1.1 Introduction

This document introduces Oracle GoldenGate Monitor 12c ( It comprises the following:

1.1.1 New and Changed Features in

This topic lists the new features and enhancements in the following releases of Oracle GoldenGate Monitor: New Features and Changes in Oracle GoldenGate Monitor — September 2021

Monitor UI update processing improvement

Oracle GoldenGate Monitor parallelized the processing of UI update with a set of threads.

Added Ability to modify the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor UI Login Landing Page to land on Expanded Hosts

You can change the display layout of tree structure navigation in the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor UI by configuring monitor.landing.page.treeview. For more information, see monitor.landing.page.treeview in Administering Oracle GoldenGate Monitor. New Features and Changes in Oracle GoldenGate Monitor — October 2020

Scroll Bar Support

Scroll bar support has been added to help easy navigation within large diagrams across System, Hosts, Solutions, and Views

AND or OR conditions on Alert settings page

The ability to specify AND or OR conditions on the Alert settings page has been provided.

Added Support to Disable and Hide Solutions

If you set the monitor.disable.solution=true, then Solutions will disabled and hidden from the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor UI. For more information, see monitor.disable.solution in Administering Oracle GoldenGate Monitor.

Added Support to Disable Message Fetching for OGGMON mode

Support has been added to specify the maximum number of messages to retrieve from the core Oracle GoldenGate instance when the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent starts up, by using the maximum.message.retrieval Agent configuration property. For more information, see maximum.message.retrieval in Administering Oracle GoldenGate Monitor.

Added Support to Display only Parent Process for Parallel and Coordinate Replicat in Monitor Server

Support has been added to display only parent process for Parallel and Coordinate replicat processes in the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor server. New Features and Changes in Oracle GoldenGate Monitor—February 2020

Support for Large Deployment Mode

JAgent auto switches to large deployment mode when number of processes reaches threshold. A new threshold parameter can be added in Config.properties to define large deployment. See jagent.large.deployment.threshold in Administering Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Guide.

Continuous repeating alert functionality

A new alert parameter can be added in Config.properties to enable this feature. See continuous.alerts in Administering Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Guide.

Time Display in Alert Email

In alert email, if large number of seconds is detected, it now shows in d:hr:min:sec format, instead of just "sec" format.

Support new OggAuxOperator Role

A new OggAuxOperator role has been added to enable customized views in Monitor Server UI. New and Changed Features in Oracle GoldenGate Monitor — December 2018

Monitor server large deployment performance improvement

A number of monitoring point changes were consolidated in one monitoring point Event for the Monitor Server. Also a refresh rate is added in monitor.properties based on number of monitoring point events. See monitor.refresh.landing.page and monitor.max.mpevent.before.refresh in Administering Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Guide.

Monitor server Alert resource management improvement

A cache layer of alert template was added to improve monitor server performance. New and Changed Features in Release

General Features

  • Oracle GoldenGate Monitor supports monitoring Oracle GoldenGate for Informix from Oracle GoldenGate Monitor release onwards.

  • Support for Monitor JAgent to withstand the Oracle GoldenGate Manager RESTful API unavailability was added.
  • Support for repository of Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server for MySQL database was removed.


  • The Monitor UI layout was redesigned for improved information conveyance as follows:

    Monitor Home Page Enhancements

    • Data and Alerts View is renamed to Metrics and Alerts
    • Historical Data and Alert History Tabs are consolidated as the History Tab
    • Alert Definition is renamed to Alert Management

    Metrics and Alerts Enhancements

    Clicking on an Instance node results in the following tabs displaying in right-hand panel replacing the 'Instance' diagram, Attributes table, and Alerts table:

    • Process Metrics Tab

    • Manager Metrics Tab

    • Logs Tab

    • Configuration Tab

    • Alerts Tab

    • GGSCI Tab

    Capture Node Enhancements

    Clicking on a Capture node results in the following tabs displaying in right-hand panel replacing the Capture diagram, Attributes table, and Alerts table.

    • Metrics Tab

    • Logs Tab

    • Configuration Tab

    • Alerts Tab

    Delivery Node Enhancements

    Clicking on Delivery node results in the following tabs displaying in right-hand panel replacing the Delivery diagram, Attributes table, and Alerts table.

    • Metrics Tab

    • Logs Tab

    • Configuration Tab

    • Alerts Tab

    Database Node Enhancements

    Clicking on a Database node results in the Metrics tab displaying in right-hand panel replacing the Database's diagram, Attributes table, and Alerts table.

    Trial Node Enhancements

    Clicking on a Trial node results in the Metrics tab displaying in right-hand panel replacing the Trial diagram, Attributes table, and Alerts table.

