4 Upgrading Oracle WebCenter Content

The process of upgrading Oracle WebCenter Content from a supported 11g or previous 12c environment to an Oracle WebCenter Content 12c ( environment includes some restrictions, prerequisites, and post upgrade tasks to be performed.


4.1 Understanding an Upgrade to Oracle WebCenter Content 12c

An upgrade of Oracle WebCenter Content domain to 12c can include WebCenter Content, WebCenter Enterprise Capture, WebCenter Content Imaging, and WebCenter Content Web UI.

What’s New in WebCenter Content 12c

WebCenter Content 12c now supports a single WebLogic Server domain for all WebCenter Content and Capture components. It does not, however, support a direct upgrade of the domain hosting the Oracle WebCenter Content - Web UI from Release 11g to 12c. You will need to decommission the existing 11g Web UI domain and then extend the target upgraded WebCenter Content 12c domain with the Web UI component.

4.2 WebCenter Content Domain Upgrade Restrictions

Certain components cannot be upgraded to 12c (

Oracle WebCenter Content users who are upgrading from 11g cannot upgrade to 12c ( Oracle Universal Records Management (URM) is enabled in the 11g domain. To upgrade, you must first reconfigure the domain to exclude URM. If you attempt an upgrade to 12c ( with URM enabled, the upgrade will fail.

4.3 Performing Pre-Upgrade Tasks for WebCenter Content

You may need perform additional Content-specific pre-upgrade tasks before you can upgrade WebCenter Content to 12c (

The following tasks must be completed before you can upgrade your existing Oracle WebCenter Content and Content server environment:


You must complete all of the required Oracle WebCenter pre-upgrade tasks before performing the WebCenter Content-specific tasks. See Performing the Oracle WebCenter Pre-Upgrade Tasks


4.3.1 Upgrading the Metadata Schema (_MDS) Before Upgrading WebCenter Content Web UI 11g Domain

If you are upgrading an Oracle WebCenter Content Web UI 11g domain to 12c (, then you must upgrade the _MDS schema before starting the domain upgrade.


This step is required ONLY if you are upgrading a WebCenter Content Web UI domain Release 11g to Release 12c.

If you are only upgrading a WebCenter Content server domain, see Upgrading an Oracle WebCenter Domain.

The 12c ( UI is not compatible with WebCenter Content 11g. You must use an Oracle WebCenter Content12c ( and Application Developer Framework (ADF) 12c ( container with Web UI 12c (

The MDS schema upgrade must be completed before upgrading WebCenter Content Web UI 11g because during the upgrade, the Upgrade Assistant will attempt to upgrade all schemas that are referenced from the domain. Because the MDS schema (which is not used by WebCenter Content proper) is only referenced in the 11g (decommissioned) domain, the upgrade process will not see it (nor upgrade it). By upgrading the MDS schema before starting the WebCenter Content domain upgrade, the Upgrade Assistant will upgrade that content as well.


After the _MDS schema is upgraded, proceed to the standard 12c upgrade process: Upgrading an Oracle WebCenter Domain. After the upgrade you may have to update the WccAdf.ear file as described in Updating the WccAdf.ear File (Optional) and extend the domain to include the Web UI as described in Configuring the Oracle WebCenter Content Server Domain to Include WebCenter Content - Web UI

Change directory to NEW_ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/upgrade/bin on UNIX operating systems or NEW_ORACLE_HOME\oracle_common\upgrade\bin on Windows operating systems.

Enter the following command to start the Upgrade Assistant.

  • (UNIX) ./ua

  • (Windows) ua.bat

To upgrade the MDS schema, perform the following steps:

  1. Start the Upgrade Assistant and select Individually Selected Schemas.
  2. Provide the database credentials and the 11g schema owner name and password.
  3. Choose Oracle Metadata Services from the component list.
  4. During the Examine phase, make sure that the correct source version is being upgraded. If the correct source version is displayed, continue with the upgrade.

4.4 Performing Pre-Upgrade Tasks for Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture

You must perform pre-upgrade tasks in order to upgrade WebCenter Enterprise Capture.

Before upgrading Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture, review the following and complete all applicable tasks.

Once you have completed the Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture pre-upgrade tasks, go to section Upgrading an Oracle WebCenter Domain.

  • Upgrade only standard (non Fusion Application) environments already running Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture.

  • Upgrade all Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture systems within a clustered environment simultaneously.You can upgrade independent Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture systems separately.

  • Identify a time to perform the updates that will not interfere with operations.

    The services will be unavailable while the update is being performed.

  • Stop the Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture server before upgrading.


4.4.1 Verify the Batch Processing has Completed and Capture JMS Queues are Empty

Verify all batch processing completes and ensure that the Capture JMS queues are empty.

  1. Open the Administration Console for this domain.



    <AdminServerName> = is the name or IP address of the administration server associated with the Capture domain

    7001 = the communication port associated with the administration server

  2. In the "Domain Structure" navigation panel on the left, expand "Services".
  3. Expand the "Messaging" node.
  4. Select the "JMS Servers" item in the tree list.
  5. Select the "capture-jms-server" item in the "JMS Servers" list in the main panel.
  6. Select the "Monitoring" tab.
  7. Select the "Monitoring" sub-tab.
  8. Verify that the "Messages Current" and "Messages Pending" values in the table are both "0".

