields identified by the column names.

Column values for an operation from the source trail file can have one of three states: the column has a value, the column value is null, or the column value is missing. Avro attributes only support two states, the column has a value or the column value is null. Missing column values are handled the same as null values. Oracle recommends that when you use the Avro Row Formatter, you configure the Oracle GoldenGate capture process to provide full image data for all columns in the source trail file.

By default, the setting of the Avro Row Formatter maps the data types from the source trail file to the associated Avro data type. Because Avro provides limited support for data types, source columns map into Avro long, double, float, binary, or string data types. You can also configure data type mapping to handle all data as strings. Sample Avro Row Messages

Because Avro messages are binary, they are not human readable. The following sample messages show the JSON representation of the messages. Sample Insert Message
{"table": "GG.TCUSTORD", 
"op_type": "I", 
"op_ts": "2013-06-02 22:14:36.000000", 
"current_ts": "2015-09-18T10:13:11.172000", 
"pos": "00000000000000001444", 
"primary_keys": ["CUST_CODE", "ORDER_DATE", "PRODUCT_CODE", "ORDER_ID"], 
"tokens": {"R": "AADPkvAAEAAEqL2AAA"}, 
"ORDER_DATE": "1994-09-30:15:33:00", 
"ORDER_ID": "144", 
"PRODUCT_PRICE": 17520.0, 
"TRANSACTION_ID": "100"} Sample Update Message
{"table": "GG.TCUSTORD", 
"op_type": "U", 
"op_ts": "2013-06-02 22:14:41.000000", 
"current_ts": "2015-09-18T10:13:11.492000", 
"pos": "00000000000000002891", 
"primary_keys": ["CUST_CODE", "ORDER_DATE", "PRODUCT_CODE", "ORDER_ID"], "tokens":
 {"R": "AADPkvAAEAAEqLzAAA"}, 
"ORDER_DATE": "1995-12-31:15:00:00", 
"ORDER_ID": "765", 
"PRODUCT_PRICE": 14000.0, 
"TRANSACTION_ID": "100"} Sample Delete Message
{"table": "GG.TCUSTORD",
"op_type": "D", 
"op_ts": "2013-06-02 22:14:41.000000", 
"current_ts": "2015-09-18T10:13:11.512000", 
"pos": "00000000000000004338", 
"primary_keys": ["CUST_CODE", "ORDER_DATE", "PRODUCT_CODE", "ORDER_ID"], "tokens":
 {"L": "206080450", "6": "9.0.80330", "R": "AADPkvAAEAAEqLzAAC"}, "CUST_CODE":
"ORDER_DATE": "1993-11-03:07:51:35", 
"ORDER_ID": "600", 
"TRANSACTION_ID": null} Sample Truncate Message
{"table": "GG.TCUSTORD", 
"op_type": "T", 
"op_ts": "2013-06-02 22:14:41.000000", 
"current_ts": "2015-09-18T10:13:11.514000", 
"pos": "00000000000000004515", 
"primary_keys": ["CUST_CODE", "ORDER_DATE", "PRODUCT_CODE", "ORDER_ID"], "tokens":
 {"R": "AADPkvAAEAAEqL2AAB"}, 
"CUST_CODE": null, 
"ORDER_DATE": null, 
"PRODUCT_CODE": null, 
"ORDER_ID": null, 
"TRANSACTION_ID": null} Avro Schemas

Avro uses JSONs to represent schemas. Avro schemas define the format of generated Avro messages and are required to serialize and deserialize Avro messages.

Schemas are generated on a just-in-time basis when the first operation for a table is encountered. Newer schemas are generated when there is a change in the metadata. The generated Avro schemas are specific to a table definition, and therefore, a separate Avro schema is generated for every table encountered for processed operations. By default, Avro schemas are written to the GoldenGate_Home/dirdef directory, although the write location is configurable. Avro schema file names adhere to the following naming convention: Fully_Qualified_Table_Name.avsc.

The following is a sample Avro schema for the Avro Row Format for the references examples in the previous section:

  "type" : "record",
  "name" : "TCUSTORD",
  "namespace" : "GG",
  "fields" : [ {
    "name" : "table",
    "type" : "string"
  }, {
    "name" : "op_type",
    "type" : "string"
  }, {
    "name" : "op_ts",
    "type" : "string"
  }, {
    "name" : "current_ts",
    "type" : "string"
  }, {
    "name" : "pos",
    "type" : "string"
  }, {
    "name" : "primary_keys",
    "type" : {
      "type" : "array",
      "items" : "string"
  }, {
    "name" : "tokens",
    "type" : {
      "type" : "map",
      "values" : "string"
    "default" : { }
  }, {
    "name" : "CUST_CODE",
    "type" : [ "null", "string" ],
    "default" : null
  }, {
    "name" : "ORDER_DATE",
    "type" : [ "null", "string" ],
    "default" : null
  }, {
    "name" : "PRODUCT_CODE",
    "type" : [ "null", "string" ],
    "default" : null
  }, {
    "name" : "ORDER_ID",
    "type" : [ "null", "string" ],
    "default" : null
  }, {
    "name" : "PRODUCT_PRICE",
    "type" : [ "null", "double" ],
    "default" : null
  }, {
    "name" : "PRODUCT_AMOUNT",
    "type" : [ "null", "double" ],
    "default" : null
  }, {
    "name" : "TRANSACTION_ID",
    "type" : [ "null", "string" ],
    "default" : null
  } ]
} Avro Row Configuration Properties

Table 9-47 Avro Row Configuration Properties

Properties Optional/ Required Legal Values Default Explanation


Any string


Indicator to be inserted into the output record to indicate an insert operation.



Any string


Indicator to be inserted into the output record to indicate an update operation.



Any string


Indicator to be inserted into the output record to indicate a delete operation.



Any string


Indicator to be inserted into the output record to indicate a truncate operation.



Any legal encoding name or alias supported by Java.

UTF-8 (the JSON default)

Controls the output encoding of generated JSON Avro schema. The JSON default is UTF-8. Avro messages are binary and support their own internal representation of encoding.



true | false


Controls the output typing of generated Avro messages. If set to false then the formatter will attempt to map Oracle GoldenGate types to the corresponding AVRO type. If set to true then all data will be treated as Strings in the generated Avro messages and schemas.



abend | update | delete-insert


Specifies how the formatter handles update operations that change a primary key. Primary key operations for the Avro Row formatter require special consideration.

  • abend: the process terminates.

  • update: the process handles the update as a normal update.

  • delete or insert: the process handles the update as a delete and an insert. Full supplemental logging must be enabled. Without full before and after row images, the insert data will be incomplete.



Any string

no value

Inserts a delimiter after each Avro message. This is not a best practice, but in certain cases you may want to parse a stream of data and extract individual Avro messages from the stream. Select a unique delimiter that cannot occur in any Avro message. This property supports CDATA[] wrapping.





Avro schemas always follow thefully_qualified_table_name.avsc convention. Setting this property to true creates an additional Avro schema named fully_qualified_table_name_current_timestamp.avsc in the schema directory. Because the additional Avro schema is not destroyed or removed, provides a history of schema evolution.





Wraps the Avro messages for operations from the source trail file in a generic Avro wrapper message. For more information, see Generic Wrapper Functionality.



Any legal, existing file system path.


The output location of generated Avro schemas.



Any legal encoding name or alias supported by Java.


The directory in the HDFS where schemas are output. A metadata change overwrites the schema during the next operation for the associated table. Schemas follow the same naming convention as schemas written to the local file system:catalog.schema.table.avsc.



true | false


The format of the current timestamp. The default is the  ISO 8601 format. A setting of false removes the T between the date and time in the current timestamp, which outputs a space instead.



true | false


Set to true to include a {column_name}_isMissing boolean field for each source field. This field allows downstream applications to differentiate if a null value is null in the source trail file (value is false) or is missing in the source trail file (value is true).



true | false


Enables the use of Avro decimal logical types. The decimal logical type represents numbers as a byte array and can provide support for much larger numbers than can fit in the classic 64-bit long or double data types.



Any integer value from 0 to 38.


Allows you to set the scale on the Avro decimal data type.Only applicable when you set enableDecimalLogicalType=true. The Oracle NUMBER is a proprietary numeric data type of Oracle Database that supports variable precision and scale. Precision and scale are variable on a per instance of the Oracle NUMBER data type. Precision and scale are required parameters when generating the Avro decimal logical type. This makes mapping of Oracle NUMBER data types into Avro difficult because there is no way to deterministically know the precision and scale of an Oracle NUMBER data type when the Avro schema is generated. The best alternative is to generate a large Avro decimal data type a precision of 164 and a scale of 38, which should hold any legal instance of Oracle NUMBER. While this solves the problem of precision loss when converting Oracle Number data types to Avro decimal data types, you may not like that Avro decimal data types when retrieved from Avro messages downstream have 38 digits trailing the decimal point.

gg.handler.name.format.mapOracleNumbersAsStrings Optional

true | false

false This property is only applicable if decimal logical types are enabled via the property gg.handler.name.format.enableDecimalLogialType=true. Oracle numbers are especially problematic because they have a large precision (168) and floating scale of up to 38. Some analytical tools, such as Spark cannot read numbers that large. This property allows you to map those Oracle numbers as strings while still mapping the smaller numbers as decimal logical types.



true | false


Set to true to map source date and time data types into the Avro TimestampMicros logical data type. The variable gg.format.timestamp must be configured to provide a mask for the source date and time data types to make sense of them. The Avro TimestampMicros is part of the Avro 1.8 specification. If gghandler.name.format.enableTimestampLogicalType is set to true and gg.format.timestamp is unset, then replicat will abend with a configuration exception.

gg.handler.name.format.mapLargeNumbersAsStrings Optional true | false false Oracle GoldenGate supports the floating point and integer source datatypes. Some of these datatypes may not fit into the Avro primitive double or long datatypes. Set this property to true to map the fields that do not fit into the Avro primitive double or long datatypes to Avro string.
gg.handler.name.format.metaColumnsTemplate Optional See Metacolumn Keywords. None

The current meta column information can be configured in a simple manner and removes the explicit need to use:

insertOpKey | updateOpKey | deleteOpKey | truncateOpKey | includeTableName | includeOpTimestamp | includeOpType | includePosition | includeCurrentTimestamp, useIso8601Format

It is a comma-delimited string consisting of one or more templated values that represent the template.

For more information about the Metacolumn keywords, see Metacolumn Keywords.

gg.handler.name.format.maxPrecision Optional None Positive Integer Allows you to set the maximum precision for Avro decimal logical types. Consuming applications may have limitations on Avro precision (that is, Apache Spark supports a maximum precision of 38).


Configuration of this property is not without risk.
The NUMBER type in an Oracle RDBMS supports a maximum precision of 164. Configuration of this property likely means you are casting larger source numeric types to smaller target numeric types. If the precision of the source value is greater than the configured precision, then a runtime exception will occur and the replicat process will abend. That behavior is not a bug. That is the expected behavior. Review a Sample Configuration

The following is a sample configuration for the Avro Row Formatter in the Java Adapter properties file:

gg.handler.hdfs.format.wrapMessageInGenericAvroMessage=false Metadata Change Events

If the replicated database and upstream Oracle GoldenGate replication process can propagate metadata change events, the Avro Row Formatter can take action when metadata changes. Because Avro messages depend closely on their corresponding schema, metadata changes are important when you use Avro formatting.

An updated Avro schema is generated as soon as a table operation occurs after a metadata change event. You must understand the impact of a metadata change event and change downstream targets to the new Avro schema. The tight dependency of Avro messages to Avro schemas may result in compatibility issues. Avro messages generated before the schema change may not be able to be deserialized with the newly generated Avro schema.

Conversely, Avro messages generated after the schema change may not be able to be deserialized with the previous Avro schema. It is a best practice to use the same version of the Avro schema that was used to generate the message. For more information, consult the Apache Avro documentation. Special Considerations

This sections describes these special considerations: Troubleshooting

Because Avro is a binary format, it is not human readable. Since Avro messages are in binary format, it is difficult to debug any issue, the Avro Row Formatter provides a special feature to help debug issues. When the log4j Java logging level is set to TRACE , Avro messages are deserialized and displayed in the log file as a JSON object, letting you view the structure and contents of the created Avro messages. Do not enable TRACE in a production environment as it has substantial negative impact on performance. To troubleshoot content, you may want to consider switching to use a formatter that produces human-readable content. The XML or JSON formatters both produce content in human-readable format. Primary Key Updates

In Oracle GoldenGate for Distributed Applications and Analytics (GG for DAA) integrations, primary key update operations require special consideration and planning. Primary key updates modify one or more of the primary keys of a given row in the source database. Because data is appended in Oracle GoldenGate for Distributed Applications and Analytics (GG for DAA) applications, a primary key update operation looks more like a new insert than like an update without special handling. You can use the following properties to configure the Avro Row Formatter to handle primary keys:

Table 9-48 Configurable behavior

Value Description


The formatter terminates. This behavior is the default behavior.