    Instance Node Enhancements

    Clicking on an Instance Node results in the Configuration tab displaying in right-hand panel replacing the Trial diagram, Attributes table, and Alerts table.

    The mgr.prm and GLOBALS subtabs are displayed on the Configuration Tab. The mgr.prm subtab displays the contents of this file. You can refresh the contents of the mgr.prm file using the Refresh button and edit it using the Edit button.

    Capture' Node/Delivery Node – 'Configuration' Tab

    The Capture process related parameter file is displayed on the Configuration' Tab You can refresh the contents of this file using the Refresh button and edit it using the Edit button.

  • The configuration of Email, SNMP, and CLI for alert actions was redesigned so that the User Interface (UI) is used.

  • The Solution Graph was enhanced to bookend databases.

  • The instance diagram is replaced by a tabular layout.

  • The Problem Summary and Solution title icon were removed.

  • The UI tab and subtabs appearance was modified to condense the information for better classification and ease of use.

  • Compact domain support was replaced with Extended Domain support for SQL Server.


  • Ability to run GGSCI commands from the UI was added.

  • Ability to alert on more Monitor Points was added.

  • In addition to the Message.Code and Message.Severity attributes, you can now configure alerts using the Message.Text attribute. This new metric was added in the Metrics drop-down list on the Alert Definition Tab.

  • Monitor Alerts now include additional existing monitoring points. By default, all Monitor Alerts include the following Oracle GoldenGate Monitor instance Metrics for the 'Instance', 'Capture', and 'Delivery' object types :

    OGG Instance Details:
    OGG Hostname =abc.host.com
    OGG Working Directory = /root/core
    OGG Manager Port = 7650


  • Instance Level security for the Alert Module.


  • Ability to run multiple Monitor Agents to both Oracle GoldenGate Monitor and Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Enterprise Management Plug-In.

1.1.2 Prerequisites

For Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Java Agent for IBM i on POWER Systems to work with Oracle GoldenGate for DB2 for i on IBM i, requires you to set the following:
  • If the environment variable LIBPATH is not set, then you need to set it to the Oracle GoldenGate home directory. For example, export LIBPATH=<ogg_home_path>.

  • If the environment variable LIBPATH is set but doesn't contain the path to the Oracle GoldenGate home directory, then you need to append the Oracle GoldenGate home directory path to LIBPATH. For example, export LIBPATH=$LIBPATH:<ogg_home_path>.

Oracle GoldenGate Monitor 12c ( requires that the following are installed:

  • Java Standard Edition (SE), JDK 8u40 and greater

  • Oracle WebLogic Server, or upgrade to See Upgrading OGG Monitor Domain to in the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Guide.
  • One of the following supported databases:

    • Oracle 11gR2, 12c, 18c

    • Microsoft SQL Server 2008, 2012, 2016, or 2019

For more information, see "Preparing to Install" in Installing and Configuring Oracle GoldenGate Monitor.

1.1.3 Parameters and Settings

After a patch is applied, you need to compare the live configuration files against the template to verify additional or deprecated parameters.

  • Server Live: DOMAIN_HOME/config/monitorserver/cfg/monitor.properties
  • Server Template: unzip MIDDLEWARE_HOME/oggmon/common/templates/wls/monitor_server_template.jar
  • Agent Live: AGENT_DEPLOY_LOCATION/cfg/Config.properties
  • Agent Template: MIDDLEWARE_HOME/oggmon/ogg_agent/cfg_templates/Config.properties

1.1.4 Corrected Problems

This section contains information about bugs that have been corrected. For questions on specific bugs or ticket numbers, consult Oracle Customer Support. SR is the Oracle Support SR number, and BugDB is the bug identification number. The information in this section is divided into the following releases: Release — November 2022

Enh 34457018 - Certification request for Monitor Agent on RedHat Linux release 8

The Oracle GoldenGate Monitor patch has been certified with Linux 8 environment

Bug 34270245 - remove log4j reference and jar via patch

This issue has been fixed.

Bug 34264737 - Spring Expression DoS Vulnerability

The following security vulnerability has been fixed: CVE-2022-22950.

Oracle recommends that you upgrade to this patch to include this security fix. Release — October 2020

Bug 30957702 - Error Code: 1438 (or 8115) Call: INSERT INTO mps_history

This issue has been fixed.

Bug 29687488 - getting tons of 'imageionnnnnnn.tmp' files in /tmp

This issue has been fixed. The imageionnnnnnn.tmp files are no longer getting generated in the tmp folder.

