Valid For

Extract and Replicat


Use the GETTRUNCATES and IGNORETRUNCATES parameters to control whether or not Oracle GoldenGate processes table truncate operations. By default, truncate operations are not captured from the source or replicated to the target.

GETTRUNCATES and IGNORETRUNCATES are table-specific. One parameter remains in effect for all subsequent TABLE or MAP statements, until the other parameter is encountered.

In a coordinated Replicat configuration, truncates are always processed by the thread that is responsible for barrier transactions.

Supported Databases

  • GETTRUNCATES and IGNORETRUNCATES are supported by Extract for Oracle Database, MySQL, DB2 LUW, PostgreSQL, and DB2 for i.

  • GETTRUNCATES and IGNORETRUNCATES are supported by Replicat for Oracle Database, SQL Server, DB2 for i, DB2 LUW, DB2 z/OS, MySQL, Teradata, PostgreSQL, and TimesTen.


GETTRUNCATES and IGNORETRUNCATES for DB2 z/OS is only valid for TRUNCATE IMMEDIATE operations. TRUNCATES without the IMMEDIATE qualifier will be processed without regard to GETTRUNCATES and IGNORETRUNCATES as it appears as a DROP FROM command in the DB2 logs.

DB2 LUW Limitations

  • DB2 LUW does not support a TRUNCATE command, so Replicat replicates a truncate operation by performing an IMPORT REPLACE from a NULL (blank) file.

Oracle Limitations

  • Oracle GoldenGate supports the Oracle TRUNCATE TABLE command, but not TRUNCATE PARTITION. You can replicate TRUNCATE PARTITION as part of the full Oracle GoldenGate DDL replication support.

  • The database does not log truncates against an empty table, so those operations are not captured by Oracle GoldenGate. The DDL support of Oracle GoldenGate can be used for this purpose.

  • The database does not log truncates for empty partitions, so Oracle GoldenGate cannot reliably process TRUNCATE TABLE when the table contains any empty partitions. Do not use GETTRUNCATES on any partitioned table. Oracle GoldenGate DDL support can be used to capture truncates on tables that might include empty partitions.

PostgreSQL Limitations

Oracle GoldenGate capture supports GETTRUNCATES from PostgreSQL version 11 and higher.


