4 Debugging in Coherence

An important part of Coherence application development is debugging, troubleshooting, tracing, and logging.

This chapter includes the following sections:

Overview of Debugging in Coherence

Coherence applications are typically developed on a single computer. A cache server and application are started within an IDE and the application is debugged as required.This type of development environment is easy to setup, performs well, and is easy to debug. A majority of applications can be created and tested this way. See Enabling Single-Server Mode.

Ideally, most errors can be detected during development using logging, enabling JVM debug options, and capturing thread and heap dumps as required. Moreover, IDEs and profiling tools, such as Oracle's VisualVM and JConsole, provide features for diagnosing problems. However, Coherence applications must eventually be tested in a more distributed environment. Debugging and troubleshooting in the testing environment is more difficult since data and processes are fully distributed across the cluster and because the network affects the application. Remote debugging with Java Debug Wire Protocol (JDWP) together with Coherence's JMX management and reporting capabilities facilitate debugging and troubleshooting in a distributed environment.

Using Oracle Support

My Oracle Support can help debug issues. When sending support an issue, always include the following items in a compressed file:

  • application code

  • configuration files

  • log files for all cluster members

  • Thread and heap dumps are required under certain circumstances. Thread dumps should be sent if the application is running slow and/or appears to be hung. Heap dumps should be sent if the application runs out of memory or is consuming more memory than expected.

Configuring Logging

Coherence has its own logging framework and also supports the use of Log4j2, Log4j, Slf4j, and Java logging to provide a common logging environment for an application.Logging in Coherence occurs on a dedicated and low-priority thread to reduce the impact of logging on the critical portions of the system. Logging is pre-configured and the default settings should be changed as required.

This section includes the following topics:

Changing the Log Level

The logger's log level determines which log messages are emitted. The default log level emits error, warning, informational, and some debug messages. During development, the log level should be raised to its maximum setting to ensure all debug messages are logged. The following log levels are available:

  • 0 – This level includes messages that are not associated with a logging level.

  • 1 – This level includes the previous level's messages plus error messages.

  • 2 – This level includes the previous levels' messages plus warning messages.

  • 3 – This level includes the previous levels' messages plus informational messages.

  • 4-9 – These levels include the previous levels' messages plus internal debugging messages. More log messages are emitted as the log level is increased. The default log level is 5.

  • -1 – No log messages are emitted.

To change the log level, edit the operational override file and add a <severity-level> element, within the <logging-config> element, that includes the level number. For example:

   <severity-level system-property="coherence.log.level">9

The coherence.log.level system property is used to specify the log level instead of using the operational override file. For example:


Changing the Log Destination

The logger can be configured to emit log messages to several destinations. For standard output to the console, both stdout and stderr (the default) can be used. The logger can also emit messages to a specified file.

Coherence also supports the use of JDK, Log4j2, Log4j, and SLF4J to allow an application and Coherence to share a common logging framework. See Using JDK Logging for Coherence Logs, Using Log4J 2 Logging for Coherence Logs, Using Log4J Logging for Coherence Logs, and Using SLF4J for Coherence Logs, respectively.

To change the log destination, edit the operational override file and add a <destination> element, within the <logging-config> element, that includes the destination. For example:

   <destination system-property="coherence.log">stdout</destination>

The coherence.log system property is used to specify the log destination instead of using the operational override file. For example:


Sending Log Messages to a File

The logger can be configured to emit log messages to a file by providing a path and file name in the <destination> element. The specified path must already exist. Make sure the specified directory can be accessed and has write permissions. Output is appended to the file and there is no size limit. Process cannot share a log file and the log file is replaced when a process is restarted. Sending log messages to a file is typically used during development and testing and is useful if the log messages need to be sent to Oracle support.

The following example demonstrates specifying a log file named coherence.log that is written to the /tmp directory:

   <destination system-property="coherence.log">/tmp/coherence.log

Changing the Log Message Format

The default format of log messages can be changed depending on the amount of detail that is required. A log message can include static text as well as any of the following parameters that are replaced at run time.


Changing the log message format must be done with caution as critical information (such as member or thread) can be lost which makes issues harder to debug.

