2 Developing Access Clients

Oracle Access Management Access Manager (Access Manager) provides a pure Java software developer kit (SDK) and application programming interfaces (APIs) for creating custom Access Clients.

This chapter discusses how to develop a custom Access Client and provides the following sections.

2.1 About Developing Access Clients

With the Access Manager you can develop your own Access Clients, custom authentication plug-ins, custom login and error pages, administer Access Manager policies programmatically, as well as enable the impersonation feature and develop a custom user interface for managing, using the provided Java Access SDK and Access Manager APIs.

A WebGate is a Web server plug-in that intercepts HTTP requests for resources and forwards them to the OAM Server for authentication and authorization. A WebGate is a Web server agent that acts as the actual enforcement point for access requests. Several WebGates are provided out-of-the-box and are ready for installation on an Oracle HTTP Server, where it intercepts access requests.

An Access Client is a custom WebGate that has been developed using the 12c Access SDK and APIs. When a standard WebGate is not suitable, a custom Access Client can be written and deployed for processing requests from users or application for either Web or non-Web resources (non-HTTP).

This section provides the following topics:

2.1.1 About the Access SDK and APIs

The Access SDK is a platform independent package that Oracle has certified on a variety of enterprise platforms (using both 32-bit and 64-bit modes) and hardware combinations.

The 12c Access SDK is intended for use by Java application developers in the development of tightly coupled, performant integrations. It is provided on JDK versions that are supported across Oracle Fusion Middleware applications. In addition to this guide, for more information See Oracle Fusion Middleware Access SDK Java API Reference for Oracle Access Management Access Manager.


Oracle strongly recommends that developers use the 12c Access SDK for all new development.

The following Access API are included:

  • oracle.security.am.asdk: An authentication and authorization API that provides enhancements to take advantage of 12c OAM Server functionality. The 12c Access SDK API can be used with Oracle Access Manager 12c version of the server.


    The oracle.security.am.asdk package provides the 12c Java APIs. The 12c version is very similar to the previous release APIs, with enhancements for use with the 12c OAM Server. From a functional perspective, the 12c Access SDK maintains parity with the previous release 11g Access SDK to ensure that you can re-write existing custom code using the 12c API layer.

The 12c Access SDK includes authentication and authorization functionality. However, it does not include Administrative APIs (for instance, there is no 12c Policy Manager API).

The most common use of the Access SDK is to enable the development of a custom integration between Access Manager and other applications (Oracle or third party). Usage examples include:

  • Developing a custom Access Client for a Web server or an application server for which Oracle does not provide an out-of-the-box integration.

  • Accessing session information that may be stored as part of the Access Manager authentication process.

  • Verifying the validity of the Access Manager session cookie rather than trusting an HTTP header for the user principal.

Table 2-1 describes the primary features of the 12c Access SDK.

Table 2-1 12c Access SDK Features

Feature Description


Client Package: Is comprised of a single zip file that contains oamasdk-api.jar, as well as other JPS jar files needed for 12c agent operations. Supporting files (for signing and TLS negotiations) are not included and should be generated separately.

Server Related Code: Is included as part of the core Access Manager server installation.

Note: Access Clients and plug-ins developed with Oracle Access Manager 11g can be used with 12c release. Oracle Access Manager 11g bundle patches are used to distribute Java SDK code enhancements for use with 12c environments.

Built In Versioning

Enables you to:

  • Determine the Access SDK version that is installed.

  • Validate compatible versions it can operate with (Oracle Access Manager 11g and 12c).

    If there is a mismatch, Access SDK functions halt and an informative message is logged and presented.


The Access SDK logging mechanism enables you to specify the level (informational, warning, and error level) of detail you want to see in a local file. Messages provide enough detail for you to resolve an issue. For example, if an incompatible Access SDK package is used, the log message includes details about a version mismatch and what version criteria should be followed.

If the SDK generates large amounts of logs within a given period of time, you can configure a rollover of the logs based on a file limit or a time period. For example, if a file limit has been reached (or a certain amount of time has passed), the log file is copied to an archive directory and a new log file is started.

2.1.2 About Custom Access Clients

You can develop different types of custom Access Clients, depending on their desired function, by utilizing all, or a subset of, the Access Client API. The API is generally agnostic about the type of protected resources and network protocols used to communicate with the users. For example, the specifics of HTTP protocol and any use of HTTP cookies are outside of the scope of Access SDK. You can develop Access Clients to protect non-HTTP resources as easily as agents protecting HTTP resources.

The Access SDK enables development of custom integrations with Access Manager for controlling access to protected resources such as authentication, authorization, and auditing. This access control is generally accomplished by developing and deploying custom Access Clients, which are applications or plug-ins that invoke the Access Client API to interface with the Access SDK runtime.

Access Client-side caching is used internally within the Access SDK runtime to further minimize the processing overhead. The Access SDK runtime, together with the OAM Server, transparently performs dynamic configuration management, whereby any Access Client configuration changes made using the administration console are automatically reflected in the affected Access SDK runtimes.

The typical functions that a custom Access Client can perform, individually or in combination with other Access Clients, are as follows:

  • Authenticate users by validating their credentials against Access Manager and its configured user repositories.

  • Authenticate users and check for authorization to access a resource.

  • Authenticate users and create unique Access Manager sessions represented by session tokens.

  • Validate session tokens presented by users, and authorize their access to protected resources.

  • Terminate Access Manager sessions given a session token or a named session identifier.

  • Enumerate Access Manager sessions of a given user by specifying named user identifier.

  • Save or retrieve custom Access Manager session attributes.

Some Access Client operations are restricted for use by the designated Access Client instances. For example, See OperationNotPermitted in Oracle Fusion Middleware Access SDK Java API Reference for Oracle Access Management Access Manager.

Access Clients process user requests for access to resources within the LDAP domain protected by the OAM Server. Typically, you embed custom Access Client code in a servlet (plug-in) or a standalone application that receives resource requests. This code uses Access Manager API libraries to perform authentication and authorization services on the OAM Server.

If a resource is not protected, the Access Client grants the user free access to the requested resource. If the resource is protected and the user is authorized to provide certain credentials to gain access, the Access Client attempts to retrieve those user credentials so that the OAM Server can validate them. If authentication of the user and authorization for the resource succeeds, the Access Client makes the resource available to the user. Access Clients can differ according to a variety of factors, as described in Table 2-2.

Table 2-2 Access Client Variations

Variation Description

Type of application

Standalone application versus server plug-ins.

Development Language

Each development language provides a choice of interfaces to the underlying functionality of the API.

For 12c, Java is the only development language for custom Access Clients.

Resource Type

Protect both HTTP and non-HTTP resources.

Credential Retrieval

Enable HTTP FORM-based input, the use of session tokens, and command-line input, among other methods.

After it has been written and deployed, a custom Access Client is managed by an Oracle Access Management administrator the same as a standard WebGate. For information about managing a custom Access Client using the administration console, See Resource Types and Their Use .

See Also, When to Create a Custom Access Client

Typically, you deploy a custom Access Client instead of a standard WebGate when you need to control access to a resource for which Oracle Access Manager does not already supply an out-of-the-box solution. This might include:

  • Protection for non-HTTP resources.

  • Protection for a custom web server developed to implement a special feature (for example, a reverse proxy).

  • Implementation of single sign-on (SSO) to protect a combination of HTTP and non-HTTP resources.

    For example, you can create an Access Client that facilitates SSO within an enterprise environment that includes an Oracle WebLogic Server cluster as well as non-Oracle WebLogic Server resources. Types of Resources in the Access Client Architecture

Each Access Client is built from the following three types of resources:

  • Custom Access Client code.

    Built into a servlet or standalone application. For the 12c release, you write Access Client code using the Java language platform.

  • Configuration information.

    • ObAccessClient.xml file: Primary configuration file, which contains configuration information that constitutes an Access Client profile.

    • cwallet.sso and jps-config.xml files: For an 12c agent only.

    • If the transportation security mode is Simple or Cert, then the following files are required.

      • oamclient-truststore.jks – JKS format trust store file which should contain CA certificate of the certificate issuing authority.

      • oamclient-keystore.jks – JKS format key store file which should contain certificate and private key issued for the Access Client.

      • password.xml – An XML file that holds the value of global pass phrase. Same password is also used to protect private key file.

  • Access Manager API libraries.

    Facilitates interaction between the Access Client and OAM Server.

Figure 2-1 shows the relationship between the Access Client components installed on a host server.

