14 Publish Properties

The following topics provide information about each property associated with the Publish category in the wcs_properties.json file:

About the Publish Category

Properties categorized under Publish in the WebCenter Sites wcs_properties.json file configure the WebCenter Sites publishing system.

Properties in the Publish Category

Table 14-1 provides a description for each of the properties in the JSON file that are associated with the Publish category.

Table 14-1 Publish Properties

Property Description


Specifies the directory that WebCenter Sites uses to store history data.

Default value: <wcsites.shared>/history/


Specifies the directory that WebCenter Sites uses to store publish data.

Default value: <wcsites.shared>/publish/


Specifies the time (in seconds) between WebCenter Sites requests before the application server invalidates the batch session, typically used by publishing. A negative time indicates that the session should never timeout.

Legal values: Between -2147483648 and 2147483647.

Default value: 360000


Specifies the HTTP protocol version to use to communicate with the WebCenter Sites target databases.

Default value: 1


Specifies the password for the mirror user on the target systems to which this system publishes. You set this value when you set up your WebCenter Sites system for publishing.

Default value: dloginpassword -or- {AES}13971775C4B32520C2FFBA59200EE17E

For information, see Configuring Your System for Mirror to Server Publishing in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle WebCenter Sites.


Specifies the firewall server's IP address or name for the target system that this (source) system publishes to when the target and the source are separated by a firewall. You set this value when you set up your WebCenter Sites system for publishing.

Possible values:

your_server_name or


For information, see Configuring Your System for Mirror to Server Publishing in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle WebCenter Sites.


Specifies the port number of the firewall server for the WebCenter Sites system that this system publishes to when the target system is separated from the source with a firewall. You set this value when you set up your WebCenter Sites system for publishing.

Default value: 80

For information, see Configuring Your System for Mirror to Server Publishing in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle WebCenter Sites.


Specifies the number of table rows that can be mirrored during each HTTP POST during a mirror operation.

If you are mirroring data that contains URL fields, you should set this to a low number because web servers impose a limit on the size of post packets.

If you are mirroring data that contains only text, you can set this to a higher number.

Default value: 6

Note: For best performance, do not increase the value above 12. If your database is configured for UTF-8 and holds non-ASCII content, you must set this value to 4 or lower.


Specifies the number of threads to allocate to a mirror operation.

Default value: 2

Note: For best performance, do not increase the value above 8.


Specifies the name of the mirror user on the target system that this (source) system publishes to. You set this value when you set up your system for publishing.

Default value: mirroruser

For information, see Configuring Your System for Mirror to Server Publishing in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle WebCenter Sites.


Specifies the base export directory for the HTML files that are created when assets are published with the Export to Disk delivery type.

Default value: <wcsites.home>/export


Specifies whether debugging for batch processes is enabled or disabled. If you set this value to true, messages about the status of batch processes are written to the WebCenter Sites log file.

Default value: false


Specifies the location of the file that stores information about the results of batch processes. For example, the WebCenter Sites publishing system uses this directory to hold the publishing log files.

Default value: <wcsites.shared>/dispatcher/


Specifies the name of the class file that is used for security checks. The default is provided for reference only: com.openmarket.Batch.DefaultSecurity

Do not change the value of this property.


Specifies the number of dispatcher threads to allocate and manage in the pool.

Default value: 32


Specifies whether additional dispatcher threads (in excess of the number specified by thread.count) can be allocated to the pool if they are needed.

Possible values: true | false

Default value: false


Applies only when thread.growcache is set to true.

Specifies the number of seconds a dispatcher thread can remain idle before it is released by the pool.

Default value: 10


Applies only when thread.growcache is set to false.

Specifies the number of seconds that a batch process waits for a free dispatcher thread before it reports an error because it cannot complete its task.

Default value: 15


This property defines the chunk size used in approval dependency. (Chunk size is the number of assets that are processed by WebCenter Sites at a given time during approval to publish. Processing involves calculating dependencies.)

Possible values: any integer between 1 and 1000.

Default value: 250

Note: For backwards compatibility, it is recommended to set the value of this property to 1.


Specifies the host name and port number of the server on which the publish process will run.

Only one batch host is supported in a clustered WebCenter Sites environment. This property must be set on each cluster member to point to the same dedicated host.

Default value: <hostName>:<portNumber>


Controls the batch size of assets loaded during a mirror publishing event. Larger batches are more sufficient, but require more memory.

Default value: 250


Defines the batch publishing mode.

Possible values:

  • single: batch host is a dedicated IP address.

  • multiple: batch host is a cluster IP address.

Default value: single


Specifies the password for the batch user.

Default value: xceladmin

Note: Change this value after you create the batch user for this WebCenter Sites system. For information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle WebCenter Sites.


The communication protocol between the Satellite Server host and the WebCenter Sites host.