    If either of these values is greater than zero, indicating pending jobs, wait until all jobs have been processed and these counters show "0" before proceeding.

4.5 Performing an Upgrade of Oracle WebCenter Content Imaging

It is not recommended to upgrade WebCenter Content Imaging for 11g users.


Oracle recommends that Oracle WebCenter Content Imaging 11g users should not upgrade to this release of Imaging. The full functionality of Imaging will not be available until a future release.

The WebCenter Content Imaging feature set is being merged from an independent component into the primary WebCenter Content server. This is part of an effort to simplify and consolidate the WebCenter product footprint. Users have the option to continue to run the 11g Imaging component independently while upgrading their other WebCenter and SOA components to 12c.


An in depth explanation of the these changes is provided in the My Oracle Support document WebCenter Imaging & Enterprise Capture 12c Upgrade Guidance To Customers (Doc ID 2064485.1).

Users who want to transition to 12c now, while maintaining their 11g Imaging environment, will upgrade their core 12c domain and reconstruct a new 11g domain to host the Imaging components. That process is outlined below.

  1. Create a complete backup copy of your existing 11g environment.
  2. Create a new, reconstructed 11g Imaging (IPM) instance in a new Oracle Home. Install only Imaging (IPM) into this new home (C).

    For more information about installing WebCenter Content Imaging, see 11g WebCenter Content Imaging installation documentation.

    This new instance is created from the original 11g product distribution and should be patched equivalently to the existing instance (A). The Opatch inventory command can provide a list of existing patches applied to the system.

    Operation of this new, reconstructed domain (C) can be confirmed by connecting it to the existing Imaging and Process Management (IPM) database (C) and the 11g Universal Content Manager (UCM) and 11g SOA managed servers (A).

  3. Upgrade in-place the original IPM, UCM, and SOA 11g domain (B) to create the new upgraded 12c domain (D). See Upgrading an Oracle WebCenter Domain.

    Imaging Process Management is deprecated in 12.2.1, so IPM configurations will be removed as part of the 12c domain upgrade and reconfiguration process (D). You may need to manually remove IPM/Viewer JMS servers and the original IPM server.

    See Performing Post Upgrade Tasks for WebCenter Content

  4. The existing IPM database will not be affected by the upgrade, so the connection will still be in place (D). Connect the reconstructed 11g Imaging domain (C) to the new 12c managed servers (E).

4.6 Performing an Upgrade of Oracle WebCenter Content

WebCenter Content can be upgraded after performing the required pre-configuration tasks.

Once all of the pre-upgrade configuration tasks are complete, you can upgrade the WebCenter Content domain using the standard Fusion Middleware procedures described in Upgrading an Oracle WebCenter Domain.

After the upgrade you will need to perform additional post-upgrade configuration tasks as described in Performing Post Upgrade Tasks for WebCenter Content

4.7 Performing Post Upgrade Tasks for WebCenter Content

There are a few post upgrade tasks to be performed in order to successfully complete the WebCenter Content.

Complete these tasks after you have upgraded Oracle WebCenter Content.


These post-upgrade tasks should be done in addition to the general WebCenter post-upgrade tasks in Performing Post-Upgrade Configuration Tasks.


4.7.1 Configuring the Oracle WebCenter Content Server Domain to Include WebCenter Content - Web UI

Extending the upgraded WebCenter Content Server domain to include the WebCenter Content Web UI components follows the standard WebLogic Server configuration procedures.

See Extending WebLogic Domains for detailed information about extending the domain with the Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard.

To launch the Configuration Wizard:

On UNIX Operating Systems:

cd /12c_Oracle_Home/oracle_common/common/bin


On Windows Operating Systems:

cd \12c_Oracle_Home\oracle_common\common\bin

When prompted, select the WebCenter Content - Web UI - template.

4.7.2 Configuring E-Business Suite AXF Schema After an Upgrade

After the upgrade you will need to run a script to update the endpoint configuration of the AXF schema.

After the upgrade, Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) users can run the following script to update the Endpoint in the E-Business Suite Application Extension Framework (AXF) schema.
  1. Navigate to the Universal Content Management (Oracle UCM) 12c ( installation directory:
    cd /12cOracle_HOME/wccontent/ucm/Distribution/EBSIntegration/R12
  2. Copy the following files to the /bin directory of the database hosting the EBS AXF schema
    EbsUpdateScript.sh and EbsUpdateTables.sql
  3. Run the script from the /bin directory and when prompted provide the following information:
    "Enter AXF User name on EBS Schema "
    "Enter AXF Password on EBS Schema "
    "Enter HostName where UCM is running "
    "Enter Port where UCM is running "
Once you have provided this information, the EBS AXF schema will be updated.

4.7.3 Removing IPM/Viewer JMS Servers for Oracle WebCenter Content: Imaging

After the domain reconfiguration is complete, you may still have old servers displayed in your console. These JMS servers must be manually deleted after an upgrade.

