17 Processing Reservations and Chargebacks

This chapter discusses the processing of charges and invoicing as well as the reservation process for Physical Content Management. Not all tasks discussed here can be performed by all users. Access to functionality depends on assigned rights and roles.

Chargebacks are fees charged to people or businesses for the use of storage facilities or actions performed on physical items in the storage facilities. They can also be used to provide an explanation for storage actions. Reservations are used to manage physical items which can be checked out to users, reserved for later use, or requested.

This chapter covers the following topics:

17.1 Managing Chargebacks

Invoices can be generated for the storage, use, reservation, and destruction of the managed content. The invoices can then be sent to internal or external customers in accordance with applicable business procedures.

The administrator sets up charge types (billable events), payment types (methods of payment), and customers (users or organizations who will be billed). After being set, each billable action (creation, reservation, storage, destruction) can be charged to a particular customer by creating invoices containing one or more transactions on physical items occurring for these customers. Automatic transactions are those in which the charges are calculated at transaction time.

A charge type is a defined transaction triggered by certain criteria. For example, the creation of a physical item of object type Box and media type Box may cost $5 per occurrence, while reservation of an item with priority ASAP Rush may cost $20.

Whenever someone performs an action meeting the criteria of a charge type, a billable transaction is recorded for the associated user or organization (customer). The system uses the most specific charge type. If charge type A has two criteria and charge type B has the same two criteria plus another one, charge type B is recorded for a transaction meeting all three criteria of charge type B even though it also meets the two criteria of charge type A.

An amount of money is associated with each charge type that can be per item or for a specific period.For example, you could charge a fee every time a physical item is created (or reserved or destroyed), or charge a monthly fee to store a physical item.

A payment type specifies how internal or external customers pay for services. Pre-defined payment types include credit card or check. Custom payment types can also be created.

Customers are internal or external users or organizations who are charged for the services rendered on physical items. They will receive the invoices generated by Physical Content Management (in accordance with the applicable business procedures) and make the payments for the chargebacks.

After the charge types, payment types, and customers are defined, they can be used to create invoices to submit to the customers for each billable event. Invoices can be run on an as-needed basis or they can be scheduled automatically in accordance with defined criteria.

This section discusses the following topics:

17.1.1 Understanding the Chargeback Process

A site's specific reservation process may differ from the one described here, depending on the procedures in place.

The typical fulfillment process of a chargeback is as follows:

  1. A user performs a billable action (for example, creates, reserves, or stores a physical item in storage).

    If automatic transactions are enable, when the user performs one of these actions on the physical item, those items are matched against all defined charge types. Each action on each item is matched against current transactions. If there is no match to a transaction, the action will not be recorded for chargeback.

  2. The transaction is recorded in the system. The administrator should make sure there are transactions in place to cover as many variations as possible regarding actions on physical items. In this way chargeback can be made more automatic and require less individual attention for each request made for a physical item.

  3. The administrator generates an invoice, either automatically through using scheduled invoices or manually by generating individual invoices.

  4. The invoice is sent to the customer according to business procedures. The Physical Content Management functionality does not email invoices or otherwise deliver them.

  5. The bill is paid or otherwise considered paid according to company procedures.

  6. After the bill is paid, the administrator marks the invoice as paid within the Physical Content Management feature.

17.1.2 Configuring Chargeback Processing

Administrators set up charge types, payment types, and customers.


The PCM.Admin.Manager right is required to perform this action. This right is assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role. In addition, the chargeback feature has its own set of rights that define what users can do in this area.

The default Physical Content Management functionality comes with the following predefined charge actions:

  • Creation: A user is billed if a physical item is created.

  • Destruction: A user is billed if a physical item is destroyed.

  • Reservation: A user is billed if a reservation request is made for a physical item.

  • Storage: A user is billed if a physical item is stored.

The default Physical Content Management functionality comes with the following predefined payment types:

  • Credit Card: To charge a customer paying with a credit card.

  • Check: To charge a customer paying by check.

This section discusses the following topics: Creating or Editing a Charge Type


The PCM.Admin.Manager right and the CBC.ChargeBacks.Create right are needed to perform this action. These rights are assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role.

The most specific charge type is always used. For example, if charge type A has two criteria and charge type B has the same two criteria plus another one, charge type B is recorded for a transaction meeting all three criteria of charge type B (even though it also meets the two criteria of charge type A).

