25 Configuring Proxy, Distribution, and Virtualization Deployments

You can configure a proxy server in various deployment scenarios by using the dsconfig command.

The following topics describe how to configure a proxy server by using the dsconfig command:


You can also perform these configurations by using dsconfig in interactive mode. For information, see Using dsconfig in Interactive Mode.


To use the virtual directory capabilities described here, you must have a valid Oracle Directory Service Plus license.

25.1 Configuring a Load Balancing Deployment

You can create and define different objects when configuring a proxy server for simple load balancing with failover on two LDAP servers.

The following topics describe creating and configuring simple load balancing:

25.1.1 Creating Objects for Simple Load Balancing

The objects that are to be created when configuring a proxy server for simple load balancing are described in this section.

When configuring a proxy server for simple load balancing, you must create the objects shown in Figure 25-1. You must create these objects in the order indicated.

All of the commands in this procedure specify the proxy hostname (-h), the proxy admin port (-p), the bind DN for the initial root user (-D), and the file containing the proxy password (-j). You must also indicate the authentication. If you do not specify authentication, and if the client and server are running in the same instance, then Oracle Unified Directory uses the local authentication configuration.

25.1.2 Configuring a Simple Load Balancing

You can configure a simple load balancing deployment by creating a proxy LDAP server extension and a workflow element for each LDAP server extension.

To configure a simple load balancing deployment:

  1. Create a proxy LDAP server extension.
    $ dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file \
    create-extension \
    --extension-name proxy_extension1 \
    --type ldap-server \
    --set enabled:true \
    --set remote-ldap-server-address:DS1_hostname \
    --set remote-ldap-server-port:2389

    The LDAP server extension is a link to the remote LDAP server. For this task, you need at least two remote LDAP server instances. Repeat this step, using a different LDAP hostname and port for each server.

  2. Create a proxy workflow element for each LDAP server extension.
    $ dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file \
    create-workflow-element \
    --element-name proxy-we1 \
    --type proxy-ldap\ 
    --set enabled:true \
    --set client-cred-mode:use-client-identity \
    --set ldap-server-extension:proxy_extension1

    The property client-cred-mode indicates the type of authentication used between the proxy and remote LDAP server. The client credential mode can be: use-client-identity or use-specific-identity.

  3. Create a load balancing workflow element.
    $ dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file \
    create-workflow-element \
    --element-name LB-we1 \
    --type load-balancing \
    --set enabled:true

    You only need one load balancing workflow element to route requests to either of the two remote LDAP servers.

  4. Define the load balancing algorithm.
    $ dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file \
    create-load-balancing-algorithm \
    --element-name LB-we1 \
    --type failover

    The load balancing algorithm types include proportional, saturation, optimal, searchfilter or failover. You define the load balancing algorithm properties (weight, threshold, or priority) with the load balancing routes, in the next step.

  5. Define the load balancing routes for each proxy.
    $ dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file \
    create-load-balancing-route \
    --element-name LB-we1 \
    --route-name LB-route1 \
    --type failover \
    --set workflow-element:proxy-we1 \
    --set add-priority:1 \
    --set bind-priority:2 \
    --set compare-priority:2 \
    --set delete-priority:1 \
    --set extended-priority:2 \
    --set modify-priority:1 \
    --set modifydn-priority:1 \
    --set search-priority:2 

    When defining the routes, you must specify the same type that you used when defining the load balancing algorithm.

    For this task, you need two load balancing routes. Repeat this step, specifying a different priority for each route.


    The properties in this step set the priority for failover load balancing. You use different properties for proportional or saturation load balancing.

    For more information on the setting different load balancing types, see Modifying Load Balancing Properties.

  6. Create a workflow.

    This workflow associates the load balancing workflow element with the specified base dn.

    $ dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file \
    create-workflow \
    --workflow-name LB-workflow1 \
    --set enabled:true \
    --set base-dn:dc=example,dc=com \
    --set workflow-element:LB-we1 
  7. Create the network group.

    The network group handles all the requests between the client and the proxy.

    $ dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file \
    create-network-group \
    --group-name network-group1 \
    --set enabled:true \
    --set workflow:LB-workflow1 \
    --set priority:1

25.2 Configuring a Distribution Deployment

You can create and define different objects when configuring a proxy server for a simple distribution deployment that is split over two partitions.

This following topics describe creating and configuring a distribution deployment:


For information about the supported distribution types, see Overview of Data Distribution Using the Proxy.

25.2.1 Creating Objects for Simple Distribution

You can create objects when configuring a proxy server for simple distribution.

When configuring a proxy server for simple distribution, you must create the objects shown in Figure 25-2. You must create these objects in the order indicated.

Figure 25-2 Configuring Distribution

Description of Figure 25-2 follows
Description of "Figure 25-2 Configuring Distribution"

All of the commands in this procedure specify the proxy hostname (-h), the proxy admin port (-p), the bind DN for the initial root user (-D) and the proxy password you want to configure (-w). You must also indicate the authentication. If you do not specify authentication, and if the client and server are running in the same instance, then Oracle Unified Directory uses the local authentication configuration.

25.2.2 Configuring a Simple Distribution Deployment

You can configure a simple distribution deployment by creating a proxy LDAP server extension.