Figure 2-1 Architectural Detail of an Access Client

Description of Figure 2-1 follows
Description of "Figure 2-1 Architectural Detail of an Access Client "

2.1.3 About Access Client Request Processing

Regardless of the variability introduced by the types of resources discussed in Types of Resources in the Access Client Architecture, most Access Clients follow the same basic steps to process user requests. When a user or application submits a resource request to a servlet or application running on the server where the Access Client is installed, the Access Client code embedded in that servlet or application initiates the basic process shown in Figure 2-2. Details of the process overview are explained below the figure.

Figure 2-2 Process Overview: Handling a Resource Request

Description of Figure 2-2 follows
Description of "Figure 2-2 Process Overview: Handling a Resource Request "
  1. The application or servlet containing the Access Client code receives a user request for a resource.

  2. The Access Client constructs a ResourceRequest structure, which the Access Client code uses when it asks the OAM Server whether the requested resource is protected.

  3. The OAM Server responds.

  4. Depending upon the situation, one of the following occurs:

    • If the resource is not protected, the Access Client grants or denies access to the resource depending on the value of the DenyOnNotProtected flag. Default value is true.

      For Access Manager 12c agent, DenyOnNotProtected flag in always true and cannot be changed.

    • If the resource is protected, the Access Client constructs an AuthenticationScheme structure, which it uses to ask the OAM Server what credentials the user needs to supply. This step is only necessary if the Access Client supports the use of different authentication schemes for different resources.

  5. The OAM Server responds.

  6. The application uses a form or some other means to ask for user credentials. In some cases, the user credentials may already have been submitted as part of:

    • A valid session token.

    • Input from a web browser.

    • Arguments to the command-line script or keyboard input that launched the Access Client application.

  7. The user responds to the application.

  8. The Access Client constructs an UserSession structure, which presents the user credentials to the OAM Server, which maps them to a user profile in the Oracle Access Manager user directory.

  9. If the credentials prove valid, the Access Client creates a session token for the user, then it sends a request for authorization to the OAM Server. This request contains the user identity, the name of the target resource, and the requested operation.

    For an Access Client developed using the Access SDK, a SSO token is issued as a string type with no name. Use getSessionToken() on an existing UserSession object to return that session's token. If you have an existing token, it can be used to construct a user session object. The token is encrypted and opaque to a user, but internally, can be either in 11g or 12c format.

  10. The Access Client grants the user access to the resource, providing that the user is authorized for the requested operation on the particular resource.

The flow illustrated in Figure 2-2 represents only the main path of the authorization process. Typically, additional code sections within the servlet or application handle branch situations where:

  • The requested resource is not protected.

  • The authentication challenge method associated with the protected resource is not supported by the application.

  • The user fails to supply valid credentials under the specified conditions.

  • Some other error condition arises.

  • The developer has built additional custom code into the Access Client to handle special situations or functionality.

When writing a custom Access Client, it is possible to authenticate users over the backchannel.

2.2 Installing Access SDK

To install the Java Access SDK Client for Access Manager 12c, perform the following steps:

  1. Download the oam-java-asdk.zip file from Oracle Technology Network.
  2. Extract the contents of the file oam-java-asdk.zip to a local directory.
  3. Add oamasdk-api.jar to your CLASSPATH to configure the build path with the dependent jars and execute the sample asdk client
  4. Execute the command:
    java -Dopss.tenant.mode=JPS_API -cp 
    ifest.jar:oracle_common/modules/oracle.igf/igf-manifest.jar:oracle_common/modules/oracle.idm/identitystore.jar SampleASDK 

Once the Access SDK is installed, do not change the relative locations of the subdirectories and files. Doing so may prevent an accurate build and proper operation of the API.

2.3 Developing Access Clients

With the Access Manager you can develop your own Access Clients, custom authentication plug-ins, custom login and error pages, administer Access Manager policies programmatically, as well as enable the impersonation feature and develop a custom user interface for managing, using the provided Java Access SDK and Access Manager APIs.

The following topics are discussed in this section:

2.3.1 Understanding the Structure of an Access Client

The structure of a typical Access Client application roughly mirrors the sequence of events required to set up an Access Client session.

  • Include or import requisite libraries.

  • Get resource.

  • Get authentication scheme.

  • Gather user credentials required by authentication scheme.

  • Create user session.

  • Check user authorization for resource.

  • Clean up (Java uses automatic garbage collection).

  • Shut down.

2.3.2 Understanding a Typical Access Client Execution Flow

All HTTP FORM-based Access Client applications and plug-ins follow the same basic pattern. Figure 2-3 shows a process flow for form-based applications. Details are described in the following figure.

Figure 2-3 Process Flow for Form-based Applications

Description of Figure 2-3 follows
Description of "Figure 2-3 Process Flow for Form-based Applications"
  1. Import libraries.

  2. Initialize the SDK.

  3. Create ResourceRequest object.

  4. Determine if the requested resource is protected.

    Resource Not Protected: If the resource is not protected, the Access Client grants or denies access to the resource depending on the value of the DenyOnNotProtected flag. Default value is true. For Access Manager agent, DenyOnNotProtected flag in always true and cannot be changed.

  5. Requested Resource is Protected: Create an AuthenticationScheme object.

  6. Authentication Scheme HTTP FORM-based: Create a structure for user ID and password, create UserSession object, determine if the user is authenticated.

  7. Authentication Scheme Not HTTP FORM-based: Deny access and report reason, shut down the API and end program.

  8. User is Authenticated: Determine if the user is authorized (Step 10).

  9. User is Not Authenticated: Deny access and report reason, shut down the API and end program.

  10. User is Authorized: Grant access, shut down the API, and end program.

  11. User Not Authorized: Deny access and report reason, shut down the API and end program.


To run this test application, or any of the other examples, you must make sure that your Access System is installed and set up correctly. Specifically, check that it has been configured to protect resources that match exactly the URLs and authentication schemes expected by the sample programs. For details on creating application domains and protecting resources with application domains, See Creating a New Application Domain.

2.3.3 Sample Code: Simple Access Client

This example is a simple Access Client program. It illustrates how to implement the bare minimum tasks required for a working Access Client:

  • Connect to the OAM Server

  • Log in using an authentication scheme employing the HTTP FORM challenge method

  • Check authorization for a certain resource using an HTTP GET request

  • Catch and report Access SDK API exceptions

Typically, this calling sequence is quite similar among Access Clients using the FORM challenge method. FORM-method Access Clients differ principally in the credentials they require for authentication and the type of resources they protect.

A complete listing for JAccessClient.java appears in Example 2-1. You can copy this code verbatim into the text file JAccessClient.java and execute it on the computer where your Access Manager SDK is installed.

See Annotated Sample Code: Simple Access Client for an annotated version of this example to help you become familiar with 12c Java Access Manager API calls.

Example 2-1 JAccessClient.java

import java.util.Hashtable;
import oracle.security.am.asdk.*;

public class JAccessClient {
   public static final String  _resource = "//Example.com:80/secrets/
   public static final String  _protocol = "http";
   public static final String  _method = "GET";
   public static final String  _login = "jsmith";
   public static final String  _passwd = "j5m1th";
   public static final String m_configLocation = "/myfolder";
   public static void main(String argv[]) {
	  AccessClient ac = null; 
      try {
    	  ac = AccessClient.createDefaultInstance(m_configLocation,
         ResourceRequest rrq = new ResourceRequest( _protocol,  _resource,
         if (rrq.isProtected()) {
            System.out.println("Resource is protected.");
            AuthenticationScheme authnScheme = new AuthenticationScheme(rrq);
            if (authnScheme.isForm()) {
               System.out.println("Form Authentication Scheme.");
               Hashtable creds = new Hashtable();
               creds.put("userid",  _login);
               creds.put("password",  _passwd);
               UserSession session = new UserSession(rrq, creds);
               if (session.getStatus() == UserSession.LOGGEDIN) {
                  if (session.isAuthorized(rrq)) {
                     System.out.println("User is logged in and authorized for the"
                           +"request at level " + session.getLevel());
                  } else {
                     System.out.println("User is logged in but NOT authorized");
			//user can be loggedout by calling logoff method on the session object
               } else {
                  System.out.println("User is NOT logged in");
            } else {
               System.out.println("non-Form Authentication Scheme.");
         } else {
            System.out.println("Resource is NOT protected.");
      catch (AccessException ae) {
         System.out.println("Access Exception: " + ae.getMessage());

2.3.4 Annotated Sample Code: Simple Access Client

Import standard Java library class Hashtable to hold credentials.

import java.io.Hashtable;

Import the library containing the Java implementation of the Access SDK API classes.

import oracle.security.am.asdk.*;

This application is named JAccessClient.

public class JAccessClient {

Since this is the simplest of example applications, we are declaring global constants to represent the parameters associated with a user request for access to a resource.