To create a new charge type to be used for chargebacks:

  1. Choose Physical then Configure. Choose Charges then Type.
  2. On the Configure Charge Type page, click Add.
  3. On the Create or Edit Charge Type page, specify the properties of the charge type.
    • Charge Type ID: Unique identifier for the charge type. Maximum: 30 characters. This field is view-only on the Edit Charge Type page.

    • Description: Description of the charge type. Maximum: 60 characters.

    • Actions: Type of action associated with the charge type. Options include Creation, Destruction, Reservation, or Storage.

    • Charge Amount: Amount charged for the transaction in dollars and cents and frequency of the charge (per item or per period).

    • Frequency: If Action is set to Storage, this is the frequency of the storage period.

    • Object Types: Object type that triggers the charge type. Click Browse to view and select an object type from a list.

    • Media Types: Media type that triggers the charge type. Click Browse to view and select a media type from a list.

    • Transfer Method and Priorities: When Action is set to Reservation, this is the transfer method of reservation that triggers the charge type.

    The new charge type is now added to the top of the list on the Configure Charge Type page.


The PCM.Admin.Manager right and the CBC.ChargeBacks.Edit rights are needed to perform this action. These rights are assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role.

To modify a page, select the item to edit in the list of items and choose Edit Charge Type from the item's Actions menu. Modify the properties as required and click OK when finished. Viewing a Charge Type


The PCM.Admin.Manager right and the CBC.ChargeBacks.Read right are needed to perform this action. These rights are assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role.

To view the properties of a charge type:

  1. Choose Physical then Configure. Choose Charges then Type.
  2. In the list of charge types on the Configure Charge Type page, select the item and click the item's Info icon. The Payment Type Information page opens listing all properties of the charge type. Deleting a Charge Type


The PCM.Admin.Manager right and the CBC.ChargeBacks.Delete right are needed to perform this action. These rights are assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role.

To delete a charge type:

  1. Choose Physical then Configure. Choose Charges then Type.
  2. In the list of charge types on the Configure Charge Type page, select the item to edit, and choose Delete Charge Type in the item's Actions menu or select an item's check box and choose Delete in the Table menu. Creating or Editing a Payment Type


The PCM.Admin.Manager right and the CBC.ChargeBacks.Create right are needed to perform this action. These rights are assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role.

To create a new payment type to be used for chargebacks:

  1. Choose Physical then Configure. Choose Charges then Payment Methods.
  2. On the Configure Payment Methods page, click Add.
  3. On the Create or Edit Payment Method page, specify the properties of the payment type, and click OK.

    The new payment type is now added to the bottom of the list on the Configure Payment Methods page.


The PCM.Admin.Manager right and the CBC.ChargeBacks.Edit right are needed to perform the following action. These rights are assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role.

To modify a payment type, select the item to edit in the list of items and choose Edit Payment Type from the item's Actions menu. Modify the properties as required and click OK when finished. Viewing a Payment Type


The PCM.Admin.Manager right and the CBC.ChargeBacks.Read right are needed to perform the following action. These rights are assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role.

To view the properties of a payment type:

  1. Choose Physical then Configure. Choose Charges then Payment Methods.
  2. In the list of payment types on the Configure Payment Methods page, select the item and click the item's Info icon.

    The Payment Type Information page opens listing all properties of the payment type. Deleting a Payment Type


The PCM.Admin.Manager right and the CBC.ChargeBacks.Delete right are needed to perform the following action. These rights are assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role.

To delete a payment type:

  1. Choose Physical then Configure. Choose Charges then Payment Methods.
  2. In the list of payment types on the Configure Payment Methods page, select the item to edit, and choose Delete Payment Type from the Actions menu. Creating or Editing a Customer


The PCM.Admin.Manager right and the CBC.ChargeBacks.Create right are needed to perform the following action. These rights are assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role.

To create a new customer to be used for chargebacks:

  1. Choose Physical then Configure from the Top menu. Choose Charges then Customers.
  2. On the Configure Customers page, click Add.
  3. On the Create or Edit Customer page, specify the properties of the customer:
    • Customer ID: Unique ID for the group being billed. Maximum characters: 30.

    • Name: Descriptive name for the customer. Maximum characters: 60.

    • Address and Contact Information: Address and contact information, including email or phone.

    • Is Active: Indicator of the active status of the customer. Default: no.

    The new customer is now added to the bottom of the list on the Configure Customers page.