With this configuration the primary key update is treated like any other update operation. Use this configuration only if you can guarantee that the primary key is not used as selection criteria row data from a GG for DAA system.


The primary key update is treated as a special case of a delete, using the before image data and an insert using the after-image data. This configuration may more accurately model the effect of a primary key update in a GG for DAA application. However, if this configuration is selected, it is important to have full supplemental logging enabled on Replication at the source database. Without full supplemental logging the delete operation will be correct, but insert operation will not contain all of the data for all of the columns for a full representation of the row data in the GG for DAA application. Generic Wrapper Functionality

Because Avro messages are not self describing, the receiver of the message must know the schema associated with the message before the message can be deserialized. Avro messages are binary and provide no consistent or reliable way to inspect the message contents in order to ascertain the message type. Therefore, Avro can be troublesome when messages are interlaced into a single stream of data such as Kafka.

The Avro formatter provides a special feature to wrap the Avro message in a generic Avro message. You can enable this functionality by setting the following configuration property.


The generic message is Avro message wrapping the Avro payload message that is common to all Avro messages that are output. The schema for the generic message is name generic_wrapper.avsc and is written to the output schema directory. This message has the following three fields:

  • table_name :The fully qualified source table name.

  • schema_fingerprint : The fingerprint of the Avro schema of the wrapped message. The fingerprint is generated using the Avro SchemaNormalization.parsingFingerprint64(schema) call.

  • payload: The wrapped Avro message.

The following is the Avro Formatter generic wrapper schema.

  "type" : "record",
  "name" : "generic_wrapper",
  "namespace" : "oracle.goldengate",
  "fields" : [ {
    "name" : "table_name",
    "type" : "string"
  }, {
    "name" : "schema_fingerprint",
    "type" : "long"
  }, {
    "name" : "payload",
    "type" : "bytes"
  } ]
} The Avro Operation Formatter

The Avro Operation Formatter formats operation data from the source trail file into messages in an Avro binary array format. Each individual insert, update, delete, and truncate operation is formatted into an individual Avro message. The source trail file contains the before and after images of the operation data. The Avro Operation Formatter formats this data into an Avro binary representation of the operation data.

This format is more verbose than the output of the Avro Row Formatter for which the Avro messages model the row data. Operation Metadata Formatting Details

To output the metacolumns configure the following: gg.handler.name.format.metaColumnsTemplate=${objectname[table]},${optype[op_type]},${timestamp[op_ts]},${currenttimestamp[current_ts]},${position[pos]}

To also include the primary key columns and the tokens configure as follows:


For more information see the configuration property: gg.handler.name.format.metaColumnsTemplate

Table 9-49 Avro Messages and its Metadata

Fields Description


The fully qualified table name, in the format:



The type of database operation from the source trail file. Default values are I for insert, U for update, D for delete, and T for truncate.


The timestamp of the operation from the source trail file. Since this timestamp is from the source trail, it is fixed. Replaying the trail file results in the same timestamp for the same operation.


The time when the formatter processed the current operation record. This timestamp follows the ISO-8601 format and includes microsecond precision. Replaying the trail file will not result in the same timestamp for the same operation.


The concatenated sequence number and rba number from the source trail file. The trail position provides traceability of the operation back to the source trail file. The sequence number is the source trail file number. The rba number is the offset in the trail file.


An array variable that holds the column names of the primary keys of the source table.


A map variable that holds the token key value pairs from the source trail file. Operation Data Formatting Details

The operation data is represented as individual fields identified by the column names.

Column values for an operation from the source trail file can have one of three states: the column has a value, the column value is null, or the column value is missing. Avro attributes only support two states: the column has a value or the column value is null. The Avro Operation Formatter contains an additional Boolean field COLUMN_NAME_isMissing for each column to indicate whether the column value is missing or not. Using COLUMN_NAME field together with the COLUMN_NAME_isMissing field, all three states can be defined.

  • State 1: The column has a value

    COLUMN_NAME field has a value

    COLUMN_NAME_isMissing field is false

  • State 2: The column value is null

    COLUMN_NAME field value is null

    COLUMN_NAME_isMissing field is false

  • State 3: The column value is missing

    COLUMN_NAME field value is null

    COLUMN_NAME_isMissing field is true

By default the Avro Row Formatter maps the data types from the source trail file to the associated Avro data type. Because Avro supports few data types, this functionality usually results in the mapping of numeric fields from the source trail file to members typed as numbers. You can also configure this data type mapping to handle all data as strings. Sample Avro Operation Messages

Because Avro messages are binary, they are not human readable. The following topics show example Avro messages in JSON format: Sample Insert Message
{"table": "GG.TCUSTORD",
"op_type": "I", 
"op_ts": "2013-06-02 22:14:36.000000", 
"current_ts": "2015-09-18T10:17:49.570000", 
"pos": "00000000000000001444", 
"primary_keys": ["CUST_CODE", "ORDER_DATE", "PRODUCT_CODE", "ORDER_ID"], "tokens":
 {"R": "AADPkvAAEAAEqL2AAA"}, 
"before": null, 
"after": {
"CUST_CODE_isMissing": false, 
"ORDER_DATE": "1994-09-30:15:33:00", 
"ORDER_DATE_isMissing": false, 
"PRODUCT_CODE_isMissing": false, 
"ORDER_ID": "144", "ORDER_ID_isMissing": false, 
"PRODUCT_PRICE": 17520.0, 
"PRODUCT_PRICE_isMissing": false, 
"PRODUCT_AMOUNT": 3.0, "PRODUCT_AMOUNT_isMissing": false, 
"TRANSACTION_ID_isMissing": false}} Sample Update Message
{"table": "GG.TCUSTORD", 
"op_type": "U", 
"op_ts": "2013-06-02 22:14:41.000000", 
"current_ts": "2015-09-18T10:17:49.880000", 
"pos": "00000000000000002891", 
"primary_keys": ["CUST_CODE", "ORDER_DATE", "PRODUCT_CODE", "ORDER_ID"], "tokens":
 {"R": "AADPkvAAEAAEqLzAAA"}, 
"before": {
"CUST_CODE_isMissing": false, 
"ORDER_DATE": "1995-12-31:15:00:00", 
"ORDER_DATE_isMissing": false, 
"PRODUCT_CODE_isMissing": false, 
"ORDER_ID": "765", 
"ORDER_ID_isMissing": false, 
"PRODUCT_PRICE": 15000.0, 
"PRODUCT_PRICE_isMissing": false, 
"PRODUCT_AMOUNT_isMissing": false, 
"TRANSACTION_ID_isMissing": false}, 
"after": {
"CUST_CODE_isMissing": false, 
"ORDER_DATE": "1995-12-31:15:00:00", 
"ORDER_DATE_isMissing": false, 
"PRODUCT_CODE_isMissing": false, 
"ORDER_ID": "765", 
"ORDER_ID_isMissing": false, 
"PRODUCT_PRICE": 14000.0, 
"PRODUCT_PRICE_isMissing": false, 
"PRODUCT_AMOUNT_isMissing": false, 
"TRANSACTION_ID_isMissing": false}} Sample Delete Message
{"table": "GG.TCUSTORD", 
"op_type": "D", 
"op_ts": "2013-06-02 22:14:41.000000", 
"current_ts": "2015-09-18T10:17:49.899000", 
"pos": "00000000000000004338", 
"primary_keys": ["CUST_CODE", "ORDER_DATE", "PRODUCT_CODE", "ORDER_ID"], "tokens":
 {"L": "206080450", "6": "9.0.80330", "R": "AADPkvAAEAAEqLzAAC"}, "before": {
"CUST_CODE_isMissing": false, 
"ORDER_DATE": "1993-11-03:07:51:35", 
"ORDER_DATE_isMissing": false, 
"PRODUCT_CODE_isMissing": false, 
"ORDER_ID": "600", 
"ORDER_ID_isMissing": false, 
"PRODUCT_PRICE_isMissing": true, 
"PRODUCT_AMOUNT_isMissing": true, 
"TRANSACTION_ID_isMissing": true}, 
"after": null} Sample Truncate Message
{"table": "GG.TCUSTORD", 
"op_type": "T", 
"op_ts": "2013-06-02 22:14:41.000000", 
"current_ts": "2015-09-18T10:17:49.900000", 
"pos": "00000000000000004515", 
"primary_keys": ["CUST_CODE", "ORDER_DATE", "PRODUCT_CODE", "ORDER_ID"], "tokens":
 {"R": "AADPkvAAEAAEqL2AAB"}, 
"before": null, 
"after": null} Avro Schema

Avro schemas are represented as JSONs. Avro schemas define the format of generated Avro messages and are required to serialize and deserialize Avro messages.Avro schemas are generated on a just-in-time basis when the first operation for a table is encountered. Because Avro schemas are specific to a table definition, a separate Avro schema is generated for every table encountered for processed operations. By default, Avro schemas are written to the GoldenGate_Home/dirdef directory, although the write location is configurable. Avro schema file names adhere to the following naming convention: Fully_Qualified_Table_Name.avsc .

The following is a sample Avro schema for the Avro Operation Format for the samples in the preceding sections:

  "type" : "record",
  "name" : "TCUSTORD",
  "namespace" : "GG",
  "fields" : [ {
    "name" : "table",
    "type" : "string"
  }, {
    "name" : "op_type",
    "type" : "string"
  }, {
    "name" : "op_ts",
    "type" : "string"
  }, {
    "name" : "current_ts",
    "type" : "string"
  }, {
    "name" : "pos",
    "type" : "string"
  }, {
    "name" : "primary_keys",
    "type" : {
      "type" : "array",
      "items" : "string"
  }, {
    "name" : "tokens",
    "type" : {
      "type" : "map",
      "values" : "string"
    "default" : { }
  }, {
    "name" : "before",
    "type" : [ "null", {
      "type" : "record",
      "name" : "columns",
      "fields" : [ {
        "name" : "CUST_CODE",
        "type" : [ "null", "string" ],
        "default" : null
      }, {
        "name" : "CUST_CODE_isMissing",
        "type" : "boolean"
      }, {
        "name" : "ORDER_DATE",
        "type" : [ "null", "string" ],
        "default" : null
      }, {
        "name" : "ORDER_DATE_isMissing",
        "type" : "boolean"
      }, {
        "name" : "PRODUCT_CODE",
        "type" : [ "null", "string" ],
        "default" : null
      }, {
        "name" : "PRODUCT_CODE_isMissing",
        "type" : "boolean"
      }, {
        "name" : "ORDER_ID",
        "type" : [ "null", "string" ],
        "default" : null
      }, {
        "name" : "ORDER_ID_isMissing",
        "type" : "boolean"
      }, {
        "name" : "PRODUCT_PRICE",
        "type" : [ "null", "double" ],
        "default" : null
      }, {
        "name" : "PRODUCT_PRICE_isMissing",
        "type" : "boolean"
      }, {
        "name" : "PRODUCT_AMOUNT",
        "type" : [ "null", "double" ],
        "default" : null
      }, {
        "name" : "PRODUCT_AMOUNT_isMissing",
        "type" : "boolean"
      }, {
        "name" : "TRANSACTION_ID",
        "type" : [ "null", "string" ],
        "default" : null
      }, {
        "name" : "TRANSACTION_ID_isMissing",
        "type" : "boolean"
      } ]
    } ],
    "default" : null
  }, {
    "name" : "after",
    "type" : [ "null", "columns" ],
    "default" : null
  } ]
} Avro Operation Formatter Configuration Properties

Table 9-50 Configuration Properties

Properties Optional Y/N Legal Values Default Explanation



Any string


Indicator to be inserted into the output record to indicate an insert operation



Any string


Indicator to be inserted into the output record to indicate an update operation.



Any string


Indicator to be inserted into the output record to indicate a delete operation.



Any string


Indicator to be inserted into the output record to indicate a truncate operation.



Any legal encoding name or alias supported by Java

UTF-8 (the JSON default)

Controls the output encoding of generated JSON Avro schema. The JSON default is UTF-8. Avro messages are binary and support their own internal representation of encoding.



true | false


Controls the output typing of generated Avro messages. If set to false, then the formatter attempts to map Oracle GoldenGate types to the corresponding Avro type. If set to true, then all data is treated as Strings in the generated Avro messages and schemas.



Any string

no value

Inserts delimiter after each Avro message. This is not a best practice, but in certain cases you may want to parse a stream of data and extract individual Avro messages from the stream, use this property to help. Select a unique delimiter that cannot occur in any Avro message. This property supports CDATA[] wrapping.



Any legal, existing file system path.


The output location of generated Avro schemas.





Wraps Avro messages for operations from the source trail file in a generic Avro wrapper message. For more information, see Generic Wrapper Functionality.



true | false


The format of the current timestamp. By default the  ISO 8601 is set to false, removes the T between the date and time in the current timestamp, which outputs a space instead.



true | false


Set to true to include a {column_name}_isMissing boolean field for each source field. This field allows downstream applications to differentiate if a null value is null in the source trail file (value is false) or is missing in the the source trail file (value is true).