Typically, a real-world application receives this set of parameters as an array of strings passed from a requesting application, HTTP FORM-based input, or command-line input. For example:

public static final String _resource = "//Example.com:80/secrets/index.html";
   public static final String _protocol = "http";
   public static final String _method = "GET";
   public static final String _login = "jsmith";
   public static final String _passwd = "j5m1th";

Launch the main method on the Java interpreter. An array of strings named argv is passed to the main method. In this particular case, the user jsmith, whose password is j5m1th, has requested the HTTP resource //Example.com:80/secrets/index.html. GET is the specific HTTP operation that will be performed against the requested resource. For details about supported HTTP operations and protecting resources with application domains, See Resources in an Application Domain.

 public static void main(String argv[]) {

Place all relevant program statements in the main method within a large try block so that any exceptions are caught by the catch block at the end of the program.

AccessClient ac = null;

 try {

To initialize the Access SDK, create an AccessClient instance by providing the directory location of the ObAccessClient.xml configuration file. There are multiple ways to provide configuration location to initialize the Access SDK. For more information refer to Oracle Fusion Middleware Access SDK Java API Reference for Oracle Access Management Access Manager.

The instance of AccessClient initializes the Access SDK API. When the AccessClient instance is created in OAM_11g mode, you must use a 11g agent profile. Similarly, when the AccessClient instance is created in OAM_12c mode, you must use an 12c agent profile. AccessClient.CompatibilityMode.OAM_11G indicates that Access SDK will be initialized to work in an older 11g agent mode that is compatible with both the11g and 12c servers. By default, if this compatibility mode is not provided, then default OAM_12c is used, and the agent will be operating in 12c agent mode and can only talk with 12c OAM Servers.

 ac = AccessClient.createDefaultInstance(m_configLocation ,

Create a new resource request object named rrq using the ResourceRequest constructor with the following three parameters:

  • _protocol, which represents the type of resource being requested. When left unspecified, the default value is HTTP. EJB is another possible value, although this particular example does not cover such a case. You can also create custom types, as described in the Creating a Custom Resource Type.

  • _resource, which is the name of the resource. Since the requested resource type for this particular example is HTTP, it is legal to prepend a host name and port number to the resource name, as in the following:

  • _method, which is the type of operation to be performed against the resource. When the resource type is HTTP, the possible operations are GET and POST. For EJB-type resources, the operation must be EXECUTE. For custom resource types, you define the permitted operations when you set up the resource type. For more information on defining resource types and protecting resources with application domains, See Managing Resource Types.

ResourceRequest rrq = new ResourceRequest(_protocol,
   _resource, _method);

Determine whether the requested resource rrq is protected by an authentication scheme.

 if (rrq.isProtected()) {

If the resource is protected, report that fact.

 System.out.println("Resource is protected.");

Use the AuthenticationScheme constructor to create an authorization scheme object named authnScheme. Specify the resource request rrq so that AuthenticationScheme checks for the specific authorization scheme associated with that particular resource.

 AuthenticationScheme authnScheme =new AuthenticationScheme(rrq);

Determine if the authorization scheme is FORM-based.

 if (authnScheme.isForm()) {

If the authorization scheme does use HTTP FORM as the challenge method, report that fact, then create a hashtable named creds to hold the name:value pairs representing the user name (userid) and the user password (password). Read the values for _login and _passwd into the hashtable.

System.out.println("Form Authentication Scheme.");
Hashtable creds = new Hashtable();
creds.put("userid", _login);
creds.put("password", _passwd);

Using the UserSession constructor, create a user session object named session. Specify the resource request as rrq and the authentication scheme as creds so that UserSession can return the new structure with state information as to whether the authentication attempt has succeeded.

UserSession session = new UserSession(rrq, creds);

Invoke the getStatus method on the UserSession state information to determine if the user is now successfully logged in (authenticated).

if (session.getStatus() == UserSession.LOGGEDIN) {

If the user is authenticated, determine if the user is authorized to access the resource specified through the resource request structure rrq.

if (session.isAuthorized(rrq)) {
    "User is logged in " +
    "and authorized for the request " +

Determine the authorization level returned by the getLevel method for the user session named session.

 "at level " + session.getLevel());

If the user is not authorized for the resource specified in rrq, then report that the user is authenticated but not authorized to access the requested resource.

} else {
  System.out.println("User is logged in but NOT authorized");

If the user is not authenticated, report that fact. (A real world application might give the user additional chances to authenticate).

} else {
  System.out.println("User is NOT logged in");

If the authentication scheme does not use an HTTP FORM-based challenge method, report that fact. At this point, a real-world application might branch to facilitate whatever other challenge method the authorization scheme specifies, such as basic (which requires only userid and password), certificate (SSL or TLS over HTTPS), or secure (HTTPS through a redirection URL). For more information about challenge Methods and configuring user authentication, see the Credential Challenge Methods.

} else {
  System.out.println("non-Form Authentication Scheme.");

If the resource is not protected, report that fact. (By implication, the user gains access to the requested resource, because the Access Client makes no further attempt to protect the resource).

} else {
  System.out.println("Resource is NOT protected.");

If an error occurs anywhere within the preceding try block, get the associated text message from object ae and report it.

catch (AccessException ae) {
  "Access Exception: " + ae.getMessage());

If the application needs to logout user, then it can invoke logoff method on the object of UserSession class.

Now that the program is finished calling the OAM Server, shut down the API, thus releasing any memory the API might have maintained between calls.


Exit the program. You don't have to deallocate the memory used by the structures created by this application because Java Garbage Collection automatically cleans up unused structures when it determines that they are no longer needed.

2.3.5 Sample Code: Java Login Servlet

This example follows the basic pattern of API calls that define an Access Client, as described in Sample Code: Simple Access Client. However, this example is implemented as a Java servlet running within a Web server, or even an application server. In this environment, the Access Client servlet has an opportunity to play an even more important role for the user of a Web application. By storing a session token in the user's HTTP session, the servlet can facilitate single sign-on for the user. In other words, the authenticated OAM Server session information that the first request establishes is not discarded after one authorization check. Instead, the stored session token is made available to server-side application components such as beans and other servlets, so that they do not need to interrupt the user again and again to request the same credentials. For a detailed discussion of session tokens, ObSSOCookies, and configuring single sign-on, See Understanding SSO Cookies.


This example Java servlet does not provide SSO to resources protected by Access Manager WebGates.

This sample login servlet accepts userid/password parameters from a form on a custom login page, and attempts to log the user in to Access Manager. On successful login, the servlet stores a session token in the UserSession object. This enables subsequent requests in the same HTTP session to bypass the authentication step (providing the subsequent requests use the same authentication scheme as the original request), thereby achieving single sign-on.

A complete listing for the Java login servlet is shown in Example 2-2. This code can provide the basis for a plug-in to a web server or application server. Annotated Sample Code: Java Login Servlet provides an annotated version of this code.

Example 2-2 Java Login Servlet Example

import java.io.*;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import java.util.*;
import oracle.security.am.asdk.*;
public class LoginServlet extends HttpServlet {
   public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {
      try {
    	   AccessClient ac = AccessClient.createDefaultInstance("/myfolder" ,
      } catch (AccessException ae) {
   public void service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
            throws IOException, ServletException {
      AuthenticationScheme authnScheme = null;
      UserSession user = null;
      ResourceRequest resource = null;
      PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); 
      out.println("<HEAD><TITLE>LoginServlet: Error Page</TITLE></HEAD>");
      HttpSession session = request.getSession( false);
      String requestedPage = request.getParameter("request");
      String reqMethod = request.getMethod();
      Hashtable cred = new Hashtable();
      try {
         if (requestedPage == null || requestedPage.length()==0) {
            out.println("<p>REQUESTED PAGE NOT SPECIFIED\n");
         resource = new ResourceRequest("http", requestedPage, "GET");
         if (resource.isProtected()) {
            authnScheme = new AuthenticationScheme(resource);
            if (authnScheme.isBasic()) {
               if (session == null) {
                  String sUserName = request.getParameter("userid");
                  String sPassword = request.getParameter("password");
                  if (sUserName != null) {
                     cred.put("userid", sUserName);
                     cred.put("password", sPassword);
                     user = new UserSession(resource, cred);
                     if (user.getStatus() == UserSession.LOGGEDIN) {
                        if (user.isAuthorized(resource)) {
                           session = request.getSession( true);
                           session.putValue( "user", user);
                           response.sendRedirect( requestedPage );
                        } else {
                           out.println("<p>User " + sUserName + " not" +
                                " authorized for " + requestedPage + "\n");
                     } else {
                        out.println("<p>User" + sUserName + "NOT LOGGED IN\n");
                  } else {
                     out.println("<p>USERNAME PARAM REQUIRED\n");
               } else {
                  user = (UserSession)session.getValue("user");
                  if (user.getStatus() == UserSession.LOGGEDIN) {
                     out.println("<p>User " + user.getUserIdentity() + " already"+
            } else {
               out.println("<p>Resource Page" + requestedPage + " is not"+
                    " protected with BASIC\n");
         } else {
            out.println("<p>Page " + requestedPage + " is not protected\n");
      } catch (AccessException ex) {

2.3.6 Annotated Sample Code: Java Login Servlet

Import standard Java packages to support input, output, and basic functionality.