The PCM.Admin.Manager right and the CBC.ChargeBacks.Edit right are needed to perform the following action. These rights are assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role.

To modify a customer, select the customer to edit in the list of customers and choose Edit Customer from the Actions menu on the customer list. Modify the properties as required and click OK when finished. Viewing a Customer


The PCM.Admin.Manager right and the CBC.ChargeBacks.Read right are needed to perform the following action. These rights are assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role.

To view the properties of a customer:

  1. Choose Physical then Configure. Choose Charges then Customers.
  2. In the list of customers on the Configure Customers page, select the item and click the item's Info icon. The Customer Information page opens listing all properties of the customer. Deleting a Customer


The PCM.Admin.Manager right and the CBC.ChargeBacks.Delete right are needed to perform the following action. These rights are assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role.

To delete a customer:

  1. Choose Physical then Configure. Choose Charges then Customers.
  2. In the Configure Customers page, in the list of customers, select the item to delete, and choose Delete Customer in the item's Actions menu. To delete multiple customers, select the check box for the customers and choose Delete from the Table menu. Creating Automatic Transactions

Automatic transactions can be defined by selecting the transaction type and enabling it. To enable automatic transactions:

  1. Choose Physical then Configure. Choose Charges then Automatic Transactions.
  2. On the Configure Automatic Transactions page, select the transaction that should be made automatic by selecting the transaction's check box.
  3. When finished, click Submit Update. Creating or Editing a Manual Transaction

You can create a manual transaction in much the same way as creating automatic transactions. To add a manual transaction:

  1. Choose Physical then Configure. Choose Charges then Manual Transactions.
  2. On the Create Manual Transaction page, enter the necessary information for the transaction.
  3. When finished, click Create. Deleting a Manual Transaction


The PCM.AdminManager right, the CBC.ChargeBacks.Delete right, and the CBC.ChargeBacks.Admin right are required to perform this task. These rights are assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role.

To delete a transaction:

  1. Choose Physical then Configure. Choose Chargebacks.
  2. On the Charge Invoices page, select the link to Transactions with No Invoice.
  3. In the list of transactions, select the Delete check box for the one to delete.

17.1.3 Managing Chargeback Tasks

This section discusses the processing of charging, invoicing, and billing. It contains the following topics: Creating or Scheduling an Invoice


The PCM.AdminManager right, the CBC.ChargeBacks.Create right, and the CBC.ChargeBacks.Admin right are required to perform this task. These rights are assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role.

To manually create a new invoice:

  1. Choose Physical then Invoices. Choose Chargebacks.
  2. On the Invoices page, click Add.
  3. Select the content criteria used to screen for items to be included on the invoice (for example, records from a certain department).
  4. Enter the necessary additional criteria to filter the transactions. Click Generate Invoice to create an invoice immediately or click Schedule. Click Schedule to open a scheduling page where schedule criteria can be entered.
  5. Click OK when done. Adjusting an Invoice


The PCM.AdminManager right, the CBC.ChargeBacks.Edit right, and the CBC.ChargeBacks.Admin right are required to perform this task. These rights are assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role.

To edit an invoice:

  1. Choose Physical then Invoices.
  2. On the Invoices page, choose Edit then Adjust Invoice in the Actions menu for an item. A page opens where information about the invoice can be adjusted. Deleting an Invoice


The PCM.AdminManager right, the CBC.ChargeBacks.Delete right, and the CBC.ChargeBacks.Admin right are required to perform this task. These rights are assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role.

To delete an invoice:

  1. Choose Physical then Invoices.
  2. In the list of invoices on the Invoices page, select the check box next to the invoice then choose Delete from the Table menu. Viewing Invoice Information


The PCM.AdminManager right, the CBC.ChargeBacks.Read right, and the CBC.ChargeBacks.Admin right are required to perform this task. These rights are assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role.

To view an invoice:

  1. Choose Physical then Invoices.
  2. On the Invoices page, click the Info icon for the invoice with information to view. Printing an Invoice


The PCM.AdminManager right, the CBC.ChargeBacks.PrintInvoices right, and the CBC.ChargeBacks.Admin right are required to perform this task. These rights are assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role.

To print an invoice:

  1. Choose Physical then Invoices.
  2. On the Invoices page, choose Reports from the Actions menu for the invoice to print, and choose the type of report to produce. Marking an Invoice As Paid


The PCM.AdminManager right, the CBC.ChargeBacks.Admin right, and the CBC.ChargeBacks.Edit right are required to perform this task. These rights are assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role.