Parameter Description


This parameter shows the date/time (to a millisecond) when the message was logged.


This parameter shows the amount of time that the cluster members has been operational.


This parameter shows the product name and license type.


This parameter shows Coherence version and build details.


This parameter shows the logging severity level of the message.


This parameter shows the thread name that logged the message.


This parameter shows the cluster member id (if the cluster is currently running).


This parameter shows the fully cluster member identification: cluster-name, site-name, rack-name, machine-name, process-name and member-name (if the cluster is currently running).


This parameter shows the specified role of the cluster member.


This parameter shows the text of the message.


This parameter shows the Execution Context ID (ECID). The ECID is a globally unique ID that is attached to requests between Oracle components. The ECID is an Oracle-specific diagnostic feature and is used to correlate log messages across log files from Oracle components and products and is also used to track log messages pertaining to the same request within a single component when multiple requests are processed in parallel. Coherence clients that want to include the ECID in their logs must have an activated Dynamic Monitoring Service (DMS) execution context when invoking Coherence.

Note: If JDK logging is used with an Oracle Diagnostic Logging (ODL) handler, then the {ecid} parameter does not apply because the ECID automatically becomes part of the ODL record form.

To change the log message format, edit the operational override file and add a <message-format> element, within the <logging-config> element, that includes the format. For example:

   <message-format>[{date}] &lt;{level}&gt; (thread={thread})  -->{text}

Setting the Logging Character Limit

The logging character limit specifies the maximum number of characters that the logger daemon processes from the message queue before discarding all remaining messages in the queue. The messages that are discarded are summarized by the logging system with a single log entry that details the number of messages that were discarded and their total size. For example:

Asynchronous logging character limit exceeded; discarding 5 log messages (lines=14, chars=968)

The truncation is only temporary; when the queue is processed (emptied), the logger is reset so that subsequent messages are logged.


The message that caused the total number of characters to exceed the maximum is never truncated.

The character limit is used to avoid situations where logging prevents recovery from a failing condition. For example, logging can increase already tight timings, which causes additional failures, which produces more logging. This cycle may continue until recovery is not possible. A limit on logging prevents the cycle from occurring.

To set the log character limit, edit the operational override file and add a <character-limit> element, within the <logging-config> element. The character limit is entered as 0 (Integer.MAX_VALUE) or a positive integer. For example:

   <character-limit system-property="coherence.log.limit">12288

The coherence.log.limit system property is used to specify the log character limit instead of using the operational override file. For example:


Using JDK Logging for Coherence Logs

Applications that use the JDK logging framework can configure Coherence to use JDK logging as well. Detailed information about JDK logging is beyond the scope of this documentation. For details on JDK logging, see http://download.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/logging/overview.html.

To use JDK logging for Coherence logs:

  1. Create a logging.properties file. The following example configures the JDK logger to emit messages to both the console and to a file. Output to the console and file is configured to use the FINEST log level. For the file handler pattern, the specified path must already exist. Also, ensure that the specified directory can be accessed and has write permissions.
    handlers=java.util.logging.FileHandler, java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler


    • In the above example, Coherence is used as the logger object name and is the default name that is used by the Coherence logging framework. A different name can be used by specifying the name within the <logger-name> element in the operational override file or by specifying the name as the value of the coherence.log.logger system property.

    • Set the JDK logging level to FINEST and allow the Coherence logging settings to determine which log messages to construct for JDK logging.

  2. Configure Coherence to use JDK logging by specifying jdk as the value of the <destination> element in an operational override file. For example:
       <destination system-property="coherence.log">jdk</destination>
  3. Make sure the logging.properties file is specified using the java.util.logging.config.file system property. For example:

Mapping JDK Log Levels with Coherence Log Levels

Table 4-1 provides a mapping of how JDK log levels are mapped to Coherence log levels.

Table 4-1 Mapping JDK Log Levels

JDK Log Level Coherence Log Level

























Using Log4J 2 Logging for Coherence Logs

Applications that use the Log4j 2 logging framework can configure Coherence to use Log4j 2 logging as well. Detailed information about Log4j 2 logging is beyond the scope of this documentation. For details on Log4j 2 logging, see http://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/manual/index.html.

