22.5.2 Creating Jobs

Use the Create Job page in the Manage Scheduler section of Identity System Administration to create a new job.


The procedure described in this section assumes that the XML file for the scheduled task, which contains the job description is available in the OIM_HOME/metadata/file directory.

To create a job:

  1. Login to Oracle Identity Self Service.
  2. Select Manage, under System Configuration, click Scheduler.
    The Manage Scheduler Jobs section is displayed.
  3. Select Create Job.
  4. On the Create Job page, enter values in the following fields under the Job Information section:
    • Name: Enter a name for the job.

    • Template: Specify the template of the scheduled task that runs the job.

    • Start Date: Specify the date and time on which you want the job to run. To do this, select the date and time along with timezone from the date editor and click Ok. By default, the timezone is "(UTC-08:00) US Pacific Time".

    • Retries: Retry count is used to manage the job in case of failure. A job cannot execute more than its retry count if it fails consecutively. The job is disabled if it fails consecutively till its retry count is exhausted. The job must be enabled from the UI for further execution.

    • Schedule Type: Depending on the frequency at which you want the job to run, select one of the following schedule types:

      • Periodic: Select this option if you want the job to be run at a time that you specify, on a repeating basis. If you select this option, then you must enter an integer value in the Run every field under the Job Periodic Settings section and select one of the following values:

        • Minutes
        • Hours
        • Days
        • Weeks
        • Months
        • Yearly
      • Single: Select this option if the job is to be run only once at the specified start date and time.

      • None: This option specifies that no schedule is attached to the job you are creating, and therefore, it is not triggered automatically. As a result, the only option to trigger the job is by clicking Create and Run Now.

    • Sub Types: Select the sub category type for the job.
  5. Enter the following values in the Parameters section:


    The following values are dynamic and change depending on the job template that you select.
    • Flat File Path: Enter the path of CSV file for seeding metadata or directory path containing XML for seeding technical glossary.
    • Batch Size: Enter the size of the batch.
    • Thread Size: Enter the Thread size.
    • Mode: Enter the mode.
  6. Enter values in the following fields under the Scheduling Failed Notification section:
    • Beneficiary: Select the Beneficiary type to whom the scheduled job failure notification email is sent.

      • User Login

      • Role Name

      • Specified Address

    • Send To: Enter the User Login, Role name or specific email id to which scheduled job failure notification email is sent.

  7. Click Next.
  8. Select one of the following schedule types in Schedule section:


    This is a mandatory field.
    • Periodic: Select this option if you want the job to be run at a time that you specify, on a repeating basis. If you select this option, then you must enter an integer value in the Run every field under the Job Periodic Settings section and select one of the following values:
      • Minutes
      • Hours
      • Days
      • Weeks
      • Months
      • Yearly
    • Single: Select this option if the job is to be run only once at the specified start date and time.
    • None: This option specifies that no schedule is attached to the job you are creating, and therefore, it is not triggered automatically. As a result, the only option to trigger the job is by clicking Create and Run Now.
  9. In the Summary section, verify if the details are correct.
  10. Select one of the following options:
    • Create and Run Now: Select to save and create and run the job immediately.
    • Create: Select to create the job.
    • Back: Select to go to the previous screen.
    • Cancel: Select to cancel the operation/.