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;

Import two packages of Java extensions to provide servlet-related functionality.

import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;

Import the package oracle.security.am.asdk.jar, which is the Java implementation of the Access SDK API.

import oracle.security.am.asdk.*;

This servlet, which builds on the functionality of the generic HttpServlet supported by the Java Enterprise Edition, is named LoginServlet.

public class LoginServlet extends HttpServlet {

The init method is called once by the servlet engine to initialize the Access Client. In init method, Access SDK can be initialized by instantiating AccessClient by passing the location of the configuration file ObAccessClient.xml file. For more information for creating Access Client, refer to Oracle Fusion Middleware Access SDK Java API Reference for Oracle Access Management Access Manager. The OAM_11G compatibility flag initializes Access SDK in a mode such that it is compatible with both 11g and 12c servers. The OAM_11G compatibility flag initializes Access SDK in an old 11g agent mode that is compatible with both 11g and 12c servers. By default, if this compatibility mode is not provided, the default OAM_12C flag is used and the agent will operate in 12c agent mode and can only talk with 12c OAM Server.


When the AccessClient instance is created in OAM_11G mode, you must use a 11g agent profile. Similarly, when the AccessClient instance is created in OAM_12c mode, you must use an 12c agent profile.

In the case of initialization failure, report that fact, along with the appropriate error message.

public void init() { 
      AccessClient ac =
 AccessClient.createDefaultInstance("/myfolder" ,
   } catch (AccessException ae) { 

Invoke the javax.servlet.service method to process the user's resource request.

public void service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
  throws IOException, ServletException {

Initialize members as null. These will store the Access structures used to process the resource request, then set the response type used by this application to text/html.

AuthenticationScheme authnScheme = null;
UserSession user = null;
ResourceRequest resource = null;

Open an output stream titled LoginServlet: Error Page and direct it to the user's browser.

PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
out.println("<HEAD><TITLE>LoginServlet: Error Page</TITLE></HEAD>");

Determine if a session already exists for this user. Invoke the getSession method with false as a parameter, so the value of the existing servlet session (and not the UserSession) will be returned if it is present; otherwise, NULL will be returned.

 HttpSession session = request.getSession(false);

Retrieve the name of the target resource, assign it to the variable requestedPage, then retrieve the name of the HTTP method (such as GET, POST, or PUT) with which the request was made and assign it to the variable reqMethod.

String requestedPage = request.getParameter(Constants.REQUEST);
String reqMethod = request.getMethod();

Create a hashtable named cred to hold the user's credentials.

 Hashtable cred = new Hashtable();

If the variable requestedPage is returned empty, report that the name of the target resource has not been properly specified, then terminate the servlet.

try { 
   if (requestedPage == null) { 
out.println("<p>REQUESTED PAGE NOT SPECIFIED\n"); 

If the name of the requested page is returned, create a ResourceRequest structure and set the following:

  • The resource type is HTTP

  • The HTTP method is GET

  • resource is the value stored by the variable requestedPage

 resource = new ResourceRequest("http", requestedPage, "GET");

If the target resource is protected, create an AuthenticationScheme structure for the resource request and name it authnScheme.

if (resource.isProtected()) {
   authnScheme = new AuthenticationScheme(resource);

If the authentication scheme associated with the target resource is HTTP basic and no user session currently exists, invoke javax.servlet.servletrequest.getParameter to return the user's credentials (user name and password) and assign them to the variables sUserName and sPassword, respectively.

For the authnScheme.isBasic call in the following statement to work properly, the user name and password must be included in the query string of the user's HTTP request, as in the following:


where resource is the resource being requested, bob is the user making the request, and bobspassword is the user's password.

if (authnScheme.isBasic()) { 
   if (session == null) { 
      String sUserName = request.getParameter(Constants.USERNAME); 
      String sPassword = request.getParameter(Constants.PASSWORD); 

If the user name exists, read it, along with the associated password, into the hashtable named cred.

if (sUserName != null) {
   cred.put("userid", sUserName);
   cred.put("password", sPassword);


If you substitute authnScheme.isForm for authnScheme.isBasic, you need to write additional code to implement the following steps.

  1. Process the original request and determine that form-based login is required.

  2. Send a 302 redirect response for the login form and also save the original resource information in the HTTP session.

  3. Authenticate the user by processing the posted form data with the user's name and password.

  4. Retrieve the original resource from the HTTP resource and sends a 302 redirect response for the original resource.

  5. Process the original request once again, this time using the UserSession stored in the HTTP session.

Create a user session based on the information in the ResourceRequest structure named resource and the hashtable cred.

 user = new UserSession(resource, cred);

If the status code for the user returns as LOGGEDIN, that user has authenticated successfully.

 if (user.getStatus() == UserSession.LOGGEDIN) {

Determine if the user is authorized to access the target resource.

 if (user.isAuthorized(resource)) {

Create a servlet user session (which is not to be confused with an UserSession) and add the name of the user to it.

 session = request.getSession( true);
session.putValue( "user", user);

Redirect the user's browser to the target page.


If the user is not authorized to access the target resource, report that fact.

 } else {
    out.println("<p>User " + sUserName + " not authorized
      for " + requestedPage + "\n");

If the user is not properly authenticated, report that fact.

} else {
    out.println("<p>User" + sUserName + "NOT LOGGED IN\n");

If the user name has not been supplied, report that fact.

 } else {
out.println("<p>USERNAME PARAM REQUIRED\n");

If a session already exists, retrieve USER and assign it to the session variable user.

 } else {
    user = (UserSession)session.getValue("user");

If the user is logged in, which is to say, the user has authenticated successfully, report that fact along with the user's name.

 if (user.getStatus() == UserSession.LOGGEDIN) { 
      out.println("<p>User " + user.getUserIdentity() + " already 

If the target resource is not protected by a basic authentication scheme, report that fact.

} else {
   out.println("<p>Resource Page" + requestedPage + " is not protected
         with BASIC\n");

If the target resource is not protected by any authentication scheme, report that fact.

} else {
   out.println("<p>Page " + requestedPage + " is not protected\n");

If an error occurs, report the backtrace.

 } catch (AccessException ex) {

Complete the output stream to the user's browser.


2.3.7 Sample Code: Additional Methods

Building on the basic pattern established in the sample application JAccessClient.java, discussed in Sample Code: Simple Access Client, the following sample invokes several additional OAM Server methods. For instance, it inspects the session object to determine which actions and named responses are currently configured in the policy rules associated with the current authentication scheme.

For this demonstration to take place, you must configure some actions through the OAM Server prior to running the application. For details about authentication action and configuring user authentication, See Testing User Authentication from the Access Tester Console.

The complete listing for this sample application appears in Example 2-3. An annotated version of the code is provided in Annotated Sample Code: Additional Methods.