To configure a simple distribution deployment:

  1. Create a proxy LDAP server extension.

    $ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X \
    create-extension \
    --extension-name proxy_extension1 \
    --type ldap-server \
    --set enabled:true \
    --set remote-ldap-server-address:DS1_hostname \
    --set remote-ldap-server-port:2389

    The LDAP server extension is a link to the remote LDAP server. For this task, you need two remote LDAP server instances. Repeat this step, using a different LDAP hostname and port for each server.

  2. Create a proxy workflow element for each LDAP server extension.

    $ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X \
    create-workflow-element \
    --element-name proxy-we1 \
    --type proxy-ldap\ 
    --set enabled:true \
    --set client-cred-mode:use-client-identity \
    --set ldap-server-extension:proxy_extension1

    You need at least two remote LDAP servers for a distribution architecture. Repeat this step for each server. Use the same LDAP server extension names that you created in step 1.

    The property client-cred-mode indicates the type of authentication used between the proxy and remote LDAP server. The client credential mode can be: use-client-identity or use-specific-identity.

  3. Set up distribution by creating a distribution workflow element.

    $ dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file \
    create-workflow-element \
    --element-name distrib-we \
    --type distribution \ 
    --set base-dn:dc=example,dc=com \
    --set enabled:true 
  4. Set the distribution algorithm.

    $ dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file \
    create-distribution-algorithm \
    --element-name distrib-we \
    --type numeric \ 
    --set distribution-attribute:uid

    The distribution algorithm types include capacity, numeric, lexico, or dnpattern. You define the algorithm properties when you create the distribution partitions, in the next step.

  5. Define the distribution partitions.

    $ dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file \
    create-distribution-partition \
    --element-name distrib-we \
    --partition-name distrib-part1\
    --type numeric \ 
    --set lower-bound:0 \
    --set upper-bound:1000 \
    --set partition-id:1 \
    --set workflow-element:proxy-we1

    For this task, you must create two partitions. You must use unique partition IDs and partition names for each workflow element. When defining the partitions, you must specify the same type that you used when defining the distribution algorithm.


    The upper boundary is exclusive, which means if you specify upper-bound:1000 as the upper boundary, then the partition only includes values from 0 to 999, inclusive.

    • If you created a capacity distribution algorithm, then you must create a global index.

    • If you created a lexico, numeric, or dnpattern distribution algorithm, then creating a global index is optional.

    To create a global index:

    1. Create a global index catalog.

      $ gicadm -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file \
      create-catalog \
      --catalogName gi-catalog
    2. Add a global index that indexes the dn attribute to the catalog.

      $ gicadm -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file \
      add-index \
      --catalogName gi-catalog \
      --attributeName dn 
    3. Associate the global index catalog to the distribution.

      $ gicadm -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file \
      associate \
      --catalogName gi-catalog \
      --distributionWorkflowElement distrib-we
  6. Create a workflow.

    This workflow associates the distribution workflow element with the distribution partition.

    $ dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file \
    create-workflow \
    --workflow-name distrib-workflow \
    --set enabled:true \
    --set base-dn:dc=example,dc=com \
    --set workflow-element:distrib-we
  7. Create the network group.

    The network group handles all the requests between the client and the proxy.

    $ dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file \
    create-network-group \
    --group-name network-group1 \
    --set enabled:true \
    --set workflow:distrib-workflow \
    --set priority:1

25.3 Configuring a Distribution Deployment with Load Balancing

You can create and define different objects when configuring a proxy server for a distribution deployment with load balancing.

The following topics describe creating and configuring distribution with load balancing deployment:


Although you can add a global index to any distribution deployment, this example does not include instructions for adding a global index.

For information about creating a global index, see Configuring Global Indexes Using the Command Line.

25.3.1 Creating Objects for Distribution with Load Balancing

You can create objects when configuring a proxy server for distribution and load balancing.

When configuring a proxy server for distribution and load balancing, you must create the objects shown in Figure 25-3. You must create these objects in the order indicated.

Figure 25-3 Configuring Distribution and Load Balancing

Description of Figure 25-3 follows
Description of "Figure 25-3 Configuring Distribution and Load Balancing"

This example illustrates a deployment with distribution over two partitions, with each partition load balanced onto two replicated LDAP servers. The example uses a numeric distribution algorithm to partition the data.

All of the commands in this procedure specify the proxy hostname (-h), the proxy admin port (-p), the bind DN for the initial root user (-D), and the file containing the proxy password (-j). You must also indicate the authentication. If you do not specify authentication, and if the client and server are running in the same instance, then Oracle Unified Directory uses the local authentication configuration.

25.3.2 Configuring a Distribution with Load Balancing Deployment

You can use the procedure to configure a distribution with load balancing deployment.

To configure a distribution and load balancing deployment:

  1. Create the proxy LDAP server extensions.

    $ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X \
    create-extension \
    --extension-name proxy_extension1 \
    --type ldap-server \
    --set enabled:true \
    --set remote-ldap-server-address:DS1_hostname \
    --set remote-ldap-server-port:2389

    The LDAP server extension is a link to the remote LDAP server. For this task, you need four remote LDAP server instances. Repeat this step for each remote LDAP server, using a different LDAP hostname and port for each server.