Any integer value from 0 to 38.


Allows you to set the scale on the Avro decimal data type.Only applicable when you set enableDecimalLogicalType=true. The Oracle NUMBER is a proprietary numeric data type of Oracle Database that supports variable precision and scale. Precision and scale are variable on a per instance of the Oracle NUMBER data type. Precision and scale are required parameters when generating the Avro decimal logical type. This makes mapping of Oracle NUMBER data types into Avro difficult because there is no way to deterministically know the precision and scale of an Oracle NUMBER data type when the Avro schema is generated. The best alternative is to generate a large Avro decimal data type a precision of 164 and a scale of 38, which should hold any legal instance of Oracle NUMBER. While this solves the problem of precision loss when converting Oracle Number data types to Avro decimal data types, you may not like that Avro decimal data types when retrieved from Avro messages downstream have 38 digits trailing the decimal point.



true | false


This property is only applicable if decimal logical types are enabled via the property gg.handler.name.format.enableDecimalLogialType=true. Oracle numbers are especially problematic because they have a large precision (168) and floating scale of up to 38. Some analytical tools, such as Spark cannot read numbers that large. This property allows you to map those Oracle numbers as strings while still mapping the smaller numbers as decimal logical types.



true | false


Set to true to map source date and time data types into the Avro TimestampMicros logical data type. If gghandler.name.format.enableTimestampLogicalType is set to true and gg.format.timestamp is unset, then replicat will abend with a configuration exception. The variable gg.format.timestamp must be configured to provide a mask for the source date and time data types to make sense of them. The Avro TimestampMicros is part of the Avro 1.8 specification.



true | false


Enables the use of Avro decimal logical types. The decimal logical type represents numbers as a byte array and can provide support for much larger numbers than can fit in the classic 64-bit long or double data types.

gg.handler.name.format.mapLargeNumbersAsStrings Optional

true | false

false Oracle GoldenGate supports the floating point and integer source datatypes. Some of these datatypes may not fit into the Avro primitive double or long datatypes. Set this property to true to map the fields that do not fit into the Avro primitive double or long datatypes to Avro string.
gg.handler.name.format.metaColumnsTemplate Optional See Metacolumn Keywords None

The current meta column information can be configured in a simple manner and removes the explicit need to use:

insertOpKey | updateOpKey | deleteOpKey | truncateOpKey | includeTableName | includeOpTimestamp | includeOpType | includePosition | includeCurrentTimestamp, useIso8601Format

It is a comma-delimited string consisting of one or more templated values that represent the template.

For more information about the Metacolumn keywords, see Metacolumn Keywords.

gg.handler.name.format.maxPrecision Optional None Positive Integer Allows you to set the maximum precision for Avro decimal logical types. Consuming applications may have limitations on Avro precision (that is, Apache Spark supports a maximum precision of 38).


Configuration of this property is not without risk.
The NUMBER type in an Oracle RDBMS supports a maximum precision of 164. Configuration of this property likely means you are casting larger source numeric types to smaller target numeric types. If the precision of the source value is greater than the configured precision, a runtime exception occurs and the replicat process will abend. That behavior is not a bug. That is the expected behavior. Review a Sample Configuration

The following is a sample configuration for the Avro Operation Formatter in the Java Adapter properg.handlerties file:

gg.handler.hdfs.format.wrapMessageInGenericAvroMessage=false Metadata Change Events

If the replicated database and upstream Oracle GoldenGate replication process can propagate metadata change events, the Avro Operation Formatter can take action when metadata changes. Because Avro messages depend closely on their corresponding schema, metadata changes are important when you use Avro formatting.

An updated Avro schema is generated as soon as a table operation occurs after a metadata change event.

You must understand the impact of a metadata change event and change downstream targets to the new Avro schema. The tight dependency of Avro messages to Avro schemas may result in compatibility issues. Avro messages generated before the schema change may not be able to be deserialized with the newly generated Avro schema. Conversely, Avro messages generated after the schema change may not be able to be deserialized with the previous Avro schema. It is a best practice to use the same version of the Avro schema that was used to generate the message

For more information, consult the Apache Avro documentation. Special Considerations

This section describes these special considerations: Troubleshooting

Because Avro is a binary format, it is not human readable. However, when the log4j Java logging level is set to TRACE, Avro messages are deserialized and displayed in the log file as a JSON object, letting you view the structure and contents of the created Avro messages. Do not enable TRACE in a production environment, as it has a substantial impact on performance. Primary Key Updates

The Avro Operation Formatter creates messages with complete data of before-image and after-images for update operations. Therefore, the Avro Operation Formatter requires no special treatment for primary key updates. Generic Wrapper Message

Because Avro messages are not self describing, the receiver of the message must know the schema associated with the message before the message can be deserialized. Avro messages are binary and provide no consistent or reliable way to inspect the message contents in order to ascertain the message type. Therefore, Avro can be troublesome when messages are interlaced into a single stream of data such as Kafka.

The Avro formatter provides a special feature to wrap the Avro message in a generic Avro message. You can enable this functionality by setting the following configuration property:


The generic message is Avro message wrapping the Avro payload message that is common to all Avro messages that are output. The schema for the generic message is name generic_wrapper.avsc and is written to the output schema directory. This message has the following three fields:

  • table_name: The fully qualified source table name.

  • schema_fingerprint : The fingerprint of the of the Avro schema generating the messages. The fingerprint is generated using the parsingFingerprint64(Schema s) method on the org.apache.avro.SchemaNormalization class.

  • payload: The wrapped Avro message.

The following is the Avro Formatter generic wrapper schema:

  "type" : "record",
  "name" : "generic_wrapper",
  "namespace" : "oracle.goldengate",
  "fields" : [ {
    "name" : "table_name",
    "type" : "string"
  }, {
    "name" : "schema_fingerprint",
    "type" : "long"
  }, {
    "name" : "payload",
    "type" : "bytes"
  } ]
} Avro Object Container File Formatter

Oracle GoldenGate for Distributed Applications and Analytics (GG for DAA) can write to HDFS in Avro Object Container File (OCF) format. Avro OCF handles schema evolution more efficiently than other formats. The Avro OCF Formatter also supports compression and decompression to allow more efficient use of disk space.

The HDFS Handler integrates with the Avro formatters to write files to HDFS in Avro OCF format. The Avro OCF format is required for Hive to read Avro data in HDFS. The Avro OCF format is detailed in the Avro specification, see http://avro.apache.org/docs/current/spec.html#Object+Container+Files.

You can configure the HDFS Handler to stream data in Avro OCF format, generate table definitions in Hive, and update table definitions in Hive in the case of a metadata change event. Avro OCF Formatter Configuration Properties
Properties Optional / Required Legal Values Default Explanation



Any string


Indicator to be inserted into the output record to indicate an insert operation.



Any string


Indicator to be inserted into the output record to indicate an update operation.



Any string


Indicator to be truncated into the output record to indicate a truncate operation.



Any string


Indicator to be inserted into the output record to indicate a truncate operation.



Any legal encoding name or alias supported by Java.


Controls the output encoding of generated JSON Avro schema. The JSON default is UTF-8. Avro messages are binary and support their own internal representation of encoding.



true | false


Controls the output typing of generated Avro messages. When the setting is false, the formatter attempts to map Oracle GoldenGate types to the corresponding Avro type. When the setting is true, all data is treated as strings in the generated Avro messages and schemas.



abend | update | delete-insert


Controls how the formatter should handle update operations that change a primary key. Primary key operations can be problematic for the Avro Row formatter and require special consideration by you.

  • abend : the process will terminates.

  • update : the process handles this as a normal update

  • delete and insert: the process handles thins operation as a delete and an insert. The full before image is required for this feature to work properly. This can be achieved by using full supplemental logging in Oracle. Without full before and after row images the insert data will be incomplete.



true | false


Because schemas must be generated for Avro serialization to false to suppress the writing of the generated schemas to the local file system.



Any legal, existing file system path


The directory where generated Avro schemas are saved to the local file system. This property does not control where the Avro schema is written to in HDFS; that is controlled by an HDFS Handler property.



true | false


By default, the value of this property is true, and the format for the current timestamp is ISO8601. Set to false to remove the T between the date and time in the current timestamp and output a space instead.



true | false


If set to true, an Avro schema is created in the schema directory and versioned by a time stamp. The schema uses the following format:

fully_qualifiedtable_name_time stamp.avsc Existing Avro Formatter

The existing Avro formatter allows users to map trail records into their existing Avro schemas. Prerequisites
To enable this feature, the Avro Metadata Provider must be used. Ensure to set the following configuration parameters:
gg.mdp.schemaFilesPath= Supported Output Formats

The Existing Avro Schema formatter can generate messages in following formats:

  • Raw avro – Generally used with Kafka or other integrations when sending individual messages.
  • Avro OCF (object container file) – Generally used when generating files such as with the File Writer Handler. This is the format which has the Avro schema in the file header and then contains one or more records which conform to the schema.
  • JSON – It is possible to convert the Avro Generic Record to JSON and publish the JSON. This can be used for debugging since JSON provides human readability whereas Avro does not. Additionally, it could be used if you wish to send data in JSON formats which support nested hierarchical structures. Support for Mapping to Nested Avro Fields

The Existing Avro Schema Formatter supports mapping into Avro hierarchical structures. This is one of the powerful features of the Existing Avro Schema formatter. As previously stated, the GoldenGate trail structure is a flat structure of key-value pairs which model the flat column name and column value structure of an RDBMS. Avro can be a hierarchical structure where records can be nested inside of fields and records. The Avro Metadata provider has been modified to traverse the Avro schema and to flatten the Avro structure to return the target metadata to the GoldenGate mapping.

The following is an example of the hierarchical Avro schema:
  "type" : "record",
  "name" : "TCUSTMERNEST",
  "namespace" : "QASOURCE",
  "fields" : [ {
    "name" : "CUST_CODE",
    "type" : [ "null", "string" ],
    "default" : null,
    "primary_key": true
  }, {
    "name" : "SUB",
    "type" : {
      "type" : "record",
      "name" : "subrecord",
      "fields" : [ {
        "name" : "NAME",
        "type" : [ "null", "string" ],
        "default" : null
      }, {
        "name" : "STATE",
        "type" : [ "null", "string" ],
        "default" : null
      }, {
        "name" : "CITY",
        "type" : [ "null", "string" ],
        "default" : null
      } ]
  } ]
Field CUST_CODE is at the root record level. However, fields NAME, STATE, and CITY are fields nesting inside of field SUB which is at the root record level. The meta provider must flatten the Avro structure and return it to GoldenGate so that values can be mapped into the Avro hierarchical structure. The “-“ (dash) character is used to designate or delimit levels of the hierarchical structure. Avro does not support the “-“ character in field names. Avro field names only support upper case A to Z, lower case a to z, numbers, and the “_” (underbar) character. Therefore the “-“ does not conflict with Avro name. The Avro metadata provider returns the following fields for the above schema.
You can then map data into these fields using the replicat mapping statement. For example:

Avro has no restriction how deep fields can be nested. It can be confusing to customers who are looking at an Avro schema to understand what the flattened structure looks like. To help the flattened structure is logged to the <replicat name>.log file. Therefore, if you run the replicat, then you can examine the log file to see the flattened fields.

INFO  2023-08-09 14:54:42.000242 [main] -
Retrieved Avro metadata for table [QASOURCE.TCUSTMERNEST]
    Field name [CUST_CODE] Type [STRING] Nullable [true].
    Field name [SUB-NAME] Type [STRING] Nullable [true].
    Field name [SUB-STATE] Type [STRING] Nullable [true].
    Field name [SUB-CITY] Type [STRING] Nullable [true].
End retrieved metadata. Support for Mapping to Nested Avro Fields
The GoldenGate trail file supports the following three states for column data.
  • Column has a value.
  • Column value is null.
  • Column value is missing.
If the source field is null the order of operations for target value resolution is the following:
  • If the mapped Avro field is nullable, then null will be mapped to the target field.
  • If the mapped Avro field is not nullable, then the default value for the field will be mapped as defined in the Avro schema.
  • If the target field is not nullable and provides no default value, then this is an exception. The replicat will log an exception and abend.
If the source field is missing the order of operations for target value resolution is the following:
  • If a default value is defined in the Avro schema then the default value will be mapped into the target field.
  • If no default value is defined in the Avro schema, and the field is nullable, then null will be mapped into the target field.
  • If the target field is not nullable and provides no default value, then this is an exception. The replicat will log an exception and abend.

Additionally, it is important to understand that the default value for a field may be null.