Example 2-3 access_test_java.java

import java.util.*;
import oracle.security.am.asdk.*;
public class access_test_java {
  public static void main(String[] arg) {
    String userid, password, method, url, configDir, type,
    ResourceRequest res;
    Hashtable parameters = null;
    Hashtable cred = new Hashtable();
    AccessClient ac = null; 
    if (arg.length < 5) {
      System.out.println("Usage: EXPECTED: userid password Type
          +" URL [Installdir [authz-parameters] [location]]]");
    } else {
      userid    = arg[0];
      password  = arg[1];
      type      = arg[2];
      method    = arg[3];
      url      = arg[4];
    if (arg.length >= 6) {
      configDir = arg[5];
    } else {
      configDir = null;
    if (arg.length >= 7 && arg[6] != null) {
      parameters = new Hashtable();
      StringTokenizer tok1 = new StringTokenizer(arg[6], "&");
      while (tok1.hasMoreTokens()) {
        String nameValue = tok1.nextToken();
        StringTokenizer tok2 = new StringTokenizer(nameValue,
        String name = tok2.nextToken();
        String value = tok2.hasMoreTokens() ? tok2.nextToken() :
        parameters.put(name, value);
    location = arg.length >= 8 ? arg[7] : null;
    try {
      ac = AccessClient.createDefaultInstance(configDir ,
    } catch (AccessException ae) {
      System.out.println("OAM Server SDK Initialization
    cred.put("userid", userid);
    cred.put("password", password);
    try {
      res = new ResourceRequest(type, url, method);
      if (res.isProtected()) {
        System.out.println("Resource " + type + ":" + url + "
      } else {
        System.out.println("Resource " + type + ":" + url + "
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      System.out.println("Failed to created new resource
    UserSession user = null;
    try {
      user = new UserSession(res, cred);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      System.out.println("Failed to create new user session");
    try {
    if (user.getStatus() == UserSession.LOGGEDIN) {
      if (location != null) user.setLocation(location);
      System.out.println("user status is " + user.getStatus());
        if (parameters != null ? user.isAuthorized(res,
 parameters) :
              user.isAuthorized(res)) {
          System.out.println("Permission GRANTED");
          System.out.println("User Session Token =" +
          if (location != null) {
            System.out.println("Location = " +
        } else {
          System.out.println("Permission DENIED");
          if (user.getError() == UserSession.ERR_NEED_MORE_DATA)
            int nParams =
            System.out.print("Required Authorization Parameters
 (" + 
                nParams + ") :");
            Enumeration e =
            while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
              String name = (String) e.nextElement();
              System.out.print(" " + name);
	   System.out.println("user status is " + user.getStatus());  
    } catch (AccessException ae)
  	  System.out.println("Failed to get user authorization");      
   String[] actionTypes = user.getActionTypes();   
   for(int i =0; i < actionTypes.length; i++) 
	   Hashtable actions = user.getActions(actionTypes[i]);
	   Enumeration e = actions.keys();
	   int item = 0; 
	   System.out.println("Printing Actions for type " +
		   String name = (String)e.nextElement();
		   System.out.println("Actions[" + item +"]: Name " + name + "
 value " +  actions.get(name));
   AuthenticationScheme auths;
	   auths = new AuthenticationScheme(res);
       if (auths.isBasic())
	     System.out.println("Auth scheme is Basic");
	     System.out.println("Auth scheme is NOT Basic");
   catch (AccessException ase)
	   ResourceRequest resNew = (ResourceRequest) res.clone();   
	   System.out.println("Clone resource Name: " +
   catch (Exception e) 
   res = null;  
   auths = null; 

2.3.8 Annotated Sample Code: Additional Methods

Import standard Java libraries to provide basic utilities, enumeration, and token processing capabilities.

import java.util.*;

Import the Access SDK API libraries.

import oracle.security.am.asdk.*;

This class is named access_test_java.

public class access_test_java {

Declare seven variable strings to store the values passed through the array named arg.

public static void main(String[] arg) {
   String userid, password, method, url, configDir, type, location;

Set the current ResourceRequest to res.

ResourceRequest res;

Initialize the hashtable parameters to null, just in case they were not already empty.

Hashtable parameters = null;

Create a new hashtable named cred.

Hashtable cred = new Hashtable();

Initialize AccessClient reference to null.

AccessClient ac = null;

If the array named arg contains less than five strings, report the expected syntax and content for command-line input, which is five mandatory arguments in the specified order, as well as the optional variables configDir, authz-parameters, and location.

if (arg.length < 5) {
  System.out.println("Usage: EXPECTED: userid password type
    HTTP-method URL [configDir [authz-parameters] [location]]]");

Since fewer than five arguments were received the first time around, break out of the main method, effectively terminating program execution.

} else {

If the array named arg contains five or more strings, assign the first five arguments (arg[0] through arg[4]) to the variables userid, password, type, method, and url, respectively.

  userid = arg[0];
  password = arg[1];
  type = arg[2];
  method = arg[3];
  url = arg[4];

If arg contains six or more arguments, assign the sixth string in the array to the variable configDir.

if (arg.length >= 6)
  configDir = arg[5];

If arg does not contain six or more arguments (in other words, we know it contains exactly five arguments, because we have already determined it does not contain fewer than five) then set configDir to NULL.

  configDir = null;

If arg contains at least seven strings, and arg[6] (which has been implicitly assigned to the variable authz-parameters) is not empty, create a new hashtable named parameters. The syntax for the string authz-parameters is: p1=v1&p2=v2&...

if (arg.length >= 7 && arg[6] != null) {
  parameters = new Hashtable();

Create a string tokenizer named tok1 and parse arg[6], using the ampersand character (&) as the delimiter. This breaks arg[6] into an array of tokens in the form pn=vn, where n is the sequential number of the token.

 StringTokenizer tok1 = new StringTokenizer(arg[6], "&");

For all the items in tok1, return the next token as the variable nameValue. In this manner, nameValue is assigned the string pn=vn, where n is the sequential number of the token.

while (tok1.hasMoreTokens()) {
  String nameValue = tok1.nextToken();

Create a string tokenizer named tok2 and parse nameValue using the equal character (=) as the delimiter. In this manner, pn=vn breaks down into the tokens pn and vn.

 StringTokenizer tok2 = new StringTokenizer(nameValue, "=");

Assign the first token to the variable name.

 String name = tok2.nextToken();

Assign the second token to value. If additional tokens remain in tok2, return the next token and assign it to value; otherwise, assign an empty string to value.

 String value = tok2.hasMoreTokens() ? tok2.nextToken() : "";

Insert name and value into the hashtable parameters.

    parameters.put(name, value);

If there are eight or more arguments in arg, assign arg[7] to the variable location; otherwise make location empty.

location = arg.length >= 8 ? arg[7] : null;

Create AccessClient instance using configDir, in case if its null provide configuration file location using other options. For more information for creating Access Client, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Access SDK Java API Reference for Oracle Access Management Access Manager.

try {
 ac = AccessClient.createDefaultInstance(configDir , 

If the initialization attempt produces an error, report the appropriate error message (ae) to the standard error stream along with the backtrace.

catch (AccessException ae) {
OAM Server SDK Initialize failed");

Break out of the main method, effectively terminating the program.


Read the variables, user ID, and password into the hashtable named cred.

 cred.put("userid", userid);
cred.put("password", password);

Create a ResourceRequest object named res, which returns values for the variables type, url and method from the OAM Server.

try {
res = new ResourceRequest(type, url, method);

Determine whether the requested resource res is protected and display the appropriate message.

if (res.isProtected())
  System.out.println("Resource " + type ":" + url + " protected");
  System.out.println("Resource " + type + ":" + url + " unprotected");

If the attempt to create the ResourceRequest structure does not succeed, report the failure along with the error message t.

catch (Throwable t) {
  System.out.println("Failed to create new resource request");

Break out of the main method, effectively terminating the program.


Set the UserSession parameter user to empty.

UserSession user = null;

Create a UserSession structure named user so that it returns values for the ResourceRequest structure res and the AuthenticationScheme structure cred.

  user = new UserSession(res, cred);

If the attempt to create the UserSession structure does not succeed, then report the failure along with the error message t.

catch (Throwable t) {
  System.out.println("Failed to create new user session");

Break out of the main method, effectively terminating the program.


Determine if the user is currently logged in, which is to say, authentication for this user has succeeded.

if (user.getStatus() == UserSession.LOGGEDIN) {

If the user is logged in, determine whether the variable location is not empty. If location is not empty, set the location parameter for AccessClient to the value of the variable location, then report that the user is logged in along with the status code returned by the OAM Server.

if (location != null) user.setLocation(location);
System.out.println("user status is " + user.getStatus());

Check authorization. To accomplish this, determine whether parameters exists. If it does, determine whether the user is authorized with respect to the target resource when the parameters stored in parameters are attached. If parameters does not exist, simply determine whether the user is authorized for the target resource.

try {
  if (parameters != null ? user.isAuthorized(res, parameters) :
    user.isAuthorized(res)) {

If the user is authorized to access the resource when all the appropriate parameters have been specified, report that permission has been granted.

System.out.println("Permission GRANTED");

Display also a serialized representation of the user session token.

