3 Enhancements

This section highlights the enhancements available with this release of Oracle GoldenGate.

Release 23ai - May 2024

Added new features to Oracle GoldenGate Configuration Assistant (OGGCA)

Oracle GoldenGate 23ai added the following new features for better user experience:
  • OGGCA is enhanced to allow configuring the following features for the Service Manager and deployment:

    • Enable and configure the StatsD server for the deployment and Service Manager

    • Enable and configure the Configuration Service for the deployment

    • Enhanced security configuration from OGGCA

  • Default environment variables are set for OGG_HOME and LD_LIBRARY_PATH

  • Additional configuration options have been provided for the following:
    • Integration with external IDP providers

    • Customization of authentication modes

    • Availability of a sample template of the response file

Added encryption support for user data in cache files and Bounded Recovery Persisted Data Files (PCDFs)

Oracle GoldenGate 23ai provides encryption support for user data included in cache files and Bounded Recovery persisted data files (PCDFs). For more information, see Secure Data in Transit.

Added support for automatic reconnection of parallel Replicat for application continuity

Added support for automatic reconnection of parallel Replicat with databases on connection failures to maintain application continuity.

Integrated OAuth/SSO with identity domains in OCI Identity and Access Management (IAM)

Added the following to improve and simplify the integration of OAuth/SSO with identity providers (IDP):

  • New OAM profile type

  • Validate and enable the authorization profile to automatically configure the confidential application and self-register the redirect URIs

Improved failure detection for distribution and target-initiated paths

Added WebSocket protocol and asynchronous receive thread to improve the network failure detection process for distributed and target-initiated paths.

Improved token-based authentication

Oracle GoldenGate 23ai now supports token-based authentication for IDP-enabled deployments. For this, token-access parameter has been added to the CONNECT and ADD CREDENTIALS commands. In addition, INFO CREDENTIALS command has been updated to display the token related information. For more information, see CONNECT, ADD CREDENTIALS, and INFO CREDENTIALS.

Improved performance monitoring

Added Integrated Diagnostics REST API to obtain performance data to diagnose performance issues related to integrated Extract, integrated Replicat, and parallel integrated Replicat. This is a replacement over the previously used Replication Performance Advisory Utility (UTLRPDAV).

For more information, see Integrated Diagnostics

Enhanced Functionality for Automatic Conflict Detection and Resolution (ACDR)

Automatic Conflict Detection and Resolution provides improved functionality for the following tasks:
  • Removing ACDR entirely from the table or removing ACDR column groups has less impact on the table as the ACDR related columns are marked as UNUSED columns. The decision to drop the columns can be made at a later time.

  • Starting with Oracle Database 23ai, using DBMS_REDEFINITION for ACDR related tables is supported. The DBMS_REDFINITION package can be used to remove unused columns or any other purpose for which the table needs to be reorganized.

See the following topics for details, Configure Latest Timestamp Conflict Detection and Resolution, Support for Online Redefinition, Removing Conflict Detection and Resolution From a Table, and Removing a Column Group.

Oracle Key Vault 21.8 is supported for trail file encryption

Oracle GoldenGate 23ai supports trail file encryption with Oracle Key Vault 21.8. See Using Oracle Key Vault with Oracle GoldenGate.