
Use extract to run the Extract program from the command line of the Linux, UNIX, Windows, or IBM i operating system. The extract program is installed in the Oracle GoldenGate installation directory or library.

Syntax for Windows, UNIX, and Linux

extract paramfile parameter_file 
[atcsn CSN | aftercsn CSN]
[pauseatend | nopauseatend]
[processid PID] 
[reportfile report_file]

Used without options, the command runs the program interactively.

paramfile parameter_file

Required. Specifies the relative or absolute path name of the parameter file for the Extract program that is being run. The default location is the dirprm subdirectory of the Oracle GoldenGate installation directory.

atcsn CSN | aftercsn CSN

Starts the process at or after the specified commit sequence number (CSN).


Runs Extract to extract all of the data records directly from the source database to support an initial load to the target.

pauseatend | nopauseatend

(Windows only) When the process stops, requires an Oracle GoldenGate user to look at the console output and then strike any key to clear it. Also indicates whether the process ended normally or abnormally.

processid PID

A name for the process. This name must match the name that is specified for the EXTRACT parameter in the parameter file. Use one alphanumeric word. When used on IBM i, this name (up to the first 10 characters) will be used as the job name in the IBM i job list.

reportfile report_file

Sends command output to the specified report file. Without the reportfile option, the command output is printed to the screen. The default is the dirrpt subdirectory of the Oracle GoldenGate installation directory.

Syntax for IBM i CLI


The input text file, known as an OBEY file, containing the commands that you want to issue, in the order they are to be issued, one command per line. The name can be anything supported by the operating system.


Any options that are supported in the UNIX version of the command provided as a space separated list.