System.out.println("User Session Token =" + user.getSessionToken());

If the variable location is not empty, report the location.

if (location != null) {
  System.out.println("Location = " + user.getLocation());

If the user is not authorized to access the resource, report that permission has been denied.

} else {
System.out.println("Permission DENIED");

If UserSession returns ERR_NEED_MORE_DATA, set the variable nParams to the number of parameters required for authorization, then report that number to the user.

if (user.getError() == UserSession.ERR_NEED_MORE_DATA) {
  int nParams = res.getNumberOfAuthorizationParameters();
  System.out.print("Required Authorization Parameters (" +
    nParams + ") :");

Set e to the value of the keys parameter in the hashtable returned by the getAuthorizationParameters method for the ResourceRequest object named "res."

 Enumeration e = res.getAuthorizationParameters().keys();

Report the names of all the elements contained in e.

while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
  String name = (String) e.nextElement();
  System.out.print(" " + name);

Otherwise, simply proceed to the next statement.


If the user is not logged in, report the current user status.

  System.out.println("user status is " + user.getStatus());

In the case of an error, report that the authorization attempt failed.

  catch (AccessException ae)
  System.out.println("Failed to get user authorization");

Now report all the actions currently set for the current user session. Do this by creating an array named actionTypes from the strings returned by the getActionTypes method. Next, read each string in actionTypes into a hashtable named actions. Report the name and value of each of the keys contained in actions.

String[] actionTypes = user.getActionTypes();
for(int i =0; actionTypes[i] != null; i++){
  Hashtable actions = user.getActions(actionTypes[i]);
  Enumeration e = actions.keys();
  int item = 0;
  System.out.println("Printing Actions for type " + actionTypes[i]);
  while(e.hasMoreElements()) {
String name = (String)e.nextElement();
System.out.println("Actions[" + item +"]: Name " + name + " value " +

Attempt to create an AuthenticationScheme object named auths for the ResourceRequest object res.

AuthenticationScheme auths;
  auths = new AuthenticationScheme(res);

If the AuthenticationScheme creation attempt is unsuccessful, report the failure along with the error message ase.

catch (AccessException ase) {

Break out of the main method, effectively terminating the program.


Determine if the authorization scheme is basic.

if (auths.isBasic())

If it is, report the fact.

System.out.println("Auth scheme is Basic");

If it is not basic, report the fact.

  System.out.println("Auth scheme is NOT Basic");

Use the copy constructor to create a new ResourceRequest object named resNEW from the original object res.

  ResourceRequest resNew = (ResourceRequest) res.clone();

Report the name of the newly cloned object.

 System.out.println("Clone resource Name: " + resNew.getResource());

If the ResourceRequest object cannot be cloned for any reason, report the failure along with the associated backtrace.

catch (Exception e) {

Set the ResourceRequest object res and the AuthenticationScheme object auths to NULL, then disconnect the Access SDK API.

    res = null;
    auths = null;

2.3.9 Sample Code: Certificate-Based Authentication in Java

The following is a code snippet that demonstrates implementing an Access Client in Java that processes an X.509 certificate. This snippet is appropriate when an administrator configures certificate-based authentication in the Access System.

Note that the certificate must be Base 64-encoded. The OAM Server uses this certificate only to identify the user. It does not perform validation such as the validity period, if the root certification is trusted or not, and so on.

File oCertFile = new File("sample_cert.pem");
FileInputStream inStream = new FileInputStream(oCertFile);
CertificateFactory cf =

// cert must point to a valid java.security.cert.X509Certificate instance.
X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate)
// Convert the certificate into a byte array
byte[] encodedCert = cert.getEncoded();
// Encode the byte array using Base 64-encoding and convert it into a string
String base64EncodedCert = new String(Base64.encodeBase64 (encodedCert));
// Create hashtable to hold credentials
Hashtable<String, String> creds = new Hashtable<String, String>();
// Store the Base 64-encoded under the key "certificate"
creds.put("certificate", base64EncodedCert);
// Create ResourceResource request object including all information about the //
// resource being accessed including Resource type (for example http, ejb etc. 
// If null, defaults to http), and operation for the resource object
ResourceRequest resourceRequest = new ResourceRequest(resourceType, resourceUrl, operation);
// Create a UserSession with the requestRequest and the cred hashtable
UserSession userSession = new UserSession(resourceRequest, creds);
// The above statement will throw an exception if the certificate cannot be mapped // to a valid user by the OAM Server.

The following import statements are associated with the snippet:

import java.security.cert.CertificateFactory;
     import java.security.cert.X509Certificate;
     import java.io.FileInputStream;
     import oracle.security.am.common.nap.util.Base64;

2.4 Understanding Access SDK Logs

The Access SDK uses Java logging APIs for producing logs. The oracle.security.am.asdk package contains the AccessLogger class, which produces the Access SDK log. The log generated by the Access SDK provides information about operations performed. For example, operation status, any errors or exceptions that occur, and any general information that is helpful for troubleshooting can be logged.

This section describes the messages and exceptions used by the Access SDK to indicate status or errors in the execution log.


The Access SDK provides support for localized messages that indicate status or error conditions. Error messages, which are provided to the application as exceptions, are also localized. These localized error messages are logged in the Access SDK log file.

The following types of exceptions are used to indicate error conditions in an Access SDK log.

  • OperationNotPermittedException

    The Access SDK provides a set of session management APIs. Only privileged Access Clients can perform these session management operations. AllowManagementOperations flag must be set for the specified agent profile to initialize Access SDK.

    If the Access Client is not allowed to perform these operations, the OAM Server returns an error. When the server returns an error, the Access SDK will throw this exception.

  • AccessException

    The Access SDK API throws an AccessException whenever an unexpected, unrecoverable error occurs during the performance of any operation.

To generate the Access SDK log, you must provide a logging configuration file when you start the application. Provide this log configuration file as a Java property while running the application, where the Java property -Djava.util.logging.config.file is the path to logging.properties. For example:

java -Djava.util.logging.config.file=JRE_DIRECTORY/lib/logging.properties

The logging.properties file defines the number of Loggers, Handlers, Formatters, and Filters that are constructed and ready to go shortly after the VM has loaded. Depending on the situation, you can also configure the necessary logging level.

You must provide the log file path against the java.util.logging.FileHandler.pattern property in the logging.properties file. If you provide only the file name, the file will be created under the current directory. The following is an example logging.properties file.

# "handlers" specifies a comma separated list of log Handler 
# classes.  These handlers will be installed during VM startup.
# Note that these classes must be on the system classpath.
# By default we only configure a ConsoleHandler, which will only
# show messages at the INFO and above levels.
# Add handlers to the root logger.
# These are inherited by all other loggers.
handlers= java.util.logging.FileHandler, java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler
# Set the logging level of the root logger.
# Levels from lowest to highest are
# The default level for all loggers and handlers is INFO.
.level= ALL
# Configure the ConsoleHandler.
# ConsoleHandler uses java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter by default. 
# Even though the root logger has the same level as this,
# the next line is still needed because we're configuring a handler,
# not a logger, and handlers don't inherit properties from the root logger.
java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level =INFO
# The following special tokens can be used in the pattern property
# which specifies the location and name of the log file.
#   / - standard path separator
#   %t - system temporary directory
#   %h - value of the user.home system property
#   %g - generation number for rotating logs
#   %u - unique number to avoid conflicts
# FileHandler writes to %h/demo0.log by default.
# Configure the FileHandler.
# FileHandler uses java.util.logging.XMLFormatter by default. 
#java.util.logging.FileHandler.limit = 50000
#java.util.logging.FileHandler.count = 1

2.5 Building an Access Client Program

The following topics are discussed in this section:

2.5.1 Setting the Development Environment

Setting up your development environment involves installing JDK and Access SDK software and setting appropriate environment variables. The development environment has the following requirements:

  1. Install JDK 1.6.0 or higher.
  2. Install 12c Access SDK.
  3. Define a JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to JDK installation directory. For example, on UNIX-like operating systems, execute the following command:
    setenv JAVA_HOME <JDK install dir>/bin
  4. Modify the PATH environment variable to the same location where JAVA_HOME/bin points. For example, on UNIX-like operating systems, execute the following command:
    setenv PATH $JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
  5. Modify the CLASSPATH environment variable to point to JDK and Access SDK jar files. For example, on UNIX-like operating systems, execute the following command:
    setenv CLASSPATH $JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar:$ACCESSSDK_INSTALL_DIR/oamasdk-api.jar:$CLASSPATH

    For a list of all jar files required in the CLASSPATH variable, see Installing Access SDK.