Bug 29812794 - Jagent throws java.lang.NullPointerException with parallel replicat 'working dir'

This issue has been fixed. The Monitor Agent does not throw this Null Pointer exception with parallel replicat Working dir. Release — February 2020


This issue of browser redirect to empty.gif is fixed. Release — November 2019

BUG 30360533 - JAgent uses high CPU when PMSRVR is unresponsive, high virtual memory but Swap usage is low

This issue was fixed. JAgent CPU and memory usage should now be resilient to partially responsive PMSRVR, due to BDB errors or deadlocks. Release — May 2019

Bug 29265564 - 'Fake' Seconds Since Last Oracle GoldenGate Checkpoint Alerts when OGG MGR Is Down

This issue was fixed. It now displays proper metrics of "Seconds Since Last Oracle GoldenGate Checkpoint" even when Manager goes down, therefore False Alert is no longer triggered. Release — December 2018

Bug 28735746 - Oracle GoldenGate Monitor cannot log all the alert fields via the CLI interface

This issue was fixed. You can now log all the alert fields through the CLI interface.

Bug 27756116 - Monitor Agent fails to start on HP-UX after applying patch 26982776

This issue was fixed by correcting the jagent.jar file. Oracle GoldenGate Monitor starts on a HP-UX machine.

Bug 27202710 - Non-administrator user can access page of administrator and adding and modifying

This issue was fixed by supporting users with limited privilege can get access to unauthorized pages by pasting the URL in browser.

Bug 28735746 - Oracle GoldenGate Monitor cannot log all the alert fields via CLI interface

This issue was fixed by fixing the order of the alertfield arguments.

Bug 28022336 - JAGENT Spikes CPU RANDOMLY

This issue was fixed by monitoring the CPU spikes that come from jAgent.

Bug 27756116 - Monitor Agent fails to start on HP-UX after applying patch

This issue was fixed by changing to a byte by byte reading method because the Java reader class doesn't work on the HP-UX platform.

Bug 27202710 - Non-administrator user can access page of administrator and adding and modifying

This issue was fixed by restricting the users with limited privileges from accessing pages that they were unauthorized for.

BUG 28919574 - Eliminate random high port opened by JMX/RMI in JDK8

When starting the JMX/RMI protocol, JDK8 automatically opens a random high port for communication. This issue was fixed to eliminate the random high port usage by forcing Oracle GoldenGate Monitor jAgent to behave as if jmx.enable.remote.monitoring=true and jmx.broker.port=default are already set. Release — October 2018

Bug 28735746 — Oracle GoldenGate Veridata Cannot Log all the Alert Fields via CLI Interface

The issue has been fixed. The Oracle GoldenGate Veridata can log all the alert fields using the CLI Interface. Release — January 2018

Bug 27202710 – Non-administrator user can access page of administrator and adding and modifying

This issue was fixed. Users with limited privilege can get access to unauthorized pages. Release — November 2017

Bug 22179784 — Edit Big Data Handler Properties Files from Monitor

The issue of editing the Big Data parameter properties files was fixed.

Bug 20714185 — Improve Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server's Data Purging Options

The issue with the data purging options has been fixed. After applying the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor patch (PS2 BP3), optionally, you can execute a table re-partition script to optimize the history purging feature when the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor uses the Oracle database. Once the script execution is completed, it reduces the time needed to purge historical data by using the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor server user interface. 


Only Oracle database enterprise edition with the partition function is eligible for the enhancement introduced by oracle_partitions.sql.
You need to do the following :
  1. Stop the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server.

  2. Apply patch (PS2 BP3) if you have not yet applied it.

  3. Run the following script as SYSDBA user and enter the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Repository User Name when asked for parameter 1 – <ORACLE_HOME>/oggmon/plugins/upgrade/scripts/grant_permission_oracle.sql.

  4. Run the following script as Monitor Repository User – <ORACLE_HOME>/oggmon/plugins/upgrade/scripts/oracle_partitions.sql.

  5. Start the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server.

BUG 26630294 — OEM Plug-in Support for Non-default Report and Parameter File Directory Location

The issue with the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Java Agent parameter files not being visible to the customers was fixed.

Bug 25798253 — Need to Make jAgent Compatible with Oracle GoldenGate 12.3 Classic Mode

Starting with the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor patch and for the upcoming releases, jAgent is compatible with the Oracle GoldenGate 12c ( Classic Architecture.

Bug 25507045 — The goldengate.jar script hangs, unable to discover OGG/sql server targets OEM 13c

A reentrant lock was added for an MBeans update to correct this issue. Release — October 2016

Bug 23285087 - Issue with Query String, unable to discover Oracle GoldenGate

An issue with the query string where Oracle GoldenGate Monitor was not able to discover Oracle GoldenGate targets was fixed.

Bug 22593701 - Spelling issue in StartMonitorAgent Script

A spelling issue in startMonitorAgentInstance.sh was fixed.