To use Log4j logging for Coherence logs:

  1. Create a log4j2.properties file. The following example configures the Log4j 2 logger to emit messages to both the console and to a file. Output to the console and file are configured to use the FATAL log level. For the file appender, make sure the specified directory can be accessed and has write permissions.
    name = PropertiesConfig
    property.filename = /tmp/coherence.log
    appender.console.type = Console
    appender.console.name = STDOUT
    appender.console.layout.type = PatternLayout
    appender.console.layout.pattern = %m%n
    appender.file.type = File
    appender.file.name = LogFile
    appender.file.fileName = ${filename}
    appender.file.layout.type = PatternLayout
    appender.file.layout.pattern = %m%n
    loggers = file
    logger.file.name = Coherence
    logger.file.level = FATAL
    logger.file.appenderRefs = file
    logger.file.appenderRef.file.ref = LogFile


    • In the above example, Coherence is used as the logger object name and is the default name that is used by the Coherence logging framework. A different name can be used by specifying the name within the <logger-name> element in the operational override file or by specifying the name as the value of the coherence.log.logger system property.

    • Set the Log4j 2 logging level to FATAL and allow the Coherence logging settings to determine which log messages to construct for Log4j 2 logging.

  2. Configure Coherence to use log4j 2 logging by specifying log4j2 as the value of the <destination> element in an operational override file. For example:
       <destination system-property="coherence.log">log4j2</destination>
  3. Make sure the log4j-api.jar, log4j-core.jar, and log4j2.properties file are found on the classpath at run time.

Using Log4J Logging for Coherence Logs

Applications that use the Log4j logging framework can configure Coherence to use Log4j logging as well. Detailed information about Log4j logging is beyond the scope of this documentation. For details on Log4j logging, see http://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/manual.html.

To use Log4j logging for Coherence logs:

  1. Create a log4j.properties file. The following example configures the Log4j logger to emit messages to both the console and to a file. Output to the console and file are configured to use the FATAL log level. For the file appender, make sure the specified directory can be accessed and has write permissions.
    log4j.logger.Coherence=FATAL, stdout, file


    • In the above example, Coherence is used as the logger object name and is the default name that is used by the Coherence logging framework. A different name can be used by specifying the name within the <logger-name> element in the operational override file or by specifying the name as the value of the coherence.log.logger system property.

    • Set the Log4j logging level to FATAL and allow the Coherence logging settings to determine which log messages to construct for Log4j logging.

  2. Configure Coherence to use Log4j logging by specifying log4j as the value of the <destination> element in an operational override file. For example:
       <destination system-property="coherence.log">log4j</destination>
  3. Make sure both the log4j.jar file and the log4j.properties file are found on the classpath at run time.

Mapping Log4J Log Levels with Coherence Log Levels

Table 4-2 provides a mapping of how Log4j log levels are mapped to Coherence log levels.

Table 4-2 Mapping Log4J Log Levels

Log4J Log Level Coherence Log Level

























Using SLF4J for Coherence Logs

Applications that use SLF4J logging can configure Coherence to use SLF4J logging as well. Detailed information about SLF4J logging is beyond the scope of this documentation. For details on SLF4J logging, see http://www.slf4j.org/.

To use SLF4J logging:

  1. specify slf4j as the value of the <destination> element in an operational override file. For example:
       <destination system-property="coherence.log">slf4j</destination>
  2. Make sure both the slf4j-api.jar file and the appropriate logging framework SLF4J binding JAR is located on the classpath.

Performing Remote Debugging

Java Debug Wire Protocol (JDWP) provides the ability to debug a JVM remotely.Most IDE tools support JDWP and are used to connect to a remote JVM that has remote debugging enabled. See your IDE's documentation for instructions on how to connect to a remote JVM.

To enable remote debugging on a cache server, start the cache server with the following JVM options. Once the cache server has been started, use the IDE's debugger to connect to the JVM using the port specified (5005 in the example).