  2. Create a proxy workflow element for each LDAP server extension.

    $ dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file \
    create-workflow-element \
    --element-name proxy-we1 \
    --type proxy-ldap\ 
    --set enabled:true \
    --set client-cred-mode:use-client-identity \
    --set ldap-server-extension:proxy_extension1

    For this task, you need four remote LDAP server instances. Repeat this step for each remote server, using the same LDAP server extension names as those created in step 1.

    The property client-cred-mode indicates the type of authentication used between the proxy and remote LDAP server. The client credential mode can be: use-client-identity or use-specific-identity.

  3. Create a load balancing workflow element.

    $ dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file \
    create-workflow-element \
    --element-name LB-we1 \
    --type load-balancing \
    --set enabled:true

    You only need one load balancing workflow element to route requests to either of the two remote LDAP servers. You must create two load balancing workflow elements because you are using two load balancers.

  4. Define the load balancing algorithm.

    $ dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file \
    create-load-balancing-algorithm \
    --element-name LB-we1 \
    --type failover

    The load balancing algorithm types include proportional, optimal, saturation, searchfilter, or failover. You define the load balancing algorithm properties (weight, threshold, or priority) with the load balancing routes, in the next step. For this task, you need two load balancing algorithms.

  5. Define the load balancing routes for each proxy.

    $ dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file \
    create-load-balancing-route \
    --element-name LB-we1 \
    --route-name LB-route1 \
    --type failover \
    --set workflow-element:proxy-we1 \
    --set add-priority:1 \
    --set bind-priority:1 \
    --set compare-priority:1 \
    --set delete-priority:1 \
    --set extended-priority:1 \
    --set modify-priority:1 \
    --set modifydn-priority:1 \
    --set search-priority:1 

    For this task, you need four load balancing routes. Set two routes per load balancing workflow element (created in step 4). For example, set one route with priority 1 for all operations and set the other route with priority 2 for all operations.


    The properties in this step set the priority for failover load balancing. You use different properties for proportional or saturation load balancing.

    For more information on the setting different load balancing types, see Modifying Load Balancing Properties.

  6. Set up distribution by creating a distribution workflow element.

    $ dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file \
    create-workflow-element \
    --element-name distrib-we \
    --type distribution \ 
    --set base-dn:dc=example,dc=com \
    --set enabled:true 

    For this task, you need only one distribution workflow element that points to the distribution algorithm.

  7. Set the distribution algorithm.

    $ dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file \
    create-distribution-algorithm \
    --element-name distrib-we \
    --type numeric \ 
    --set distribution-attribute:uid

    The distribution algorithm types include capacity, numeric, lexico, or dnpattern. You define the boundaries when you create the distribution partitions, in the next step.

  8. Define the distribution partitions.

    $ dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file \
    create-distribution-partition \
    --element-name distrib-we \
    --partition-name distrib-part1\
    --type numeric \ 
    --set lower-bound:0 \
    --set upper-bound:1000 \
    --set partition-id:1 \
    --set workflow-element:LB-we1

    For this task, you must create two partitions. You must use unique partition IDs and partition names for each workflow element and that each partition uses a different load balancing workflow element. When defining the partitions, you must specify the same type that you used when defining the distribution algorithm.


    The upper boundary is exclusive, which means if you specify upper-bound:1000 as the upper boundary, then the partition only includes values from 0 to 999, inclusive.

    • If you created a capacity distribution algorithm, then you must create a global index.

    • If you created a lexico, numeric, or dnpattern distribution algorithm, then creating a global index is optional.

    To create a global index.

    1. Create a global index catalog:

      $ gicadm -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file \
      create-catalog \
      --catalogName gi-catalog
    2. Add a global index which indexes the dn attribute to the catalog.

      $ gicadm -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file \
      add-index \
      --catalogName gi-catalog \
      --attributeName dn 
    3. Associate the global index catalog to the distribution.

      $ gicadm -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file \
      associate \
      --catalogName gi-catalog \
      --distributionWorkflowElement distrib-we
  9. Create a workflow.

    This workflow associates the distribution workflow element with the base DN.

    $ dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file \
    create-workflow \
    --workflow-name workflow \
    --set enabled:true \
    --set base-dn:dc=example,dc=com \
    --set workflow-element:distrib-we
  10. Create the network group.

    The network group handles all the requests between the client and the proxy.

    $ dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file \
    create-network-group \
    --group-name network-group1 \
    --set enabled:true \
    --set workflow:workflow \
    --set priority:1

25.4 Configuring a Failover Deployment Between Data Centers

To set up a failover deployment between two data centers, you need to deploy two levels of load balancers within the proxy.

To set up a failover deployment between two data centers, see Configuration 3: Failover Between Data Centers.