Default value: <wcsites.app.protocal>


Specifies the number of assets to deserialize and save at one time during mirror publishing. Larger batches are more efficient but require more memory. The value of this property applies only to the target system.

Default value: 250


This property specifies the username of the batch user for scheduled publish on the system. This property must be configured in order for the Scheduled Publish to run.

Default value: fwadmin

Note: Change this value after you create the batch user for this WebCenter Sites system. For information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle WebCenter Sites.


The name of the class that manages the publish references for blobs. The default is provided here for reference only: com.openmarket.xcelerate.publish.BlobRef.

Do not change the value of this property.

For information about published references, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle WebCenter Sites.


Specifies the number of assets to approve at the same time, in the same batch or "chunk," when someone uses the Approve Multiple Assets feature in the WebCenter Sites Admin interface.

The feature approves all the assets that are selected for approval in batches and the number of assets in each batch is set by this property.

Default value: 500

For information about the Approve Multiple Assets feature, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle WebCenter Sites.


Specifies whether the RealTime Publishing dispatcher should launch Transporter and Unpacker in parallel. If false, Unpacker starts after Transporter completes.

Default value: <wcsites.concurrent.transport.unpacker>


This property specifies cached pages not to be regenerated after a publish operation.

Possible values:

  • blank, (no value): all the pages in the cache that were affected by the publish session are regenerated.

  • unknowndeps: all pages in which the render.unknowndeps tag is used will not be regenerated after publish.

  • * (asterisk): none of the pages in the cache are regenerated. The affected pages are regenerated only when a visitor requests the page.

Default value: blank

Caution: When using this property on the delivery system, any cached pages not generated after publish are generated on the next visitor request and can result in a slower response for the visitors.

Note: Do not change the value of this property without first consulting Oracle support personnel.


This is the maximum length of any file name generated during export publishing.

If you are running Windows NTFS, you may want to set this to a low value to make it possible to re-export, delete, or rename files created by the export-to-disk publish process. NTFS has an upper limit of 255 characters for any path name.

Default value: 4096


Specifies the wcs_properties.json file which is the property file that is used when logging in to the mirror target, (using the cs.mirroruser and cs.mirrorpassword properties), during the mirror publish operation and when creating the URLs on the mirror destination.

Do not modify this value to include additional property files without consulting Oracle support personnel.


Specifies the path to the directory (including the terminating slash character) in which objects that get published are stored temporarily.

This value is set by the WebCenter Sites installation.

Default value: <wcsites.shared>/objpubdir


Specifies the name of the class that manages publish references for pages.

Default value: com.openmarket.xcelerate.publish.PageRef

Note: Do not change the value of this property.


Specifies the name of the element called on the mirror target during publish after the assets' primary rows have been mirrored but prior to the deserialization and asset.save of the flex and complex assets. Use PresaveElement for standard mirror publish.

Default value: PresaveElement


Specifies the name of the element called on the mirror target if the publish fails. Use PubAbortElement for standard mirror publishing.

Default value: PubAbortElement


Specifies the name of the element called during the cleanup phase of a mirror publish. Use PubCleanupElement for standard mirror cache regeneration.

Default value: PubCleanupElement


Specifies the directory where the publishing system writes information about the items that have been published to the various target systems.

This value is set by the WebCenter Sites installation.

Default Value: <wcsites.shared>/pubkeys


Specifies whether to publish all asset types on mirror publish, thus guaranteeing that all asset type tables exist on the publish destination.

Possible values: true | false

If set to true, all asset types will be published.

If set to false, only asset types of the assets involved in the publish and their dependent asset types will be published automatically.

Default value: true

Note: If you want to set this property to false, you have to make sure that all asset types that exist on the source server also exist on the publish destination.


The name of the element to use to provide additional publishing control factors. This property can be left empty.

Default value: OpenMarket/Xcelerate/Actions/Publish/OverrideFactor


Specifies whether an asset is marked as changed on the destination system when an asset is published. If it is marked as changed, it must be approved on that system before it can be published from that system to a new destination.

Possible values: true | false

Default value: true

Because having the publishing system take the time to mark the assets as changed on the destination adds time to the publishing session, typically you leave this property set to true on development and management systems but change it to false on delivery systems.


Defines the query style to use when getting a list of assets approved for publishing.

Possible values: subquery, join

Default value: subquery


Specifies the name of the element that the publishing system uses during the setup phase of a mirror publish. Use PubSetupElement for standard mirror cache invalidation.

Default value: PubSetupElement


Specifies the pagename which supports remote mirror element execution. Use this property to support mirroring to a remote server.

Default value: OpenMarket/Xcelerate/PrologActions/Publish/Mirror1/RemoteCall

Do not modify this element or change the value of this property without assistance from Oracle support personnel.


The name of the template to use if a template cannot be found to render an asset type.

Default value: OpenMarket/TemplateDefault