Remote debugging a Coherence application can be difficult when the application is no longer on a single node cluster because data is distributed across the members of the cluster. For example, when performing parallel grid operations, the operations are performed on the cluster members where the data is located. Since there are no guarantees on which members the data is located, it is best to constrain a test to use a singe cache server.

In addition, the guardian and packet timeout can make cluster debugging difficult. If the debugger pauses the packet publishing, cluster, and service threads, it will cause disruptions across the cluster. In such scenarios, disable the guardian and increase the packet timeout during the debugging session. See service-guardian.

Distributed Tracing

Coherence uses the OpenTracing API which allows developers to gain visibility into cache operations within the cluster.

Coherence does not include OpenTracing implementation libraries. Therefore, the developer will need to provide the desired OpenTracing runtime. See OpenTracing. To discover the runtime and OpenTracing implementations, Coherence uses OpenTracing’s TracerResolver. Currently, Jaeger is the only OpenTracing framework that provides an implementation of the TracerResolver. Other OpenTracing frameworks may be used, however, developers will need to implement a TracerFactory and provide it, along with the OpenTracing framework, to the Coherence runtime classpath.


Use the curl proxy option (-x option) to access the internet behind the proxy server, if required.

curl -x <proxy-host>:<proxy-port>

For example, if using Jaeger, it is possible to obtain the necessary dependencies with two (assuming curl and maven are available) simple commands:

# NOTE: Using version 1.0.0 as an example. Later versions would be acceptable.
curl https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/io/jaegertracing/jaeger-client/1.0.0/jaeger-client-1.0.0.pom
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
  <description>Jaeger Java bindings for OpenTracing API</description>
     <name>The Apache License, Version 2.0</name>
       <name>user name</name>
       <email>user email</email>

followed by:

mvn dependency:copy-dependencies

This command will copy all of the necessary dependencies to target/dependency. After the dependencies have been moved to an appropriate location, update the script that is used to start Coherence such that the new dependencies are included on the classpath and all environment variables to configure Jaeger have been specified.

This section includes the following topics:

Configuring Tracing

To configure tracing, edit the operational override tangosol-coherence-override.xml file and add a <tracing-config> element with a child <sampling-ratio> element.

For example:

  <sampling-ratio>0</sampling-ratio> <!-- user-initiated tracing -->

Tracing operates in three modes:

  • -1 - This value disables tracing.
  • 0 - This value enables user-initiated tracing. This means that Coherence will not initiate tracing on its own and the application should start an outer tracing span, from which Coherence will collect the inner tracing spans. If the outer tracing span is not started, the tracing activity will not be performed.
  • 0.01-1.0 - This range indicates the tracing span being collected. For example, a value of 1.0 will result in all spans being collected, while a value of 0.1 will result in roughly 1 out of every 10 spans being collected.

The coherence.tracing.ratio system property is used to specify the tracing sampling ratio instead of using the operational override file. For example:


Before starting the cluster, ensure the jaeger-tracerresolver is properly configured to connect to the Jaeger backend. See jaeger-tracerresolver for configuration details.

Externally Managed Tracer

It is possible to use a Tracer that has already been created with Coherence by simply ensuring that the Tracer is available via the GlobalTracer API included with the OpenTracing utils. When this is the case, Coherence will use the available Tracer, but will not attempt to close the tracer when the cluster member is terminated.

Traced Operations in Coherence

The following Coherence traced operations may be captured:
  • All operations exposed by the NamedCache API when using partitioned caches.
  • Events processed by event listeners (such as EventInterceptor or MapListener) .
  • Persistence operations.
  • CacheStore operations.

User-initiated Tracing

When the sampling ratio is set to zero, the application will be required to start a tracing span prior to invoking a Coherence operation.

For example:

    NamedCache cache = CacheFactory.getCache("some-cache"); 
    Tracer tracer    = GlobalTracer.get();
    Span span        = tracer.buildSpan("operation-name");
    try (Scope scope = tracer.activateSpan(span))


When user-initiated tracing is enabled, no tracing spans will be captured unless the application starts an active outer tracing span.

