9 Understanding What's Supported for DB2 for z/OS

This chapter contains information on database and table features supported byOracle GoldenGate for DB2 z/OS.


Supported DB2 for z/OS Data Types

This section lists the DB2 for z/OS data types that Oracle GoldenGate supports and any limitations of this support.

  • Oracle GoldenGate does not perform character set conversion for columns that could contain multi-byte data. This includes GRAPHIC, VARGRAPHIC and DBCLOB data types, as well as CHAR, VARCHAR, and CLOB for tables defined with ENCODING_SCHEME of 'M' (multiple CCSID set or multiple encoding schemes) or 'U' (Unicode). Such data is only supported if the source and target systems are the same CCSID.

  • Oracle GoldenGate supports ASCII, EBCDIC, and Unicode data format. Oracle GoldenGate converts between ASCII and EBCDIC data automatically. Unicode is not converted.

  • Oracle GoldenGate supports most DB2 data types except those listed in Non-Supported DB2 for z/OS Data Types.

Limitations of Support

  • The support of range and precision for floating-point numbers depends on the host machine. In general, the precision is accurate to 16 significant digits, but you should review the database documentation to determine the expected approximations. Oracle GoldenGate rounds or truncates values that exceed the supported precision.

  • Oracle GoldenGate does not support the filtering, column mapping, or manipulation of large objects greater than 4K in size. You can use the full Oracle GoldenGate functionality for objects that are 4K or smaller.

  • Oracle GoldenGate supports the default TIMESTAMP and the TIMESTAMP with TIMEZONE to up to 9 digit fractional value, but no further.

Non-Supported DB2 for z/OS Data Types

This section lists DB2 for z/OS data types that Oracle GoldenGate does not support. Data that is not supported may affect the integrity of the target data in relation to the source data.

  • XML

  • User-defined types

  • Negative dates

Supported Objects and Operations for DB2 z/OS

This section lists the database objects and types of operations that Oracle GoldenGate supports.

  • Parallel Replicat is supported with Oracle GoldenGate for DB2 z/OS.

  • Extraction and replication of DML operations on DB2 for z/OS tables that contain rows of up to 512KB in length. This size exceeds the maximum row size of DB2.

  • INSERT operations from the IBM LOAD utility are supported for change capture if the utility is run with LOG YES and SHRLEVEL CHANGE, and the source tables that are being loaded have DATA CAPTURE CHANGES enabled (required by Oracle GoldenGate) and are specified in the Oracle GoldenGate Extract configuration. Oracle GoldenGate also supports initial loads with the LOAD utility to instantiate target tables during initial synchronization.

  • Oracle GoldenGate supports the maximum number of columns per table, which is supported by the database.

  • Oracle GoldenGate supports the maximum column size that is supported by the database.

  • Extraction and replication of data that is stored using DB2 data compression (CREATE TABLESPACE COMPRESS YES).

  • Capture from temporal history tables is supported.

  • TRUNCATE TABLE is supported, but because this command issues row deletes to perform the truncate, they are shown in Oracle GoldenGate statistics as such, and not as a truncate operation. To replicate a TRUNCATE , the Replicat process uses a DELETE operation without a WHERE clause.

  • TRUNCATES are always captured from a DB2 for z/OS source, but can be ignored by Replicat if the IGNORETRUNCATES parameter is used in the Replicat parameter file.

  • UNICODE columns in EBCDIC tables are supported.

  • Supported options with SHOWTRANS
    SHOWTRANS [transaction_ID]  [COUNT n]
    [DURATION duration unit] 
    [FILE file_name] |

    transaction_ID and count cannot be specified together.

    transaction_ID and duration cannot be specified together.

  • Options supported with SKIPTRANS and FORCETRANS:
    SKIPTRANS transaction_ID  
    [FORCE] FORCETRANS transaction_ID  [FORCE]

Non-Supported Objects and Operations for DB2 for z/OS

The following objects and operations are not supported by Oracle GoldenGate on DB2 for z/OS:

  • Extraction or replication of DDL operations

  • Clone tables

  • Data manipulation, including compression, that is performed within user-supplied DB2 exit routines, such as:

    • Date and time routines

    • Edit routines (CREATE TABLE EDITPROC )

    • Validation routines (CREATE TABLE VALIDPROC )

  • Replicating with BATCHSQL is not fully functional for DB2 for z/OS. Non-insert operations are not supported so any update or delete operations will cause Replicat to drop temporarily out of BATCHSQL mode. The transactions will stop and errors will occur.