Examples of Avro field definitions:

String field not nullable and no default.
{"name": "STRING_REQUIRED", "type": "string"}
String field not nullable with default value.
{"name": "STRING_REQUIRED", "type": "string", "default": "mydefault"}
String field nullable without default.
{"name": "STRING_NULLABLE", "type": ["null","string"]}
String field nullable with null default.
{"name": "STRING_NULLABLE", "type": ["null","string"], "default": null}

String field nullable with non-null default.

{"name": "STRING_NULLABLE", "type": ["string","null"], "default": "mydefault"}

Note, it is an Avro requirement that default value apply to the first type in the type union. None of the of the following are legal. These will fail when the Avro library parses the schema and replicat will abend.

{"name": "STRING_NULLABLE", "type": ["string","null"], "default": null}
{"name": "STRING_NULLABLE", "type": ["null","string"], "default": "mydefault"}
{"name": "STRING_REQUIRED", "type": "string", "default": null} Configuration

Table 9-51 Configuration Properties

Configuration Properties Optional/Required Legal Values Default Explanation
gg.handler.name.format true existing_avro_schema | existing_avro_schema_ocf | existing_avro_schema_json None  
gg.handler.name.format.fixedPaddingByte false A byte in hex format. For example an ASCII space would be represented as 20. 00 (Hex value 00 often referred to as the null byte)

Only applicable if source schemas contain fields defined as fixed. Avro fixed type is a fixed length binary record. If the data is not sufficient to fill the space, then the field must be padded with bytes. This allows the user to configure that padding byte. So for example, gg.handler.name.format.fixedPaddingByte=20 to set to the space character.

gg.handler.name.format.encoding false A Java legal encoding like UTF-8. The system default system encoding. Only applicable if gg.handler.name.format=existing_avro_schema_json. Used to set the encoding of generated JSON data.
gg.handler.name.format.localZoneId false A Java legal time zone. The system default time zone. This is to support Avro logical types local-timestamp-millis and local-timestamp-micros. The object from OGG is a Java Instant which is in UTC. It must be converted to a LocalDateTime object which requires a time zone to convert.
gg.handler.name.format.jsonDelimiter false String None Only applicable if gg.handler.name.format=existing_avro_schema_json. Allows a delimiter to be inserted between generated JSON documents. The most common use case is to insert a line feed character between the JSON documents. For example: gg.handler.name.format=CDATA[\n] CDATA[] is supported to preserve whitespace in the configuration. Unsupported Features

Maps and Arrays

Neither the Avro Metadata Provider nor the Existing Avro schema formatter support Avro arrays or maps. Avro arrays and maps are containers, which can hold 0 to N elements. The Oracle GoldenGate trail structure is a flat structure of key and value pairs which in turn models the flat column name and column value structure of an RDBMS. Target metadata must be made to be a flat structure and the number of elements must be deterministic. Arrays and maps are problematic because they can contain 0 to N elements. Different messages can contain different numbers of elements for the collections.

Recursive Record Definitions

Avro supports recursive record definitions. A recursive record definition is where an element in record A contains a field which references record B. The definition of record B contains a field which references record A. The following is an example of a recursive record definition.

  "type" : "record",
  "namespace" : "QASOURCE",
  "fields" : [ {
    "name" : "CUST_CODE",
    "type" : [ "null", "string" ],
    "default" : null,
    "primary_key": true
  }, {
    "name" : "SUB1",
    "type" : [ "null", {
      "type" : "record",
      "name" : "subrecord",
      "fields" : [ {
        "name" : "NAME",
        "type" : [ "null", "string" ],
        "default" : null
      }, {
        "name" : "SUB2",
        "type" : {
          "type" : "record",
          "name" : "subrecord2",
          "fields" : [ {
            "name" : "RECUSIVEELEMENT",
            "type" : [ "null", "subrecord" ],
            "default" : null
          } ]
      } ]
    } ],
    "default" : null
  }, {
    "name" : "STATE",
    "type" : [ "null", "string" ],
    "default" : null
  } ]
Element SUB1 is a record of type subrecord. This record contains field SUB2 which is of type subrecord2. Type subrecord 2 contains a field RECURSIVEELEMENT, which is of type subrecord. While this is a legal Avro schema it is problematic for the Avro Metadata Provider to process. The structure is recursive and therefore, the schema definition is by default infinitely deep. The Avro Metadata Provider must flatten the Avro schema into a deterministic flat structure of element names. The recursive nature of the schema definition prevents the Avro metadata provider from being able to generate a deterministic flat structure of element names. Parsing of Avro schemas with a recursive definition results in the following run time exception:
ERROR 2023-08-09 15:16:19.000560 [main] - The Avro schema for table [QASOURCE.TCUSTMERINVALID] encountered a recursive reference to a record schema.  The recursively referenced record schema is namespace [QASOURCE] name [subrecord2].  Schemas with recursively referenced record schemas are not supported.
ERROR 2023-08-09 15:16:19.000563 [main] - AVRO-00005 Unable to retrieve table matadata table : [QASOURCE.TCUSTMERINVALID].
oracle.goldengate.datasource.metadata.provider.ResolutionException: The Avro schema for table [QASOURCE.TCUSTMERINVALID] encountered a recursive reference to a record schema.  The recursively referenced record schema is namespace [QASOURCE] name [subrecord2].  Schemas with recursively referenced record schemas are not supported.

Non-discrete Unions

The Avro MDP only supports Unions of null and another type. For example: "type" : [ "null", "string" ], The following is an Avro union type of double and string. This is legal is Avro; however, it cannot be supported in the Oracle GoldenGate for Distributed Applications and Analytics (GG for DAA) metadata provider. The problem is that the field needs to be assigned to a discrete type. This field type, by definition, is not discrete. It can be either a double or a string: "type" : [ "double", "string" ],

Metacolumns Configuration

Metacolumn configuration is not supported with the existing Avro schema formatter. The following configuration will cause the replicat process to abend: gg.handler.name.format.metaColumnsTemplate=

The reason is that the input data from replicat is being mapped into an existing Avro schema. The result of configuring metacolumns is to add additional fields to the output data which is contrary to the idea of outputting the data which conforms to the provided Avro schema. It is possible to output operation metadata into the output records. To accomplish this the user should modify the Avro schema to add one or more fields to hold the desired operation metadata. Then the replicat mapping statement can be used to map operation metadata into the fields.

Sample Configuration

The following is example configuration of end to end configuration using the existing Avro schema formatter functionality.

Replicat .prm file: mdp.prm
-- Trail file for this example is located in "AdapterExamples/trail" directory
-- Command to add REPLICAT
-- add replicat mdp, exttrail AdapterExamples/trail/tr
TARGETDB LIBFILE libggjava.so SET property=dirprm/mdp.props
Replicat Properties File: mdp.props

#The File Writer Handler

gg.format.timestamp=yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS

#Avro Metadata provider must be enabled.
Example Avro Schema
  "type" : "record",
  "name" : "TCUSTMERNEST",
  "namespace" : "QASOURCE",
  "fields" : [ {
    "name" : "CUST_CODE",
    "type" : [ "null", "string" ],
    "default" : null,
    "primary_key": true
  }, {
    "name" : "SUB",
    "type" : {
      "type" : "record",
      "name" : "subrecord",
      "namespace" : "oracle.goldengate",
      "fields" : [ {
        "name" : "NAME",
        "type" : [ "null", "string" ],
        "default" : null
      }, {
        "name" : "STATE",
        "type" : [ "null", "string" ],
        "default" : null
      }, {
        "name" : "CITY",
        "type" : [ "null", "string" ],
        "default" : null
      } ]
  } ]
} Using the Delimited Text Formatter

The Delimited Text Formatter formats database operations from the source trail file into a delimited text output. Each insert, update, delete, or truncate operation from the source trail is formatted into an individual delimited message. Delimited text output includes a fixed number of fields for each table separated by a field delimiter and terminated by a line delimiter. The fields are positionally relevant. Many Oracle GoldenGate for Distributed Applications and Analytics (GG for DAA) analytical tools including Hive work well with HDFS files that contain delimited text. Column values for an operation from the source trail file can have one of three states: the column has a value, the column value is null, or the column value is missing. By default, the delimited text maps these column value states into the delimited text output as follows:
  • Column has a value: The column value is output.

  • Column value is null: The default output value is NULL. The output for the case of a null column value is configurable.

  • Column value is missing: The default output value is an empty string (""). The output for the case of a missing column value is configurable. Using the Delimited Text Row Formatter

The Delimited Text Row Formatter is the Delimited Text Formatter that was included a release prior to the Oracle GoldenGate for Distributed Applications and Analytics (GG for DAA) release. It writes the after change data for inserts and updates, and before change data for deletes. Message Formatting Details

The automated output of meta-column fields in generated delimited text messages has been removed as of Oracle GoldenGate for Distributed Applications and Analytics (GG for DAA) release 21.1. Meta-column fields can still be output; however, they need to explicitly configured as the following property:


To output the metacolumns as in previous versions configure the following:


To also include the primary key columns and the tokens configure as follows:


For more information, see

see the configuration property gg.handler.name.format.metaColumnsTemplate in the Delimited Text Formatter Configuration Properties table.

Formatting details:

  • Operation Type : Indicates the type of database operation from the source trail file. Default values are I for insert, U for update, D for delete, T for truncate. Output of this field is suppressible.

  • Fully Qualified Table Name: The fully qualified table name is the source database table including the catalog name, and the schema name. The format of the fully qualified table name is catalog_name.schema_name.table_name. The output of this field is suppressible.

  • Operation Timestamp : The commit record timestamp from the source system. All operations in a transaction (unbatched transaction) will have the same operation timestamp. This timestamp is fixed, and the operation timestamp is the same if the trail file is replayed. The output of this field is suppressible.

  • Current Timestamp : The timestamp of the current time when the delimited text formatter processes the current operation record. This timestamp follows the ISO-8601 format and includes microsecond precision. Replaying the trail file does not result in the same timestamp for the same operation. The output of this field is suppressible.

  • Trail Position :The concatenated sequence number and RBA number from the source trail file. The trail position lets you trace the operation back to the source trail file. The sequence number is the source trail file number. The RBA number is the offset in the trail file. The output of this field is suppressible.

  • Tokens : The token key value pairs from the source trail file. The output of this field in the delimited text output is suppressed unless the includeTokens configuration property on the corresponding handler is explicitly set to true. Sample Formatted Messages

The following sections contain sample messages from the Delimited Text Formatter. The default field delimiter has been changed to a pipe character, |, to more clearly display the message. Sample Insert Message
AA|WILL|1994-09-30:15:33:00|CAR|144|17520.00|3|100 Sample Update Message
AA|BILL|1995-12-31:15:00:00|CAR|765|14000.00|3|100 Sample Delete Message
80330,R=AADPkvAAEAAEqLzAAC,DAVE,1993-11-03:07:51:35,PLANE,600,,, Sample Truncate Message
AB||||||| Output Format Summary Log

If INFO level logging is enabled, the Java log4j logging logs a summary of the delimited text output format . A summary of the delimited fields is logged for each source table encountered and occurs when the first operation for that table is received by the Delimited Text formatter. This detailed explanation of the fields of the delimited text output may be useful when you perform an initial setup. When a metadata change event occurs, the summary of the delimited fields is regenerated and logged again at the first subsequent operation for that table. Configuration Review a Sample Configuration

The following is a sample configuration for the Delimited Text formatter in the Java Adapter configuration file:

gg.handler.name.format=delimitedtext Metadata Change Events

Oracle GoldenGate for Distributed Applications and Analytics (GG for DAA) now handles metadata change events at runtime. This assumes that the replicated database and upstream replication processes are propagating metadata change events. The Delimited Text Formatter changes the output format to accommodate the change and the Delimited Text Formatter continue running.


A metadata change may affect downstream applications. Delimited text formats include a fixed number of fields that are positionally relevant. Deleting a column in the source table can be handled seamlessly during Oracle GoldenGate runtime, but results in a change in the total number of fields, and potentially changes the positional relevance of some fields. Adding an additional column or columns is probably the least impactful metadata change event, assuming that the new column is added to the end. Consider the impact of a metadata change event before executing the event. When metadata change events are frequent, Oracle recommends that you consider a more flexible and self-describing format, such as JSON or XML. Additional Considerations

Exercise care when you choose field and line delimiters. It is important to choose delimiter values that will not occur in the content of the data.

The Java Adapter configuration trims leading and trailing characters from configuration values when they are determined to be whitespace. However, you may want to choose field delimiters, line delimiters, null value representations, and missing value representations that include or are fully considered to be whitespace . In these cases, you must employ specialized syntax in the Java Adapter configuration file to preserve the whitespace. To preserve the whitespace, when your configuration values contain leading or trailing characters that are considered whitespace, wrap the configuration value in a CDATA[] wrapper. For example, a configuration value of \n should be configured as CDATA[\n].

You can use regular expressions to search column values then replace matches with a specified value. You can use this search and replace functionality together with the Delimited Text Formatter to ensure that there are no collisions between column value contents and field and line delimiters. For more information, see Using Regular Expression Search and Replace.