Troubleshooting Coherence-Based Applications

Troubleshooting Coherence-based applications is, for the most part, no different than troubleshooting other Java application.Most IDEs provide features that facilitate the process. In addition, many tools, such as: VisualVM, JConsole, and third-party tools provide easy ways to monitor and troubleshoot Java applications. See Prepare Java for Troubleshooting in Java Platform, Standard Edition Troubleshooting Guide.

Troubleshooting a Coherence application on a single server cluster is typically straight forward. Most Coherence development work is done in such an environment because it facilitates debugging. Troubleshooting an application that is deployed on a distributed cluster can become more challenging.

This section includes the following topics:

Using Coherence Logs

Log messages provide information that is used to monitor and troubleshoot Coherence. See Log Message Glossary in Administering Oracle Coherence. The glossary provides additional details as well as specific actions that can be taken when a message is encountered.

Configuring logging beyond the default out-of-box configuration is very important when developing and debugging an application. Specifically, use the highest log level (level 9 or ALL when using JDK or log4j logging) to ensure that all log messages are emitted. Also, consider using either JDK or log4j logging. Both of these frameworks support the use of rolling files and console output simultaneously. Lastly, consider placing all log files in a common directory. A common directory makes it easier to review the log files and package them for the Coherence support team. See Configuring Logging.

Using JMX Management and Coherence Reports

Coherence management is implemented using Java Management Extensions (JMX). Many MBeans are provided that detail the health and stability of Coherence. The MBeans provide valuable insight and should always be used when moving an application from a development environment to a fully distributed environment. MBeans are accessible using JConsole and VisualVM or any management tool that supports JMX. In addition, Coherence includes reports that gather information from the MBeans over time and provide a historical context that is not possible simply by monitoring the MBeans. The reports are most often used to identify trends that are valuable for troubleshooting. Management and reporting are not enabled by default and must be enabled. See Configuring JMX Management and Enabling Oracle Coherence Reporting on a Cluster Member in Managing Oracle Coherence.

Using JVM Options to Help Debug

Most JVMs include options that facilitate debugging and troubleshooting. These options should be used to get as much information as possible. Consult your JVM vendor's documentation for their available options. The JVM options discussed in this section are Java HotSpot specific. See the Java HotSpot VM Options Web page.

The following JVM options (standard and non standard) can help when debugging and troubleshooting applications:

  • -verbose:gc or -Xloggc:file – These options are used to enable additional logs for each garbage collection event. In a distributed system, a GC pause on a single JVM can affect the performance of many JVMs, so it is essential to monitor garbage collection very closely. The -Xloggc option is similar to verbose GC but includes timestamps.

  • -Xprof and -Xrunhprof – These options are used to view JVM profile data and are not intended for production systems.

  • -XX:-PrintGC, -XX:-PrintGCDetails, and -XX:-PrintGCTimeStamps – These options are also used print messages at garbage collection.

  • -XX:-HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError and -XX:HeapDumpPath=./java_pid<pid>.hprof – These options are used to initiate a heap dump when a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError is thrown.

  • -XX:ErrorFile=./hs_err_pid<pid>.log – This option saves error data to a file.

Using Distributed Tracing

Distributed tracing allows developers to profile and monitor applications. This is particularly useful in a clustered environment such as Coherence. See Distributed Tracing.

Capturing Thread Dumps

Thread dumps are used to see detailed thread information, such as thread state, for each thread in the JVM. A thread dump also includes information on each deadlocked thread (if applicable). Thread dumps are useful because of Coherence's multi-threaded and distributed architecture. Thread dumps are often used to troubleshoot an application that is operating slowly or is deadlocked. Make sure to always collect several dumps over a period of time since a thread dump is only snapshot in time. Always include a set of thread dumps when submitting a support issue.

Coherence provides a native logClusterState JMX operation that is located on the ClusterMBean MBean and a native logNodeState JMX operation that is located on the ClusterNodeMBean MBean. These operations initiate a thread dump (including outstanding polls) on multiple cluster members or on a single cluster member, respectively. See ClusterMBean and ClusterNodeMBean in Managing Oracle Coherence.

To perform a thread dump locally on Unix or Linux operating systems, press Ctrl+\ at the application console. To perform a thread dump on Windows, press Ctrl+Break (or Pause). Both methods include a heap summary with the thread dump.