To configure a failover deployment between two data centers, use the following commands:

#Create a proxy LDAP extension for each remote LDAP server
dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-extension \
  --type ldap-server \
  --extension-name proxy-extension1 \
  --set enabled:true \
  --set remote-ldap-server-address:DS1_hostname \
  --set remote-ldap-server-port:3189 

dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-extension \
  --type ldap-server \
  --extension-name proxy-extension2 \
  --set enabled:true \
  --set remote-ldap-server-address:DS2_hostname \
  --set remote-ldap-server-port:3289 

dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-extension \
  --type ldap-server \
  --extension-name proxy-extension3 \
  --set enabled:true \
  --set remote-ldap-server-address:DS3_hostname \
  --set remote-ldap-server-port:3389 

dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-extension \
  --type ldap-server \
  --extension-name proxy-extension4 \
  --set enabled:true \
  --set remote-ldap-server-address:DS4_hostname \
  --set remote-ldap-server-port:3489 

#Create a proxy workflow element for each LDAP server extension
dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-workflow-element \
  --element-name proxy-we1 \
  --type proxy-ldap \
  --set enabled:true \
  --set client-cred-mode:use-client-identity \
  --set ldap-server-extension:proxy-extension1 

dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-workflow-element \
  --element-name proxy-we2 \
  --type proxy-ldap \
  --set enabled:true \
  --set client-cred-mode:use-client-identity \
  --set ldap-server-extension:proxy-extension2 

dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-workflow-element \
  --element-name proxy-we3 \
  --type proxy-ldap \
  --set enabled:true \
  --set client-cred-mode:use-client-identity \
  --set ldap-server-extension:proxy-extension3 

dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-workflow-element \
  --element-name proxy-we4 \
  --type proxy-ldap \
  --set enabled:true \
  --set client-cred-mode:use-client-identity \
  --set ldap-server-extension:proxy-extension4 

# Create a load balancing workflow element for each data center
dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-workflow-element \
  --element-name LB-we1 \
  --type load-balancing \
  --set enabled:true 

dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-workflow-element \
  --element-name LB-we2 \
  --type load-balancing \
  --set enabled:true 

# Define the load balancing algorithm for each data center
dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-load-balancing-algorithm \
  --element-name LB-we1 \
  --type proportional 

dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-load-balancing-algorithm \
  --element-name LB-we2 \
  --type proportional 

# Define the load balancing routes for each proxy 
dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-load-balancing-route \
  --element-name LB-we1 \
  --route-name LB-route1 \
  --type proportional \
  --set workflow-element:proxy-we1 
dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-load-balancing-route \
  --element-name LB-we1 \
  --route-name LB-route2 \
  --type proportional \
  --set workflow-element:proxy-we2 
dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-load-balancing-route \
  --element-name LB-we2 \
  --route-name LB-route3 \
  --type proportional \
  --set workflow-element:proxy-we3 
dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-load-balancing-route \
  --element-name LB-we2 \
  --route-name LB-route4 \
  --type proportional \
  --set workflow-element:proxy-we4 

# Set failover between the two data centers
dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-workflow-element \
  --element-name FO-we \
  --type load-balancing \
  --set enabled:true 
dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-load-balancing-algorithm \
  --element-name FO-we \
  --type failover 

dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-load-balancing-route \
  --element-name FO-we \
  --route-name FO-route1 \
  --type failover \
  --set workflow-element:LB-we1 \
  --set add-priority:1 \
--set bind-priority:1 \
--set compare-priority:1 \
--set delete-priority:1 \
--set extended-priority:1 \
--set modify-priority:1 \
--set modifydn-priority:1 \
--set search-priority:1 \ 

dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-load-balancing-route \
  --element-name FO-we \
  --route-name FO-route2 \
  --type failover \
  --set workflow-element:LB-we2 \
  --set add-priority:2 \
--set bind-priority:2 \
--set compare-priority:2 \
--set delete-priority:2 \
--set extended-priority:2 \
--set modify-priority:2 \
--set modifydn-priority:2 \
--set search-priority:2 \ 

# Create workflow
dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-workflow \
  --workflow-name FO-workflow \
  --set enabled:true \
  --set base-dn:dc=example,dc=com \
  --set workflow-element:FO-we 

# Create network group
dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-network-group \
  --group-name network-group1 \
  --set enabled:true \
  --set workflow:FO-workflow \
  --set priority:1

25.5 Configuring a Distribution with Failover Deployment Between Data Centers

To set up a failover deployment between two data centers, you can configure a topology that includes distribution with failover load balancing.

To set up a failover deployment between two data centers, see Configuration 5: Distribution with Failover Between Data Centers.

To configure distribution with failover between two data centers, use the following commands:

#Create the first failover route
#Create a proxy LDAP extension for each remote LDAP server
dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-extension \
  --type ldap-server \
  --extension-name proxy-extension-1a \
  --set enabled:true \
  --set remote-ldap-server-address:DS1a_hostname \
  --set remote-ldap-server-port:3189 

dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-extension \
  --type ldap-server \
  --extension-name proxy-extension-2a \
  --set enabled:true \
  --set remote-ldap-server-address:DS2a_hostname \
  --set remote-ldap-server-port:3289 

dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-extension \
  --type ldap-server \
  --extension-name proxy-extension-1b \
  --set enabled:true \
  --set remote-ldap-server-address:DS1b_hostname \
  --set remote-ldap-server-port:3389 

dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-extension \
  --type ldap-server \
  --extension-name proxy-extension-2b \
  --set enabled:true \
  --set remote-ldap-server-address:DS2b_hostname \
  --set remote-ldap-server-port:3489 