Bug 20545508 - jAgent does not work with Oracle GoldenGate for Java adapter

An issue where jAgent was not functioning properly with Oracle GoldenGate for Java adapter was fixed. Release ­— October 2015

Initial Release.

1.1.5 Known Issues

This chapter describes issues that are known to exist in Oracle GoldenGate Monitor. The information in this section is divided into the following releases: Release — November 2022

Bug 34771396 - OGG from Linux and Monitor on Windows, the GGSERR log that was downloaded is empty

When a path delimiter error causes an Oracle GoldenGate from Linux and Monitor on Windows issue, the user downloads GGSERLog. However, the log contains no information.

Bug 34741355 - Email Alerts are not sent and fail with the javax.mail error.MessagingException

Workaround: Uncheck the Secure SMTP checkbox, and restart the Monitor server. Release — October 2020

Bug 31970583 - java.lang.IllegalArgumentException may occur when the diagram panel gets refreshed

Any action that refreshes the Diagram panel may trigger java.lang.IllegalArgumentException, but there is no real impact on the UI diagram display itself. Release — February 2020

Doc 30868300 - "Help on this page" is not displaying Alert management topic

The Alert Management topic is not displayed in the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Online Help.

Bug 30823149 - Parallel Replicat child process mapper and applier will show in stopped state if there is no transaction/load

Parallel Replicat Mapper and applier are stopped automatically if there is no transaction/load. Due to this few Parallel Replicat child processes are displayed as being in the STOP state in monitor UI. Release — May 2019

Bug 29812794 - jAgent throws java.lang.NullPointerException with parallel replicat 'working dir'

The Oracle GoldenGate Monitor agent throws java.lang.NullPointerException due to the absence of the working directory (dirprm). The errors are displayed in the jAgent log file for the Parallel Replicat feature. The errors will be properly handled and addressed in the next bundle patch. Release - December 2018

BUG 29007814: User cannot view the Discard file in monitor UI for DB2 Z/OS Extract

Discard file doesn't load in the user interface (UI) for DB2Z/OS. When you try to see the discard file, Oracle GoldenGate Monitor server displays the following error: The content of this page failed to load as expected because data transmission was interrupted. User will not able to view the Discard file in monitor UI for DB2 Z/OS Extract.

BUG 28982276 - Delta row fetch attempts and Delta row fetch failures are not displaying in Monitor metrics

BUG 28811280 - Delta Executed DDLs & Delta Row Fetch Attempts Disappeared after some time

Delta Executed DDLs, Delta Row Fetch Failures, and Delta Row Fetch Attempts disappear after some time during the patch update.

Bug 29125182 - Oracle GoldenGate Monitor on Windows is not displaying "ggserr.log" file properly if Oracle GoldenGate is on Linux

The ggserr.log file is not getting loaded properly on Linux. Release — October 2016

Bug 24735971 - jAgent log display "Invalid username/password" after upgrade to

jAgent log can display an Invalid username/password error after upgrade to As a workaround, after Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server upgrade, copy the following three property values from monitor.properties.bak to monitor.properties file located in <Monitor-Domain>/config/monitorserver/cfg/ directory.

The property values to be replaced are:

  • monitor.jmx.server.host

  • monitor.jmx.server.port

  • monitor.jmx.server.user

Next, manually verify all the other property values in monitor.properties file and replace them with the older values from monitor.properties.bak file. Release — August 2016

Schema upgrade not required for Oracle GoldenGate Monitor

Schema upgrade from to is not required and messages ALREADY_UPGRADED and Upgrade not necessary are displayed during readiness check. This is the standard functionality. Release ­— October 2015

No oggmon.properties in the WebLogic Server Domain After T2P

After T2P, if the target machine does not have the oggmon.properties file in the WLS_DOMAIN_HOME/cfg directory, then you must run the updateOGGMonitorConfig script on target machine in T2P.

Jagent on Windows Does Not Connect to the Monitor Server.

For Windows, if the JAgent s not connecting to the Monitor Server, then you need to add the absolute Java JDK8 path explicitly in the jagent.prm file.

For DB2 on Z/OS: JAgent Stops Unexpectedly

If JAgent should stop unexpectedly, modify the memory options in the jagent. prm file using these steps:

  1. Edit the jagent.prm file in the OGG_AGENT_INST_HOME/dirprm directory.

  2. Locate the Xms and Xmx memory options then change them to -Xms512m -Xmx550m.

  3. Go to the Oracle GoldenGate Core GGSCI console, and stop the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent by executing the stop jagent command:

    GGSCI> stop jagent
  4. Backup your ogg_agent.log file.

  5. Start JAgent from GGSCI:

    GGSCI> start jagent

1.1.6 Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Documentation

For more information, see the following documents in the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor 12c ( documentation set:

1.1.7 Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=docacc.

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing impaired.