Most IDEs provide a thread dump feature that can be used to capture thread dumps while working in the IDE. In addition, Unix and Linux operating systems can use the kill -3 pid to cause a remote thread dump in the IDE. On Windows, use a third party tool (such as SendSignal) to send a ctrl+break signal to a remote Java process and cause a dump in the IDE.

Profiling tools, such as Oracle's VisualVM (visualvm) and JConsole (jconsole) are able to perform thread dumps. These tools are very useful because they provide a single tool for troubleshooting and debugging and display many different types of information in addition to just thread details.

Lastly, the jstack tool can be used to capture a thread dump for any process. For example, use jps to find a Java process ID and then execute the following from the command line:

jstack <pid>

The jstack tool is unsupported and may or may not be available in future versions of the JDK.


By default, the thread dumps generated by Coherence, either through the ClusterMBean MBean or the service guardian, do not include lock and deadlock analysis. Thread lock and deadlock analysis may have a significant performance impact. To include the analysis for troubleshooting purposes, you can set the system property com.oracle.coherence.common.util.Threads.dumpLocks to true.

The following WLST script can be used to trigger cluster wide thread dumps when running Coherence in a WebLogic domain:

# connect to domain runtime mbean server
connect(adminUser, adminPasswd, "t3://%s:%s" % (adminHost, adminPort))

# obtain coherece cluster mbean
cohClusterON=ObjectName("Coherence:type=Cluster,cluster=%s" % cohClusterName)
cohClusterMBean=list(mbs.queryMBeans(cohClusterON, None))

# obtain all mbean of coherence nodes associated with this cluster
cohClusterNodes=list(mbs.queryMBeans(ObjectName("Coherence:type=Node,cluster=%s,*" % cohClusterName), None))

# take a thread dump on each coherence member
for node in cohClusterNodes:
  roleName=mbs.getAttribute(node.getObjectName(), "RoleName")
  mbs.invoke(cohClusterMBean[0].getObjectName(), 'logClusterState', [roleName], types)

Capturing Heap Dumps

Heap dumps are used to see detailed information for all the objects in a JVM heap. The information includes how many instance of an object are loaded and how much memory is allocated to the objects. Heap information is typically used to find parts of an application that may potentially be wasting resources and causing poor performance. In a fully distributed Coherence environment, heap dumps can be tricky because application processing is occurring across the cluster and problematic objects may not necessarily be local to a JVM. Make sure to always collect several dumps over a period of time since a heap dump is only a snapshot in time. Always include heap dumps when submitting a support issue.

The easiest way to capture a heap dump is to use a profiling tool. Oracle's VisualVM (visualvm) and JConsole (jconsole) provide heap dump features. In addition, most IDEs provide a heap dump feature that can be used to capture heap dumps while working in the IDE.

As an alternative, the jmap tool can be used to capture heap dumps, and the jhat tool can be used to view heap dumps. For example, use jps to find a Java process ID and then execute the following from the command line:

jmap -dump:format=b,file=/coherence.bin pid

To view the heap dump in a browser, execute the following from the command line and then browse to the returned address. The file can also be loaded into VisualVM for viewing.

jhat /coherence.bin

The jmap and jhat tools are unsupported and may or may not be available in future versions of the JDK.

Monitoring the Operating System

Always monitor a cluster member's operating system when troubleshooting and debugging Coherence-based applications. Poorly tuned operating systems can affect the overall performance of the cluster and may have adverse effects on an application. See Operating System Tuning in Administering Oracle Coherence.

In particular, the following areas are important to monitor:

  • CPU – Is the processor running at 100% for extended periods of time?

  • Memory/Swapping – Is the available RAM memory being exhausted and causing swap space to be used?

  • Network – Is buffer size, the datagram size, and the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) size affecting performance and success rates?

To monitor the overall health of the operating system, use tools such as vmstat and top for Unix/Linux; for Windows, use perfmon and tools available from Windows Sysinternals (for example procexp and procmon). See Performing a Network Performance Test in Administering Oracle Coherence.