To mark an invoice as paid:

  1. Choose Physical then Invoices.
  2. On the Invoices page, choose Edit then Mark Paid in the Actions menu for the invoice to mark as paid.

17.2 Processing Reservations

Reservations are used to manage physical content. A user can put a hold on items that are currently unavailable (for example, someone else has the item). If others also made a reservation request for an item, that reservation is put on a waiting list, which specifies the order in which people made a reservation for the item. A reservation request may comprise multiple items.

After a reservation request is made, an email notification is sent to the administrator, who processes the request and starts the reservation fulfillment process in accordance with the applicable procedures in the organization.

If you are a user with the standard reservation privileges, you cannot make any changes to an existing reservation. You can only do so if your administrator has granted you special privileges beyond the defaults for a PCM requestor.

Each user can normally place only one reservation request for the same item. However, the administrator may have set up the system so a user can make multiple requests. This may be useful in environments where there are users who make reservation requests on behalf of several people.

This section discusses the following topics:

17.2.1 Reservation Request Properties

Each reservation request has several properties, including the following: Request Status

The request status specifies the current status for a reserved physical item, which can be any of the following:

  • Waiting List: The request item is currently already checked out to someone else. It becomes available to the next requestor upon its return (unless the administrator chooses to override the waiting list order).

  • In Process (initial default): The reserved item is available and is being prepared for delivery. Only one request item for a reservation can have the In Process status.

  • Not Found: The request item could not be located in its designated location.

  • Unavailable: The request item cannot currently be processed for delivery.

  • Denied: The reservation request has been rejected by the administrator and cannot be fulfilled.

  • Canceled: The reservation request was called off before it could be fulfilled.

  • Checked Out: The reserved item is currently in the possession of someone as part of a reservation request. If a physical item is checked out, its current location (as shown on the Physical Item Information page) is automatically set to the value of the Deliver To Location field for the associated reservation request. If no value was entered in this field, the current location is set to OTHER. Also, the current location comment on the Physical Item Information page) is set to the location comment specified for the associated reservation request. If no comment was provided, it is set to the login name of the user who made the reservation.

  • Overdue: The reserved item is currently checked out to someone who has failed to return the item within the configured checkout time. As a result, the reservation request cannot currently be fulfilled.

    By default, an email notification is sent out to the user who has an overdue item. This email notification can be turned off.

  • Returned: The checked-out item was returned to the storage repository, so it is available for other users to reserve and check out. Transfer Method

The transfer method specifies how the person who made the request (the requestor) will receive the reserved item. Users specify the transfer method when a reservation request is created. The following transfer methods are supported:

  • Copy: The physical content item will be duplicated and the copy will be provided to the intended recipient. The copy can be physical (for example, a copied DVD) or electronic (for example, an ISO image of a CD).

  • Fax: The physical content item will be faxed to its intended recipient.

  • Mail: The original physical content item will be mailed to its intended recipient.

  • Pickup: The intended recipient will pick up the physical content item in person.

  • Email: The content item will be emailed to its intended recipient. Priority

The priority of a reservation request specifies the urgency with which it must be fulfilled. User specify the priority when they create a reservation request. The following priorities are supported:

  • No Priority: Delivery of the requested item does not have any particular priority (there is no rush). The item can be delivered in accordance with the applicable fulfillment procedures.

  • ASAP Rush: The requested item should be delivered to its intended recipient as soon as possible after the reservation was made.

  • This Morning: The requested item should be delivered to its intended recipient the same morning the reservation was made.

  • Today: The requested item should be delivered to its intended recipient the same day the reservation was made.

  • This Week: The requested item should be delivered to its intended recipient the same week the reservation was made.

17.2.2 Managing Reservations

The following tasks are included when managing reservations: Creating a Reservation Request


The PCM.Reservation.Create right is required to perform this task. This right is assigned by default to the predefined PCM Requestor and PCM Administrator roles.

Reservation requests can only be made for physical items. Error messages are displayed if an attempt is made to reserve electronic items.

By default, each user can place only one reservation request for the same item. If users make reservation requests on behalf of multiple people (for example, manager assistants), it may be useful to override this behavior. To do so, add the following variable to the physicalcontentmanager_environment.cfg configuration file:


If a reservation request is created for a physical item containing other items, the other items are included in the reservation. The child items are not seen in the request, but when a checkout is done for the parent item, all child items are also checked out. A request can be made for each of the child items, but they cannot be checked out until the parent item is returned.