#Create a proxy workflow element for each LDAP server extension
dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-workflow-element \
  --element-name proxy-we-1a \
  --type proxy-ldap \
  --set enabled:true \
  --set client-cred-mode:use-client-identity \
  --set ldap-server-extension:proxy-extension-1a 

dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-workflow-element \
  --element-name proxy-we-2a \
  --type proxy-ldap \
  --set enabled:true \
  --set client-cred-mode:use-client-identity \
  --set ldap-server-extension:proxy-extension-2a 

dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-workflow-element \
  --element-name proxy-we-1b \
  --type proxy-ldap \
  --set enabled:true \
  --set client-cred-mode:use-client-identity \
  --set ldap-server-extension:proxy-extension-1b 

dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-workflow-element \
  --element-name proxy-we-2b \
  --type proxy-ldap \
  --set enabled:true \
  --set client-cred-mode:use-client-identity \
  --set ldap-server-extension:proxy-extension-2b 

# Create a load balancing workflow element for each data center
dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-workflow-element \
  --element-name LB-we-1a \
  --type load-balancing \
  --set enabled:true 

dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-workflow-element \
  --element-name LB-we-1b \
  --type load-balancing \
  --set enabled:true 

# Define the load balancing algorithm for each data center
dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-load-balancing-algorithm \
  --element-name LB-we-1a \
  --type proportional 

dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-load-balancing-algorithm \
  --element-name LB-we-1b \
  --type proportional 

# Define the load balancing routes for each proxy 
dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-load-balancing-route \
  --element-name LB-we-1a \
  --route-name LB-route-1a \
  --type proportional \
  --set workflow-element:proxy-we-1a 
dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-load-balancing-route \
  --element-name LB-we-1a \
  --route-name LB-route-2a \
  --type proportional \
  --set workflow-element:proxy-we-2a 
dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-load-balancing-route \
  --element-name LB-we-1b \
  --route-name LB-route-1b \
  --type proportional \
  --set workflow-element:proxy-we-1b 
dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-load-balancing-route \
  --element-name LB-we-1b \
  --route-name LB-route-2b \
  --type proportional \
  --set workflow-element:proxy-we-2b 

# Set failover between the two data centers
dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-workflow-element \
  --element-name FO-we1 \
  --type load-balancing \
  --set enabled:true 
dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-load-balancing-algorithm \
  --element-name FO-we1 \
  --type failover 

dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-load-balancing-route \
  --element-name FO-we1 \
  --route-name FO-route-1a \
  --type failover \
  --set workflow-element:LB-we-1a \
  --set add-priority:1 \
  --set bind-priority:1 \
  --set compare-priority:1 \
  --set delete-priority:1 \
  --set extended-priority:1 \
  --set modify-priority:1 \
  --set modifydn-priority:1 \
  --set search-priority:1  

dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-load-balancing-route \
  --element-name FO-we1 \
  --route-name FO-route-1b \
  --type failover \
  --set workflow-element:LB-we-1b \
  --set add-priority:2 \
  --set bind-priority:2 \
  --set compare-priority:2 \
  --set delete-priority:2 \
  --set extended-priority:2 \
  --set modify-priority:2 \
  --set modifydn-priority:2 \
  --set search-priority:2  

#Create the second failover route
#Create a proxy LDAP extension for each remote LDAP server
dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-extension \
  --type ldap-server \
  --extension-name proxy-extension-3a \
  --set enabled:true \
  --set remote-ldap-server-address:DS3a_hostname \
  --set remote-ldap-server-port:3189 

dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-extension \
  --type ldap-server \
  --extension-name proxy-extension-4a \
  --set enabled:true \
  --set remote-ldap-server-address:DS4a_hostname \
  --set remote-ldap-server-port:3289 

dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-extension \
  --type ldap-server \
  --extension-name proxy-extension-3b \
  --set enabled:true \
  --set remote-ldap-server-address:DS3b_hostname \
  --set remote-ldap-server-port:3389 

dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-extension \
  --type ldap-server \
  --extension-name proxy-extension-4b \
  --set enabled:true \
  --set remote-ldap-server-address:DS4b_hostname \
  --set remote-ldap-server-port:3489 

#Create a proxy workflow element for each LDAP server extension
dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-workflow-element \
  --element-name proxy-we-3a \
  --type proxy-ldap \
  --set enabled:true \
  --set client-cred-mode:use-client-identity \
  --set ldap-server-extension:proxy-extension-3a 

dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-workflow-element \
  --element-name proxy-we-4a \
  --type proxy-ldap \
  --set enabled:true \
  --set client-cred-mode:use-client-identity \
  --set ldap-server-extension:proxy-extension-4a 

dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-workflow-element \
  --element-name proxy-we-3b \
  --type proxy-ldap \
  --set enabled:true \
  --set client-cred-mode:use-client-identity \
  --set ldap-server-extension:proxy-extension-3b 

dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-workflow-element \
  --element-name proxy-we-4b \
  --type proxy-ldap \
  --set enabled:true \
  --set client-cred-mode:use-client-identity \
  --set ldap-server-extension:proxy-extension-4b 