Oracle GoldenGate for Distributed Applications and Analytics (GG for DAA) applications sore data differently from RDBMSs. Update and delete operations in an RDBMS result in a change to the existing data. However, in GG for DAA applications, data is appended instead of changed. Therefore, the current state of a given row consolidates all of the existing operations for that row in the HDFS system. This leads to some special scenarios as described in the following sections. Primary Key Updates

In Oracle GoldenGate for Distributed Applications and Analytics (GG for DAA) integrations, primary key update operations require special consideration and planning. Primary key updates modify one or more of the primary keys for the given row from the source database. Because data is appended in GG for DAA applications, a primary key update operation looks more like an insert than an update without any special handling. You can configure how the Delimited Text formatter handles primary key updates. These are the configurable behaviors:

Table 9-52 Configurable Behavior

Value Description


By default the delimited text formatter terminates in the case of a primary key update.


The primary key update is treated like any other update operation. Use this configuration alternative only if you can guarantee that the primary key is not used as selection criteria to select row data from a GG for DAA system.


The primary key update is treated as a special case of a delete, using the before-image data and an insert using the after-image data. This configuration may more accurately model the effect of a primary key update in a GG for DAA application. However, if this configuration is selected it is important to have full supplemental logging enabled on replication at the source database. Without full supplemental logging, the delete operation will be correct, but the insert operation will not contain all of the data for all of the columns for a full representation of the row data in the GG for DAA application. Data Consolidation

Oracle GoldenGate for Distributed Applications and Analytics (GG for DAA) applications append data to the underlying storage. Analytic tools generally spawn MapReduce programs that traverse the data files and consolidate all the operations for a given row into a single output. Therefore, it is important to specify the order of operations. The Delimited Text formatter provides a number of metadata fields to do this. The operation timestamp may be sufficient to fulfill this requirement. Alternatively, the current timestamp may be the best indicator of the order of operations. In this situation, the trail position can provide a tie-breaking field on the operation timestamp. Lastly, the current timestamp may provide the best indicator of order of operations in GG for DAA. Delimited Text Operation Formatter

The Delimited Text Operation Formatter outputs both before and after change data for insert, update, and delete operations. Message Formatting Details

The automated output of meta-column fields in generated delimited text messages has been removed as of Oracle GoldenGate for Distributed Applications and Analytics (GG for DAA) release 21.1. Meta-column fields can still be output; however, they need to explicitly configured as the following property: gg.handler.name.format.metaColumnsTemplate. For more information, see the configuration property gg.handler.name.format.metaColumnsTemplate in the Delimited Text Formatter Configuration Properties table.

To output the metacolumns as in previous versions configure the following:


To also include the primary key columns and the tokens configure as follows:


Formatting details:

  • Operation Type :Indicates the type of database operation from the source trail file. Default values are I for insert, U for update, D for delete, T for truncate. Output of this field is suppressible.

  • Fully Qualified Table Name: The fully qualified table name is the source database table including the catalog name, and the schema name. The format of the fully qualified table name is catalog_name.schema_name.table_name. The output of this field is suppressible.

  • Operation Timestamp : The commit record timestamp from the source system. All operations in a transaction (unbatched transaction) will have the same operation timestamp. This timestamp is fixed, and the operation timestamp is the same if the trail file is replayed. The output of this field is suppressible.

  • Current Timestamp : The timestamp of the current time when the delimited text formatter processes the current operation record. This timestamp follows the ISO-8601 format and includes microsecond precision. Replaying the trail file does not result in the same timestamp for the same operation. The output of this field is suppressible.

  • Trail Position :The concatenated sequence number and RBA number from the source trail file. The trail position lets you trace the operation back to the source trail file. The sequence number is the source trail file number. The RBA number is the offset in the trail file. The output of this field is suppressible.

  • Tokens : The token key value pairs from the source trail file. The output of this field in the delimited text output is suppressed unless the includeTokens configuration property on the corresponding handler is explicitly set to true. Sample Formatted Messages

The following sections contain sample messages from the Delimited Text Formatter. The default field delimiter has been changed to a pipe character, |, to more clearly display the message. Sample Insert Message

I|GG.TCUSTMER|2015-11-05 18:45:36.000000|2019-04-17T04:49:00.156000|00000000000000001956|R=AAKifQAAKAAAFDHAAA,t=,L=7824137832,6=2.3.228025||WILL||BG SOFTWARE CO.||SEATTLE||WA Sample Update Message
D|QASOURCE.TCUSTORD|2015-11-05 18:45:39.000000|2019-07-16T11:54:06.009000|00000000000000005272|L=7824137921,R=AAKifSAAKAAAMZHAAE,6=9.9.479055|DAVE||1993-11-03 07:51:35||PLANE||600||135000.00||2||200| Sample Truncate Message
T|QASOURCE.TCUSTMER|2015-11-05 18:45:39.000000|2019-07-16T11:54:06.004002|00000000000000003600|R=AAKifQAAKAAAFDHAAE|||||||| Output Format Summary Log

If INFO level logging is enabled, the Java log4j logging logs a summary of the delimited text output format . A summary of the delimited fields is logged for each source table encountered and occurs when the first operation for that table is received by the Delimited Text formatter. This detailed explanation of the fields of the delimited text output may be useful when you perform an initial setup. When a metadata change event occurs, the summary of the delimited fields is regenerated and logged again at the first subsequent operation for that table. Delimited Text Formatter Configuration Properties

Table 9-53 Delimited Text Formatter Configuration Properties

Properties Optional / Required Legal Values Default Explanation




Selects the Delimited Text Operation Formatter as the formatter.
gg.handler.name.format.includeColumnNames Optional

true | false


Controls the output of writing the column names as a delimited field preceding the column value. When true, the output resembles:


When false, the output resembles:


gg.handler.name.format.disableEscaping Optional

true | false

false Set to true to disable the escaping of characters which conflict with the configured delimiters. Ensure that it is set to true if gg.handler.name.format.fieldDelimiter is set to a value of multiple characters.



Any string


Indicator to be inserted into the output record to indicate an insert operation.



Any string


Indicator to be inserted into the output record to indicate an update operation.



Any string


Indicator to be inserted into the output record to indicate a delete operation.



Any string


Indicator to be inserted into the output record to indicate a truncate operation.



Any encoding name or alias supported by Java.

The native system encoding of the machine hosting the Oracle GoldenGate process.

Determines the encoding of the output delimited text.



Any String

ASCII 001 (the default Hive delimiter)

The delimiter used between delimited fields. This value supports CDATA[] wrapping. If a delimiter of more than one character is configured, then escaping is automatically disabled.



Any String

Newline (the default Hive delimiter)

The delimiter used between delimited fields. This value supports CDATA[] wrapping.



Any string


Specifies a delimiter between keys and values in a map. Key1=value1. Tokens are mapped values. Configuration value supports CDATA[] wrapping.



Any string


Specifies a delimiter between key value pairs in a map. Key1=Value1,Key2=Value2. Tokens are mapped values. Configuration value supports CDATA[] wrapping.



Any string


Specifies what is included in the delimited output in the case of a NULL value. Configuration value supports CDATA[] wrapping.



Any string

""(no value)

Specifies what is included in the delimited text output in the case of a missing value. Configuration value supports CDATA[] wrapping.



true | false


Set to true, a field is included prior to each metadata column value, which is the column name of the metadata column. You can use it to make delimited messages more self-describing.



true | false


Set to true to wrap string value output in the delimited text format in double quotes (").

gg.handler.name.format.includeGroupCols Optional true | false false If set to true, the columns are grouped into sets of all names, all before values, and all after values

gg.handler.name.format.enableFieldDescriptorHeaders Optional true | false false Set to true to add a descriptive header to each data file for delimited text output. The header will be the individual field names separated by the field delimiter.
gg.handler.name.format.metaColumnsTemplate Optional See Metacolumn Keywords. None The current meta column information can be configured in a simple manner and removes the explicit need to use:
insertOpKey | updateOpKey | deleteOpKey |
          truncateOpKey | includeTableName | includeOpTimestamp |
          includeOpType | includePosition | includeCurrentTimestamp,
It is a comma-delimited string consisting of one or more templated values that represent the template. For more information about the Metacolumn keywords, see Metacolumn Keywords. This is an example that would produce a list of metacolumns: ${optype}, ${token.ROWID}, ${sys.username}, ${currenttimestamp} Review a Sample Configuration

The following is a sample configuration for the Delimited Text formatter in the Java Adapter configuration file:

gg.handler.name.format=delimitedtext_op Metadata Change Events

Oracle GoldenGate for Distributed Applications and Analytics (GG for DAA) now handles metadata change events at runtime. This assumes that the replicated database and upstream replication processes are propagating metadata change events. The Delimited Text Formatter changes the output format to accommodate the change and the Delimited Text Formatter continue running.


A metadata change may affect downstream applications. Delimited text formats include a fixed number of fields that are positionally relevant. Deleting a column in the source table can be handled seamlessly during Oracle GoldenGate runtime, but results in a change in the total number of fields, and potentially changes the positional relevance of some fields. Adding an additional column or columns is probably the least impactful metadata change event, assuming that the new column is added to the end. Consider the impact of a metadata change event before executing the event. When metadata change events are frequent, Oracle recommends that you consider a more flexible and self-describing format, such as JSON or XML. Additional Considerations

Exercise care when you choose field and line delimiters. It is important to choose delimiter values that do not occur in the content of the data.

The Java Adapter configuration trims leading and trailing characters from configuration values when they are determined to be whitespace. However, you may want to choose field delimiters, line delimiters, null value representations, and missing value representations that include or are fully considered to be whitespace . In these cases, you must employ specialized syntax in the Java Adapter configuration file to preserve the whitespace. To preserve the whitespace, when your configuration values contain leading or trailing characters that are considered whitespace, wrap the configuration value in a CDATA[] wrapper. For example, a configuration value of \n should be configured as CDATA[\n].

You can use regular expressions to search column values then replace matches with a specified value. You can use this search and replace functionality together with the Delimited Text Formatter to ensure that there are no collisions between column value contents and field and line delimiters. For more information, see Using Regular Expression Search and Replace.

Oracle GoldenGate for Distributed Applications and Analytics (GG for DAA) applications sore data differently from RDBMSs. Update and delete operations in an RDBMS result in a change to the existing data. However, in GG for DAA, data is appended instead of changed. Therefore, the current state of a given row consolidates all of the existing operations for that row in the HDFS system. This leads to some special scenarios as described in the following sections. Using the JSON Formatter

The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) formatter can output operations from the source trail file in either row-based format or operation-based format. It formats operation data from the source trail file into a JSON objects. Each insert, update, delete, and truncate operation is formatted into an individual JSON message. Operation Metadata Formatting Details

To output the metacolumns configure the following:


To also include the primary key columns and the tokens configure as follows:


For more information see the configuration property: gg.handler.name.format.metaColumnsTemplate. Operation Data Formatting Details

JSON messages begin with the operation metadata fields, which are followed by the operation data fields. This data is represented by before and after members that are objects. These objects contain members whose keys are the column names and whose values are the column values.

Operation data is modeled as follows:

  • Inserts: Includes the after-image data.

  • Updates: Includes both the before-image and the after-image data.

  • Deletes: Includes the before-image data.

Column values for an operation from the source trail file can have one of three states: the column has a value, the column value is null, or the column value is missing. The JSON Formatter maps these column value states into the created JSON objects as follows:

  • The column has a value: The column value is output. In the following example, the member STATE has a value.

        "after":{        "CUST_CODE":"BILL",        "NAME":"BILL'S USED CARS",        "CITY":"DENVER",        "STATE":"CO"    }
  • The column value is null: The default output value is a JSON NULL. In the following example, the member STATE is null.

        "after":{        "CUST_CODE":"BILL",        "NAME":"BILL'S USED CARS",        "CITY":"DENVER",        "STATE":null    }
  • The column value is missing: The JSON contains no element for a missing column value. In the following example, the member STATE is missing.

        "after":{        "CUST_CODE":"BILL",        "NAME":"BILL'S USED CARS",        "CITY":"DENVER",    }

The default setting of the JSON Formatter is to map the data types from the source trail file to the associated JSON data type. JSON supports few data types, so this functionality usually results in the mapping of numeric fields from the source trail file to members typed as numbers. This data type mapping can be configured treat all data as strings. Row Data Formatting Details

JSON messages begin with the operation metadata fields, which are followed by the operation data fields. For row data formatting, this are the source column names and source column values as JSON key value pairs. This data is represented by before and after members that are objects. These objects contain members whose keys are the column names and whose values are the column values.

Row data is modeled as follows:

  • Inserts: Includes the after-image data.

  • Updates: Includes the after-image data.

  • Deletes: Includes the before-image data.