To remove the IPM/Viewer JMS Servers:

  1. Sign in to the console of the newly upgraded Administration Server:


  2. From the console's navigation panel, click Messaging and select JMS Servers.
  3. Select all JMS servers starting with IpmJmsServer and ViewerJmsServer and click Delete.

4.7.4 Removing the IPM Server for Oracle WebCenter Content: Imaging

After the domain reconfiguration is complete, you may still have old IPM servers displayed in your console. These servers must be manually deleted after an upgrade.

To remove the IPM Server:

  1. Sign in to the console of the newly upgraded Administration Server:


  2. From the console's navigation panel, click Environment and select Servers.
  3. Select the IPM server(s) (IPM_server1) and click Delete.

4.7.5 Updating the WccAdf.ear File (Optional)

After the domain has been upgraded, you can manually modify the wccadf.ear file with the correct MDS partition details (those provided during the 11g installation.)

To update the wccadf.ear file, navigate to the following 11g directory and launch WLST in OFFLINE mode:

cd /<11g_MW_HOME>/oracle_common/common/bin/wlst.sh

wls:/offline> archive = getMDSArchiveConfig ('/ <12.2.1 wccadf.ear location>')

wls:/offline> archive.setAppMetadataRepository(repository='mds-<mds_repo_name>', partition='<11g_partition_name>', type='DB', jndi='jdbc/mds/<mds_repo_name>')

wls:/offline> archive.save()

For example:

archive = getMDSArchiveConfig('/12.2.1_Oracle_Home/wccontent/wccadf/WccAdf.ear')
archive.setAppMetadataRepository(repository='mds-WCCUIMDSREPO', partition='', type='DB', jndi='jdbc/mds/WCCUIMDSREPO')

4.7.6 Migrating Custom Skins for WebCenter Content Web UI

If you applied a custom skin to the WebCenter Content - Web UI in 11g, then you will need to migrate to the new 12c deployment, the custom skins JAR file after the upgrade.

  1. Uninstall the Oracle WebCenter Content -Web UI application from the 12.2.1 deployment. Use the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) in -deinstall mode.
  2. Delete the 12.2.1 oracle.wcc.adf.skin.custom library.
  3. Deploy the 11g custom skin JAR file, oracle.wcc.adf.skin.custom (11.1,, to the 12.2.1 environment.
  4. Reinstall the Oracle WebCenter Content - Web UI 12c application to pick up the new custom skin JAR file contents.

4.7.7 Upgrading Oracle Application Adapters for Oracle WebCenter Content

The Oracle WebCenter Content application adapters as described in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering the Application Adapters for Oracle WebCenter contain manual steps for installing the adapters to their respective ERP system (EBS and PeopleSoft). In order to upgrade to from any previous release, these adapters must be reinstalled.

To reinstall the EBS adapter:

  1. Follow the instructions in Compiling Oracle E-Business Suite Forms in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering the Application Adapters for Oracle WebCenter to upgrade the AXF_CUSTOM.PLL module.
  2. If you are configured for SSL, follow the instructions in Configuring the Integration for SSL in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering the Application Adapters for Oracle WebCenter.

To reimport the PeopleSoft project, follow the instructions (steps 1-6) in Importing the Oracle PeopleSoft Project in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering the Application Adapters for Oracle WebCenter.

4.7.8 Configuring the Report Library for Records Management in Content Server

If you plan to configure the Records Management feature in Content Server, you need to configure the report library for Records Management after creating the domain that includes the WebCenter Content Managed Server, before starting it for the first time. Without this library, you cannot check in any templates to Content Server.

For more information on configuring the report library for Records Management, see Configuring the Report Library for Records Management in Content Server in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installing and Configuring Oracle WebCenter Content.

4.7.9 Using Fusion Middleware Control to Monitor IBR

If Inbound Refinery (IBR) is used, then the domain must be expanded to use the Oracle Enterprise Manager Plug-in for IBR template with Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control to monitor IBR.


Inbound Refinery (IBR) 11g cannot be upgraded to 12c. You must install a new IBR to be used with your 12c environment.

The steps below describe how to expand the domain to include the Oracle Enterprise Manager Plug-in for IBR template.

  1. Navigate to ECM_Home/common/bin/
  2. Execute config.sh
  3. Select Extend an existing Weblogic domain
  4. Select the domain to be extended.
  5. In the next screen, select Oracle Enterprise Manager Plugin for IBR
  6. Click Extend to extend the domain with the IBR template.

4.7.10 Starting Oracle WebCenter Content Server with SOA or BAM

When WebCenter Content is integrated with Oracle SOA or Oracle Business Activity Monitoring (BAM), you must start SOA and BAM before starting Oracle WebCenter Content or Oracle Inbound Refinery (IBR).

For more information on launching WebCenter Content server from Fusion Middleware Control, see Getting Started with Administering Oracle WebCenter Content in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle WebCenter Content

If you attempt to start the WebCenter Content server or IBR before starting Oracle SOA or BAM servers, then you may see the following error:

WSM-02120 : Unable to connect to the policy access service.