2.5.2 Compiling a New Access Client Program

After configuring the development environment as documented in Setting the Development Environment, you can compile your Access Client program using a command similar to the following:

Javac –cp <location of Access SDK jar> SampleProgram.java

Modify details such as CLASSPATH and Access Client program name as needed. For more information about the jar files to add to CLASSPATH, see Installing Access SDK.

2.6 Deploying Access Clients

After development, the Access Client must be deployed in a live Access Manager environment in order to test and use it. It is assumed that the Access Client program is already developed and compiled

The following overview outlines the tasks that must be performed by a user with Oracle Access Management administrator credentials. .

  1. Retrieve the Access SDK jar file and copy this to the computer you will use to build the Access Client. .
  2. Copy the Access Client to the computer hosting the application to be protected.
  3. Configure the Access Client.
  4. Verify you have the required Java environment available.

    If your Access Client is in a standalone environment, you can use Java Development Kit (JDK) or Java Runtime Environment (JRE). If your Access Client is a servlet application, you can use Java EE or the Java environment available with your Java EE container.

  5. Verify that the Access SDK jar file is in the CLASSPATH. If in a non-JRF environment, verify that the necessary JPS jar files are in the CLASSPATH.
  6. Deploy the Access Client.
    To deploy the access client See Registering an OAM Agent Using the Console in Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle Access Management.

2.7 Configuring Access Clients

This section describes the configuration steps required before deploying an Access Client developed using the Access SDK. The Access Client deployment process is similar to that of other Access Manager agents. This section provides the following details.

2.7.1 Understanding Configuration Requirements for Access SDK

An Access SDK configuration consists of the following files:

  • ObAccessClient.xml

    This configuration file (ObAccessClient.xml) holds various details, such as Access Manager server host, port, and other configuration items, that decide behavior of the Access Client. For example, idle session time.

    An alternative to using ObAccessClient.xml is to initialize the Access SDK by providing a bootstrap configuration. An access client or application can use a bootstrap configuration from its own configuration store or other method. Configuration details such as host and port number of the OAM Server can be invoked using AccessClient.createDefaultInstance. For more information about programmatic initialization, See Oracle Fusion Middleware Access SDK Java API Reference for Oracle Access Management Access Manager.

  • cwallet.sso

    This Oracle wallet file is an artifact created when an 11g agent is registered with Access Manager. The cwallet.sso file contains the secret key that is used by the OAM Server when encrypting a token issued for the agent.

    The cwallet.sso file can be stored in the same location as other files or elsewhere. The path must be declared in jps-config.xml and is relative to the jps-config.xml location. cwallet.sso applies to 11g agents only.

    In a JRF environment, there is a system jps-config.xml located under the <DOMAIN_HOME>/config/fmwconfig directory. This file specifies the use of the system cwallet.sso located in the same directory; the system wallet contains keys and credentials for all components in the system. Because of this, you must merge your agent registration cwallet.sso with the system cwallet.sso using the following procedure:

    1. Prepare a merge-cred.xml, specifying the directory for the source cwallet.sso (agent registration artifacts) and the destination cwallet.sso (system artifacts). The file contents are like those defined in Example 2-4.

    2. Run the following WLST command to merge the wallets.

      wls:/offline> connect("<username>", "<password>", "<host>:<admin_port>")
    3. Run the following command to verify that the agent cwallet.sso has been successfully merged into the system cwallet.sso.

      <MW_HOME>/oracle_common/bin/orapki wallet display 
           -wallet <destination cwallet.sso dir>
  • jps-config.xml

    This file is required by the libraries used to read the cwallet.sso file. It can reside in either of the following locations:

    • default under <current working dir>/config/jps-config.xml (template is extracted from unzipping the client install zip file), where <current working dir> is the directory where the client install zip file was unzipped. Or,

    • can be specified through -Doracle.security.jps.config=jps-config.xml file location. You must pass the location as a property in the Java command.

    A sample jps-config.xml file is included in the client install package zip file. This applies to 11g agents only.


    In a JRF environment, as previously stated, a system jps-config.xml file located in the <DOMAIN_HOME>/config/fmwconfig directory is used by default. There is no need to prepare another jps-config.xml.

  • Java Security Grants

    When Java Security Manager is enabled, you need to add additional grants for the application to the system-jazn-data.xml file in order to access credentials in the wallet. Choose one of the following based on your environment.

    • In a JRF environment with deployed applications, add the following grants to the system-jazn-data.xml file.

          <url>... ...</url>
    • In a non-JRF environment with a standalone application, if Java Security Manager is not enabled (which is generally the case for standalone applications) no policy file is needed.

    • In a non-JRF environment with deployed applications, when Java Security Manager is enabled, find the corresponding Java security policy file being used (for example, weblogic.policy for Weblogic Server) and add the following security grants to it.

      grant codeBase "<url>"
           "context=SYSTEM,mapName=OAMAgent,keyName=*", "read";

      <url> specifies the code source location for the deployed application; for example, file:/scratch/install/WLS_HOME/user_projects/domains/base_domain/servers/AdminServer/tmp/_WL_user/ASDKServlet/-

  • JKS Keystores for SSL

    This file is required only if the transport security mode is Simple or Cert. Both the 11g OAM Server and 12c OAM Server supports transport security modes Open, Simple and Cert to communicate with agents. Credentials are passed using the Oracle Access Protocol (OAP). When OAP is used in Open mode the communication is vulnerable to eavesdropping, so Open mode is discouraged in production environments. Open mode is recommended in testing environments only.

    An Access Client developed using Access SDK is called an agent. Depending on the mode in which OAM Server is configured, an Access Client will have to be configured to communicate in the same mode.

    Each 12c agent has its own agent key. The 12c agent key is stored in cwallet.sso. This key is used to encrypt the SSO token, the accessClientPasswd, and the global passphrase (stored in password.xml) used in Simple or Cert transport security mode. The SSO token issued for one agent cannot be used directly for another agent, unless you obtain a scoped session token from a master token. See Managing the Access Protocol for OAM Proxy Simple and Cert Mode Security in Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Access Management.

    For Simple or Cert transport security mode, the following is required:

    • oamclient-truststore.jks

    • oamclient-keystore.jks

    • password.xml

    See Also,

    Types of Resources in the Access Client Architecture.

  • password.xml

    This file is required only if the transport security mode is Simple or Cert. This file contains a password in encrypted form. This password is the one using which SSL key file is protected.

    See Generating the Required Configuration Files.

  • Log Configuration

    Is required in order to generate a log file. For more information, see Understanding Access SDK Logs.

Example 2-4 merge-cred.xml Sample

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone='yes'?>
  jps-config-11_1.xsd" schema-major-version="11" schema-minor-version="1">
name="credstoressp" type="CREDENTIAL_STORE">
     <description>File-based credential provider</description>
        <!-- Source file-based credential store instance -->
    <serviceInstance location="<source cwallet.sso dir>"
      provider="credstoressp" name="credential.file.source">
        <!-- Destination file-based credential store instance -->
    <serviceInstance location="<destination cwallet.sso dir>"
      provider="credstoressp" name="credential.file.destination">
    <jpsContext name="FileSourceContext">
     <serviceInstanceRef ref="credential.file.source"/>
    <jpsContext name="FileDestinationContext">
     <serviceInstanceRef ref="credential.file.destination"/>

2.7.2 Generating the Required Configuration Files

The ObAccessClient.xml configuration file can be obtained by registering an Access Client as 11g agent with the OAM 12c Server, using the administration console or a remote registration tool. When registering 11g agents the cwallet.sso file is also created. For more information, See Introduction to Agent Registration in Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Access Management.

The Oracle Access Management Administration Console will also create a password.xml file.

An Access Client application developed with the oracle.security.am.asdk API can specify the location to obtain the configuration file and other required files. This is done by initializing the Access SDK and providing the directory location where the configuration files exist.

For information about options available to specify location of the configuration files to the Access SDK, See Oracle Fusion Middleware Access SDK Java API Reference for Oracle Access Management Access Manager.