Column values for an operation from the source trail file can have one of three states: the column has a value, the column value is null, or the column value is missing. The JSON Formatter maps these column value states into the created JSON objects as follows:

  • The column has a value: The column value is output. In the following example, the member STATE has a value.

            "CUST_CODE":"BILL",        "NAME":"BILL'S USED CARS",        "CITY":"DENVER",        "STATE":"CO"    }
  • The column value is null :The default output value is a JSON NULL. In the following example, the member STATE is null.

            "CUST_CODE":"BILL",        "NAME":"BILL'S USED CARS",        "CITY":"DENVER",        "STATE":null    }
  • The column value is missing: The JSON contains no element for a missing column value. In the following example, the member STATE is missing.

            "CUST_CODE":"BILL",        "NAME":"BILL'S USED CARS",        "CITY":"DENVER",    }

The default setting of the JSON Formatter is to map the data types from the source trail file to the associated JSON data type. JSON supports few data types, so this functionality usually results in the mapping of numeric fields from the source trail file to members typed as numbers. This data type mapping can be configured to treat all data as strings. Sample JSON Messages

The following topics are sample JSON messages created by the JSON Formatter for insert, update, delete, and truncate operations. Sample Operation Modeled JSON Messages


    "op_ts":"2015-11-05 18:45:36.000000",


    "op_ts":"2015-11-05 18:45:39.000000",


    "op_ts":"2015-11-05 18:45:39.000000",


    "op_ts":"2015-11-05 18:45:39.000000",
} Sample Flattened Operation Modeled JSON Messages


    "op_ts":"2015-11-05 18:45:36.000000",


    "op_ts":"2015-11-05 18:45:39.000000",


    "op_ts":"2015-11-05 18:45:39.000000",


    "op_ts":"2015-11-05 18:45:39.000000",
} Sample Row Modeled JSON Messages


    "op_ts":"2015-11-05 18:45:36.000000",


    "op_ts":"2015-11-05 18:45:39.000000",


    "op_ts":"2015-11-05 18:45:39.000000",


    "op_ts":"2015-11-05 18:45:39.000000",
} Sample Primary Key Output JSON Message
    "op_ts":"2015-10-26 03:00:06.000000",
        "NAME":"BG SOFTWARE CO.",
} JSON Schemas

By default, JSON schemas are generated for each source table encountered. JSON schemas are generated on a just in time basis when an operation for that table is first encountered. Newer schemas are generated when there is a change in the metadata. A JSON schema is not required to parse a JSON object. However, many JSON parsers can use a JSON schema to perform a validating parse of a JSON object. Alternatively, you can review the JSON schemas to understand the layout of output JSON objects. By default, the JSON schemas are created in the GoldenGate_Home/dirdef directory and are named by the following convention:


The generation of the JSON schemas is suppressible.

The following JSON schema example is for the JSON object listed in Sample Operation Modeled JSON Messages.
    "description":"JSON schema for table QASOURCE.TCUSTORD",
            "description":"Token keys and values are free form key value pairs.",
            "description":"The fully qualified table name",
            "description":"The operation type",
            "description":"The operation timestamp",
            "description":"The current processing timestamp",
            "description":"The position of the operation in the data source",
            "description":"Array of the primary key column names.",
The following JSON schema example is for the JSON object listed in Sample Flattened Operation Modeled JSON Messages.
    "description":"JSON schema for table QASOURCE.TCUSTORD",
            "description":"Token keys and values are free form key value pairs.",
            "description":"The fully qualified table name",
            "description":"The operation type",
            "description":"The operation timestamp",
            "description":"The current processing timestamp",
            "description":"The position of the operation in the data source",
            "description":"Array of the primary key column names.",
The following JSON schema example is for the JSON object listed in Sample Row Modeled JSON Messages.
    "description":"JSON schema for table QASOURCE.TCUSTORD",
            "description":"Token keys and values are free form key value pairs.",
            "description":"The fully qualified table name",
            "description":"The operation type",
            "description":"The operation timestamp",
            "description":"The current processing timestamp",
            "description":"The position of the operation in the data source",
            "description":"Array of the primary key column names.",
} JSON Formatter Configuration Properties

Table 9-54 JSON Formatter Configuration Properties

Properties Required/ Optional Legal Values Default Explanation



json | json_row


Controls whether the generated JSON output messages are operation modeled or row modeled. Set to json for operation modeled orjson_row for row modeled.



Any string


Indicator to be inserted into the output record to indicate an insert operation.



Any string


Indicator to be inserted into the output record to indicate an update operation.



Any string


Indicator to be inserted into the output record to indicate a delete operation.



Any string


Indicator to be inserted into the output record to indicate a truncate operation.



true | false


Controls the output format of the JSON data. True formats the data with white space for easy reading. False generates more compact output that is difficult to read..



Any string

"" (no value)

Inserts a delimiter between generated JSONs so that they can be more easily parsed in a continuous stream of data. Configuration value supports CDATA[] wrapping.



true | false


Controls the generation of JSON schemas for the generated JSON documents. JSON schemas are generated on a table-by-table basis. A JSON schema is not required to parse a JSON document. However, a JSON schemahelp indicate what the JSON documents look like and can be used for a validating JSON parse.



Any legal, existing file system path


Controls the output location of generated JSON schemas.



true | false


Controls the output typing of generated JSON documents. When false, the formatter attempts to map Oracle GoldenGate types to the corresponding JSON type. When true, all data is treated as strings in the generated JSONs and JSON schemas.



Any legal encoding name or alias supported by Java.

UTF-8 (the JSON default)

Controls the output encoding of generated JSON schemas and documents.



true | false


Controls the version of created schemas. Schema versioning creates a schema with a timestamp in the schema directory on the local file system every time a new schema is created. True enables schema versioning. False disables schema versioning.



true | false


Controls the format of the current timestamp. The default is the  ISO 8601 format. A setting of false removes the “T” between the date and time in the current timestamp, which outputs a single space (“ “) instead.



true | false


Controls sending flattened JSON formatted data to the target entity. Must be set to true for the flatten Delimiter property to work.

This property is applicable only to Operation Formatted JSON (gg.handler.name.format=json).



Any legal character or character string for a JSON field name.


Controls the delimiter for concatenated JSON element names. This property supports CDATA[] wrapping to preserve whitespace. It is only relevant when gg.handler.name.format.flatten is set to true.



Any legal character or character string for a JSON field name.

Any legal JSON attribute name.

Allows you to set whether the JSON element-before, that contains the change column values, can be renamed.

This property is only applicable to Operation Formatted JSON (gg.handler.name.format=json).



Any legal character or character string for a JSON field name.

Any legal JSON attribute name.

Allows you to set whether the JSON element, that contains the after-change column values, can be renamed.

This property is only applicable to Operation Formatted JSON (gg.handler.name.format=json).



abend | update | delete-insert


Specifies how the formatter handles update operations that change a primary key. Primary key operations can be problematic for the JSON formatter and you need to speacially consider it. You can only use this property in conjunction with the row modeled JSON output messages.

This property is only applicable to Row Formatted JSON (gg.handler.name.format=json_row).

  • abend : indicates that the process terminates.

  • update: the process handles the operation as a normal update.

  • delete or insert: the process handles the operation as a delete and an insert. Full supplemental logging must be enabled. Without full before and after row images, the insert data will be incomplete.



true | false


Set to true to omit fields that have null values from being included in the generated JSON output.

gg.handler.name.format.omitNullValuesSpecialUpdateHandling Optional true | false false Only applicable if gg.handler.name.format.omitNullValues=true. When set to true, it provides special handling to propagate the null value on the update after image if the before image data is missing or has a value.
gg.handler.name.format.enableJsonArrayOutput Optional true | false false Set to true to nest JSON documents representing the operation data into a JSON array. This works for file output and Kafka messages in transaction mode.
gg.handler.name.format.metaColumnsTemplate Optional See Metacolumn Keywords None

The current meta column information can be configured in a simple manner and removes the explicit need to use:

insertOpKey | updateOpKey | deleteOpKey | truncateOpKey | includeTableName | includeOpTimestamp | includeOpType | includePosition | includeCurrentTimestamp, useIso8601Format

It is a comma-delimited string consisting of one or more templated values that represent the template.

For more information about the Metacolumn keywords, see Metacolumn Keywords.

This is an example that would produce a list of metacolumns: ${optype}, ${token.ROWID}, ${sys.username}, ${currenttimestamp} Review a Sample Configuration

The following is a sample configuration for the JSON Formatter in the Java Adapter configuration file:

gg.handler.hdfs.format.treatAllColumnsAsStrings=false Metadata Change Events

Metadata change events are handled at runtime. When metadata is changed in a table, the JSON schema is regenerated the next time an operation for the table is encountered. The content of created JSON messages changes to reflect the metadata change. For example, if an additional column is added, the new column is included in created JSON messages after the metadata change event. JSON Primary Key Updates

When the JSON formatter is configured to model operation data, primary key updates require no special treatment and are treated like any other update. The before and after values reflect the change in the primary key.

When the JSON formatter is configured to model row data, primary key updates must be specially handled. The default behavior is to abend. However, by using thegg.handler.name.format.pkUpdateHandling configuration property, you can configure the JSON formatter to model row data to treat primary key updates as either a regular update or as delete and then insert operations. When you configure the formatter to handle primary key updates as delete and insert operations, Oracle recommends that you configure your replication stream to contain the complete before-image and after-image data for updates. Otherwise, the generated insert operation for a primary key update will be missing data for fields that did not change. Integrating Oracle Stream Analytics

You can integrate Oracle GoldenGate for Distributed Applications and Analytics (GG for DAA) with Oracle Stream Analytics (OSA) by sending operation-modeled JSON messages to the Kafka Handler. This works only when the JSON formatter is configured to output operation-modeled JSON messages.

Because OSA requires flattened JSON objects, a new feature in the JSON formatter generates flattened JSONs. To use this feature, set the gg.handler.name.format.flatten=false to true. (The default setting is false). The following is an example of a flattened JSON file:

    "op_ts":"2015-11-05 18:45:39.000000",
    "before.NAME":"ANN'S BOATS",
    "after.CITY":"NEW YORK",
} Mongo Document Formatting Details
MongoDB Capture processed documents in trail will have two columns:
  • Column 0 as "_id", which identifies a document in a collection.
  • Column 1 as "payload", which holds all the columns (fields of a collection).

JSON Mongo Document Formatter formats the MongoDB Capture processed documents into a JSON format with only payload information.


The document from trail received is

{"after":{"id":"{ \"_id\" :

{ \"$oid\" : \"65b9f02b80f1c27eb4b498e1\" }

}", "payload":"{\"_id\":

{\"$oid\": \"65b9f02b80f1c27eb4b498e1\"}

, \"CUST_CODE\":

\"test2\", \"name\": \"hello world\", \"cost\": {\"$numberDouble\": \"3000.0\"}}"}}
Will be written as:

{\"$oid\": \"65b9f02b80f1c27eb4b498e1\"}

, \"CUST_CODE\": \"test2\", \"name\": \"hello world\", \"cost\": {\"$numberDouble\": \"3000.0\"}}"}
where id field is removed and column name payload is removed.

JSON MongoDocument Formatter can be configured to write the data either in JSON EXTENDED format or JSON RELAXED format with payload value.

Required Dependencies

Oracle GoldenGate requires that you use the 4.11.1 bson library with JSON Mongo Document Formatter. You can download this driver from: https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.mongodb/bson/4.11.1

Maven artifacts for bson-4.11.1 as follows:






You must include the path of the bson library in the gg.classpath property.



JSON MongoDocument Formatter Configuration Properties

Properties Required/ Optional Legal Values Default Explanation
gg.handler.name.format Optional mongodocument None Formats the MongoDB Capture processed documents into a JSON format with only payload information
gg.handler.name.format.jsonMode Optional RELAXED/EXTENDED RELAXED MongoDB Document will be represented either in Extended or Relaxed format.
gg.handler.name.format.insertOpKey Optional Any string I Indicator to be inserted into the output record to indicate an insert operation.
gg.handler.name.format.updateOpKey Optional Any string U Indicator to be inserted into the output record to indicate an update operation.
gg.handler.name.format.deleteOpKey Optional Any string D Indicator to be inserted into the output record to indicate a delete operation.
gg.handler.name.format.truncateOpKey Optional Any string T Indicator to be inserted into the output record to indicate a truncate operation.
gg.handler.name.format.metaColumnsTemplate Optional See Metacolumn Keywords None The current meta column information can be configured in a simple manner and removes the explicit need to use: insertOpKey | updateOpKey | deleteOpKey | truncateOpKey | includeTableName | includeOpTimestamp | includeOpType | includePosition | includeCurrentTimestamp, useIso8601FormatIt is a comma-delimited string consisting of one or more templated values that represent the template. For more information about the Metacolumn keywords, see Metacolumn Keywords. This is an example that would produce a list of metacolumns: ${optype}, ${token.ROWID}, ${sys.username}, ${currenttimestamp}
gg.handler.name.format.encoding Optional Any legal encoding name or alias supported by Java. UTF-8 (the JSON default) Controls the output encoding of generated JSON schemas and documents.
Review a Sample Configuration

The following is a sample configuration for the JSON Mongo Document Formatter in the Java Adapter configuration file:






gg.handler.kafka.format.metaColumnsTemplate=${optype},${timestampmicro},${currenttimestampmicro},${timestamp} Using the Length Delimited Value Formatter

The Length Delimited Value (LDV) Formatter is a row-based formatter. It formats database operations from the source trail file into a length delimited value output. Each insert, update, delete, or truncate operation from the source trail is formatted into an individual length delimited message.

