Use INFO EXTRACT to view the following information.

  • The status of Extract (STARTING, RUNNING, STOPPED or ABENDED). STARTING means that the process has started but has not yet locked the checkpoint file for processing.

  • Approximate Extract lag.

  • Checkpoint information.

  • Process run history.

  • The trails to which Extract is writing.

  • Status of upgrade to, or downgrade from, Integrated Extract

Extract can be running or stopped when INFO EXTRACT is issued. In the case of a running process, the status of RUNNING can mean one of the following:

  • Active: Running and processing (or able to process) data. This is the normal state of a process after it is started.

  • Suspended: The process is running, but suspended due to an EVENTACTIONS SUSPEND action. In a suspended state, the process is not active, and no data can be processed, but the state of the current run is preserved and can be continued by issuing the SEND EXTRACT command with the RESUME option. The RBA in the INFO command reflects the last checkpointed position before the suspend action. To determine whether the state is active or suspended, issue the SEND EXTRACT command with the STATUS option.

The basic command displays information only for online (continuous) Extract processes. Tasks are excluded.

About Extract Lag

The Checkpoint Lag field of the INFO EXTRACT output reflects the lag, in seconds, at the time that the last checkpoint was written to the trail. For example, if the following is true:

  • Current time = 15:00:00

  • Last checkpoint = 14:59:00

  • Timestamp of the last record processed = 14:58:00

Then the lag is reported as 00:01:00 (one minute, the difference between 14:58 and 14:59).

A lag value of UNKNOWN indicates that the process could be running but has not yet processed records, or that the source system's clock is ahead of the target system's clock (due to clock imperfections, not time zone differences), see LAG EXTRACT. For a more precise calculation of the lag and for determining the overall lag, use the heartbeat table. See ADD HEARTBEATTABLE.


INFO EXTRACT group_name
[, SHOWCH [checkpoint_number]]

The name of an Extract group or a wildcard (*) to specify multiple groups. For example, T* shows information for all Extract groups whose names start with T. You can list the PDBs registered with a specified Extract group name.

SHOWCH [checkpoint_number]

The basic command shows information about the current Extract checkpoints. Extract checkpoint positions are composed of read checkpoints in the data source and write checkpoints in the trail. The trail type RMTTRAIL or EXTTRAIL is also noted.

Optionally, specify a value for checkpoint_number to include the specified number of previous checkpoints as well as the current one.


You might see irregular indents and spacing in the output. This is normal and does not affect the accuracy of the information.

See About Checkpoints, which includes descriptions of the types of checkpoints made by each process and the internal metadata entries that are included in the display.


Displays the following:

  • Extract run history, including start and stop points in the data source, expressed as a time.

  • Trails to which Extract is writing.


Displays only Extract tasks. Tasks that were specified by a wildcard argument are not displayed by INFO EXTRACT.


Displays all Extract groups, including tasks.


Valid for an Oracle Database only.

  • UPGRADE displays whether the Extract can be upgraded from classic capture mode to integrated capture mode.

  • DOWNGRADE displays whether the Extract can be downgraded from integrated capture mode to classic capture mode.

If Extract cannot be upgraded or downgraded, the reason why is displayed.

A wildcarded Extract name is not allowed with this option.

Before using this command, issue the DBLOGIN command.


Lists the PDBs that are registered with the specified Extract group. However, the command errors if it is run in non-CDB mode or the Extract group doesn't exist. Issue the DBLOGIN command before using this option.


The following example shows the use of the INFO EXTRACT command from the Admin Client.

EXTRACT    exte  Initialized   2019-11-20 23:22   Status STOPPED
Checkpoint Lag       00:00:00 (updated 00:00:09 ago)
Log Read Checkpoint  Oracle Redo Logs
                     2019-11-20 23:22:54  Seqno 0, RBA 0
                     SCN 0.0 (0)
Auto Start           Delay:   0
Encryption Profile   LocalWallet
The following example shows the command output with DBLOGIN for PostgreSQL:
Last Started 2020-07-01 01:40 Status RUNNING
Checkpoint Lag 00:00:00 (updated 00:00:09 ago)
Process ID 101094
VAM Read Checkpoint 2020-07-01 01:40:15.170802

Replication Slot edf_tc1_2c59ae112747afa1 is active with PID 101120 in database postgres
Slot Restart LSN 1/B982ED98
Slot Flush LSN 1/B982ED98
Current Log Position 1/B982EDD0
The following example shows the command output without DBLOGIN for PostgreSQL:
EXTRACT extw Last Started 2020-07-01 01:40 Status RUNNING
Checkpoint Lag 00:00:00 (updated 00:00:04 ago)
Process ID 101094
VAM Read Checkpoint 2020-07-01 01:44:16.045693
LSN: 1/B99B7E60
Replication Slot Unavailable(requires DBLOGIN)
Slot Restart LSN Unavailable(requires DBLOGIN)
Slot Flush LSN Unavailable(requires DBLOGIN)
Current Log Position Unavailable(requires DBLOGIN)