Valid For

Extract and Replicat


Use the TRACETABLE and NOTRACETABLE parameters with Oracle databases to identify a trace table that was created with the ADD TRACETABLE command. TRACETABLE is required only if the trace table was created with a name other than the default of GGS_TRACE. If a trace table named GGS_TRACE exists in the database, trace table functionality is enabled automatically, and TRACETABLE is not required.

To prevent looping transactions in Oracle the recommended option is to use EXCLUDETAG.

A trace table is not used when Replicat is in integrated mode. TRACETABLE and NOTRACETABLE are ignored in that mode.

The trace table is used for bidirectional synchronization to identify Replicat transactions to Extract.

If used, TRACETABLE must appear in both the Extract and Replicat parameter files.

  • In the Replicat parameter file, TRACETABLE causes Replicat to write an operation to the trace table at the beginning of each transaction.

  • In the Extract parameter file, TRACETABLE causes Extract to identify as a Replicat transaction any transaction that begins with an operation on the trace table.

NOTRACETABLE prevents Replicat from writing an operation to the trace table, thus preventing Extract from recognizing Replicat transactions.

To control whether Replicat transactions are extracted by Extract or ignored, use the GETREPLICATES and IGNOREREPLICATES parameters. See "GETREPLICATES | IGNOREREPLICATES" for more information.

For instructions on configuring bidirectional synchronization, see the Administering Oracle GoldenGate.




TRACETABLE [catalog.]owner.table | NOTRACETABLE

The catalog (if stored in a consolidation database), owner, and name of the trace table.


Example 1   

This example shows a two-part name.

TRACETABLE ggs.excl_trans
Example 2   

This example shows a three-part name.

TRACETABLE user.ggs.excl_trans