With the length delimited, there are no field delimiters. The fields are variable in size based on the data.

By default, the length delimited maps these column value states into the length delimited value output. Column values for an operation from the source trail file can have one of three states:

  • Column has a value —The column value is output with the prefix indicator P.

  • Column value is NULL —The default output value is N. The output for the case of a NULL column value is configurable.

  • Column value is missing - The default output value is M. The output for the case of a missing column value is configurable. Formatting Message Details

The default format for output of data is the following:

First is the row Length followed by metadata:


Next is the row data:
Insert Message:
18:45:36.000000P04WILLP191994-09-30 15:33:00P03CARP03144P0817520.00P013P03100
Update Message
18:45:39.000000P04BILLP191995-12-31 15:00:00P03CARP03765P0814000.00P013P03100
Delete Message
07:51:35P05PLANEP03600P09135000.00P012P03200 LDV Formatter Configuration Properties

Table 9-55 LDV Formatter Configuration Properties

Properties Required/ Optional Legal Values Default Explanation


true | false


The output can be controlled to display the field or record length in either binary or ASCII format. If set to true, the record or field length is represented in binary format else in ASCII.



4 | 8


Set to true, the record length is represented using either a 4 or 8–byte big Endian integer. Set to false, the string representation of the record length with padded value with configured length of 4 or 8 is used.



2 | 4


Set to true, the record length is represented using either a 2 or 4-byte big Endian integer. Set to false, the string representation of the record length with padded value with configured length of 2 or 4 is used.



true | false


Use to configure the Pindicator with MetaColumn. Set to false, enables the indicator P before the MetaColumns. If set to true, disables the indicator.



Any string


Use to configure what is included in the output when a column value is present. This value supports CDATA[] wrapping.



Any string


Use to configure what is included in the output when a missing value is present. This value supports CDATA[] wrapping.



Any string


Use to configure what is included in the output when a NULL value is present. This value supports CDATA[] wrapping.



See Metacolumn Keywords.


Use to configure the current meta column information in a simple manner and removes the explicit need of insertOpKey, updateOpKey, deleteOpKey, truncateOpKey, includeTableName, includeOpTimestamp, includeOpType, includePosition, includeCurrentTimestamp and useIso8601Format.

A comma-delimited string consisting of one or more templated values represents the template. This example produces a list of meta columns:

${optype}, ${token.ROWID},${sys.username},${currenttimestamp}

See Metacolumn Keywords.



abend | update | delete-insert


Specifies how the formatter handles update operations that change a primary key. Primary key operations can be problematic for the text formatter and require special consideration by you.

  • abend : indicates the process will abend

  • update : indicates the process will treat this as a normal update

  • delete-insert: indicates the process handles this as a delete and an insert. Full supplemental logging must be enabled for this to work. Without full before and after row images, the insert data will be incomplete.



Any encoding name or alias supported by Java.

The native system encoding of the machine hosting the Oracle GoldenGate process.

Use to set the output encoding for character data and columns.

For more information about the Metacolumn keywords, see Metacolumn Keywords.
This is an example that would produce a list of metacolumns:
${optype}, ${token.ROWID}, ${sys.username}, ${currenttimestamp}

Review a Sample Configuration

#The LDV Handler
gg.handler.filewriter.format.pkUpdateHandling=abend Additional Considerations

Oracle GoldenGate for Distributed Applications and Analytics (GG for DAA) differs from RDBMSs in how data is stored. Update and delete operations in an RDBMS result in a change to the existing data. Data is not changed in GG for DAA, it is simply appended to existing data. The current state of a given row becomes a consolidation of all of the existing operations for that row in the HDFS system.

Primary Key Updates

Primary key update operations require special consideration and planning for GG for DAA integrations. Primary key updates are update operations that modify one or more of the primary keys for the given row from the source database. Since data is simply appended in GG for DAA, a primary key update operation looks more like a new insert than an update without any special handling. The Length Delimited Value Formatter provides specialized handling for primary keys that is configurable to you. These are the configurable behaviors:

Table 9-56 Primary Key Update Behaviors

Value Description


The default behavior is that the length delimited value formatter will abend in the case of a primary key update.


With this configuration the primary key update will be treated just like any other update operation. This configuration alternative should only be selected if you can guarantee that the primary key that is being changed is not being used as the selection criteria when selecting row data from a GG for DAA system.


Using this configuration the primary key update is treated as a special case of a delete using the before image data and an insert using the after image data. This configuration may more accurately model the effect of a primary key update in a GG for DAA. However, if this configuration is selected it is important to have full supplemental logging enabled on replication at the source database. Without full supplemental logging, the delete operation will be correct, but the insert operation do not contain all of the data for all of the columns for a full representation of the row data in GG for dAA

Consolidating Data

GG for DAA simply append data to the underlying storage. Typically, analytic tools spawn map reduce programs that traverse the data files and consolidate all the operations for a given row into a single output. It is important to have an indicator of the order of operations. The Length Delimited Value Formatter provides a number of metadata fields to fulfill this need. The operation timestamp may be sufficient to fulfill this requirement. However, two update operations may have the same operation timestamp especially if they share a common transaction. The trail position can provide a tie breaking field on the operation timestamp. Lastly, the current timestamp may provide the best indicator of order of operations in GG for DAA. Using the XML Formatter

The XML Formatter formats before-image and after-image data from the source trail file into an XML document representation of the operation data. The format of the XML document is effectively the same as the XML format in the previous releases of the Oracle GoldenGate Java Adapter. Message Formatting Details

The XML formatted messages contain the following information:

Table 9-57 XML formatting details

Value Description


The fully qualified table name.


The operation type.


The current timestamp is the time when the formatter processed the current operation record. This timestamp follows the ISO-8601 format and includes micro second precision. Replaying the trail file does not result in the same timestamp for the same operation.


The position from the source trail file.


The total number of columns in the source table.


The col element is a repeating element that contains the before and after images of operation data.


The tokens element contains the token values from the source trail file. Sample XML Messages

The following sections provide sample XML messages. Sample Insert Message
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<operation table='GG.TCUSTORD' type='I' ts='2013-06-02 22:14:36.000000' current_ts='2015-10-06T12:21:50.100001' pos='00000000000000001444' numCols='7'>
 <col name='CUST_CODE' index='0'>
   <before missing='true'/>
 <col name='ORDER_DATE' index='1'>
   <before missing='true'/>
 <col name='PRODUCT_CODE' index='2'>
   <before missing='true'/>
 <col name='ORDER_ID' index='3'>
   <before missing='true'/>
 <col name='PRODUCT_PRICE' index='4'>
   <before missing='true'/>
 <col name='PRODUCT_AMOUNT' index='5'>
   <before missing='true'/>
 <col name='TRANSACTION_ID' index='6'>
   <before missing='true'/>
</operation> Sample Update Message
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<operation table='GG.TCUSTORD' type='U' ts='2013-06-02 22:14:41.000000' current_ts='2015-10-06T12:21:50.413000' pos='00000000000000002891' numCols='7'>
 <col name='CUST_CODE' index='0'>
 <col name='ORDER_DATE' index='1'>
 <col name='PRODUCT_CODE' index='2'>
 <col name='ORDER_ID' index='3'>
 <col name='PRODUCT_PRICE' index='4'>
 <col name='PRODUCT_AMOUNT' index='5'>
 <col name='TRANSACTION_ID' index='6'>
</operation> Sample Delete Message
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<operation table='GG.TCUSTORD' type='D' ts='2013-06-02 22:14:41.000000' current_ts='2015-10-06T12:21:50.415000' pos='00000000000000004338' numCols='7'>
 <col name='CUST_CODE' index='0'>
   <after missing='true'/>
 <col name='ORDER_DATE' index='1'>
   <after missing='true'/>
 <col name='PRODUCT_CODE' index='2'>
   <after missing='true'/>
 <col name='ORDER_ID' index='3'>
   <after missing='true'/>
 <col name='PRODUCT_PRICE' index='4'>
 <col name='PRODUCT_AMOUNT' index='5'>
 <col name='TRANSACTION_ID' index='6'>
</operation> Sample Truncate Message
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<operation table='GG.TCUSTORD' type='T' ts='2013-06-02 22:14:41.000000' current_ts='2015-10-06T12:21:50.415001' pos='00000000000000004515' numCols='7'>
 <col name='CUST_CODE' index='0'>
 <col name='ORDER_DATE' index='1'>
 <col name='PRODUCT_CODE' index='2'>
 <col name='ORDER_ID' index='3'>
 <col name='PRODUCT_PRICE' index='4'>
 <col name='PRODUCT_AMOUNT' index='5'>
 <col name='TRANSACTION_ID' index='6'>
</operation> XML Schema

The XML Formatter does not generate an XML schema (XSD). The XSD applies to all messages generated by the XML Formatter. The following XSD defines the structure of the XML documents that are generated by the XML Formatter.

<xs:schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified" 
elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
   <xs:element name="operation">
          <xs:element name="col" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
               <xs:element name="before" minOccurs="0">
                     <xs:extension base="xs:string">
                       <xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="missing" 
               <xs:element name="after" minOccurs="0">
                     <xs:extension base="xs:string">
                       <xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="missing" 
               <xs:element type="xs:string" name="missing" minOccurs="0"/>
             <xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="name"/>
             <xs:attribute type="xs:short" name="index"/>
         <xs:element name="tokens" minOccurs="0">
               <xs:element name="token" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
                     <xs:element type="xs:string" name="Name"/>
                     <xs:element type="xs:string" name="Value"/>
       <xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="table"/>
       <xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="type"/>
       <xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="ts"/>
       <xs:attribute type="xs:dateTime" name="current_ts"/>
       <xs:attribute type="xs:long" name="pos"/>
       <xs:attribute type="xs:short" name="numCols"/>
</xs:schema> XML Formatter Configuration Properties

Table 9-58 XML Formatter Configuration Properties

Properties Optional Y/N Legal Values Default Explanation



Any string


Indicator to be inserted into the output record to indicate an insert operation.



Any string


Indicator to be inserted into the output record to indicate an update operation.



Any string


Indicator to be inserted into the output record to indicate a delete operation.



Any string


Indicator to be inserted into the output record to indicate a truncate operation.



Any legal encoding name or alias supported by Java.

UTF-8 (the XML default)

The output encoding of generated XML documents.



true | false


Determines whether an XML prolog is included in generated XML documents. An XML prolog is optional for well-formed XML. An XML prolog resembles the following:<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>



true | false


Controls the format of the current timestamp in the XML message. The default adds a T between the date and time. Set to false to suppress the T between the date and time and instead include blank space.



true | false


Set to true, the XML output displays the missing column value of the before and after image.



true | false


Set to true, the XML output displays the missing column value of the after image.



true | false


Set to true, the XML output displays the missing column value of the before image.

gg.handler.name.format.metaColumnsTemplate Optional See Metacolumn Keywords. None

The current meta column information can be configured in a simple manner and removes the explicit need to use:

insertOpKey | updateOpKey | deleteOpKey | truncateOpKey | includeTableName | includeOpTimestamp | includeOpType | includePosition | includeCurrentTimestamp, useIso8601Format

It is a comma-delimited string consisting of one or more templated values that represent the template. For more information about the Metacolumn keywords, see Metacolumn Keywords. Review a Sample Configuration

The following is a sample configuration for the XML Formatter in the Java Adapter properties file:

gg.handler.hdfs.format.includeProlog=false Metadata Change Events

The XML Formatter seamlessly handles metadata change events. A metadata change event does not result in a change to the XML schema. The XML schema is designed to be generic so that the same schema represents the data of any operation from any table.

If the replicated database and upstream Oracle GoldenGate replication process can propagate metadata change events, the XML Formatter can take action when metadata changes. Changes in the metadata are reflected in messages after the change. For example, when a column is added, the new column data appears in XML messages for the table. Primary Key Updates

Updates to a primary key require no special handling by the XML formatter. The XML formatter creates messages that model database operations. For update operations, this includes before and after images of column values. Primary key changes are represented in this format as a change to a column value just like a change to any other column value. Stage and Merge Data Warehouse Replication

Data warehouse targets typically support Massively Parallel Processing (MPP). The cost of a single Data Manipulation Language (DML) operation is comparable to the cost of execution of batch DMLs.