As soon as a reservation request is submitted, the status of all request items is automatically changed to In Process, unless their status is already In Process or Checked Out. In that case, it is changed to Waiting List.

Users with the standard reservation privileges (those with the predefined 'pcmrequestor' role) cannot make any changes to an existing reservation by default. In order to edit reservation requests, they must be given the PCM.Reservation.Edit right.

To make a reservation request:

  1. Search for the physical item(s) to reserve and add them to the content basket.
  2. Choose My Content Server then My Content Basket.
  3. On the Content Basket page, select the check box of each physical item to reserve and choose Request then Request Selected Items from the Table menu. To reserve all items in the content basket, choose Request All Items.

    A prompt is displayed asking if the selected items should be removed from the content basket after they are reserved.

  4. Click Yes or No. Click Cancel to stop the reservation request.
  5. On the Create or Edit Request page, specify the properties of the new reservation request:
    • Request Name: Name for the reservation. Note that this is not required to be unique. Each reservation request has a unique system-internal reference. The system tracks reservation requests using this internal reference, not the request name. Therefore, multiple reservations can have the same name. Maximum characters: 30.

    • Request Date: Date and time the request is made. Default is the current date and time.

    • Requestor: Person submitting the request. Default is currently logged-in user.

    • Security Group: Group to which the request is assigned. Security groups can be used to limit the requests to which users have access.

    • Transfer Method and Priority: Transfer method and priority to be used.

    • Required By Date: Date when the items are needed. Click the calendar icon to select a date. Providing a time is optional. If not specified, midnight (12:00) is used.

    • Deliver To Location and Location Comment: Location where the item should be delivered. If the location is in the storage hierarchy, click Browse to search for and select the location. If not in the hierarchy, use the Comment field to provide delivery details. If an item is checked out, its current location (as shown on the Physical Item Information page) is automatically set to the value of this field for the associated reservation request. If no value was entered, the current location is set to OTHER.

    • Comments: Additional comments as needed.

  6. Click Create when finished.

The status of all request items is now automatically changed to In Process, unless their status is already In Process or Checked Out. In that case, it is changed to Waiting List. The items are reserved and the administrator is notified about the reservation request. After the administrator processes the reservation request, it can be fulfilled in accordance with the procedures in the organization. Editing a Reservation Request


The PCM.Reservation.Edit right is required to perform this task. This right is assigned by default to the predefined PCM Administrator role. A user can edit an owned reservation without this right depending on the settings when PCM was configured.

To modify the properties of a reservation request:

  1. Choose Physical then Reservations.
  2. On the Reservation Search Results page, locate the reservation request to edit and choose Edit then Edit Request from its Actions menu.
  3. On the Create or Edit Request page, modify the properties of the reservation request and click Submit Update when finished. Deleting a Reservation Request


The PCM.Reservation.Delete right is required to perform this task. This right is assigned by default to the predefined PCM Administrator role. A user can delete an owned reservation without this right depending on the setting when PCM is configured.

To delete a reservation request (and effectively cancel it):

  1. Choose Physical then Reservations.
  2. On the Reservation Search Results page, locate the reservation request to delete and choose Delete Request from its Actions menu.

    The reservation request is deleted immediately, without any further prompts. If there were no errors, a message is displayed stating the reservation request was deleted successfully. Viewing Reservations for a Physical Item


The PCM.Reservation.Read right is required to perform this task. This right is assigned by default to the predefined PCM Requestor and PCM Administrator roles.

To view all outstanding reservation requests for a physical item:

  1. Search for the physical item.
  2. On the search results page, choose Information then View Reservations in the item's Actions menu.
  3. The Reservation Search Results page opens listing all outstanding reservation request for the current physical item. Changing the Status of a Request Item


The PCM.Reservation.Edit right is required to perform this task. This right is assigned by default to the predefined PCM Administrator role. Users can change the status of an owned reservation without this right depending on the settings when PCM was configured.

To change the status of a request item in a reservation request:

  1. Search for the request item to change.
  2. On the Reservation Search Results page locate the request item with statuses to change and choose Information then Request Item Information from its Actions menu.
  3. On the Request Item Information page, choose Edit on the Page menu.
  4. On the Edit Request Item page, select a new status and click Submit Update when finished.