# Create a load balancing workflow element for each data center
dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-workflow-element \
  --element-name LB-we-2a \
  --type load-balancing \
  --set enabled:true 

dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-workflow-element \
  --element-name LB-we-2b \
  --type load-balancing \
  --set enabled:true 

# Define the load balancing algorithm for each data center
dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-load-balancing-algorithm \
  --element-name LB-we-2a \
  --type proportional 

dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-load-balancing-algorithm \
  --element-name LB-we-2b \
  --type proportional 

# Define the load balancing routes for each proxy 
dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-load-balancing-route \
  --element-name LB-we-2a \
  --route-name LB-route-3a \
  --type proportional \
  --set workflow-element:proxy-we-3a 
dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-load-balancing-route \
  --element-name LB-we-2a \
  --route-name LB-route-4a \
  --type proportional \
  --set workflow-element:proxy-we-4a 
dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-load-balancing-route \
  --element-name LB-we-2b \
  --route-name LB-route-3b \
  --type proportional \
  --set workflow-element:proxy-we-3b 
dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-load-balancing-route \
  --element-name LB-we-2b \
  --route-name LB-route-4b \
  --type proportional \
  --set workflow-element:proxy-we-4b 

# Set failover between the two data centers
dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-workflow-element \
  --element-name FO-we2 \
  --type load-balancing \
  --set enabled:true 
dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-load-balancing-algorithm \
  --element-name FO-we2 \
  --type failover 

dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-load-balancing-route \
  --element-name FO-we2 \
  --route-name FO-route-2a \
  --type failover \
  --set workflow-element:LB-we-2a \
  --set add-priority:1 \
  --set bind-priority:1 \
  --set compare-priority:1 \
  --set delete-priority:1 \
  --set extended-priority:1 \
  --set modify-priority:1 \
  --set modifydn-priority:1 \
  --set search-priority:1  

dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-load-balancing-route \
  --element-name FO-we2 \
  --route-name FO-route-2b \
  --type failover \
  --set workflow-element:LB-we-2b \
  --set add-priority:2 \
  --set bind-priority:2 \
  --set compare-priority:2 \
  --set delete-priority:2 \
  --set extended-priority:2 \
  --set modify-priority:2 \
  --set modifydn-priority:2 \
  --set search-priority:2  

# Create distribution to the two failover routes
dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-workflow-element \
  --element-name distrib-we \
  --type distribution \
  --set base-dn:dc=example,dc=com \
  --set enabled:true 

dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-distribution-algorithm \
  --element-name distrib-we \
  --type numeric \
  --set distribution-attribute:uid

dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-distribution-partition \
  --element-name distrib-we \
  --partition-name distrib-part1\
  --type numeric \
  --set lower-bound:0 \
  --set upper-bound:1000 \
  --set partition-id:1 \
  --set workflow-element:FO-we1

dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-distribution-partition \
  --element-name distrib-we \
  --partition-name distrib-part2\
  --type numeric \
  --set lower-bound:1000 \
  --set upper-bound:2000 \
  --set partition-id:2 \
  --set workflow-element:FO-we2

# Create workflow
dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-workflow \
  --workflow-name Distrib-workflow \
  --set enabled:true \
  --set base-dn:dc=example,dc=com \
  --set workflow-element:distrib-we 

# Create network group
dsconfig -p 4444 -h localhost -D"cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
create-network-group \
  --group-name network-group1 \
  --set enabled:true \
  --set workflow:Distrib-workflow \
  --set priority:1

25.6 Configuring a Union Workflow Element Deployment with Union Partition

You can create and configure a Union workflow element to aggregate several DITs into a virtual unified DIT by using dsconfig command.

25.6.1 Setting Up OUD Instances to Implement Union Workflow Element Configuration

You must create and configure the OUD (oud1 and oud2) instances to implement the Union workflow element configuration.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Run the oud-setup command to create the oud1 instance as follows:

    ./oud-setup --cli --baseDN "o=company1" --addBaseEntry --adminConnectorPort 1444 --ldapPort 1389 \
    --rootUserDN "cn=Directory Manager" --rootUserPasswordFile pwd.txt --no-prompt --noPropertiesFile
  2. Run the oud-setup command to create the oud2 instance as follows:

    ./oud-setup --cli --baseDN "o=company2" --addBaseEntry --adminConnectorPort 2444 --ldapPort 2389 \ 
    --rootUserDN "cn=Directory Manager" --rootUserPasswordFile pwd.txt --no-prompt --noPropertiesFile

25.6.2 Setting Up OUD Proxy Server to Implement Union Workflow Element Configuration

This topic illustrates how to set up the OUD proxy server to implement Union workflow element configuration.

Run the oud-setup command to create a proxy server instance (oud3):

./oud-proxy-setup --cli --ldapPort 3389 --adminConnectorPort 3444 --rootUserDN "cn=Directory Manager" --rootUserPasswordFile pwd.txt

25.6.3 Configuring OUD Proxy Server to Implement Union Workflow Element Configuration

To connect to a remote LDAP directory server, the Oracle Unified Directory proxy needs LDAP server extension and LDAP proxy workflow element.

LDAP Server extensions are the properties required to connect from OUD Proxy oud3 to the remote LDAP servers (oud1 and oud2). You create LDAP Server extensions for oud1 and oud2. You will use these extensions in the workflow configuration later.