2.7.3 SSL Certificate and Key File Requirements

The Access SDK uses SSL certificates and key files from a database commonly known as trust stores or key stores. It requires these stores to be in JKS (Java Key Standard) format. The following sections have more information. About Simple Transport Security Mode

In Simple transport mode, the JKS keystores are auto-generated by the OAM Server. The generated keystores are located in WLS_OAM_DOMAIN_HOME/output/webgate-ssl/. Working in the Cert Transport Security Mode

In Cert transport security mode, the certificates for the server and agent should be requested from a certifying authority. Optionally, the Simple mode self-signed certificates can also be used as a certifying authority, for purposes of issuing Cert mode certificates. Follow these steps to prepare for Cert mode:

  1. Import a CA certificate of the certifying authority using the certificate and key pair issued for Access Client and OAM Server. Follow the steps in Importing the CA Certificate. Instead of cacert.pem or cacert.der, substitute the CA certificate file of the issuing authority.
  2. If an earlier version of JNI ASDK install is available, it provides a way to generate certificate and key file for the Access Client. These certificates will be in PEM format.

    For more information about how to generate a certificate using an imported CA certificate, See Generating a Certificate Request and Private Key for OAM Serverin Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Access Management.

    To import this certificate, key pair in the oamclient-keystore.jks in PEM format, follow instructions in Setting Up The Keystore. Importing the CA Certificate

This step is not required when using the 12c Java Access SDK.

The CA certificate must be imported to the trust store when using earlier versions of JNI SDK. The 11g Access SDK provides a self-signed CA certificate that can be used in Simple mode, and is used for issuing certificates to the Access Client. 12c OAM Server provides a self-signed CA certificate.

  • OAM 12c Server: The CA certificate (cacert.der) is located in $MIDDLEWARE_HOME/user_projects/domains/base_domain/config/fmwconfig.

Execute the following command to import the PEM or DER format CA certificate into trust store:

  1. Edit cacert.pem or cacert.der using a text editor to remove all data except what is contained within the CERTIFICATE blocks, and save the file. For example:
    	Content to retain
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
  2. Execute the following command, modifying as needed for your environment:

    keytool -importcert -file <ca cert file cacert.pem or cacert.der> -trustcacerts -keystore oamclient-truststore.jks -storetype JKS

  3. Enter keystore password when prompted. This must be same as the global pass phrase used in the OAM Server. Setting Up The Keystore

The Access Client's SSL certificate and private key file must be added to the keystore. The SSL certificate and private key file must be generated in Simple mode so the Access Client can communicate with OAM Server.

  • 11g OAM Server: Use the tool Remote Registration and administration console for generating a certificate file (aaa_cert.pem) and key file (aaa_key.pem) in PEM format for the Access Client.

Execute the following commands in order to import the certificate and key file into keystore oamclient-keystore.jks.

  1. Edit aaa_cert.pem using any text editor to remove all data except that which is contained within the CERTIFICATE blocks, and save the file. For example:
    	Content to retain
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
  2. Execute the following command, modifying as needed for your environment:

    openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -in aaa_key.pem -inform PEM -out aaa_key.der -outform DER

    This command will prompt for a password. The password must be the global pass phrase.

  3. Execute the following command, modifying as needed for your environment:

    openssl x509 -in aaa_cert.pem -inform PEM -out aaa_cert.der -outform DER

  4. Execute the following command, modifying as needed for your environment:

    java -cp importcert.jar oracle.security.am.common.tools.importcerts.CertificateImport -keystore oamclient-keystore.jks -privatekeyfile aaa_key.der -signedcertfile aaa_cert.der -storetype jks -genkeystore yes

    In this command, aaa_key.der and aaa_cert.der are the private key and certificate pair in DER format.

  5. Enter the keystore password when prompted. This must be same as global pass phrase.

2.8 Best Practices

This section presents a number of ways to avoid problems and to resolve the most common problems that occur during development. The following topics are discussed in this section:

2.8.1 Avoiding Problems with Custom Access Clients

Here are some suggestions for avoiding problems with custom Access Clients.

  • Make sure that your Access Client attempts to connect to the correct OAM Server.

  • Make sure the configuration information on your OAM Server matches the configuration information on your Access Client. You can check the Access Client configuration information on your OAM Server, using the Oracle Access Management Administration Console. For details, see Registering and Managing OAM Agents in Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle Access Management.

  • To ensure clean connect and disconnect from the OAM Server, use the initialize and shutdown methods in the AccessClient class.

  • The OBACCESS_INSTALL_DIR environment variable must be set on your Windows or UNIX-type host computer so that you can compile and link your Access Client. In general, you also want the variable to be set whenever your Access Client is running.

  • Use the exception handling features (try, throw, and catch) of the language used to write your custom Access Client code to trap and report problems during development.

  • Your Access Client represents just one thread in your entire, multi threaded application. To ensure safe operation within such an environment, Oracle recommends that developers observe the following practices for developing thread-safe code:

    • Use a thread safe function instead of its single thread counterpart. For instance, use localtime_r instead of localtime.

    • Specify the appropriate build environment and compiler flags to support multithreading. For instance, use -D_REENTRANT. Also, use -mt for UNIX-like platforms and /MD for Windows platforms.

    • Take care to use in thread-safe fashion shared local variables such as FILE pointers.

2.8.2 Identifying and Resolving Access Client Problems

Here are some things to look at if your Access Client fails to perform:

  • Make sure that your OAM Server is running. On Windows systems, you can check this by navigating to Computer Management, then to Services, then to AccessServer, where AccessServer is the name of the OAM Server to which you want to connect your Access Client.

  • Make sure that Access Client performs user logout to ensure that OAM Server-side sessions are deleted. An accumulation of user sessions can prevent successful user authentication.

  • Check that the domain policies your code assumes are in place and enabled.

  • Read the Release Notes.

  • Check that your Access Client is not being answered by a lower-level Access System policy which overrides the one you think you are testing.

  • The Access Tester enables you to check which policy applies to a particular resource. For details about using the Access Tester and protecting resources with application domains, see Validating Connectivity and Policies Using the Access Tester.

2.8.3 Environment Problems using Java Access SDK with Containers

This section provides information about resolving environment conflicts that can develop when using the Java Access SDK. It contains information regarding the following containers. Resolving Environment Problems with Java EE Containers

Use this procedure to resolve Java class version conflicts when a web application is using the Access SDK.

A conflict can occur when a version of the library, different from the one used by the Access SDK is loaded by another application hosted on the same Java EE container. The following is a sample error message that may display:

at oracle.security.am.asdk.AccessClient.createClient(AccessClient.java:798) 
at oracle.security.am.asdk.AccessClient.initialize(AccessClient.java:610) 
at oracle.security.am.asdk.AccessClient.&lt;init&gt;(AccessClient.java:527) 
at com.newco.authenticateIdentity.AuthenticateIdentityAccessClient.authenticateUser(

This issue is related to how classes are loaded into the Java EE container. For more information, see your container's documentation discussing class loading.

To solve this problem, configure class loader filtering for the web application that needs a specific library version. For more information and steps, see the documentation for your application server. Resolving Environment Problems with Oracle WebLogic Server

Use WebLogic Server FilteringClassLoader to specify packages that are always loaded from the application, rather than loaded using the system class loader.

To resolve this issue, perform these steps:

  1. Verify the weblogic.xml file exists in the META-INF folder of your application. If it does not, create this file and add the following contents:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <weblogic-application xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" 
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <weblogic-application xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" 
    <package-name>Package to be loaded</package-name>
    <package-name>Package to be loaded</package-name>

    where Package to be loaded is the corresponding package from the log file. For example, assume the problem is ObAAAServiceClient, then the corresponding package name is oracle.security.am.common.aaaclient. Add as follows:


    All classes associated with this package will be loaded by the application loader, even if identical classes having a different version are specified in the CLASSPATH of the System class loader.

  2. Stop the application.
  3. Delete the previously deployed version of the application.
  4. Install the application.
  5. Access the resource.

    The error should be gone and the application is running smoothly. Resolving Environment Problems with Other Application Servers

All application servers have a configuration file where class loading related options are configured. In general, the key is to identify the configuration file and tags that are required to enable a specific class loader to load a set of classes.

  1. Locate the configuration file for the application server.
  2. Use the application class loader to prevent classes from being loaded by the parent class loader, even if they are specified in the CLASSPATH.
  3. Change the default class loading behavior so the parent class loader is called only if the current class loader fails to load the class.
  4. Alternately, as in WebLogic Server, there may be a method that enables loading of classes using the designated class loader.
  5. In some application servers, you may need to define a separate domain for your application, for a parent domain, and set class loading behavior to load the parent last.

2.8.4 Tuning for High Load Environment

In a high load, high stress environment, the Access SDK configuration must be tuned as follows:

  • Configure poolTimeout as a user defined parameter. You must increase the number of clients for poolTimeout.

  • Tune the maximum (max) number of connections. For high performance, the max number of connections of primary server should be in the agent profile.