Therefore, for better throughput the change data from the Oracle GoldenGate trails can be staged in micro batches at a temporary staging location, and the staged data records are merged into the data warehouse target table using the respective data warehouse’s merge SQL statement. This section outlines an approach to replicate change data records from source databases to target data warehouses using stage and merge. The solution uses Command Event handler to invoke custom bash-shell scripts.

This chapter contains examples of what you can do with command event handler feature. Steps for Stage and Merge Stage

In this step the change data records in the Oracle GoldenGate trail files are pushed into a staging location. The staging location is typically a cloud object store such as OCI, AWS S3, Azure Data Lake, or Google Cloud Storage.

This can be achieved using File Writer handler and one of the Oracle GoldenGate for Distributed Applications and Analytics (GG for DAA) for object store Event handlers. Merge

In this step the change data files in the object store are viewed as an external table defined in the data warehouse. The data in the external staging table is merged onto the target table.

Merge SQL uses the external table as the staging table. The merge is a batch operation leading to better throughput. Configuration of Handlers

File Writer(FW) handler needs to be configured to generate local staging files that contain change data from the GoldenGate trail files.

The FW handler needs to be chained to an object store Event handler that can upload the staging files into a staging location.

The staging location is typically a cloud object store, such as AWS S3 or Azure Data Lake.

The output of the object store event handler is chained with the Command Event handler that can invoke custom scripts to execute merge SQL statements on the target data warehouse. File Writer Handler

File Writer (FW) handler is typically configured to generate files partitioned by table using the configuration gg.handler.{name}.partitionByTable=true.

In most cases FW handler is configured to use the Avro Object Container Format (OCF) formatter.

The output file format could change based on the specific data warehouse target. Operation Aggregation

Operation aggregation is the process of aggregating (merging/compressing) multiple operations on the same row into a single output operation based on a threshold.

Operation Aggregation needs to be enabled for stage and merge replication using the configuration gg.aggregate.operations=true. Object Store Event handler

The File Writer handler needs to be chained with an object store Event handler. Oracle GoldenGate for Distributed Applications and Analytics (GG for DAA) supports uploading files to most cloud object stores such as OCI, AWS S3, and Azure Data Lake. JDBC Metadata Provider

If the data warehouse supports JDBC connection, then the JDBC metadata provider needs to be enabled. Command Event handler Merge Script

Command Event handler is configured to invoke a bash-shell script. Oracle provides a bash-shell script that can execute the SQL statements so that the change data in the staging files are merged into the target tables.

The shell script needs to be customized as per the required configuration before starting the replicat process. Stage and Merge Sample Configuration

A working configuration for the respective data warehouse is available under the directory AdapterExamples/big-data/data-warehouse-utils/<target>/.

This directory contains the following:
  • replicat parameter (.prm) file.
  • replicat properties file that contains the FW handler and all the Event handler configuration.
  • DDL file for the sample table used in the merge script.
  • Merge script for the specific data warehouse. This script contains SQL statements tested using the sample table defined in the DDL file. Variables in the Merge Script

Typically, variables appear at the beginning of the Oracle provided script. There are lines starting with #TODO: that document the changes required for variables in the script.

#TODO: Edit this. Provide the replicat group name.

#TODO: Edit this. Ensure each replicat uses a unique prefix.

#TODO: Edit the AWS S3 bucket name.
bucket=<AWS S3 bucket name>

#TODO: Edit this variable as needed.

#TODO: Edit AWS credentials awsKeyId and awsSecretKey
awsKeyId=<AWS Access Key Id>
awsSecretKey=<AWS Secret key>

The variables repName and stagingTablePrefix are relevant for all the data warehouse targets. SQL Statements in the Merge Script

The SQL statements in the shell script needs to be customized. There are lines starting with #TODO: that document the changes required for SQL statements.

In most cases, we need to double quote " identifiers in the SQL statement. The double quote needs to be escaped in the script using backslash. For example: \".

Oracle provides a working example of SQL statements for a single table with a pre-defined set of columns defined in the sample DDL file. You need to add new sections for your own tables as part of if-else code block in the script.

if [ "${tableName}" == "DBO.TCUSTORD" ]
  #TODO: Edit all the column names of the staging and target tables.
  # The merge SQL example here is configured for the example table defined in the DDL file.
  # Oracle provided SQL statements

# TODO: Add similar SQL queries for each table.
elif [ "${tableName}" == "DBO.ANOTHER_TABLE" ]
#Edit SQLs for this table.
fi Merge Script Functions

The script is coded to include the following shell functions:

  • main
  • validateParams
  • process
  • processTruncate
  • processDML
  • dropExternalTable
  • createExternalTable
  • merge

The script has code comments for you to infer the purpose of each function.

Merge Script main function

The function main is the entry point of the script. The processing of the staged changed data file begin here.

This function invokes two functions: validateParams and process.

The input parameters to the script is validated in the function: validateParams.

Processing resumes in the process function if validation is successful.

Merge Script process function

This function processes the operation records in the staged change data file and invokes processTruncate or processDML as needed.

Truncate operation records are handled in the function processTruncate. Insert, Update, and Delete operation records are handled in the function processDML.

Merge Script merge function

The merge function invoked by the function processDML contains the merge SQL statement that will be executed for each table.

The key columns to be used in the merge SQL’s ON clause needs to be customized.

To handle key columns with null values, the ON clause uses data warehouse specific NVL functions. Example for a single key column "C01Key":
ON ((NVL(CAST(TARGET.\"C01Key\" AS VARCHAR(4000)),'${uuid}')=NVL(CAST(STAGE.\"C01Key\" AS VARCHAR(4000)),'${uuid}')))`

The column names in the merge statement’s update and insert clauses also needs to be customized for every table.

Merge Script createExternalTable function

The createExternalTable function invoked by the function processDML creates an external table that is backed by the file in the respective object store file.

In this function, the DDL SQL statement for the external table should be customized for every target table to include all the target table columns.

In addition to the target table columns, the external table definition also consists of three meta-columns: optype, position, and fieldmask.

The data type of the meta-columns should not be modified. The position of the meta-columns should not be modified in the DDL statement. Prerequisites
  • The Command handler merge scripts are available, starting from Oracle GoldenGate for Distributed Applications and Analytics (GG for DAA) release
  • The respective data warehouse’s command line programs to execute SQL queries must be installed on the machine where GG for DAA is installed. Limitations

Primary key update operations are split into delete and insert pair. In case the Oracle GoldenGate trail file doesn't contain column values for all the columns in the respective table, then the missing columns gets updated to null on the target table. Hive Stage and Merge

Hive is a data warehouse infrastructure built on top of Hadoop. It provides tools to enable easy data ETL, a mechanism to put structures on the data, and the capability for querying and analysis of large data sets stored in Hadoop files.

This topic contains examples of what you can do with the Hive command event handler Data Flow
  • File Writer (FW) handler is configured to generate files in Avro Object Container Format (OCF).
  • The HDFS Event handler is used to push the Avro OCF files into Hadoop.
  • The Command Event handler passes the Hadoop file metadata to the hive.sh script. Configuration

The directory AdapterExamples/big-data/data-warehouse-utils/hive/ in the Oracle GoldenGate BigData install contains all the configuration and scripts needed needed for replication to Hive using stage and merge.

The following are the files:
  • hive.prm: The replicat parameter file.
  • hive.props: The replicat properties file that stages data to Hadoop and runs the Command Event handler.
  • hive.sh: The bash-shell script that reads data staged in Hadoop and merges data to Hive target table.
  • hive-ddl.sql: The DDL statement that contains sample target table used in the script hive.sh.

Edit the properties indicated by the #TODO: comments in the properties file hive.props.

The bash-shell script function merge() contains SQL statements that needs to be customized for your target tables. Merge Script Variables

Modify the variables needs as needed:

#TODO: Modify the location of the OGGBD dirdef directory where the Avro schema files exist.

#TODO: Edit the JDBC URL to connect to hive.
#TODO: Edit the JDBC user to connect to hive.
#TODO: Edit the JDBC password to connect to hive.

#TODO: Edit the replicat group name.

#TODO: Edit this. Ensure each replicat uses a unique prefix.
stagingTablePrefix=${repName}_STAGE_ Prerequisites

The following are the prerequisites:

  • The merge script hive.sh requires command line program beeline to be installed on the machine where Oracle GoldenGate for Distributed Applications and Analytics (GG for DAA) replicat is installed.
  • The custom script hive.sh uses the merge SQL statement.

    Hive Query Language (Hive QL) introduced support for merge in Hive version 2.2. Template Keywords

The templating functionality allows you to use a mix of constants and/or keywords for context based resolution of string values at runtime. The templating functionality is used extensively in the Oracle GoldenGate for Distributed Applications and Analytics (GG for DAA) to resolve file paths, file names, topic names, or message keys. This appendix describes the keywords and their associated arguments if applicable. Additionally, there are examples showing templates and resolved values.

Template Keywords

This table includes a column if the keyword is supported for transaction level messages.

Keyword Explanation Transaction Message Support


Resolves to the fully qualified table name including the period (.) delimiter between the catalog, schema, and table names.

For example, TEST.DBO.TABLE1.



Resolves to the catalog name.



Resolves to the schema name.



Resolves to the short table name.



Resolves to the type of the operation: (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or TRUNCATE)



The first parameter is optional and allows you to set the delimiter between primary key values. The default is _.



The sequence number of the source trail file followed by the offset (RBA).



The operation timestamp from the source trail file.



Resolves to “”.



Resolves to the name of the Replicat process. If using coordinated delivery, it resolves to the name of the Replicat process with the Replicate thread number appended.





Resolves to a static value where the key is the fully-qualified table name. The keys and values are designated inside of the square brace in the following format: ${staticMap[DBO.TABLE1=value1,DBO.TABLE2=value2]}

The second parameter is an optional default value. If the value cannot be located using the lookup by the table name, then the default value will be used instead.


${xid} Resolves the transaction id. Yes




Resolves to a column value where the key is the fully-qualified table name and the value is the column name to be resolved. For example:


The second parameter is optional and allows you to set the value to use if the column value is null. The default is an empty string "".

The third parameter is optional and allows you to set the value to use if the column value is missing. The default is an empty string "".

If the ${columnValue} keyword is used in partitioning, then only the column name needs to be set. Only the HDFS Handler and the File Writer Handler support partitioning. In the case of partitioning, the table name is already known because partitioning configuration is separate for each and every source table. The following is an example of ${columnValue} when used in the context of partitioning:








Resolves to the current timestamp. You can control the format of the current timestamp using the Java based formatting as described in the SimpleDateFormat class, see https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.html


${currentTimestamp}${currentTimestamp[yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS]}



Resolves to a NULL string.



It is possible to write a custom value resolver. If required, contact Oracle Support.

Implementation dependent

${token[]} Resolves a token value. No
${toLowerCase[]} Keyword to convert to argument to lower case. Argument can be constants, keywords, or combination of both. Yes
${toUpperCase[]} Keyword to convert to argument to upper case. Argument can be constants, keywords, or combination of both. Yes


Keyword to perform a substring operation on the configured content.
  1. The string on which the substring functionality is acting. Can be nested keywords, constants, or a combination of both.
  2. The starting index.
  3. The ending index. (If not provided then the end of the input string.) ${substring[thisisfun][4]} returns isfun. ${substring[thisisfun][4][6]} returns is.


Performing a substring function means that an array index out of bounds condition can occur at runtime. This occurs if the configured starting index or ending index is beyond the length of the string currently being acted upon. The ${substring} function does not throw a runtime exception. It instead detects an array index out of bounds condition and in that case does not execute the substring function.
${regex[][][]} Keyword to apply a regular expressions to search and replace content. This has three required parameters:
  1. The string on which the regular expression search and replace functionality is acting. Can be nested keywords or constants or a combination.
  2. The regular expression search string.
  3. The regular expression replacement string.
${operationCount} Keyword to resolve the count of operations. Yes
${insertCount} Keyword to resolve the count of insert operations. Yes
${deleteCount} Keyword to resolve the count of delete operations. Yes
${updateCount} Keyword to resolve the count of update operations. Yes
${truncateCount} Keyword to resolve the count of truncate operations. Yes
${uuid} Keyword to resolve a universally unique identifier (UUID). This is a 36 character string guaranteed to be unique. An example UUID: 7f6e4529-e387-48c1-a1b6-3e7a4146b211 Yes

Example Templates

The following describes example template configuration values and the resolved values.

Example Template Resolved Value





${currentTimestamp[yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS]}

2017-05-17 11:45:34.254


Starting Oracle GoldenGate for Distributed Applications and Analytics (GG for DAA) release, the Velocity jar files have been removed from the packaging.

For the Velocity formatting to work, you need to download the jars and include them in their runtime by modifying the gg.classpath.

The maven coordinates for Velocity are as follows:

Maven groupId: org.apache.velocity

Maven artifactId: velocity

Version: 1.7