In addition, you need to create proxy workflow elements for OUD1 and OUD2. These specify connection details and credentials to the remote LDAP servers.

  1. Create an LDAP Server Extension (LDAPServerExtension1) and that points to oud1.

    ./dsconfig create-extension \
    		--set enabled:true \ 
    		--set remote-ldap-server-address:host01.example.com \  
    		--set remote-ldap-server-port:1389 \
    		--type ldap-server \ 
    		--extension-name LDAPServerExtension1 \  
    		--hostname host01.example.com \  
    		--port 3444 \  
    		--trustAll \  
    		--bindDN cn=Directory\ Manager \  
    		--bindPasswordFile pwd.txt \  
  2. Create an LDAP Proxy workflow element (ProxyLDAPWorkFlowElement1) that points to oud1.

    ./dsconfig create-workflow-element \  
    		--set client-cred-mode:use-client-identity \  
    		--set enabled:true \
                    --set remote-ldap-server-bind-dn:"cn=directory manager" \
                    --remote-ldap-server-bind-password:file://pwd-file \  
    		--set ldap-server-extension:LDAPServerExtension1 \
                    --set remote-root-dn:"cn=directory manager"
                    --set remote-root-password:********
    		--type proxy-ldap \  
    		--element-name ProxyLDAPWorkFlowElement1 \  
    		--hostname host01.example.com \  
    		--port 3444 \  
    		--trustAll \  
    		--bindDN cn=Directory\ Manager \  
    		--bindPasswordFile pwd.txt \  
  3. Create an LDAP Server Extension (LDAPServerExtension2) that points to oud2.

    ./dsconfig create-extension \
    		--set enabled:true \ 
    		--set remote-ldap-server-address:host01.example.com \  
    		--set remote-ldap-server-port:2389 \
    		--type ldap-server \ 
    		--extension-name LDAPServerExtension2 \  
    		--hostname host01.example.com \  
    		--port 3444 \  
    		--trustAll \  
    		--bindDN cn=Directory\ Manager \  
    		--bindPasswordFile pwd.txt \  
  4. Create an LDAP Proxy workflow element (ProxyLDAPWorkFlowElement2) that points to oud2.

    ./dsconfig create-workflow-element \  
    		--set client-cred-mode:use-client-identity \  
    		--set enabled:true \
                    --set remote-ldap-server-bind-dn:"cn=directory manager" \
                    --remote-ldap-server-bind-password:file://pwd-file \ 
    		--set ldap-server-extension:LDAPServerExtension2 \
                    --set remote-root-dn:"cn=directory manager"
                    --set remote-root-password:********  
    		--type proxy-ldap \  
    		--element-name ProxyLDAPWorkFlowElement2 \  
    		--hostname host01.example.com \  
    		--port 3444 \  
    		--trustAll \  
    		--bindDN cn=Directory\ Manager \  
    		--bindPasswordFile pwd.txt \  
  5. Run the dsconfig command to view the server extensions.

    ./dsconfig -h host01.example.com -p 3444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" --bindPasswordFile pwd.txt -X -n list-extensions
  6. Run the dsconfig command to view the proxy LDAP workflow elements.

    ./dsconfig -h host01.example.com -p 3444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" --bindPasswordFile pwd.txt -X -n list-workflow-elements

25.6.4 Creating Union Workflow Element

You can create a Union workflow using dsconfig command.

To create a new Union Workflow element, run the dsconfig command:
$ ./dsconfig create-workflow-element \
  --set base-dn:o=company1 \
  --set enabled:true
  --type union \
  --element-name union-we \
  --set enabled:true 
	--hostname host01.example.com \
	--port 3444 
	--bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" \
	--bindPasswordFile pwd.txt \ 

You can also edit the properties for the Union workflow element using the dsconfig command-line interactive mode.

See the following example to edit propertied using the dsconfig command in interactive mode.

Oracle Unified Directory Configuration Console Main Menu
What do you want to configure?

    1)  General Configuration                         7)   Virtualization
    2)  Authentication and authorization              8)   Load Balancing
    3)  Schema                                        9)   Distribution    
    4)  Replication                                   10)  Integration
    5)  Local Data Source                             11)  HTTP
    6)  Remote Data Source             
    q)  quit
Enter choice: 9

Distribution Management Menu

What would you like to do?

    1)  Distribution Workflow     3)  Global Index Catalogs Shared Cache
        Element                       Extension  
    2)  Global Index Catalogs     4)  Union Workflow Element        
    b)  back
    q)  quit
Enter choice [b]: 4

Union Workflow Element management menu

What would you like to do?

    1)  List existing Union Workflow Elements     
    2)  Create a new Union Workflow Element
    3)  View and edit an existing Union Workflow Element     
    4)  Delete an existing Union Workflow Element        
    5)  >>>> Union Partition management menu                     
    b)  back
    q)  quit

Enter choice [b]: 3

>>>> There is only one Union Workflow Element: "union-we". Are you sure that
this is the correct one? (yes / no) [yes]:

>>>> Configure the properties of the Union Workflow Element

         Property                          Value(s)
    1)   auto-tune-search-option           false
    2)   base-dn                           "dc=example,dc=com"
    3)   bind-option                       bind-first-success
    4)   cache-size                        10000
    5)   enabled                           true
    6)   search-first-match                true
    7)   suppress-entry-duplicates         false

    ?)   help
    f)   finish - apply any changes to the Union Workflow Element
    q)   quit
Enter choice [f]: ?

Component name: Union Workflow Element

The Union workflow element is used to aggregate several DITs into 
a virtual unified DIT.

Option Types:
 r -- Property value(s) are readable
 w -- Property value(s) are writable
 m -- The property is mandatory
 s -- The property is single-valued
 a -- Administrative action is required for changes to take effect

Property                      Options  Syntax
auto-tune-search-option       rw-s-    BOOLEAN
base-dn                       r-ms-    DN
bind-option                   rw-s-    OPTION
cache-size                    rw-s-    INTEGER 
enabled                       rwms-    BOOLEAN
search-first-match            rw-s-    BOOLEAN
suppress-entry-duplicates     rw-s-    BOOLEAN

For more information on the configuration properties of the Union workflow element, see Configuration Parameters for Union Workflow Element.

25.6.5 Configuring Union Workflow Element

You can configure the Union workflow element using dsconfig command.

  1. Create a workflow. This workflow associates the Union workflow element with the base DN.

    ./dsconfig create-workflow \
              --set base-dn:o=company1 \
              --set enabled:true
              --set workflow-element:union-we          
              --type generic \
              --workflow-name distrib-workflow \
              --hostname host01.example.com \
              --port 3444 \
              --portProtocol LDAP \
              --trustAll \
              --bindDN cn=Directory\ Manager \
              --bindPasswordFile pwd.txt \
  2. Attach the Union workflow (distrib-workflow) to the network group.

    ./dsconfig set-network-group-prop \
              --group-name network-group \
              --set workflow:distrib-workflow \
              --hostname host01.example.com \
              --port 3444 \
              --portProtocol LDAP \
              --trustAll \
              --bindDN cn=Directory\ Manager \
              --bindPasswordFile pwd.txt \

25.6.6 Configuring Union Partition

You can create a Union workflow element using dsconfig command.

To create a new Union Partition, run the dsconfig create-workflow-element --type generic command:
  1. Create the Union Partition for oud1:

    ./dsconfig create-union-partition  \
              --element-name union-we \
              --set workflow-element:ProxyLDAPWorkFlowElement1
              --type generic \
              --partition-name union-part1\
              --set priority:1
              --set source-base-dn:ou=people,ou=apac,o=comapny1 \   
              --set relative-base-dn:ou=people \ 
              --hostname host01.example.com \
              --port 3444 \
              --portProtocol LDAP \
              --trustAll \
              --bindDN cn=Directory\ Manager \
              --bindPasswordFile pwd.txt \

    For more information on the configuration properties of the Union workflow element, see Configuration Parameters for Union Partition.

  2. Create the Union Partition for oud2:

    ./dsconfig create-union-partition  \
              --element-name union-we \
              --set workflow-element:ProxyLDAPWorkFlowElement2
              --type generic \
              --partition-name union-part2\
              --set priority:2
              --set source-base-dn:ou=people,ou=apac,o=company2 \    
              --set relative-base-dn:ou=people \    
              --hostname host01.example.com \
              --port 3444 \
              --portProtocol LDAP \
              --trustAll \
              --bindDN cn=Directory\ Manager \
              --bindPasswordFile pwd.txt \

    For more information on the configuration properties of the Union workflow element, see Configuration Parameters for Union Partition.

25.6.7 Validating Union Workflow Element Configuration

Learn to validate the Union workflow element configuration.

  1. Enter the following data for the union-part1 union partition:

    dn: o=company1
    objectclass: top
    objectclass: organization
    o: company1
    dn: ou=apac,o=company1
    objectclass: top
    objectclass: organizationalunit
    ou: apac
    dn: ou=people,ou=apac,o=company1
    objectclass: top
    objectclass: organizationalunit
    ou: people
    dn: uid=user.10,ou=people,ou=apac,o=company1
    objectclass: top
    objectclass: inetOrgPerson
    cn: 10
    sn: snof10
    uid: user.10
    userPassword: 10
  2. Enter the following data for the union-part2 union partition:

    dn: o=company2
    objectclass: top
    objectclass: organization
    o: company2
    dn: ou=apac,o=company2
    objectclass: top
    objectclass: organizationalunit
    ou: apac
    dn: ou=people,ou=apac,o=company2
    objectclass: top
    objectclass: organizationalunit
    ou: people
    dn: uid=user.20,ou=people,ou=apac,o=company2
    objectclass: top
    objectclass: inetOrgPerson
    cn: 20
    sn: snof20
    uid: user.20
    userPassword: 20
  3. Run the ldapsearch for the oud-proxy setup to return all the entries from the partitions:

    ./ldapsearch -h localhost -p 3444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd.txt -b "o=company1" -s sub "(objectclass=*)"

    In response you will get unified data from different partitions. However, the data is present under different base DNs in the partitions.

    For the Union workflow element (union-we), if you have set the auto-tune-search-option and search-first-match properties to true then the ldapsearch will fetch users from both the partitions (union-part1 and union-part2).